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Analysis pipeline used in the ‘Capturing MultiORgan Effects of COVID-19’ (C-MORE) study.
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FIX - FMRIB's ICA-based Xnoiseifier Gholamreza Salimi-Khorshidi and Stephen Smith, FMRIB Analysis Group MATLAB compilation/wrapper Duncan Mortimer Copyright (C) 2012-2019 University of Oxford
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Exploring machine learning methods, with special focus on the deep learning methods in order to attempt Neuroimage segmentation and analysis
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Istvan N Huszar / tirl
Apache License 2.0Tensor Image Registration Library - a modular general-purpose image registration framework for Python with prebaked scripts for histology-to-MRI registration.
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profumo / PROFUMO
OtherCode for inferring PRObabilistic FUnctional MOdes. See DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.01.013 and DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117226.
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Fidel Alfaro Almagro / UK_biobank_pipeline_v_1
Apache License 2.0Pipeline for brain imaging processing of UK Biobank.
Pipeline developed by Fidel Alfaro Almagro, Steve Smith and Mark Jenkinson.
Contributions by FMRIB Analysis Group, University of Oxford.
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Computational modelling course taught as part of the WIN graduate programme.
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Andrei-Claudiu Roibu / BrainMapper
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseThis project will aim to address one of the big challenges in imaging-neuroscience: that of how a brain’s functional connectivity, represented by resting-state maps, can be predicted from structural connectivity information obtained from dw-MRI.
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Matlab-based simulation tool for the DANTE-SPACE sequence, using the extended phase graph (EPG) formalism