diff --git a/fsl/utils/transform/dispfield.py b/fsl/utils/transform/dispfield.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b73b00135970e943dc93143039ca7b6301e627e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsl/utils/transform/dispfield.py
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# dispfield.py - FNIRT displacement fields
+# Author: Paul McCarthy <pauldmccarthy@gmail.com>
+FNIRT displacement field files may contain coordinates in one of two
+import numpy as np
+import fsl.data.image as     fslimage
+from   .              import affine
+class DisplacementField(fslimage.Image):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        """
+        source         = kwargs.pop('source',         None)
+        reference      = kwargs.pop('reference',      None)
+        dispType       = kwargs.pop('dispType',       None)
+        sourceSpace    = kwargs.pop('sourceSpace',    'fsl')
+        referenceSpace = kwargs.pop('referenceSpace', 'fsl')
+        fslimage.Image.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        if source    is not None: source    = source   .header.copy()
+        if reference is not None: reference = reference.header.copy()
+        else:                     reference = self     .header.copy()
+        self.__dispType       = dispType
+        self.__source         = source
+        self.__reference      = reference
+        self.__sourceSpace    = sourceSpace
+        self.__referenceSpace = referenceSpace
+    @property
+    def source(self):
+        return self.__source
+    @property
+    def reference(self):
+        return self.__reference
+    @property
+    def sourceSpace(self):
+        return self.__sourceSpace
+    @property
+    def referenceSpace(self):
+        """irrelevant if absolute displacement"""
+        return self.__referenceSpace
+    @property
+    def displacementType(self):
+        if self.__dispType is None:
+            self.__dispType = detectType(self)
+        return self.__dispType
+    @property
+    def absolute(self):
+        return self.displacementType == 'absolute'
+    @property
+    def relative(self):
+        return self.displacementType == 'relative'
+def detectType(field):
+    """Attempt to automatically determine whether a displacement field is
+    specified in absolute or relative coordinates.
+    :arg field: A :class:`DisplacementField`
+    :returns:   ``'absolute'`` if it looks like ``field`` contains absolute
+                displacements, ``'relative'`` otherwise.
+    """
+    # This test is based on the assumption
+    # that a displacement field containing
+    # absolute oordinates will have a greater
+    # standard deviation than one which
+    # contains relative coordinates.
+    absdata = field[:]
+    reldata = convertType(field, 'relative')
+    stdabs  = absdata.std(axis=(0, 1, 2)).sum()
+    stdrel  = reldata.std(axis=(0, 1, 2)).sum()
+    if stdabs > stdrel: return 'absolute'
+    else:               return 'relative'
+def convertType(field, dispType=None):
+    """Convert a displacement field between storing absolute and relative
+    displacements.
+    """
+    if dispType is None:
+        if field.displacementType == 'absolute': dispType = 'relative'
+        else:                                    dispType = 'absolute'
+    # Regardless of the conversion direction,
+    # we need the coordinates of every voxel
+    # in the reference FSL coordinate system.
+    dx, dy, dz = field.shape[:3]
+    v2fsl      = field.getAffine('voxel', field.sourceSpace)
+    coords     = np.meshgrid(np.arange(dx),
+                             np.arange(dy),
+                             np.arange(dz), indexing='ij')
+    coords     = np.array(coords).transpose((1, 2, 3, 0))
+    coords     = affine.transform(coords.reshape((-1, 3)), v2fsl)
+    coords     = coords.reshape((dx, dy, dz, 3))
+    # If converting from relative to absolute,
+    # we just add the voxel coordinates to
+    # (what is assumed to be) the relative shift.
+    # Or, to convert from absolute to relative,
+    # we subtract the reference image voxels.
+    if   dispType == 'absolute': return field.data + coords
+    elif dispType == 'relative': return field.data - coords
+def convertSpace(field, src, from_, to, ref=None, dispType=None):
+    """Adjust the source and/or reference spaces of the given displacement
+    field.
+    """
+    if ref      is None: ref      = field
+    if dispType is None: dispType = field.displacementType
+    # Get the field in absolute
+    # coordinates if necessary
+    fieldcoords = field.data
+    if field.relative: srccoords = convertType(field)
+    else:              srccoords = fieldcoords
+    # Now transform those source
+    # coordinates  from the original
+    # source space to the source
+    # space specified by "from_"
+    srcmat    = src.getAffine(field.sourceSpace, from_)
+    srccoords = srccoords.reshape((-1, 3))
+    srccoords = affine.transform(srccoords, srcmat)
+    # If we have been asked to return
+    # an absolute displacement, the
+    # reference "to" coordinate system
+    #  is irrelevant - we're done.
+    if dispType == 'absolute':
+        fieldcoords = srccoords
+    # Otherwise our displacement field
+    # will contain relative displacements
+    # betwee the reference image "to"
+    # coordinate system and the source
+    # image "from_" coordinate system.
+    # We need to re-calculate the relative
+    # displacements from source "from_"
+    # space into reference "to" space.
+    else:
+        refmat      = ref.getAffine(field.referenceSpace, to)
+        refcoords   = fieldcoords.reshape((-1, 3))
+        refcoords   = affine.transform(refcoords, refmat)
+        fieldcoords = srccoords - refcoords
+    return DisplacementField(
+        fieldcoords.reshape(field.shape),
+        header=field.header,
+        source=src,
+        reference=ref,
+        sourceSpace=from_,
+        referenceSpace=to,
+        dispType=dispType)