diff --git a/fsl/data/mesh.py b/fsl/data/mesh.py
index b31e101e4ec4c4d2b0359c42c3fe10a21e01853e..41aee35425b16753f1a3e078b20d78d5c958894a 100644
--- a/fsl/data/mesh.py
+++ b/fsl/data/mesh.py
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ class Mesh(notifier.Notifier, meta.Meta):
         # sort by ray. I'm Not sure if this is
         # needed - does trimesh do it for us?
-        rayIdxs = np.asarray(np.argsort(rays), np.int)
+        rayIdxs = np.asarray(np.argsort(rays))
         locs    = locs[rayIdxs]
         tris    = tris[rayIdxs]
diff --git a/fsl/transform/nonlinear.py b/fsl/transform/nonlinear.py
index 74788a3dc0ebf8b2bcd98a053837858975b027f9..7a9b8e786bdf35a6cfb7d1eeca15d554477a1842 100644
--- a/fsl/transform/nonlinear.py
+++ b/fsl/transform/nonlinear.py
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ class DeformationField(NonLinearTransform):
         # Mask out the coordinates
         # that are out of bounds of
         # the deformation field
-        voxels  = np.round(voxels).astype(np.int)
+        voxels  = np.round(voxels).astype(np.int32)
         voxmask = (voxels >= [0, 0, 0]) & (voxels < self.shape[:3])
         voxmask = voxmask.all(axis=1)
         voxels  = voxels[voxmask]
@@ -508,9 +508,9 @@ class CoefficientField(NonLinearTransform):
         u = np.remainder(i, 1)
         v = np.remainder(j, 1)
         w = np.remainder(k, 1)
-        i = np.floor(i).astype(np.int)
-        j = np.floor(j).astype(np.int)
-        k = np.floor(k).astype(np.int)
+        i = np.floor(i).astype(np.int32)
+        j = np.floor(j).astype(np.int32)
+        k = np.floor(k).astype(np.int32)
         disps = np.zeros(coords.shape)