diff --git a/fsl/data/image.py b/fsl/data/image.py
index 637e745af74836bd4579d5bbcbf017558dc247d7..b2f07648e3138999f2017c22a22cac297c28b1fc 100644
--- a/fsl/data/image.py
+++ b/fsl/data/image.py
@@ -312,12 +312,27 @@ class Nifti(notifier.Notifier, meta.Meta):
         qform  = header.get('qform_code',  -1)
         sform  = header.get('sform_code',  -1)
-        if intent in (constants.FSL_FNIRT_DISPLACEMENT_FIELD,
-                      constants.FSL_CUBIC_SPLINE_COEFFICIENTS,
+        # FNIRT non-linear coefficient files
+        # clobber the sform/qform/intent
+        # and pixdims of the nifti header,
+        # so we can't correctly place it in
+        # the world coordinate system. See
+        # $FSLDIR/src/fnirt/fnirt_file_writer.cpp
+        # and fsl.transform.nonlinear for more
+        # details.
+        if intent in (constants.FSL_CUBIC_SPLINE_COEFFICIENTS,
-            log.debug('FNIRT output image detected - using qform matrix')
-            voxToWorldMat = np.array(header.get_qform())
+            log.debug('FNIRT coefficient field detected - generating affine')
+            knotpix       =  header.get_zooms()[:3]
+            refpix        = (header.get('intent_p1', 1),
+                             header.get('intent_p2', 1),
+                             header.get('intent_p3', 1))
+            voxToWorldMat = transform.concat(
+                transform.scaleOffsetXform(refpix,  0),
+                transform.scaleOffsetXform(knotpix, 0))
         # If the qform or sform codes are unknown,
         # then we can't assume that the transform
diff --git a/tests/test_fsl_convert_x5.py b/tests/test_scripts/test_fsl_convert_x5.py
similarity index 95%
rename from tests/test_fsl_convert_x5.py
rename to tests/test_scripts/test_fsl_convert_x5.py
index 0dab1ec5286091a9be5e71b89a4d1f2ee5757be5..e14b3c2593c8a6e084eee4a1dcb8d28fe7abcfd8 100644
--- a/tests/test_fsl_convert_x5.py
+++ b/tests/test_scripts/test_fsl_convert_x5.py
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def test_convert_flirt():
             ref.getAffine('fsl', 'world'),
             src.getAffine('world', 'fsl'))
-        gotxform, gotsrc, gotref = transform.readFlirtX5('src2ref.x5')
+        gotxform, gotsrc, gotref = transform.readLinearX5('src2ref.x5')
         assert np.all(np.isclose(gotxform, expxform))
         assert src.sameSpace(gotsrc)
         assert ref.sameSpace(gotref)