diff --git a/fsl/transform/fnirt.py b/fsl/transform/fnirt.py
index 358269f9fc300e5c659928ef405b30339e611e20..2a2351a0ed8f7cd1aa5ff2d48b62626361845964 100644
--- a/fsl/transform/fnirt.py
+++ b/fsl/transform/fnirt.py
@@ -124,33 +124,40 @@ header of the coefficient field file.
 import logging
-import numpy   as np
 import nibabel as nib
+import numpy   as np
 import fsl.data.constants as constants
+import fsl.data.image     as fslimage
+from . import                affine
+from . import                nonlinear
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def _readFnirtDisplacementField(fname, img, src, ref, dispType=None):
-    """Loads ``fname``, assumed to be a FNIRT displacement field.
+def _readFnirtDeformationField(fname, img, src, ref, defType=None):
+    """Loads ``fname``, assumed to be a FNIRT deformation field.
-    :arg fname:    File name of FNIRT displacement field
-    :arg img:      ``fname`` loaded as an :class:`.Image`
-    :arg src:      Source image
-    :arg ref:      Reference image
-    :arg dispType: Displacement type - either ``'absolute'`` or ``'relative'``.
-                   If not provided, is automatically inferred from the data.
-    :return:       A :class:`.DisplacementField`
+    :arg fname:   File name of FNIRT deformation field
+    :arg img:     ``fname`` loaded as an :class:`.Image`
+    :arg src:     Source image
+    :arg ref:     Reference image
+    :arg defType: Deformation type - either ``'absolute'`` or ``'relative'``.
+                  If not provided, is automatically inferred from the data.
+    :return:      A :class:`.DeformationField` object
-    from . import nonlinear
-    return nonlinear.DisplacementField(fname,
-                                       src,
-                                       ref,
-                                       srcSpace='fsl',
-                                       refSpace='fsl',
-                                       dispType=dispType)
+    return nonlinear.DeformationField(fname,
+                                      src,
+                                      ref,
+                                      srcSpace='fsl',
+                                      refSpace='fsl',
+                                      defType=defType)
 def _readFnirtCoefficientField(fname, img, src, ref):
@@ -163,9 +170,6 @@ def _readFnirtCoefficientField(fname, img, src, ref):
     :return:    A :class:`.CoefficientField`
-    from . import affine
-    from . import nonlinear
     # FNIRT uses NIFTI header fields in
     # non-standard ways to store some
     # additional information about the
@@ -226,22 +230,22 @@ def _readFnirtCoefficientField(fname, img, src, ref):
-def readFnirt(fname, src, ref, dispType=None):
+def readFnirt(fname, src, ref, defType=None):
     """Reads a non-linear FNIRT transformation image, returning
-    a :class:`.DisplacementField` or :class:`.CoefficientField` depending
+    a :class:`.DeformationField` or :class:`.CoefficientField` depending
     on the file type.
     :arg fname:    File name of FNIRT transformation
     :arg src:      Source image
     :arg ref:      Reference image
-    :arg dispType: Displacement type - either ``'absolute'`` or ``'relative'``.
-                   If not provided, is automatically inferred from the data.
+    :arg defType:  Deformation type - either ``'absolute'`` or ``'relative'``.
+                   Only used if the file is a deformation field. If not
+                   provided, is automatically inferred from the data.
     # Figure out whether the file
-    # is a displacement field or
+    # is a deformation field or
     # a coefficient field
-    import fsl.data.image as fslimage
     img   = fslimage.Image(fname, loadData=False)
     disps = (constants.FSL_FNIRT_DISPLACEMENT_FIELD,
@@ -253,7 +257,7 @@ def readFnirt(fname, src, ref, dispType=None):
     if img.intent in disps:
-        return _readFnirtDisplacementField(fname, img, src, ref, dispType)
+        return _readFnirtDeformationField(fname, img, src, ref, defType)
     elif img.intent in coefs:
         return _readFnirtCoefficientField(fname, img, src, ref)
@@ -263,15 +267,13 @@ def readFnirt(fname, src, ref, dispType=None):
 def toFnirt(field):
     """Convert a :class:`.NonLinearTransform` to a FNIRT-compatible
-    :class:`.DisplacementField` or :class:`.CoefficientField`.
+    :class:`.DeformationField` or :class:`.CoefficientField`.
     :arg field: :class:`.NonLinearTransform` to convert
-    :return:    A FNIRT-compatible :class:`.DisplacementField` or
+    :return:    A FNIRT-compatible :class:`.DeformationField` or
-    from . import nonlinear
     # If we have a coefficient field
     # which transforms between fsl
     # space, we can just create a copy.
@@ -330,36 +332,35 @@ def toFnirt(field):
     # Otherwise we have a non-FSL coefficient
-    # field, or a displacement field.
-    #
-    # We can't convert a CoefficientField
-    # which doesn't transform in FSL
-    # coordinates, because the coefficients
-    # will have been calculated between some
-    # other source/reference coordinate
-    # systems, and we can't adjust the
-    # coefficients to encode an FSL->FSL
-    # deformation.
+    # field, or a deformation field.
+        # We can't convert a CoefficientField
+        # which doesn't transform in FSL
+        # coordinates, because the coefficients
+        # will have been calculated between some
+        # other source/reference coordinate
+        # systems, and we can't adjust the
+        # coefficients to encode an FSL->FSL
+        # deformation.
         if isinstance(field, nonlinear.CoefficientField):
-            field = nonlinear.coefficientFieldToDisplacementField(field)
+            field = nonlinear.coefficientFieldToDeformationField(field)
         # Again, if we have a displacement
         # field which transforms between
         # fsl spaces, we can just take a copy
         if field.srcSpace == 'fsl' and field.refSpace == 'fsl':
-            field = nonlinear.DisplacementField(
+            field = nonlinear.DeformationField(
+                header=field.header,
-                xform=field.voxToWorldMat,
-                dispType=field.displacementType)
+                defType=field.deformationType)
         # Otherwise we have to adjust the
         # displacements so they transform
         # between fsl coordinates.
-        field = nonlinear.convertDisplacementSpace(
+        field = nonlinear.convertDeformationSpace(
             field, from_='fsl', to='fsl')
         field.header['intent_code'] = constants.FSL_FNIRT_DISPLACEMENT_FIELD
@@ -369,23 +370,19 @@ def toFnirt(field):
 def fromFnirt(field, from_='world', to='world'):
     """Convert a FNIRT-style :class:`.NonLinearTransform` to a generic
-    :class:`.DisplacementField`.
+    :class:`.DeformationField`.
     :arg field: A FNIRT-style :class:`.CoefficientField` or
-                :class:`.DisplacementField`
+                :class:`.DeformationField`
     :arg from_: Desired reference image coordinate system
     :arg to:    Desired source image coordinate system
-    :return:    A :class:`.DisplacementField` which contains displacements
+    :return:    A :class:`.DeformationField` which contains displacements
                 from the reference image ``from_`` cordinate system to the
                 source image ``to`` coordinate syste.
-    from . import nonlinear
-    # see comments in toFnirt
     if isinstance(field, nonlinear.CoefficientField):
-        field = nonlinear.coefficientFieldToDisplacementField(field)
-    return nonlinear.convertDisplacementSpace(field, from_=from_, to=to)
+        field = nonlinear.coefficientFieldToDeformationField(field)
+    return nonlinear.convertDeformationSpace(field, from_=from_, to=to)
diff --git a/fsl/transform/x5.py b/fsl/transform/x5.py
index 9b819ab6d56af8a22dd8f553cdd2795a244fd8ef..5d25dced4f0380ade7a1fb5e3c03cc416d1b57ae 100644
--- a/fsl/transform/x5.py
+++ b/fsl/transform/x5.py
@@ -397,16 +397,17 @@ def readNonLinearX5(fname):
-        ref          = _readSpace(      f['/A'])
-        src          = _readSpace(      f['/B'])
-        field, space = _readDeformation(f['/Transform'])
+        ref                   = _readSpace(      f['/A'])
+        src                   = _readSpace(      f['/B'])
+        field, xform, defType = _readDeformation(f['/Transform'])
     return nonlinear.DeformationField(field,
-                                      header=space.header,
+                                      xform=xform,
-                                      refSpace='world')
+                                      refSpace='world',
+                                      defType=defType)
 def writeNonLinearX5(fname, field):
@@ -421,8 +422,8 @@ def writeNonLinearX5(fname, field):
         f.attrs['Type'] = 'nonlinear'
-        _writeSpace(      f.create_group('/A'),         f.ref)
-        _writeSpace(      f.create_group('/B'),         f.src)
+        _writeSpace(      f.create_group('/A'),         field.ref)
+        _writeSpace(      f.create_group('/B'),         field.src)
         _writeDeformation(f.create_group('/Transform'), field)
@@ -538,8 +539,8 @@ def _readDeformation(group):
                  - A ``numpy.arrayThe`` containing the deformation field
-                 - A :class:`.Nifti` object representing the deformation
-                   field space
+                 - A ``numpy.array`` of shape ``(4, 4) `` containing the
+                   voxel to world affine for the deformation field
                  - The deformation type - either ``'absolute'`` or
@@ -554,7 +555,7 @@ def _readDeformation(group):
     if subtype not in ('absolute', 'relative'):
         raise X5Error('Unknown deformation type: {}'.format(subtype))
-    mapping = _readSpace(group['Mapping'])
+    mapping = _readAffine(group['Mapping'])
     field   = group['Matrix']
     if len(field.shape) != 4 or field.shape[3] != 3:
@@ -570,10 +571,15 @@ def _writeDeformation(group, field):
     :arg field: A :class:`.DeformationField` object
+    if field.srcSpace != 'world' or \
+       field.refSpace != 'world':
+        raise X5Error('Deformation field must encode a '
+                      'world<->world transformation')
     group.attrs['Type']    = 'deformation'
     group.attrs['SubType'] = field.deformationType
     mapping = group.create_group('Mapping')
     group.create_dataset('Matrix', data=field.data)
-    _writeSpace(mapping, field)
+    _writeAffine(mapping, field.getAffine('voxel', 'world'))