diff --git a/fsl/transform/fnirt.py b/fsl/transform/fnirt.py
index 79c0edbb9a7acb58b376f09eff91bde289dab1b1..30db64fd34e7d82dbc915859025388ff97822628 100644
--- a/fsl/transform/fnirt.py
+++ b/fsl/transform/fnirt.py
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ transformation matrices. The following functions are available:
 import logging
+import numpy   as np
+import nibabel as nib
 import fsl.data.constants as constants
@@ -154,25 +157,106 @@ def readFnirt(fname, src, ref, dispType=None):
 def toFnirt(field):
     """Convert a :class:`.NonLinearTransform` to a FNIRT-compatible
-    :class:`.DisplacementField`.
+    :class:`.DisplacementField` or:class:`.CoefficientField`.
     :arg field: :class:`.NonLinearTransform` to convert
-    :return:    A FNIRT-compatible :class:`.DisplacementField`.
+    :return:    A FNIRT-compatible :class:`.DisplacementField` or
+                :class:`.CoefficientField`.
     from . import nonlinear
-    # We can't convert a CoefficientField,
-    # because the coefficients will have
-    # been calculated between some other
-    # source/reference coordinate systems,
-    # and we can't adjust the coefficients
-    # to encode an FSL->FSL deformation.
-    if isinstance(field, nonlinear.CoefficientField):
-        field = nonlinear.coefficientFieldToDisplacementField(field)
+    # If we have a coefficient field
+    # which transforms between fsl
+    # space, we can just create a copy.
+    if isinstance(field, nonlinear.CoefficientField) and \
+       (field.srcSpace == 'fsl' and field.refSpace == 'fsl'):
+        # We start with a nibabel image,
+        # as we need to mess with the header
+        # fields to store all of the FNIRT
+        # coefficient field information
+        fieldBase = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(field.data, None)
+        # Set the intent
+        if field.fieldType == 'cubic':
+            intent = constants.FSL_CUBIC_SPLINE_COEFFICIENTS
+        elif field.fieldType == 'quadratic':
+            intent = constants.FSL_QUADRATIC_SPLINE_COEFFICIENTS
+        fieldBase.header['intent_code'] = intent
+        # Reference image pixdims are
+        # stored in the intent code
+        # parameters.
+        fieldBase.header['intent_p1'] = field.ref.pixdim[0]
+        fieldBase.header['intent_p2'] = field.ref.pixdim[1]
+        fieldBase.header['intent_p3'] = field.ref.pixdim[2]
+        # Pixdims are used to
+        # store the knot spacing,
+        pixdims      = list(field.knotSpacing) + [1]
+        qform        = np.diag(pixdims)
+        # The sform is used to store the
+        # initial src-to-ref affine
+        if field.srcToRefMat is not None: sform = field.srcToRefMat
+        else:                             sform = np.eye(4)
+        # The qform offsets are
+        # used to store the
+        # reference image shape
+        qform[:3, 3] = field.ref.shape[:3]
+        fieldBase.header.set_zooms(pixdims)
+        fieldBase.set_sform(sform, 1)
+        fieldBase.set_qform(qform, 1)
+        fieldBase.update_header()
+        field = nonlinear.CoefficientField(
+            fieldBase,
+            src=field.src,
+            ref=field.ref,
+            srcSpace='fsl',
+            refSpace='fsl',
+            fieldType=field.fieldType,
+            knotSpacing=field.knotSpacing,
+            fieldToRefMat=field.fieldToRefMat,
+            srcToRefMat=field.srcToRefMat)
+    # Otherwise we have a non-FSL coefficient
+    # field, or a displacement field.
+    #
+    # We can't convert a CoefficientField
+    # which doesn't transform in FSL
+    # coordinates, because the coefficients
+    # will have been calculated between some
+    # other source/reference coordinate
+    # systems, and we can't adjust the
+    # coefficients to encode an FSL->FSL
+    # deformation.
+    else:
-    field = nonlinear.convertDisplacementSpace(field, from_='fsl', to='fsl')
-    field.header['intent_code'] = constants.FSL_FNIRT_DISPLACEMENT_FIELD
+        if isinstance(field, nonlinear.CoefficientField):
+            field = nonlinear.coefficientFieldToDisplacementField(field)
+        # Again, if we have a displacement
+        # field which transforms between
+        # fsl spaces, we can just take a copy
+        if field.srcSpace == 'fsl' and field.refSpace == 'fsl':
+            field = nonlinear.DisplacementField(
+                field.data,
+                src=field.src,
+                ref=field.ref,
+                fieldType=field.fieldType,
+                dispType=field.displacementType)
+        # Otherwise we have to adjust the
+        # displacements so they transform
+        # between fsl coordinates.
+        field = nonlinear.convertDisplacementSpace(
+            field, from_='fsl', to='fsl')
+        field.header['intent_code'] = constants.FSL_FNIRT_DISPLACEMENT_FIELD
     return field
diff --git a/fsl/transform/nonlinear.py b/fsl/transform/nonlinear.py
index a32225de23e18e031447a27e79ded8c552cd19d4..0ea01038beed4e17589a1f35e0fdfd7a76beaac9 100644
--- a/fsl/transform/nonlinear.py
+++ b/fsl/transform/nonlinear.py
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class NonLinearTransform(fslimage.Image):
                           the source image to the reference image. This is
                           assumed to be a FLIRT-style matrix, i.e. it
                           transforms from source image ``srcSpace`` coordinates
-                          into reference image ``srcSpace`` coordinates
+                          into reference image ``refSpace`` coordinates
                           (typically ``'fsl'`` coordinates, i.e. scaled voxels
                           potentially with a left-right flip).
@@ -174,15 +174,21 @@ class NonLinearTransform(fslimage.Image):
         return self.__refToSrcMat
-    def transform(self, coords, from_=None, to=None):
+    def transform(self, coords, from_=None, to=None, premat=True):
         """Transform coordinates from the reference image space to the source
         image space. Implemented by sub-classes.
         :arg coords: A sequence of XYZ coordinates, or ``numpy`` array of shape
                      ``(n, 3)`` containing ``n`` sets of coordinates in the
                      reference space.
         :arg from_:  Reference image space that ``coords`` are defined in
         :arg to:     Source image space to transform ``coords`` into
+        :arg premat: If ``True``, the inverse :meth:`srcToRefMat` is applied
+                     to the coordinates after they have been calculated.
         :returns:    ``coords``, transformed into the source image space
         raise NotImplementedError()
@@ -252,15 +258,21 @@ class DisplacementField(NonLinearTransform):
         return self.displacementType == 'relative'
-    def transform(self, coords, from_=None, to=None):
+    def transform(self, coords, from_=None, to=None, premat=True):
         """Transform the given XYZ coordinates from the reference image space
         to the source image space.
         :arg coords: A sequence of XYZ coordinates, or ``numpy`` array of shape
                      ``(n, 3)`` containing ``n`` sets of coordinates in the
                      reference space.
         :arg from_:  Reference image space that ``coords`` are defined in
         :arg to:     Source image space to transform ``coords`` into
+        :arg premat: If ``True``, the inverse :meth:`srcToRefMat` is applied
+                     to the coordinates after they have been calculated.
         :returns:    ``coords``, transformed into the source image space
@@ -303,14 +315,19 @@ class DisplacementField(NonLinearTransform):
         # space, and apply the initial
         # inv(srcToRefMat) if it there
         # is one
-        postmat = self.refToSrcMat
+        # And here the premat becomes
+        # a postmat; how confusing
+        if premat: postmat = self.refToSrcMat
+        else:      postmat = None
         if to != self.srcSpace:
             xform = self.src.getAffine(self.srcSpace, to)
             if postmat is not None: postmat = affine.concat(xform, postmat)
             else:                   postmat = xform
         if postmat is not None:
-            disps = affine.transform(disps, xform)
+            disps = affine.transform(disps, postmat)
         # Nans for input coordinates
         # which were outside of the
@@ -322,8 +339,7 @@ class DisplacementField(NonLinearTransform):
 class CoefficientField(NonLinearTransform):
-    """Class which represents a cubic B-spline coefficient field generated by
-    FNIRT.
+    """Class which represents a B-spline coefficient field generated by FNIRT.
     The :meth:`displacements` method can be used to calculate relative
     displacements for a set of reference space voxel coordinates.
@@ -590,6 +606,13 @@ def convertDisplacementSpace(field, from_, to):
                 coordinate system.
+    # We can't adjust the displacements
+    # for fields with an initial
+    # source-to-ref affine
+    if field.srcToRefMat is not None:
+        raise ValueError('Cannot adjust displacements of '
+                         'fields with an initial affine')
     # Get the field in absolute coordinates
     # if necessary - these are our source
     # coordinates in the original "to" space.