diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 990faa5da2220f920a23f87fbcff896d2760fc6c..c13823298dd7cab7716a99d2d3bc6388c57ff093 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ PROJNAME = fdt
 DLIBS = -lmeshclass -lbint -lnewimage -lutils -lmiscmaths -lnewmat -lnewran -lfslio -lniftiio -lznz -lcprob -lprob -lm -lz
 #DLIBS = -lbint -lnewimage -lutils -lmiscmaths  -lnewmat -lfslio -lniftiio -lznz -lcprob -lprob -lm -lz
@@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ TESTOBJS=testfile.o
 SGEBEDPOST = bedpost bedpost_datacheck
-SGEBEDPOSTX = bedpostX bedpostX_postproc.sh bedpostX_preproc.sh bedpostX_single_slice.sh
+SGEBEDPOSTX = bedpostx bedpostx_postproc.sh bedpostx_preproc.sh bedpostx_single_slice.sh
 SCRIPTS = eddy_correct zeropad maskdyads ${SGEBEDPOST} ${SGEBEDPOSTX}
 FSCRIPTS = correct_and_average ocmr_preproc
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ XFILES = dtifit ccops probtrack find_the_biggest medianfilter diff_pvm make_dyad
 FXFILES = reord_OM sausages replacevols fdt_matrix_ops probtrackx indexer
-RUNTCLS = Fdt Fdtx
 all: ${XFILES} ${FXFILES} 
@@ -113,14 +112,3 @@ ${TEST}:    	${TESTOBJS}
diff --git a/bedpost b/bedpost
index c2565a63b61303ba0e515a97bb3f6ca42c5daa1f..11f15ca8e030487aa988e66b1ba70843c27ed702 100755
--- a/bedpost
+++ b/bedpost
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-#   Copyright (C) 2004 University of Oxford
+#   Copyright (C) 2007 University of Oxford
-echo "Warning - bedpost has been deprecated! Please use bedpostX instead."
-[ -z "$@" ] && ${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpostX
-echo "Executing \"bedpostX $@ -n 1\" instead."
+echo "Error - bedpost has been superceded by bedpostx! Please instead run:"
+echo bedpostx $@ -n 1
-${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpostX $@ -n 1
diff --git a/bedpostx b/bedpostx
index ed404f182da3e71dfdf6653085171ca73dd63853..ebf7df1cb5a7ebacc09bc9ce26f2cb918648589e 100755
--- a/bedpostx
+++ b/bedpostx
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ fi
 Usage() {
     echo ""
-    echo "Usage: bedpostX <subject directory> [options]"
+    echo "Usage: bedpostx <subject directory> [options]"
     echo ""
     echo "expects to find bvals and bvecs in subject directory"
     echo "expects to find data nodif_brain_mask nodif in subject directory"
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ if [ `${FSLDIR}/bin/imtest ${subjdir}/nodif_brain_mask` -eq 0 ]; then
 	exit 1
-echo Making bedpostX directory structure
+echo Making bedpostx directory structure
 mkdir -p ${subjdir}.bedpostX/
 mkdir -p ${subjdir}.bedpostX/diff_slices
@@ -103,19 +103,19 @@ mkdir -p ${subjdir}.bedpostX/xfms
 echo Queuing preprocessing stages
-preprocid=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fsl_sub -F -l ${subjdir}.bedpostX/logs ${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpostX_preproc.sh ${subjdir}`
+preprocid=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fsl_sub -F -l ${subjdir}.bedpostX/logs ${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpostx_preproc.sh ${subjdir}`
 echo Queuing parallel processing stage
 nslices=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslval ${subjdir}/data dim3`
 [ -f ${subjdir}.bedpostX/commands.txt ] && rm ${subjdir}.bedpostX/commands.txt
 for ((slice=0; slice < $nslices; slice++)) ; do
-    echo "${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpostX_single_slice.sh $subjdir $nfibres $fudge $burnin $slice" \
+    echo "${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpostx_single_slice.sh $subjdir $nfibres $fudge $burnin $slice" \
 	>> ${subjdir}.bedpostX/commands.txt
 bedpostid=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fsl_sub -j $preprocid -l ${subjdir}.bedpostX/logs -M $mailto -N bedpostx -t ${subjdir}.bedpostX/commands.txt`
 echo Queuing post processing stage
-mergeid=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fsl_sub -j $bedpostid -F -l ${subjdir}.bedpostX/logs ${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpostX_postproc.sh $subjdir`
+mergeid=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fsl_sub -j $bedpostid -F -l ${subjdir}.bedpostX/logs ${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpostx_postproc.sh $subjdir`
 if [ "x$SGE_ROOT" != "x" ]; then
diff --git a/fdt.tcl b/fdt.tcl
index 2a813915720f190ba1d9f1c91b65d50acea94e1f..5560cdfea977ff57333c70fc9d12e5cc13a150fd 100644
--- a/fdt.tcl
+++ b/fdt.tcl
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 #   FSL interface for FDT (BEDPOST and ProbTrack)
 #   Timothy Behrens, Heidi Johansen-Berg, Dave Flitney and Matthew Webster FMRIB Image Analysis Group
@@ -8,11 +9,12 @@
 #TO DO replace -filetypes * with -filetypes { } for directory selectors
 source [ file dirname [ info script ] ]/fslstart.tcl
+option add *FileEntry*Entry*width 35
 set TCLPATH [file dirname [ info script ] ]
 regsub tcl $TCLPATH bin BINPATH
 regsub tcl $TCLPATH doc/fdt HTMLPATH
-set VERSION "1.0a"
+set VERSION "2.0"
 proc mm_to_voxels { X Y Z mask } {
@@ -34,9 +36,6 @@ proc mm_to_voxels { X Y Z mask } {
 proc fdt:dialog { w tclstartupfile } {
     global eddy bedpost registration dtifit probtrack HTMLPATH FSLDIR VERSION INMEDX VARS
-    set LWIDTH 27
-    set PWD [ pwd ]
     set probtrack(tool) "probtrack"
     if [winfo exists $w] {
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ proc fdt:dialog { w tclstartupfile } {
     #-------- Stage and Mode Options -------- 
     frame $w.tool
-    optionMenu2 $w.tool.menu probtrack(tool) -command "fdt:select_tool $w" eddy_current "Eddy current correction" bedpost "BEDPOST Estimation of diffusion parameters"  registration "Registration" probtrack "ProbTrack Probabilistic tracking" xutilssx "----------------------------------------------------" dtifit "DTIFit Reconstruct diffusion tensors" 
+    optionMenu2 $w.tool.menu probtrack(tool) -command "fdt:select_tool $w" eddy_current "Eddy current correction" bedpost "BEDPOSTX Estimation of diffusion parameters"  registration "Registration" probtrack "ProbTrackX Probabilistic tracking" xutilssx "----------------------------------------------------" dtifit "DTIFit Reconstruct diffusion tensors" 
     $w.tool.menu.menu entryconfigure 4 -state disabled -background black
     pack $w.tool.menu -side left -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw
@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ proc fdt:dialog { w tclstartupfile } {
-    FileEntry $w.registration.directory -textvariable registration(directory) -label "BEDPOST directory:" -title "Choose directory"  -width 35 -filetypes * -command "registration_set_directory $w" 
+    FileEntry $w.registration.directory -textvariable registration(directory) -label "BEDPOST directory:" -title "Choose directory" -filetypes * -command "registration_set_directory $w" 
     frame       $w.registration.struct
     checkbutton $w.registration.struct.yn -variable registration(struct_yn) -command "registration_packframe $w"
@@ -128,20 +127,20 @@ proc fdt:dialog { w tclstartupfile } {
 	set eddy(output) [ file join [file dirname $eddy(input)] data ]
-    FileEntry $w.ecc.input -textvariable eddy(input) -label "Diffusion weighted data:" -title "Choose diffusion weighted image"  -width 35 -filetypes IMAGE -command "ecc_update_files $w"
+    FileEntry $w.ecc.input -textvariable eddy(input) -label "Diffusion weighted data:" -title "Choose diffusion weighted image" -filetypes IMAGE -command "ecc_update_files $w"
-    FileEntry $w.ecc.output -textvariable eddy(output) 	-label "Corrected output data:" -title  "Choose output image name" -width 35 -filetypes IMAGE -command "ecc_update_files $w"
+    FileEntry $w.ecc.output -textvariable eddy(output) 	-label "Corrected output data:" -title  "Choose output image name" -filetypes IMAGE -command "ecc_update_files $w"
    set eddy(refnum) 0
    LabelSpinBox  $w.ecc.refnum -label "Reference volume"  -textvariable eddy(refnum) -range {0 100 1 } -width 6 
     pack $w.ecc.input $w.ecc.output $w.ecc.refnum -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -expand yes -anchor w
-    #------- DTIFit --------
+   #------- DTIFit --------
     frame $w.dtifit
-    FileEntry $w.dtifit.directory -textvariable dtifit(directory) -label  "Input directory:" -title "Choose directory" -width 35 -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
+    FileEntry $w.dtifit.directory -textvariable dtifit(directory) -label  "Input directory:" -title "Choose directory" -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
     proc dtifit_toggle_expert { w } {
 	global dtifit
@@ -174,93 +173,96 @@ proc fdt:dialog { w tclstartupfile } {
 	set_working_directory dtifit(cwd) $dtifit(input)
-    set dtifit(cwd) $PWD
+    set dtifit(cwd) [ pwd ]
 #All the below orignally had -directory $dtifit(cwd) 
-    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.input -textvariable dtifit(input) -label  "Diffusion weighted data:" -title "Choose diffusion weighted image" -width 35 -filetypes IMAGE -command "dtifit_update_files $w" 
-    $w.dtifit.expert.input.labf configure -width $LWIDTH
-    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.mask -textvariable dtifit(mask) -label "BET binary brain mask:" -title "Choose BET brain mask file" -width 35 -filetypes IMAGE -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
-    $w.dtifit.expert.mask.labf configure -width $LWIDTH
-    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.output -textvariable dtifit(output) -label "Output basename:" -title  "Choose output base name" -width 35 -filetypes * -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
-    $w.dtifit.expert.output.labf configure -width $LWIDTH
-    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.bvecs -textvariable dtifit(bvecs) -label "Gradient directions:" -title  "Choose bvecs file" -width 35 -filetypes * -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
-    $w.dtifit.expert.bvecs.labf configure -width $LWIDTH
-    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.bvals -textvariable dtifit(bvals) -label  "b values:" -title  "Choose bvals file" -width 35 -filetypes * -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
-    $w.dtifit.expert.bvals.labf configure -width $LWIDTH        
+    option add *dtifit.expert.FileEntry*labf*width 27
+    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.input -textvariable dtifit(input) -label  "Diffusion weighted data:" -title "Choose diffusion weighted image" -filetypes IMAGE -command "dtifit_update_files $w" 
+    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.mask -textvariable dtifit(mask) -label "BET binary brain mask:" -title "Choose BET brain mask file" -filetypes IMAGE -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
+    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.output -textvariable dtifit(output) -label "Output basename:" -title  "Choose output base name" -filetypes * -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
+    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.bvecs -textvariable dtifit(bvecs) -label "Gradient directions:" -title  "Choose bvecs file" -filetypes * -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
+    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.bvals -textvariable dtifit(bvals) -label  "b values:" -title  "Choose bvals file" -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
     pack $w.dtifit.expert.input $w.dtifit.expert.mask $w.dtifit.expert.output \
 	$w.dtifit.expert.bvecs $w.dtifit.expert.bvals \
-	-in $w.dtifit.expert -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -expand yes -anchor w
-    pack $w.dtifit.directory $w.dtifit.expert_yn -in $w.dtifit \
 	-side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -expand yes -anchor w
+    pack $w.dtifit.directory $w.dtifit.expert_yn -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -expand yes -anchor w
     #------- BEDPOST --------
     frame $w.bedpost
-    FileEntry $w.bedpost.directory -textvariable bedpost(directory) -label "Input directory:" -title "Choose directory" -width 35 -filetypes * -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
+    FileEntry $w.bedpost.directory -textvariable bedpost(directory) -label "Input directory:" -title "Choose directory" -filetypes * -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
-    set bedpost(ecc_yn) 0
-    pack $w.bedpost.directory \
-	-in $w.bedpost -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -expand yes -anchor w
+   collapsible frame $w.bedpost.advanced -title "Advanced Options"
+   set bedpost(nfibres) 2
+   set bedpost(weight)  1
+   set bedpost(burnin)  1000
+   LabelSpinBox  $w.bedpost.advanced.nfibres -label "Fibres  "  -textvariable bedpost(nfibres) -range {1 1000000000 1 } 
+   LabelSpinBox  $w.bedpost.advanced.weight  -label "Weight "  -textvariable bedpost(weight) -range {0.0 100000000.0 1 } 
+   LabelSpinBox  $w.bedpost.advanced.burnin  -label "Burn In"  -textvariable bedpost(burnin) -range {1 1000000000 1 } 
-    #-------- ...ProbTrack... -------- 
+    set bedpost(ecc_yn) 0
+    pack $w.bedpost.advanced.nfibres $w.bedpost.advanced.weight $w.bedpost.advanced.burnin -in $w.bedpost.advanced.b -anchor w
+    pack $w.bedpost.directory $w.bedpost.advanced -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -expand yes -anchor w
+    #-------- ProbTrack -------- 
     NoteBook $w.probtrack -bd 2 -tabpady {5 10} -arcradius 3
     $w.probtrack insert 0 data -text "Data"
     $w.probtrack insert 1 options -text "Options"
-    #-------- ...Mode specific options... --------
-    set dataf [$w.probtrack getframe data]
+    #-------- Mode specific option --------
     frame $w.data
+    FileEntry $w.data.directory -textvariable probtrack(bedpost_dir) -label "BEDPOST directory" -title "Choose BEDPOST directory" -filetypes * -command "probtrack_update_files $w"
-    LabelFrame  $w.data.mode -text "Mode: "
-    if { [ file exists [ file join $FSLDIR bin reord_OM ] ] } {
-        optionMenu2 $w.data.mode.menu probtrack(mode) -command "fdt:probtrack_mode $w" xtitlex "Path distribution estimation" simple "  Single seed voxel" all "  Seed mask" maska "  Seed mask and waypoint masks" masks "  Two masks - symmetric" xutilssx "--------------------------------------------" seeds "Connectivity-based seed classification" xmatrixx "--------------------------------------------" mat1 "Matrix 1" mat2 "Matrix 2" mskmat "Mask matrix"
-      $w.data.mode.menu.menu entryconfigure 0 -state disabled -background black
-      $w.data.mode.menu.menu entryconfigure 5 -state disabled -background black
-      $w.data.mode.menu.menu entryconfigure 7 -state disabled -background black
-    } else {
-    optionMenu2 $w.data.mode.menu probtrack(mode) -command "fdt:probtrack_mode $w" xtitlex "Path distribution estimation" simple "  Single seed voxel" all "  Seed mask" maska "  Seed mask and waypoint masks" masks "  Two masks - symmetric" xutilssx  "--------------------------------------------" seeds "Connectivity-based seed classification"
-     $w.data.mode.menu.menu entryconfigure 0 -state disabled -background black
-     $w.data.mode.menu.menu entryconfigure 5 -state disabled -background black
-    }
-    pack $w.data.mode.menu
+    TitleFrame  $w.data.seed -text "Seed Space"
+    optionMenu2 $w.data.seed.menu probtrack(mode) -command "fdt:probtrack_mode $w" simple "Single voxel" seedmask "Single mask" network "Multiple masks"
+    set probtrack(x) 0
+    set probtrack(y) 0
+    set probtrack(z) 0
+    set probtrack(units) vox
+    #Co-ordinate edit frame
+    frame $w.data.seed.voxel
+    LabelSpinBox $w.data.seed.voxel.x -label "X" -textvariable probtrack(x) -range {-1000000 1000000 1 } 
+    LabelSpinBox $w.data.seed.voxel.y -label "Y" -textvariable probtrack(y) -range {-1000000 1000000 1 } 
+    LabelSpinBox $w.data.seed.voxel.z -label "Z" -textvariable probtrack(z) -range {-1000000 1000000 1 } 
+    radiobutton $w.data.seed.voxel.vox -text "vox" -value vox -variable probtrack(units)
+    radiobutton $w.data.seed.voxel.mm  -text "mm"  -value mm  -variable probtrack(units)
+    FileEntry $w.data.seed.reference -textvariable probtrack(reference) -label "Seed reference image:" -title "Choose reference image" -filetypes IMAGE 
-    set probtrack(xfm) ""
-    set probtrack(basename) "merged"
-    set probtrack(mask) "nodif_brain_mask"
+    option add *seed*FileEntry*labf*width 24
-    proc probtrack_update_files { w filename } {
-	global probtrack
-	global FSLDIR
+    frame  $w.data.seed.ssf
+    checkbutton $w.data.seed.ssf.ssd -text "Seed space is not diffusion" -variable probtrack(usereference_yn)  -command " pack forget $w.data.seed.ssf.xfm  ; if { \$probtrack(usereference_yn) } { pack $w.data.seed.ssf.xfm } ; $w.probtrack compute_size"
+    FileEntry $w.data.seed.ssf.xfm -textvariable probtrack(xfm)  -label "Select Seed to diff transform" -title "Select seed-space to DTI-space transformation matrix" -filetypes *
+    pack $w.data.seed.ssf.ssd -side top -anchor nw
-	if { ($probtrack(bedpost_dir) != "") && ($probtrack(seed) != "") } {
-	    set probtrack(dir) \
-		[ file join $probtrack(bedpost_dir) [ file tail [ exec $FSLDIR/bin/remove_ext $probtrack(seed) ] ] ]
-	}
-    }
-    FileEntry $w.data.directory -textvariable probtrack(bedpost_dir) -label "BEDPOST directory" -title "Choose BEDPOST directory" -width 35 -filetypes * -command "probtrack_update_files $w"
-    TitleFrame $w.data.target -text "Target list"    
-    listbox $w.data.targets -height 6 -width 40 -yscrollcommand "$w.data.sb set"
-    scrollbar $w.data.sb -command "$w.data.targets yview " 
-    frame $w.data.tb
-    button $w.data.tb.add -text "Add..."  -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] IMAGE {Select File} {fdt_add $w $w.data.targets} {}" 
-    button $w.data.tb.del -text "Remove"  -command "fdt_sub $w $w.data.targets" 
-    button $w.data.tb.imp -text "Load list..." -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_imp $w $w.data.targets} {}"
-    button $w.data.tb.exp -text "Save list..." -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_exp $w $w.data.targets} {}"
-    pack $w.data.tb.add $w.data.tb.del $w.data.tb.imp $w.data.tb.exp -side left
-    pack $w.data.tb -in [$w.data.target getframe ] -side bottom  -expand yes -fill x -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
-    pack $w.data.targets $w.data.sb -in [$w.data.target getframe ] -side left  -expand yes -fill y -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
+    frame  $w.data.seed.bcf
+    checkbutton $w.data.seed.bcf.bc -text "Blind Classification:" -variable probtrack(bcyn)  -command " pack forget $w.data.seed.bcf.w ; if { \$probtrack(bcyn) } { pack $w.data.seed.bcf.w  -side left} ; $w.probtrack compute_size"
+    set probtrack(scale) 5
+    LabelSpinBox $w.data.seed.bcf.w -label "Low resolution rescaling factor" -textvariable probtrack(scale) -range {1 1000000 1 } 
+    pack $w.data.seed.bcf.bc -side left -anchor w
+    pack $w.data.seed.voxel.x $w.data.seed.voxel.y $w.data.seed.voxel.z $w.data.seed.voxel.vox $w.data.seed.voxel.mm -side left -padx 2
+    pack $w.data.seed.voxel $w.data.seed.ssf -in $w.data.seed.f -side bottom -anchor w -pady 2
+    pack $w.data.seed.menu $w.data.seed.reference -in $w.data.seed.f -side left -anchor w -pady 2
+    TitleFrame $w.data.seed.target -text "Multiple Masks"    
+    listbox $w.data.seed.targets -height 6 -width 50 -yscrollcommand "$w.data.seed.sb set"
+    scrollbar $w.data.seed.sb -command "$w.data.seed.targets yview " 
+    frame $w.data.seed.tb
+    button $w.data.seed.tb.add -text "Add Image"  -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] IMAGE {Select File} {fdt_add $w $w.data.seed.targets} {}" 
+    button $w.data.seed.tb.del -text "Remove Image"  -command "fdt_sub $w $w.data.seed.targets" 
+    button $w.data.seed.tb.imp -text "Load List" -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_imp $w $w.data.seed.targets} {}"
+    button $w.data.seed.tb.exp -text "Save List" -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_exp $w $w.data.seed.targets} {}"
+    pack $w.data.seed.tb.add $w.data.seed.tb.del $w.data.seed.tb.imp $w.data.seed.tb.exp -side left
+    pack $w.data.seed.tb -in [$w.data.seed.target getframe ] -side bottom  -expand yes -fill x -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
+    pack $w.data.seed.targets $w.data.seed.sb -in [$w.data.seed.target getframe ] -side left  -expand yes -fill y -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
+    TitleFrame  $w.data.targets -text "Optional Targets"
     proc fdt_add { w listbox filename } {
     set filename [ fix_cygwin_filename $filename ]
@@ -299,143 +301,108 @@ proc fdt:dialog { w tclstartupfile } {
     close $fd
-    TitleFrame $w.data.seedspace -text "Seed space"
-    FileEntry $w.data.seed -textvariable probtrack(seed) -label "Seed image:" -title "Choose seed image" -width 35 -filetypes IMAGE -command "probtrack_update_files $w"
-    FileEntry $w.data.seed2 -textvariable probtrack(seed2) -label "Target image:" -title "Choose target image" -width 35 -filetypes IMAGE -command "probtrack_update_files $w"
-    TitleFrame $w.data.waypoint -text "Waypoint masks"
-    listbox $w.data.waypoints -height 6 -width 40 -yscrollcommand "$w.data.waypoint.sb set"
-    scrollbar $w.data.waypoint.sb -command "$w.data.waypoints yview "
-    frame $w.data.waybut
-    button $w.data.waybut.add -text "Add..."  -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] IMAGE {Select File} {fdt_add $w $w.data.waypoints} {}" 
-    button $w.data.waybut.del -text "Remove"  -command "fdt_sub $w $w.data.waypoints" 
-    button $w.data.waybut.imp -text "Load list..." -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_imp $w $w.data.waypoints} {}"
-    button $w.data.waybut.exp -text "Save list..." -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_exp $w $w.data.waypoints} {}" 
-    pack $w.data.waybut.add $w.data.waybut.del $w.data.waybut.imp $w.data.waybut.exp -in $w.data.waybut -side left
-    pack $w.data.waybut -in [$w.data.waypoint getframe ] -side bottom -expand yes -fill x -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
-    pack $w.data.waypoints $w.data.waypoint.sb -in [$w.data.waypoint getframe ] -side left -expand yes -fill y -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
+    frame $w.data.targets.wf    
+    checkbutton $w.data.targets.wf.sct -text "Waypoints masks" -variable probtrack(waypoint_yn)  -command " pack forget $w.data.targets.wf.tf ; if { \$probtrack(waypoint_yn) } { pack $w.data.targets.wf.tf } ; $w.probtrack compute_size"
+    TitleFrame $w.data.targets.wf.tf -text "Waypoints"    
+    listbox $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets -height 6 -width 50 -yscrollcommand "$w.data.targets.wf.tf.sb set"
+    scrollbar $w.data.targets.wf.tf.sb -command "$w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets yview " 
+    frame $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb
+    button $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.add -text "Add Image"  -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] IMAGE {Select File} {fdt_add $w $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets} {}"
+    button $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.del -text "Remove Image"  -command "fdt_sub $w $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets" 
+    button $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.imp -text "Load List" -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_imp $w $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets} {}"
+    button $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.exp -text "Save List" -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_exp $w $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets} {}"
+    pack $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.add $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.del $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.imp $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.exp -side left
+    pack $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb -in [$w.data.targets.wf.tf getframe ] -side bottom  -expand yes -fill x -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
+    pack $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets $w.data.targets.wf.tf.sb -in [$w.data.targets.wf.tf getframe ] -side left  -expand yes -fill y -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
+    pack  $w.data.targets.wf.sct -side top -anchor nw
+    pack $w.data.targets.wf 
+    option add *targets*Checkbutton*width 18
+    option add *targets*Checkbutton*anchor w
+    frame  $w.data.targets.ef
+    checkbutton $w.data.targets.ef.srt -text "Exclusion mask" -variable probtrack(exclude_yn)  -command " pack forget $w.data.targets.ef.rubbish ; if { \$probtrack(exclude_yn) } { pack $w.data.targets.ef.rubbish } ; $w.probtrack compute_size"
+    FileEntry $w.data.targets.ef.rubbish -textvariable probtrack(exclude) -title "Select exclusion image" -filetypes IMAGE
+    pack $w.data.targets.ef.srt -side left
+    frame  $w.data.targets.sf
+    checkbutton $w.data.targets.sf.sst -text "Termination mask" -variable probtrack(terminate_yn)  -command " pack forget $w.data.targets.sf.stop ; if { \$probtrack(terminate_yn) } { pack $w.data.targets.sf.stop } ; $w.probtrack compute_size"
+    FileEntry $w.data.targets.sf.stop -textvariable probtrack(stop) -title "Select termination image" -filetypes IMAGE
+    pack $w.data.targets.sf.sst -side left
+    frame $w.data.targets.cf    
+    checkbutton $w.data.targets.cf.sct -text "Classification targets" -variable probtrack(classify_yn)  -command " pack forget $w.data.targets.cf.tf ; if { \$probtrack(classify_yn) } { pack $w.data.targets.cf.tf } ; $w.probtrack compute_size"
+    TitleFrame $w.data.targets.cf.tf -text "Classification"    
+    listbox $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets -height 6 -width 50 -yscrollcommand "$w.data.targets.cf.tf.sb set"
+    scrollbar $w.data.targets.cf.tf.sb -command "$w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets yview " 
+    frame $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb
+    button $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.add -text "Add Image"  -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] IMAGE {Select File} {fdt_add $w $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets} {}"
+    button $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.del -text "Remove Image"  -command "fdt_sub $w $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets" 
+    button $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.imp -text "Load List" -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_imp $w $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets} {}"
+    button $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.exp -text "Save List" -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_exp $w $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets} {}"
+    pack $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.add $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.del $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.imp $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.exp -side left
+    pack $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb -in [$w.data.targets.cf.tf getframe ] -side bottom  -expand yes -fill x -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
+    pack $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets $w.data.targets.cf.tf.sb -in [$w.data.targets.cf.tf getframe ] -side left  -expand yes -fill y -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
+    pack  $w.data.targets.cf.sct -side top -anchor nw
+    pack $w.data.targets.cf 
+    pack $w.data.targets.wf $w.data.targets.ef $w.data.targets.sf $w.data.targets.cf -in $w.data.targets.f -anchor w
-    set probtrack(x) 0
-    set probtrack(y) 0
-    set probtrack(z) 0
-    set probtrack(units) vox
-    #Co-ordinate edit frame
-    LabelFrame   $w.data.seedxyz -text "Seed:"
-    LabelSpinBox $w.data.seedxyz.x -label "X" -textvariable probtrack(x) -range {-1000000 1000000 1 } -width 6
-    LabelSpinBox $w.data.seedxyz.y -label "Y" -textvariable probtrack(y) -range {-1000000 1000000 1 } -width 6
-    LabelSpinBox $w.data.seedxyz.z -label "Z" -textvariable probtrack(z) -range {-1000000 1000000 1 } -width 6
-    radiobutton $w.data.seedxyz.vox -text "vox" -value vox -variable probtrack(units)
-    radiobutton $w.data.seedxyz.mm  -text "mm"  -value mm  -variable probtrack(units)
-    pack $w.data.seedxyz.x $w.data.seedxyz.y $w.data.seedxyz.z $w.data.seedxyz.vox $w.data.seedxyz.mm -side left -padx 2 -pady 0 
-    proc probtrack_toggle_reference { w } {
-	global probtrack
-	if { $probtrack(usereference_yn) } { 
-	    if { $probtrack(mode) == "simple" } {
-		pack $w.data.reference $w.data.xfm -in [$w.data.seedspace getframe ] \
-		    -side top -after $w.data.usereference_yn -padx 3 -pady 3
-	    } else {
-		pack $w.data.xfm -in [$w.data.seedspace getframe ] \
-		    -side top -after $w.data.usereference_yn -padx 3 -pady 3
-	    }
-	} else { 
-	    pack forget $w.data.reference
-	    pack forget $w.data.xfm
- 	}
-        $w.probtrack compute_size
-    }
-    checkbutton $w.data.usereference_yn -text "Seed space is not diffusion" \
-	-variable probtrack(usereference_yn) \
-	-command "probtrack_toggle_reference $w"
-    FileEntry $w.data.reference -textvariable probtrack(reference) -label "Seed space reference image:" -title "Choose reference image" -width 35 -filetypes IMAGE 
-    FileEntry $w.data.xfm -textvariable probtrack(xfm) -label "Seed to diff-space transform:" -title "Select seed-space to DTI-space transformation matrix" -width 35 -filetypes *.mat
+    set probtrack(xfm) ""
+    set probtrack(basename) "merged"
+    set probtrack(mask) "nodif_brain_mask"
-    proc probtrack_toggle_exclude { w } {
+    proc probtrack_update_files { w filename } {
 	global probtrack
+	global FSLDIR
-	if { $probtrack(exclude_yn) } { 
-	    pack $w.data.exclude -in [$w.data.seedspace getframe ] \
-		-side top -after $w.data.exclude_yn -padx 3 -pady 3
-	} else { 
-	    pack forget $w.data.exclude
+	if { ($probtrack(bedpost_dir) != "") && ($probtrack(reference) != "") } {
+	    set probtrack(output) \
+		[ file join $probtrack(bedpost_dir) [ file tail [ exec $FSLDIR/bin/remove_ext $probtrack(reference) ] ] ]
-        $w.probtrack compute_size
-    checkbutton $w.data.exclude_yn -text "Use exclusion mask" -variable probtrack(exclude_yn) \
-	-command "probtrack_toggle_exclude $w"
-    FileEntry $w.data.exclude -textvariable probtrack(exclude) -label "Exclusion mask:" -title "Select exclusion mask image" -width 35 -filetypes IMAGE 
-    pack $w.data.seed $w.data.usereference_yn $w.data.exclude_yn -in\
-	[$w.data.seedspace getframe ] -padx 3 -pady 3 -side top -anchor w
-    probtrack_toggle_reference $w
-    probtrack_toggle_exclude $w
-    FileEntry $w.data.lrmask -textvariable probtrack(lrmask) -label "Low resolution mask:" -title  "Choose low resolution mask" -width 35 -filetypes IMAGE 
-    pack $w.data.lrmask \
-	-in [$w.data.seedspace getframe ] \
-	-side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor w
-    TitleFrame $w.data.output -text "Ouput"
+    FileEntry $w.data.dir -textvariable probtrack(output) -label  "Output directory:" -title  "Name the output directory" -filetypes *
-   FileEntry $w.data.dir -textvariable probtrack(dir) -label  "Output directory:" -title  "Name the output directory" -width 35 -filetypes *
+    pack $w.data.directory $w.data.seed $w.data.targets $w.data.dir -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
-   FileEntry $w.data.out -textvariable probtrack(output) -label "Output:" -title "Choose output file name" -width 35 -filetypes IMAGE
-    pack $w.data.out $w.data.dir -in [$w.data.output getframe ] -side top -expand yes -fill x -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor w
-    pack $w.data.mode $w.data.directory $w.data.target $w.data.seedspace $w.data.output \
-	-in $w.data -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
-    pack $w.data -in $dataf -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw -expand yes -fill both
+    pack $w.data -in  [$w.probtrack getframe data] -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw -expand yes -fill both
     #-------- ...Options... --------
-    set optionsf [$w.probtrack getframe options]
     TitleFrame $w.options -text "Basic Options"
-    checkbutton $w.options.verbose \
-	    -text "Verbose" \
-	    -variable probtrack(verbose_yn)
+    checkbutton $w.options.verbose -text "Verbose" -variable probtrack(verbose_yn)
     set probtrack(nparticles) 5000
     LabelSpinBox $w.options.nparticles -label  "Number of samples" -textvariable probtrack(nparticles) -range {1 1e24 100 } -width 6 
     set probtrack(curvature) 0.2
-    LabelSpinBox $w.options.curvature -label "Curvature threshold" -textvariable probtrack(curvature) -range {0.0 1.0 0.01 } -width 4
+    LabelSpinBox $w.options.curvature -label "Curvature threshold" -textvariable probtrack(curvature) -range {0.0 1.0 0.01 }
     set probtrack(loopcheck_yn) 1
-    checkbutton $w.options.loopcheck \
-	-text "Loopcheck" \
-	-variable probtrack(loopcheck_yn)
+    checkbutton $w.options.loopcheck -text "Loopcheck" -variable probtrack(loopcheck_yn)
-    collapsible frame $w.advanced -title "Advanced Options"
+    collapsible frame $w.advanced -title "Advanced Options" -command "$w.probtrack compute_size; set dummy"
     set probtrack(nsteps) 2000
     LabelSpinBox $w.advanced.nsteps -label "Maximum number of steps" -textvariable probtrack(nsteps) -range {2 1000000 10 } -width 6
     set probtrack(steplength) 0.5
-    LabelSpinBox $w.advanced.steplength -label "Step length (mm)" -textvariable probtrack(steplength) -range {0 10000 0.1} -width 4
+    LabelSpinBox $w.advanced.steplength -label "Step length (mm)" -textvariable probtrack(steplength) -range {0.001 10000.0 0.1} 
     set probtrack(modeuler_yn) 0
-    checkbutton $w.advanced.modeuler \
-	-text "Use modified Euler streamlining" \
-	-variable probtrack(modeuler_yn)
+    checkbutton $w.advanced.modeuler -text "Use modified Euler streamlining" -variable probtrack(modeuler_yn)
-    pack \
-	$w.advanced.modeuler \
-	$w.advanced.nsteps \
-	$w.advanced.steplength \
-	-in $w.advanced.b -side top -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw
+    set probtrack(pd) 0
+    checkbutton $w.advanced.pd -text "Use Distance correction" -variable probtrack(pd)
+    set probtrack(usef_yn) 0
+    checkbutton $w.advanced.usef -text "Use anisotropy to constrain tracking" -variable probtrack(usef_yn)
+    pack $w.advanced.modeuler $w.advanced.nsteps $w.advanced.steplength $w.advanced.usef $w.advanced.pd -in $w.advanced.b  -side top -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw
     pack \
 	$w.options.nparticles \
@@ -444,7 +411,7 @@ proc fdt:dialog { w tclstartupfile } {
 	$w.options.loopcheck \
 	-in [$w.options getframe ] -side top -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw
-    pack $w.options $w.advanced -in $optionsf -side top -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw -expand yes -fill both
+    pack $w.options $w.advanced -in [$w.probtrack getframe options] -side top -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw -expand yes -fill both
     #-------- Buttons --------
@@ -491,46 +458,25 @@ proc fdt:dialog { w tclstartupfile } {
 proc fdt:probtrack_mode { w } {
     global probtrack
-    set seedspacef [$w.data.seedspace getframe ]
-    pack forget $w.data.target
-    pack forget $w.data.lrmask
-    pack forget $w.data.usereference_yn
-    pack forget $w.data.reference
-    pack forget $w.data.seed2
-    pack forget $w.data.waypoint
-    pack forget $w.data.seedxyz
-    pack forget $w.data.out
-    pack $w.data.seed $w.data.usereference_yn $w.data.xfm -in $seedspacef -side top \
-	-before $w.data.exclude_yn -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
-    $w.data.seed configure -label "Seed image:"
-    pack $w.data.dir -in [$w.data.output getframe ] -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
+    pack forget $w.data.seed.voxel $w.data.seed.ssf $w.data.seed.menu $w.data.seed.reference $w.data.seed.bcf $w.data.seed.target $w.data.targets.cf
+    $w.data.dir configure -label  "Output directory:" -title  "Name the output directory" -filetypes *
     switch -- $probtrack(mode) {
   	simple {
- 	    pack $w.data.seedxyz -in $seedspacef -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -before $w.data.usereference_yn -anchor nw
-	    pack $w.data.reference -in $seedspacef -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -before $w.data.xfm -anchor nw
-	    pack $w.data.out -in [$w.data.output getframe] -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
-  	    pack forget $w.data.dir
-	    pack forget $w.data.seed
+                     pack $w.data.seed.ssf $w.data.seed.voxel -in $w.data.seed.f -side bottom -anchor w -pady 2
+                     pack $w.data.seed.menu $w.data.seed.reference -in $w.data.seed.f -side left -anchor w -pady 2
+                     $w.data.seed.reference configure -label "Seed reference image:" -title "Choose reference image" 
+                     $w.data.dir configure -label  "Output file:" -title  "Name the output file" -filetypes IMAGE
+    	}
+	seedmask {
+                     pack $w.data.seed.ssf $w.data.seed.bcf -in $w.data.seed.f -side bottom -anchor w -pady 2
+                     pack $w.data.seed.menu $w.data.seed.reference -in $w.data.seed.f -side left -anchor w -pady 2
+                     pack $w.data.targets.cf -in $w.data.targets.f -anchor w
+                     $w.data.seed.reference configure -label "Mask image:" -title "Choose mask image" 
-	maska {
-	    pack $w.data.waypoint -in $w.data -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -after $w.data.seedspace -anchor nw
-	}
-	masks {
-	    pack $w.data.seed2 -in $seedspacef -side top -after $w.data.seed
-	    $w.data.seed  configure -label "Mask image 1:"
-	    $w.data.seed2 configure -label "Mask image 2:"
+	network {
+                     pack  $w.data.seed.target $w.data.seed.ssf $w.data.seed.menu -in $w.data.seed.f -side bottom -anchor w -pady 2
-  	seeds {
-  	    pack $w.data.target -in $w.data -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -after $w.data.seedspace -anchor nw
-  	}
-  	mat2 {
-  	    pack $w.data.lrmask -in $seedspacef \
- 		-side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -after $w.data.xfm -anchor nw
-  	}
-    probtrack_toggle_reference $w
-    probtrack_toggle_exclude $w
     $w.probtrack compute_size
@@ -554,7 +500,7 @@ proc fdt:select_tool { w } {
 proc fdt_monitor_short { w cmd } {
-    global debugging OSFLAVOUR
+    global debugging OSFLAVOUR FSLPARALLEL
     puts "$cmd"
@@ -623,9 +569,7 @@ proc fdt_monitor { w cmd } {
 proc fdt:apply { w dialog } {
-    global probtrack
-    global BINPATH
-    global FSLDIR
+    global probtrack BINPATH FSLDIR FSLPARALLEL
     switch -- $probtrack(tool) {
 	eddy_current {
@@ -698,69 +642,76 @@ proc fdt:apply { w dialog } {
 	    if { $canwrite } {
-		puts "bedpost $bedpost(directory)"
-		fdt_monitor $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpost $bedpost(directory)"
+		puts "bedpostx $bedpost(directory) -n $bedpost(nfibres) -w $bedpost(weight)  -b $bedpost(burnin)"
+		fdt_monitor $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpostx $bedpost(directory) -n $bedpost(nfibres) -w $bedpost(weight)  -b $bedpost(burnin)"
 	probtrack {
-	    global probtrack
+	    global probtrack env
 	    set errorStr ""
+            set FSLPARALLEL 0
+            if { [ info exists env(SGE_ROOT) ] && $env(SGE_ROOT) != "" } { set FSLPARALLEL 1 }
 	    if { $probtrack(bedpost_dir) == ""  } { set errorStr "You must specify the bedpost directory!" }
-	    if { $probtrack(usereference_yn) && $probtrack(xfm) == "" } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the seed-diff transform!" }
+	    if { $probtrack(mode) != "network" && $probtrack(reference) == "" } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify a reference image" } 
 	    if { $probtrack(exclude_yn) && $probtrack(exclude) == "" } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the exclusion mask!" }
+            if { $probtrack(terminate_yn) && $probtrack(stop) == ""} { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the termination mask!" }
+	    if { $probtrack(output) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the output basename!" }
 	    set flags ""
 	    if { $probtrack(verbose_yn) == 1 } { set flags "$flags -V 1" }
 	    if { $probtrack(loopcheck_yn) == 1 } { set flags "$flags -l" }
-#	    if { $probtrack(usef_yn) == 1 } { set flags "$flags -f" }
+	    if { $probtrack(usef_yn) == 1 } { set flags "$flags -f" }
 	    if { $probtrack(modeuler_yn) == 1 } { set flags "$flags --modeuler" }
+            if { $probtrack(pd) } { set flags "$flags --pd"  }
 	    set flags "$flags -c $probtrack(curvature) -S $probtrack(nsteps) --steplength=$probtrack(steplength) -P $probtrack(nparticles)"
-	    set tn [open "| $BINPATH/tmpnam"]
-	    gets $tn filebase
-	    close $tn
+	    if { $errorStr != "" } {
+       		MxPause $errorStr
+       		return
+      	    }
+	    set canwrite 1
+      	    if { [ file exists $probtrack(output) ] } {
+      		set canwrite [  YesNoWidget "Overwrite $probtrack(output)?" Yes No ]
+	    }
+       	    if { $canwrite } {
+       		puts "rm -rf $probtrack(output)"
+       		exec rm -rf $probtrack(output)
+	        puts "mkdir -p $probtrack(output)"
+		exec mkdir -p $probtrack(output)
+       	    }
+	    set filebase $probtrack(output)/fdtx
 	    set logfile "${filebase}_log.tcl"
 	    set log [open "$logfile" w]
 	    puts $log "set tool $probtrack(tool)"
 	    set copylog ""
-	    set ssopts ""
 	    if { $probtrack(usereference_yn) } {
-		set ssopts "--xfm=$probtrack(xfm)"
+		set flags "$flags --xfm=$probtrack(xfm)"
+      		puts $log "set probtrack(xfm) $probtrack(xfm)"
 	    if { $probtrack(exclude_yn) == 1 } {
-		set ssopts "$ssopts --rubbish=$probtrack(exclude)"
+		set flags "$flags --avoid=$probtrack(exclude)"
 		puts $log "set probtrack(exclude) $probtrack(exclude)"
-	    set basics "--forcedir -s $probtrack(bedpost_dir)/merged -m $probtrack(bedpost_dir)/nodif_brain_mask"	    
-    	    foreach entry {bedpost_dir xfm mode exclude_yn usereference_yn verbose_yn loopcheck_yn modeuler_yn \
-			       curvature nsteps steplength nparticles} {
-		puts $log "set probtrack($entry) $probtrack($entry)"
+	    if { $probtrack(terminate_yn) == 1 } {
+		set flags "$flags --stop=$probtrack(stop)"
+		puts $log "set probtrack(stop) $probtrack(stop)"
-	    switch -- $probtrack(mode) {
-		simple {
-		    if { $probtrack(output) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the output basename!" }
-		    if { $probtrack(usereference_yn) && $probtrack(reference) == "" } { 
-			set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify a seed space reference image!" 
-		    }
-		    if { $probtrack(usereference_yn) == 1 } {
-			set ssopts "--xfm=$probtrack(xfm) --seedref=$probtrack(reference)"
-			puts $log "set probtrack(reference) $probtrack(reference)"
-			puts $log "set probtrack(xfm) $probtrack(xfm)"
-		    } else {
-			set ssopts ""
-		    }
-		    if { $probtrack(exclude_yn) == 1 } {
-			set ssopts "$ssopts --rubbish=$probtrack(exclude)"
-		    }
+	    set flags "$flags --forcedir --opd -s $probtrack(bedpost_dir)/merged -m $probtrack(bedpost_dir)/nodif_brain_mask  --dir=$probtrack(output)" 
+    	    foreach entry {bedpost_dir xfm mode exclude_yn usereference_yn verbose_yn loopcheck_yn modeuler_yn curvature nsteps steplength nparticles} {
+		puts $log "set probtrack($entry) $probtrack($entry)"
+	    }
+            switch $probtrack(mode) {
+	       simple { 
 		    set fd [ open "${filebase}_coordinates.txt" w ]
+		    set x $probtrack(x)
+		    set y $probtrack(y)
+		    set z $probtrack(z)
 		    if { $probtrack(units) == "mm" } {
-			set x $probtrack(x)
-			set y $probtrack(y)
-			set z $probtrack(z)
-			if { $probtrack(usereference_yn) && $probtrack(reference) != "" } {
+			if { $probtrack(reference) != "" } {
 			    mm_to_voxels x y z $probtrack(reference)
 			} else {
 			    mm_to_voxels x y z [ file join $probtrack(bedpost_dir) nodif_brain_mask ]
@@ -775,220 +726,92 @@ proc fdt:apply { w dialog } {
 		    puts $log "set probtrack(y) $probtrack(y)"
 		    puts $log "set probtrack(z) $probtrack(z)"
 		    puts $log "set probtrack(units) $probtrack(units)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(output) $probtrack(output)"
-		    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-			MxPause $errorStr
-			return
-		    }
-		    set canwrite 1
-		    if { [ file exists $probtrack(output) ] } {
-			set canwrite [  YesNoWidget "Overwrite $probtrack(output)?" Yes No ]
-			if { $canwrite } {
-			    puts "rm -rf $probtrack(output)"
-			    exec rm -rf $probtrack(output)
-			}
-		    }
-		    if { $canwrite } {
-			set copylog "fdt.log"
-			fdt_monitor_short $w "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrack --mode=simple -x ${filebase}_coordinates.txt $basics $ssopts $flags -o $probtrack(output)"
-		    }
-		    puts "rm ${filebase}_coordinates.txt"
-		    exec rm ${filebase}_coordinates.txt
-		}
-		all {
-		    if { $probtrack(seed) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify a seed image!" }
-		    if { $probtrack(dir) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the output directory!" }
-		    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-			MxPause $errorStr
-			return
-		    }
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(seed) $probtrack(seed)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(dir) $probtrack(dir)"
-		    set canwrite 1
-		    if { [ file exists $probtrack(dir) ] } {
-			set canwrite [  YesNoWidget "Overwrite $probtrack(dir)?" Yes No ]
-			if { $canwrite } {
-			    puts "rm -rf $probtrack(dir)"
-			    exec rm -rf $probtrack(dir)
-			}
-		    }
-		    if { $canwrite } {
-			puts "mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)"
-			exec mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)
-			set copylog "$probtrack(dir)/fdt.log"
-			fdt_monitor $w "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrack --mode=seedmask -x $probtrack(seed) $basics $ssopts $flags -o fdt_paths --dir=$probtrack(dir)"
-		    }
-		}
-		masks {
-		    if { $probtrack(seed2) == "" } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must select a target image!" }
-		    if { $probtrack(dir) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the output directory!" }
-		    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-			MxPause $errorStr
-			return
-		    }
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(seed) $probtrack(seed)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(seed2) $probtrack(seed2)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(dir) $probtrack(dir)"
-		    set canwrite 1
-		    if { [ file exists $probtrack(dir) ] } {
-			set canwrite [  YesNoWidget "Overwrite $probtrack(dir)?" Yes No ]
-			if { $canwrite } {
-			    puts "rm -rf $probtrack(dir)"
-			    exec rm -rf $probtrack(dir)
-			}
-		    }
-		    if { $canwrite } {
-			puts "mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)"
-			exec mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)
-			set copylog "$probtrack(dir)/fdt.log"
-			fdt_monitor $w "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrack --mode=twomasks_symm --seed=$probtrack(seed) --mask2=$probtrack(seed2) $basics $ssopts $flags -o fdt_paths --dir=$probtrack(dir)"
-		    }
-		}
-		maska {
-		    if { $probtrack(seed) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify a seed image!" }
-		    if { $probtrack(dir) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the output directory!" }
-		    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-			MxPause $errorStr
-			return
-		    }
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(seed) $probtrack(seed)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(dir) $probtrack(dir)"
-		    set canwrite 1
-		    if { [ file exists $probtrack(dir) ] } {
-			set canwrite [  YesNoWidget "Overwrite $probtrack(dir)?" Yes No ]
-			if { $canwrite } {
-			    puts "rm -rf $probtrack(dir)"
-			    exec rm -rf $probtrack(dir)
-			}
-		    }
-		    if { $canwrite } {
-			puts "mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)"
-			exec mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)
-			puts $log "$w.data.watpoints load \"$probtrack(dir)/waypoints.txt\""
-			$w.data.waypoints save "$probtrack(dir)/waypoints.txt"
-			set copylog "$probtrack(dir)/fdt.log"
-			fdt_monitor $w "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrack --mode=waypoints --seed=$probtrack(seed) --mask2=${probtrack(dir)}/waypoints.txt $basics $ssopts $flags -o fdt_paths --dir=$probtrack(dir)"
-		    }
-		}
-		seeds {
-		    if { $probtrack(seed) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify a seed image!" }
-		    if { $probtrack(dir) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the output directory!" }
-		    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-			MxPause $errorStr
-			return
-		    }
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(seed) $probtrack(seed)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(dir) $probtrack(dir)"
+                    set flags "--mode=simple --seedref=$probtrack(reference) -o $probtrack(output) -x ${filebase}_coordinates.txt $flags"
+	       } 
+               seedmask {
+		     if { $probtrack(bcyn) } { 
+			 fdt_monitor_short $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/convert_xfm -omat $probtrack(output)/tmp_xfm_mat -inverse $probtrack(xfm)"
+			 fdt_monitor_short $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in $probtrack(bedpost_dir)/nodif_brain_mask -ref $probtrack(reference) -applyxfm -init $probtrack(output)/tmp_xfm_mat -out $probtrack(output)/tmp_brain_mask"
+			 fdt_monitor_short $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in $probtrack(output)/tmp_brain_mask -ref $probtrack(output)/tmp_brain_mask -applyisoxfm $probtrack(scale) -out $probtrack(output)/lowresmask"
+			 fdt_monitor_short $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths  $probtrack(output)/lowresmask -thr 0.5 -bin  $probtrack(output)/lowresmask"
+                       set flags "$flags --lrmask=$probtrack(output)/lowresmask --omatrix2" 
+			 fdt_monitor_short $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/imrm $probtrack(output)/tmp_brain_mask"
+			 fdt_monitor_short $w "/bin/rm $probtrack(output)/tmp_xfm_mat"
+                   }
+                   set flags "--mode=seedmask -x $probtrack(reference) $flags"  
+	       }
+	       network {
+                   fdt_exp w $w.data.seed.targets $probtrack(output)/masks.txt
+		   set flags "--network --mode=seedmask -x $probtrack(output)/masks.txt $flags"
+	       }
+	    }
-		    set canwrite 1
-		    if { [ file exists $probtrack(dir) ] } {
-			set canwrite [  YesNoWidget "Overwrite $probtrack(dir)?" Yes No ]
-			if { $canwrite } {
-			    puts "rm -rf $probtrack(dir)"
-			    exec rm -rf $probtrack(dir)
-			}
-		    }
-		    if { $canwrite } {
-			puts "mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)"
-			exec mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)
-			puts $log "$w.data.targets load \"$probtrack(dir)/targets.txt\""
-			$w.data.targets save "$probtrack(dir)/targets.txt"
-			set copylog "$probtrack(dir)/fdt.log"
-			fdt_monitor $w "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrack --mode=seeds_to_targets -x $probtrack(seed) $basics $ssopts $flags --targetmasks=${probtrack(dir)}/targets.txt --dir=$probtrack(dir)"
-		    }
-		}
-		mat1 {
-		    if { $probtrack(seed) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify a seed image!" }
-		    if { $probtrack(dir) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the output directory!" }
-		    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-			MxPause $errorStr
-			return
-		    }
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(seed) $probtrack(seed)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(dir) $probtrack(dir)"
-		    set canwrite 1
-		    if { [ file exists $probtrack(dir) ] } {
-			set canwrite [  YesNoWidget "Overwrite $probtrack(dir)?" Yes No ]
-			if { $canwrite } {
-			    puts "rm -rf $probtrack(dir)"
-			    exec rm -rf $probtrack(dir)
-			}
+       	    if { $canwrite } {
+       		set copylog "fdt.log"
+	        if { $probtrack(waypoint_yn) == 1 } {
+                    fdt_exp w $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets $probtrack(output)/waypoints.txt
+                    set flags "$flags --waypoints=$probtrack(output)/waypoints.txt "
+	        } 
+	        if { $probtrack(classify_yn) == 1 } {
+                    fdt_exp w $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets $probtrack(output)/targets.txt
+                    set flags "$flags --targetmasks=$probtrack(output)/targets.txt --os2t "
+                }
+                #TODO
+		if { $FSLPARALLEL } {
+                    set script [open "${filebase}_script.sh" w]
+                    puts "${filebase}_script.sh"
+                    exec chmod 777 ${filebase}_script.sh
+                    puts $script "#!/bin/sh"
+                    puts $script "cd $probtrack(output)"
+                    puts $script "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrackx $flags"
+                    if { $probtrack(classify_yn) == 1 } {
+			puts $script "$FSLDIR/bin/find_the_biggest seeds_to_* biggest >> fdt_seed_classification.txt"
-		    if { $canwrite } {
-			puts "mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)"
-			exec mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)
-			set copylog "$probtrack(dir)/fdt.log"
-			fdt_monitor $w "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrack --mode=matrix1 -x $probtrack(seed) $basics $ssopts $flags -o fdt_matrix --dir=$probtrack(dir)"
+                    if { $probtrack(mode) == "simple" } {
+                    puts $script "rm ${filebase}_coordinates.txt"
-		}
-		mat2 {
-		    if { $probtrack(seed) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify a seed image!" }
-		    if { $probtrack(dir) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the output directory!" }
-		    if { $probtrack(lrmask) == "" } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the low resolution mask!" }
-		    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-			MxPause $errorStr
-			return
+                    puts $script "mv $logfile $copylog"
+                    puts $script "rm ${filebase}_script.sh"
+		    close $script
+		    exec batch -q long.q ${filebase}_script.sh
+		} else {
+		    fdt_monitor_short $w "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrackx $flags"
+		    if { $probtrack(classify_yn) == 1 } {
+			fdt_monitor_short $w "$FSLDIR/bin/find_the_biggest ${logdir}/seeds_to_* biggest >> ${logdir}/fdt_seed_classification.txt"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(seed) $probtrack(seed)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(dir) $probtrack(dir)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(lrmask) $probtrack(lrmask)"
-		    set canwrite 1
-		    if { [ file exists $probtrack(dir) ] } {
-			set canwrite [  YesNoWidget "Overwrite $probtrack(dir)?" Yes No ]
-			if { $canwrite } {
-			    puts "rm -rf $probtrack(dir)"
-			    exec rm -rf $probtrack(dir)
-			}
+		    set script [open "${filebase}_script.sh" w]
+                    puts "${filebase}_script.sh"
+                    exec chmod 777 ${filebase}_script.sh
+                    puts $script "#!/bin/sh"
+                    puts $script "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrackx $flags"
+		    if { $probtrack(classify_yn) == 1 } {
+			puts $script "$FSLDIR/bin/find_the_biggest ${logdir}/seeds_to_* biggest >> ${logdir}/fdt_seed_classification.txt"
-		    if { $canwrite } {
-			puts "mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)"
-			exec mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)
-			set copylog "$probtrack(dir)/fdt.log"
-			fdt_monitor $w "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrack --mode=matrix2 -x $probtrack(seed) $basics $ssopts --lrmask=$probtrack(lrmask) $flags -o fdt_matrix --dir=$probtrack(dir)"
+                    puts $script "rm ${filebase}_coordinates.txt"
+                    puts $script "mv $logfile $copylog"
+                    puts $script "rm ${filebase}_script.sh"
+		    close $script
+       	    }
+            if { !$FSLPARALLEL } {
+		if { $probtrack(mode) == "simple" } {
+		    puts "rm ${filebase}_coordinates.txt"
+		    exec rm ${filebase}_coordinates.txt
-		mskmat {
-		    if { $probtrack(seed) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify a seed image!" }
-		    if { $probtrack(dir) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the output directory!" }
-		    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-			MxPause $errorStr
-			return
-		    }
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(seed) $probtrack(seed)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(dir) $probtrack(dir)"
-		    set canwrite 1
-		    if { [ file exists $probtrack(dir) ] } {
-			set canwrite [  YesNoWidget "Overwrite $probtrack(dir)?" Yes No ]
-			if { $canwrite } {
-			    puts "rm -rf $probtrack(dir)"
-			    exec rm -rf $probtrack(dir)
-			}
-		    }
-		    if { $canwrite } {
-			puts "mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)"
-			exec mkdir -p $probtrack(dir)
-			set copylog "$probtrack(dir)/fdt.log"
-			fdt_monitor $w "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrack --mode=maskmatrix -x $probtrack(seed) $basics $ssopts $flags -o fdt_matrix --dir=$probtrack(dir)"
-		    }
+		close $log
+		if { $copylog != "" } {
+		    puts "mv $logfile $copylog"
+		    exec mv $logfile $copylog
+		} else {
+		    puts "rm $logfile"
+		    exec rm $logfile
-	    close $log
-	    if { $copylog != "" } {
-		puts "mv $logfile $copylog"
-		exec mv $logfile $copylog
-	    } else {
-		puts "rm $logfile"
-		exec rm $logfile
-	    }
 	registration {
 	    global registration
@@ -1049,7 +872,7 @@ proc fdt:apply { w dialog } {
     if { $canwrite } { 
-	MxPause "  Done!  "
+	if { $FSLPARALLEL } { MxPause " Job submitted to queue" } else  { MxPause "  Done!  " }
 	update idletasks
diff --git a/fdtx.tcl b/fdtx.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 36a09c86e7a88a693461d0e12ec3f985fd89f37b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/fdtx.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,912 +0,0 @@
-#   FSL interface for FDT (BEDPOST and ProbTrack)
-#   Timothy Behrens, Heidi Johansen-Berg, Dave Flitney and Matthew Webster FMRIB Image Analysis Group
-#   Copyright (C) 2006 University of Oxford
-#TO DO replace -filetypes * with -filetypes { } for directory selectors
-source [ file dirname [ info script ] ]/fslstart.tcl
-option add *FileEntry*Entry*width 35
-set TCLPATH [file dirname [ info script ] ]
-regsub tcl $TCLPATH bin BINPATH
-regsub tcl $TCLPATH doc/fdt HTMLPATH
-set VERSION "1.1x"
-proc mm_to_voxels { X Y Z mask } {
-    global FSLDIR
-    upvar $X cX
-    upvar $Y cY
-    upvar $Z cZ
-    set vcX [ exec sh -c "echo $cX $cY $cZ | $FSLDIR/bin/std2imgcoord -img $mask -vox - | awk '{print \$1}'" ]    
-    set vcY [ exec sh -c "echo $cX $cY $cZ | $FSLDIR/bin/std2imgcoord -img $mask -vox - | awk '{print \$2}'" ] 
-    set vcZ [ exec sh -c "echo $cX $cY $cZ | $FSLDIR/bin/std2imgcoord -img $mask -vox - | awk '{print \$3}'" ] 	
-    set cX $vcX
-    set cY $vcY
-    set cZ $vcZ
-proc fdt:dialog { w tclstartupfile } {
-    global eddy bedpost registration dtifit probtrack HTMLPATH FSLDIR VERSION INMEDX VARS
-    set probtrack(tool) "probtrack"
-    if [winfo exists $w] {
-        wm deiconify $w
-        raise $w
-        return
-    }
-    toplevel $w
-    wm title $w "FDT - FMRIB's Diffusion Toolbox $VERSION"
-    wm iconname $w "FDT"
-    wm iconbitmap $w @$FSLDIR/tcl/fmrib.xbm
-    #-------- Stage and Mode Options -------- 
-    frame $w.tool
-    optionMenu2 $w.tool.menu probtrack(tool) -command "fdt:select_tool $w" eddy_current "Eddy current correction" bedpost "BEDPOSTX Estimation of diffusion parameters"  registration "Registration" probtrack "ProbTrackX Probabilistic tracking" xutilssx "----------------------------------------------------" dtifit "DTIFit Reconstruct diffusion tensors" 
-    $w.tool.menu.menu entryconfigure 4 -state disabled -background black
-    pack $w.tool.menu -side left -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw
-    #-------- Tool Options... -------- 
-    frame $w.opts
-    #------- Registration --------
-    frame $w.registration
-    proc registration_set_directory { w dirname } {
-	global registration
-	set struct [ file join $dirname struct_brain ]
-	if { [ imtest $struct ] } {
-	    set registration(struct_image) $struct
-	} else {
-	    set registration(struct_image) ""
-	}
-    }
-    FileEntry $w.registration.directory -textvariable registration(directory) -label "BEDPOST directory:" -title "Choose directory" -filetypes * -command "registration_set_directory $w" 
-    frame       $w.registration.struct
-    checkbutton $w.registration.struct.yn -variable registration(struct_yn) -command "registration_packframe $w"
-    label       $w.registration.struct.lb -text "Main structural image"
-    TitleFrame  $w.registration.struct.tf -text "Main structural image" 
-    optionMenu2 $w.registration.struct.tf.search registration(struct_search) 0 "No search" 90 "Normal search" 180 "Full search"
-    optionMenu2 $w.registration.struct.tf.dof registration(struct_dof)   6 "6 DOF" 7 "7 DOF" 9 "9 DOF" 12 "12 DOF"  
-    optionMenu2 $w.registration.struct.tf.costfn registration(struct_costfn) corratio "Correlation ratio" mutualinfo "Mutual information"
-    FileEntry   $w.registration.struct.tf.file -textvariable registration(struct_image) -filetypes IMAGE -width 45
-    pack $w.registration.struct.tf.file -side top -in [ $w.registration.struct.tf getframe ]
-    pack $w.registration.struct.tf.search $w.registration.struct.tf.dof $w.registration.struct.tf.costfn -side left  -in [ $w.registration.struct.tf getframe ]
-    set registration(struct_costfn) mutualinfo
-    set registration(struct_dof) 12
-    set registration(struct_search) 90
-    set registration(struct_yn) 0
-    frame       $w.registration.standard
-    checkbutton $w.registration.standard.yn -variable registration(standard_yn)  -command "registration_packframe $w"
-    TitleFrame  $w.registration.standard.tf -text "Standard space"
-    label       $w.registration.standard.lb -text "Standard space"
-    optionMenu2 $w.registration.standard.tf.search registration(standard_search) 0 "No search" 90 "Normal search" 180 "Full search"
-    optionMenu2 $w.registration.standard.tf.dof registration(standard_dof)   6 "6 DOF" 7 "7 DOF" 9 "9 DOF" 12 "12 DOF"  
-    optionMenu2 $w.registration.standard.tf.costfn registration(standard_costfn) corratio "Correlation ratio" mutualinfo "Mutual information"
-    FileEntry   $w.registration.standard.tf.file -textvariable registration(standard_image) -filetypes IMAGE -width 45 
-    pack $w.registration.standard.tf.file -side top -in [ $w.registration.standard.tf getframe ]
-    pack $w.registration.standard.tf.search $w.registration.standard.tf.dof $w.registration.standard.tf.costfn -side left -in [ $w.registration.standard.tf getframe ]
-    set registration(standard_yn) 1
-    set registration(standard_dof) 12
-    set registration(standard_search) 90
-    set registration(standard_image) [ file join ${FSLDIR} etc standard avg152T1_brain ]
-    pack $w.registration.directory $w.registration.struct $w.registration.standard -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor w
-    proc registration_packframe { w } {
-       global registration
-       pack forget $w.registration.struct.yn $w.registration.struct.tf $w.registration.struct.yn $w.registration.struct.lb
-       pack forget $w.registration.standard.yn $w.registration.standard.tf $w.registration.standard.yn $w.registration.standard.lb
-       if {$registration(struct_yn)} { pack $w.registration.struct.yn $w.registration.struct.tf -side left -anchor w } else { pack $w.registration.struct.yn  $w.registration.struct.lb -side left -anchor w}
-       if {$registration(standard_yn)} { pack $w.registration.standard.yn $w.registration.standard.tf -side left -anchor w } else { pack $w.registration.standard.yn  $w.registration.standard.lb -side left -anchor w}
-    }
-    registration_packframe $w
-    #------- ECC --------
-    frame $w.ecc
-    proc ecc_update_files { w filename } {
-	global eddy
-	set eddy(output) [ file join [file dirname $eddy(input)] data ]
-    }    
-    FileEntry $w.ecc.input -textvariable eddy(input) -label "Diffusion weighted data:" -title "Choose diffusion weighted image" -filetypes IMAGE -command "ecc_update_files $w"
-    FileEntry $w.ecc.output -textvariable eddy(output) 	-label "Corrected output data:" -title  "Choose output image name" -filetypes IMAGE -command "ecc_update_files $w"
-   set eddy(refnum) 0
-   LabelSpinBox  $w.ecc.refnum -label "Reference volume"  -textvariable eddy(refnum) -range {0 100 1 } -width 6 
-    pack $w.ecc.input $w.ecc.output $w.ecc.refnum -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -expand yes -anchor w
-   #------- DTIFit --------
-    frame $w.dtifit
-    FileEntry $w.dtifit.directory -textvariable dtifit(directory) -label  "Input directory:" -title "Choose directory" -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
-    proc dtifit_toggle_expert { w } {
-	global dtifit
-	if { $dtifit(expert_yn) } {
-	    pack forget $w.dtifit.directory
-	    pack $w.dtifit.expert -in $w.dtifit -after $w.dtifit.expert_yn
-	} else {
-	    pack forget $w.dtifit.expert
-	    pack $w.dtifit.directory -in $w.dtifit -before $w.dtifit.expert_yn
-	}
-    }
-    checkbutton $w.dtifit.expert_yn -text "Specify input files manually" \
-	-variable dtifit(expert_yn) -command "dtifit_toggle_expert $w"
-    frame $w.dtifit.expert
-    proc set_working_directory { cwd filename } {
-	global dtifit
-	set dirname [file dirname $filename]
-	puts "switching from $dtifit(cwd) to $dirname" 
-	set dtifit(cwd) $dirname
-    }
-    proc dtifit_update_files { w filename } {
-	global dtifit
-	set dtifit(output) [ file join [file dirname $dtifit(input)] dti ]
-	set_working_directory dtifit(cwd) $dtifit(input)
-    }
-    set dtifit(cwd) [ pwd ]
-#All the below orignally had -directory $dtifit(cwd) 
-    option add *dtifit.expert.FileEntry*labf*width 27
-    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.input -textvariable dtifit(input) -label  "Diffusion weighted data:" -title "Choose diffusion weighted image" -filetypes IMAGE -command "dtifit_update_files $w" 
-    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.mask -textvariable dtifit(mask) -label "BET binary brain mask:" -title "Choose BET brain mask file" -filetypes IMAGE -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
-    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.output -textvariable dtifit(output) -label "Output basename:" -title  "Choose output base name" -filetypes * -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
-    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.bvecs -textvariable dtifit(bvecs) -label "Gradient directions:" -title  "Choose bvecs file" -filetypes * -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
-    FileEntry $w.dtifit.expert.bvals -textvariable dtifit(bvals) -label  "b values:" -title  "Choose bvals file" -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
-    pack $w.dtifit.expert.input $w.dtifit.expert.mask $w.dtifit.expert.output \
-	$w.dtifit.expert.bvecs $w.dtifit.expert.bvals \
-	-side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -expand yes -anchor w
-    pack $w.dtifit.directory $w.dtifit.expert_yn -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -expand yes -anchor w
-    #------- BEDPOST --------
-    frame $w.bedpost
-    FileEntry $w.bedpost.directory -textvariable bedpost(directory) -label "Input directory:" -title "Choose directory" -filetypes * -command "set_working_directory dtifit(cwd)"
-   collapsible frame $w.bedpost.advanced -title "Advanced Options"
-   set bedpost(nfibres) 2
-   set bedpost(weight)  1
-   set bedpost(burnin)  1000
-   LabelSpinBox  $w.bedpost.advanced.nfibres -label "Fibres  "  -textvariable bedpost(nfibres) -range {1 1000000000 1 } 
-   LabelSpinBox  $w.bedpost.advanced.weight  -label "Weight "  -textvariable bedpost(weight) -range {0.0 100000000.0 1 } 
-   LabelSpinBox  $w.bedpost.advanced.burnin  -label "Burn In"  -textvariable bedpost(burnin) -range {1 1000000000 1 } 
-    set bedpost(ecc_yn) 0
-    pack $w.bedpost.advanced.nfibres $w.bedpost.advanced.weight $w.bedpost.advanced.burnin -in $w.bedpost.advanced.b -anchor w
-    pack $w.bedpost.directory $w.bedpost.advanced -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -expand yes -anchor w
-    #-------- ProbTrack -------- 
-    NoteBook $w.probtrack -bd 2 -tabpady {5 10} -arcradius 3
-    $w.probtrack insert 0 data -text "Data"
-    $w.probtrack insert 1 options -text "Options"
-    #-------- Mode specific option --------
-    frame $w.data
-    FileEntry $w.data.directory -textvariable probtrack(bedpost_dir) -label "BEDPOST directory" -title "Choose BEDPOST directory" -filetypes * -command "probtrack_update_files $w"
-    TitleFrame  $w.data.seed -text "Seed Space"
-    optionMenu2 $w.data.seed.menu probtrack(mode) -command "fdt:probtrack_mode $w" simple "Single voxel" seedmask "Single mask" network "Multiple masks"
-    set probtrack(x) 0
-    set probtrack(y) 0
-    set probtrack(z) 0
-    set probtrack(units) vox
-    #Co-ordinate edit frame
-    frame $w.data.seed.voxel
-    LabelSpinBox $w.data.seed.voxel.x -label "X" -textvariable probtrack(x) -range {-1000000 1000000 1 } 
-    LabelSpinBox $w.data.seed.voxel.y -label "Y" -textvariable probtrack(y) -range {-1000000 1000000 1 } 
-    LabelSpinBox $w.data.seed.voxel.z -label "Z" -textvariable probtrack(z) -range {-1000000 1000000 1 } 
-    radiobutton $w.data.seed.voxel.vox -text "vox" -value vox -variable probtrack(units)
-    radiobutton $w.data.seed.voxel.mm  -text "mm"  -value mm  -variable probtrack(units)
-    FileEntry $w.data.seed.reference -textvariable probtrack(reference) -label "Seed reference image:" -title "Choose reference image" -filetypes IMAGE 
-    option add *seed*FileEntry*labf*width 24
-    frame  $w.data.seed.ssf
-    checkbutton $w.data.seed.ssf.ssd -text "Seed space is not diffusion" -variable probtrack(usereference_yn)  -command " pack forget $w.data.seed.ssf.xfm  ; if { \$probtrack(usereference_yn) } { pack $w.data.seed.ssf.xfm } ; $w.probtrack compute_size"
-    FileEntry $w.data.seed.ssf.xfm -textvariable probtrack(xfm)  -label "Select Seed to diff transform" -title "Select seed-space to DTI-space transformation matrix" -filetypes *
-    pack $w.data.seed.ssf.ssd -side top -anchor nw
-    frame  $w.data.seed.bcf
-    checkbutton $w.data.seed.bcf.bc -text "Blind Classification:" -variable probtrack(bcyn)  -command " pack forget $w.data.seed.bcf.w ; if { \$probtrack(bcyn) } { pack $w.data.seed.bcf.w  -side left} ; $w.probtrack compute_size"
-    set probtrack(scale) 5
-    LabelSpinBox $w.data.seed.bcf.w -label "Low resolution rescaling factor" -textvariable probtrack(scale) -range {1 1000000 1 } 
-    pack $w.data.seed.bcf.bc -side left -anchor w
-    pack $w.data.seed.voxel.x $w.data.seed.voxel.y $w.data.seed.voxel.z $w.data.seed.voxel.vox $w.data.seed.voxel.mm -side left -padx 2
-    pack $w.data.seed.voxel $w.data.seed.ssf -in $w.data.seed.f -side bottom -anchor w -pady 2
-    pack $w.data.seed.menu $w.data.seed.reference -in $w.data.seed.f -side left -anchor w -pady 2
-    TitleFrame $w.data.seed.target -text "Multiple Masks"    
-    listbox $w.data.seed.targets -height 6 -width 50 -yscrollcommand "$w.data.seed.sb set"
-    scrollbar $w.data.seed.sb -command "$w.data.seed.targets yview " 
-    frame $w.data.seed.tb
-    button $w.data.seed.tb.add -text "Add Image"  -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] IMAGE {Select File} {fdt_add $w $w.data.seed.targets} {}" 
-    button $w.data.seed.tb.del -text "Remove Image"  -command "fdt_sub $w $w.data.seed.targets" 
-    button $w.data.seed.tb.imp -text "Load List" -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_imp $w $w.data.seed.targets} {}"
-    button $w.data.seed.tb.exp -text "Save List" -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_exp $w $w.data.seed.targets} {}"
-    pack $w.data.seed.tb.add $w.data.seed.tb.del $w.data.seed.tb.imp $w.data.seed.tb.exp -side left
-    pack $w.data.seed.tb -in [$w.data.seed.target getframe ] -side bottom  -expand yes -fill x -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
-    pack $w.data.seed.targets $w.data.seed.sb -in [$w.data.seed.target getframe ] -side left  -expand yes -fill y -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
-    TitleFrame  $w.data.targets -text "Optional Targets"
-    proc fdt_add { w listbox filename } {
-    set filename [ fix_cygwin_filename $filename ]
-    $listbox insert end $filename
-    }
-    proc fdt_sub { w listbox} {
-    set count 0
-    foreach file [ $listbox get 0 end ] {
-	if { [ $listbox selection includes $count ] == 1 } {
-	    $listbox delete $count
-	    incr count -1
-	}
-	incr count
-    } 
-    }
-    proc fdt_imp { w listbox filename } {
-    if { ![ file exists $filename ] } {
-	MxPause "Warning: Bad or missing file!"
-	return
-    }
-    set fd [ open $filename ]
-    $listbox  delete 0 end
-    while { [ gets $fd file ] >= 0 } {
-	$listbox insert end $file
-    }
-    close $fd
-    }
-    proc fdt_exp { w listbox filename } {
-    set fd [ open $filename w ]
-    foreach file [ $listbox get 0 end ] {
-	puts $fd $file
-    }
-    close $fd
-    }
-    frame $w.data.targets.wf    
-    checkbutton $w.data.targets.wf.sct -text "Waypoints masks" -variable probtrack(waypoint_yn)  -command " pack forget $w.data.targets.wf.tf ; if { \$probtrack(waypoint_yn) } { pack $w.data.targets.wf.tf } ; $w.probtrack compute_size"
-    TitleFrame $w.data.targets.wf.tf -text "Waypoints"    
-    listbox $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets -height 6 -width 50 -yscrollcommand "$w.data.targets.wf.tf.sb set"
-    scrollbar $w.data.targets.wf.tf.sb -command "$w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets yview " 
-    frame $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb
-    button $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.add -text "Add Image"  -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] IMAGE {Select File} {fdt_add $w $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets} {}"
-    button $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.del -text "Remove Image"  -command "fdt_sub $w $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets" 
-    button $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.imp -text "Load List" -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_imp $w $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets} {}"
-    button $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.exp -text "Save List" -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_exp $w $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets} {}"
-    pack $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.add $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.del $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.imp $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb.exp -side left
-    pack $w.data.targets.wf.tf.tb -in [$w.data.targets.wf.tf getframe ] -side bottom  -expand yes -fill x -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
-    pack $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets $w.data.targets.wf.tf.sb -in [$w.data.targets.wf.tf getframe ] -side left  -expand yes -fill y -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
-    pack  $w.data.targets.wf.sct -side top -anchor nw
-    pack $w.data.targets.wf 
-    option add *targets*Checkbutton*width 18
-    option add *targets*Checkbutton*anchor w
-    frame  $w.data.targets.ef
-    checkbutton $w.data.targets.ef.srt -text "Exclusion mask" -variable probtrack(exclude_yn)  -command " pack forget $w.data.targets.ef.rubbish ; if { \$probtrack(exclude_yn) } { pack $w.data.targets.ef.rubbish } ; $w.probtrack compute_size"
-    FileEntry $w.data.targets.ef.rubbish -textvariable probtrack(exclude) -title "Select exclusion image" -filetypes IMAGE
-    pack $w.data.targets.ef.srt -side left
-    frame  $w.data.targets.sf
-    checkbutton $w.data.targets.sf.sst -text "Termination mask" -variable probtrack(terminate_yn)  -command " pack forget $w.data.targets.sf.stop ; if { \$probtrack(terminate_yn) } { pack $w.data.targets.sf.stop } ; $w.probtrack compute_size"
-    FileEntry $w.data.targets.sf.stop -textvariable probtrack(stop) -title "Select termination image" -filetypes IMAGE
-    pack $w.data.targets.sf.sst -side left
-    frame $w.data.targets.cf    
-    checkbutton $w.data.targets.cf.sct -text "Classification targets" -variable probtrack(classify_yn)  -command " pack forget $w.data.targets.cf.tf ; if { \$probtrack(classify_yn) } { pack $w.data.targets.cf.tf } ; $w.probtrack compute_size"
-    TitleFrame $w.data.targets.cf.tf -text "Classification"    
-    listbox $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets -height 6 -width 50 -yscrollcommand "$w.data.targets.cf.tf.sb set"
-    scrollbar $w.data.targets.cf.tf.sb -command "$w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets yview " 
-    frame $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb
-    button $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.add -text "Add Image"  -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] IMAGE {Select File} {fdt_add $w $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets} {}"
-    button $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.del -text "Remove Image"  -command "fdt_sub $w $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets" 
-    button $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.imp -text "Load List" -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_imp $w $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets} {}"
-    button $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.exp -text "Save List" -command "feat_file:setup_dialog $w a a a [namespace current] * {Select File} {fdt_exp $w $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets} {}"
-    pack $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.add $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.del $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.imp $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb.exp -side left
-    pack $w.data.targets.cf.tf.tb -in [$w.data.targets.cf.tf getframe ] -side bottom  -expand yes -fill x -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
-    pack $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets $w.data.targets.cf.tf.sb -in [$w.data.targets.cf.tf getframe ] -side left  -expand yes -fill y -anchor w -padx 3 -pady 3
-    pack  $w.data.targets.cf.sct -side top -anchor nw
-    pack $w.data.targets.cf 
-    pack $w.data.targets.wf $w.data.targets.ef $w.data.targets.sf $w.data.targets.cf -in $w.data.targets.f -anchor w
-    set probtrack(xfm) ""
-    set probtrack(basename) "merged"
-    set probtrack(mask) "nodif_brain_mask"
-    proc probtrack_update_files { w filename } {
-	global probtrack
-	global FSLDIR
-	if { ($probtrack(bedpost_dir) != "") && ($probtrack(reference) != "") } {
-	    set probtrack(output) \
-		[ file join $probtrack(bedpost_dir) [ file tail [ exec $FSLDIR/bin/remove_ext $probtrack(reference) ] ] ]
-	}
-    }
-    FileEntry $w.data.dir -textvariable probtrack(output) -label  "Output directory:" -title  "Name the output directory" -filetypes *
-    pack $w.data.directory $w.data.seed $w.data.targets $w.data.dir -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
-    pack $w.data -in  [$w.probtrack getframe data] -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw -expand yes -fill both
-    #-------- ...Options... --------
-    TitleFrame $w.options -text "Basic Options"
-    checkbutton $w.options.verbose -text "Verbose" -variable probtrack(verbose_yn)
-    set probtrack(nparticles) 5000
-    LabelSpinBox $w.options.nparticles -label  "Number of samples" -textvariable probtrack(nparticles) -range {1 1e24 100 } -width 6 
-    set probtrack(curvature) 0.2
-    LabelSpinBox $w.options.curvature -label "Curvature threshold" -textvariable probtrack(curvature) -range {0.0 1.0 0.01 }
-    set probtrack(loopcheck_yn) 1
-    checkbutton $w.options.loopcheck -text "Loopcheck" -variable probtrack(loopcheck_yn)
-    collapsible frame $w.advanced -title "Advanced Options" -command "$w.probtrack compute_size; set dummy"
-    set probtrack(nsteps) 2000
-    LabelSpinBox $w.advanced.nsteps -label "Maximum number of steps" -textvariable probtrack(nsteps) -range {2 1000000 10 } -width 6
-    set probtrack(steplength) 0.5
-    LabelSpinBox $w.advanced.steplength -label "Step length (mm)" -textvariable probtrack(steplength) -range {0.001 10000.0 0.1} 
-    set probtrack(modeuler_yn) 0
-    checkbutton $w.advanced.modeuler -text "Use modified Euler streamlining" -variable probtrack(modeuler_yn)
-    set probtrack(pd) 0
-    checkbutton $w.advanced.pd -text "Use Distance correction" -variable probtrack(pd)
-    set probtrack(usef_yn) 0
-    checkbutton $w.advanced.usef -text "Use anisotropy to constrain tracking" -variable probtrack(usef_yn)
-    pack $w.advanced.modeuler $w.advanced.nsteps $w.advanced.steplength $w.advanced.usef $w.advanced.pd -in $w.advanced.b  -side top -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw
-    pack \
-	$w.options.nparticles \
-	$w.options.curvature \
-	$w.options.verbose \
-	$w.options.loopcheck \
-	-in [$w.options getframe ] -side top -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw
-    pack $w.options $w.advanced -in [$w.probtrack getframe options] -side top -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw -expand yes -fill both
-    #-------- Buttons --------
-    frame $w.btns
-    frame $w.btns.b -relief raised -borderwidth 1
-    button $w.apply     -command "fdt:apply $w keep" \
-        -text "Go" -width 5
-    bind $w.apply <Return> {
-        [winfo toplevel %W].apply invoke}
-    button $w.cancel    -command "fdt:destroy $w" \
-        -text "Exit" -width 5
-    bind $w.cancel <Return> {
-        [winfo toplevel %W].cancel invoke}
-    button $w.help -command "FmribWebHelp file: $HTMLPATH/index.html" \
-	    -text "Help" -width 5
-    bind $w.help <Return> {
-	[winfo toplevel %W].help invoke}
-    pack $w.btns.b -side bottom -fill x -padx 3 -pady 5
-    pack $w.apply $w.cancel $w.help -in $w.btns.b \
-        -side left -expand yes -padx 3 -pady 10 -fill y
-    pack $w.tool $w.opts $w.btns -side top -expand yes -fill both
-    $w.probtrack raise data 
-    fdt:select_tool $w 
-    set probtrack(mode) simple
-    fdt:probtrack_mode $w
-    update idletasks
-    if { $tclstartupfile != "" } {
-	puts "Reading $tclstartupfile"
-	source $tclstartupfile
-	fdt:select_tool $w 
-	fdt:probtrack_mode $w
-    }
-proc fdt:probtrack_mode { w } {
-    global probtrack
-    pack forget $w.data.seed.voxel $w.data.seed.ssf $w.data.seed.menu $w.data.seed.reference $w.data.seed.bcf $w.data.seed.target $w.data.targets.cf
-    $w.data.dir configure -label  "Output directory:" -title  "Name the output directory" -filetypes *
-    switch -- $probtrack(mode) {
-  	simple {
-                     pack $w.data.seed.ssf $w.data.seed.voxel -in $w.data.seed.f -side bottom -anchor w -pady 2
-                     pack $w.data.seed.menu $w.data.seed.reference -in $w.data.seed.f -side left -anchor w -pady 2
-                     $w.data.seed.reference configure -label "Seed reference image:" -title "Choose reference image" 
-                     $w.data.dir configure -label  "Output file:" -title  "Name the output file" -filetypes IMAGE
-    	}
-	seedmask {
-                     pack $w.data.seed.ssf $w.data.seed.bcf -in $w.data.seed.f -side bottom -anchor w -pady 2
-                     pack $w.data.seed.menu $w.data.seed.reference -in $w.data.seed.f -side left -anchor w -pady 2
-                     pack $w.data.targets.cf -in $w.data.targets.f -anchor w
-                     $w.data.seed.reference configure -label "Mask image:" -title "Choose mask image" 
-  	}
-	network {
-                     pack  $w.data.seed.target $w.data.seed.ssf $w.data.seed.menu -in $w.data.seed.f -side bottom -anchor w -pady 2
-	}
-    }
-    $w.probtrack compute_size
-proc fdt:select_tool { w } {
-    global probtrack
-    pack forget $w.ecc
-    pack forget $w.probtrack
-    pack forget $w.bedpost
-    pack forget $w.registration
-    pack forget $w.dtifit
-    if {$probtrack(tool) == "bedpost"} { 
-	pack $w.bedpost -in $w.opts -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
-    } elseif {$probtrack(tool) == "probtrack"}  { 
-	pack $w.probtrack -in $w.opts -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
-    } elseif {$probtrack(tool) == "dtifit"}  { 
-	pack $w.dtifit -in $w.opts -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
-    } elseif {$probtrack(tool) == "eddy_current"}  { 
-	pack $w.ecc -in $w.opts -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
-    } elseif {$probtrack(tool) == "registration"} {
-	pack $w.registration -in $w.opts -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
-    }
-proc fdt_monitor_short { w cmd } {
-    global debugging OSFLAVOUR FSLPARALLEL
-    puts "$cmd"
-    if { $OSFLAVOUR != "cygwin" } {
-	set oldcursor [ $w configure -cursor { watch red white } ]
-	catch {
-	    update idletasks
-	    if { ! $debugging } {
-		set fd [ open "|$cmd" r ]
-#		set fd [ open "|qrsh -V -now n -q short.q $cmd" r ]
-		while { ( [ gets $fd line ] >= 0 ) } {
-		    update idletasks
-		    puts $line
-		}
-		close $fd
-	    }
-	} junk
-	$w configure -cursor $oldcursor
-    } else {
-	catch { exec sh -c $cmd } junk
-    }
-    if { $junk != "" } {
-	MxPause "Errors: $junk"
-    } 
-    puts "Done!"
-proc fdt_monitor { w cmd } {
-    global debugging OSFLAVOUR
-    puts "$cmd"
-    if { $OSFLAVOUR != "cygwin" } {
-	set oldcursor [ $w configure -cursor { watch red white } ]
-	catch {
-	    update idletasks
-	    if { ! $debugging } {
-		set fd [ open "|$cmd" r ]
-#		set fd [ open "|qrsh -V -now n -q long.q $cmd" r ]
-		while { ( [ gets $fd line ] >= 0 ) } {
-		    update idletasks
-		    puts $line
-		}
-		close $fd
-	    }
-	} junk
-	$w configure -cursor $oldcursor
-    } else {
-	catch { exec sh -c $cmd } junk
-    }
-    if { $junk != "" } {
-	MxPause "Errors: $junk"
-    } 
-    puts "Done!"
-proc fdt:apply { w dialog } {
-    global probtrack BINPATH FSLDIR FSLPARALLEL
-    switch -- $probtrack(tool) {
-	eddy_current {
-	    global eddy
-	    set errorStr ""
-	    if { $eddy(input) == "" } { set errorStr "You need to specify the input image! " }
-	    if { $eddy(output) == "" } { set errorStr "$errorStr You need to specify an output image!" }
-	    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-		MxPause $errorStr
-		return
-	    }
-	    #	    check output!=input
-	    set canwrite 1
-	    if { $eddy(input) == $eddy(output) } {
-		set canwrite [ YesNoWidget "Output and input images have the same name. Overwrite input?" Yes No ]
-	    }
-	    if { $canwrite } {
-		fdt_monitor $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/eddy_correct $eddy(input) $eddy(output) $eddy(refnum)"
-	    }
-	}
-	dtifit {
-	    global dtifit
-	    if { ! $dtifit(expert_yn) } {
-		set dtifit(input)  [ file join $dtifit(directory) data ]
-		set dtifit(output) [ file join $dtifit(directory) dti ]
-		set dtifit(mask)   [ file join $dtifit(directory) nodif_brain_mask ]
-		set dtifit(bvecs)  [ file join $dtifit(directory) bvecs ]
-		set dtifit(bvals)  [ file join $dtifit(directory) bvals ]
-	    }
-	    set errorStr ""
-	    if { $dtifit(directory) == "" && ! $dtifit(expert_yn) } { set errorStr "You must specify the input directory!" }
-	    if { $dtifit(input) == "" } { set errorStr "You need to specify the diffusion weighted data image!" }
-	    if { $dtifit(output) == "" } { set errorStr "$errorStr You need to specify the output basename!" }
-	    if { $dtifit(mask) == "" } { set errorStr "$errorStr You need to specify a mask image!" }
-	    if { $dtifit(bvecs) == "" } { set errorStr "$errorStr Please select a gradient directions file!" }
-	    if { $dtifit(bvals) == "" } { set errorStr "$errorStr Please select a b values file!" }
-	    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-		MxPause $errorStr
-		return
-	    }
-	    set canwrite 1
-	    if { [file exists $dtifit(output) ] } {
-		set canwrite [ YesNoWidget "Overwrite $dtifit(output)?" Yes No ]
-	    }
-	    if { $canwrite } {
-		fdt_monitor_short $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/dtifit --data=$dtifit(input) --out=$dtifit(output) --mask=$dtifit(mask) --bvecs=$dtifit(bvecs) --bvals=$dtifit(bvals)"
-	    }
-	}
-	bedpost {
-	    global bedpost
-	    set errorStr ""
-	    if { $bedpost(directory) == ""  } { set errorStr "You must specify the bedpost directory!" }
-	    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-		MxPause $errorStr
-		return
-	    }
-	    set canwrite 1
-	    if { [file exists ${bedpost(directory)}.bedpost ] } {
-		set canwrite [ YesNoWidget "Overwrite ${bedpost(directory)}.bedpost?" Yes No ]
-		if { $canwrite } {
-		    puts "rm -rf ${bedpost(directory)}.bedpost"
-		    catch { exec rm -rf ${bedpost(directory)}.bedpost } errmsg
-		}
-	    }
-	    if { $canwrite } {
-		puts "bedpostX $bedpost(directory) -n $bedpost(nfibres) -w $bedpost(weight)  -b $bedpost(burnin)"
-		fdt_monitor $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpostX $bedpost(directory) -n $bedpost(nfibres) -w $bedpost(weight)  -b $bedpost(burnin)"
-	    }
-	}
-	probtrack {
-	    global probtrack env
-	    set errorStr ""
-            set FSLPARALLEL 0
-            if { [ info exists env(SGE_ROOT) ] && $env(SGE_ROOT) != "" } { set FSLPARALLEL 1 }
-	    if { $probtrack(bedpost_dir) == ""  } { set errorStr "You must specify the bedpost directory!" }
-	    if { $probtrack(mode) != "network" && $probtrack(reference) == "" } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify a reference image" } 
-	    if { $probtrack(exclude_yn) && $probtrack(exclude) == "" } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the exclusion mask!" }
-            if { $probtrack(terminate_yn) && $probtrack(stop) == ""} { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the termination mask!" }
-	    if { $probtrack(output) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the output basename!" }
-	    set flags ""
-	    if { $probtrack(verbose_yn) == 1 } { set flags "$flags -V 1" }
-	    if { $probtrack(loopcheck_yn) == 1 } { set flags "$flags -l" }
-	    if { $probtrack(usef_yn) == 1 } { set flags "$flags -f" }
-	    if { $probtrack(modeuler_yn) == 1 } { set flags "$flags --modeuler" }
-            if { $probtrack(pd) } { set flags "$flags --pd"  }
-	    set flags "$flags -c $probtrack(curvature) -S $probtrack(nsteps) --steplength=$probtrack(steplength) -P $probtrack(nparticles)"
-	    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-       		MxPause $errorStr
-       		return
-      	    }
-	    set canwrite 1
-      	    if { [ file exists $probtrack(output) ] } {
-      		set canwrite [  YesNoWidget "Overwrite $probtrack(output)?" Yes No ]
-	    }
-       	    if { $canwrite } {
-       		puts "rm -rf $probtrack(output)"
-       		exec rm -rf $probtrack(output)
-	        puts "mkdir -p $probtrack(output)"
-		exec mkdir -p $probtrack(output)
-       	    }
-	    set filebase $probtrack(output)/fdtx
-	    set logfile "${filebase}_log.tcl"
-	    set log [open "$logfile" w]
-	    puts $log "set tool $probtrack(tool)"
-	    set copylog ""
-	    if { $probtrack(usereference_yn) } {
-		set flags "$flags --xfm=$probtrack(xfm)"
-      		puts $log "set probtrack(xfm) $probtrack(xfm)"
-	    }
-	    if { $probtrack(exclude_yn) == 1 } {
-		set flags "$flags --avoid=$probtrack(exclude)"
-		puts $log "set probtrack(exclude) $probtrack(exclude)"
-	    }
-	    if { $probtrack(terminate_yn) == 1 } {
-		set flags "$flags --stop=$probtrack(stop)"
-		puts $log "set probtrack(stop) $probtrack(stop)"
-	    }
-	    set flags "$flags --forcedir --opd -s $probtrack(bedpost_dir)/merged -m $probtrack(bedpost_dir)/nodif_brain_mask  --dir=$probtrack(output)" 
-    	    foreach entry {bedpost_dir xfm mode exclude_yn usereference_yn verbose_yn loopcheck_yn modeuler_yn curvature nsteps steplength nparticles} {
-		puts $log "set probtrack($entry) $probtrack($entry)"
-	    }
-            switch $probtrack(mode) {
-	       simple { 
-		    set fd [ open "${filebase}_coordinates.txt" w ]
-		    set x $probtrack(x)
-		    set y $probtrack(y)
-		    set z $probtrack(z)
-		    if { $probtrack(units) == "mm" } {
-			if { $probtrack(reference) != "" } {
-			    mm_to_voxels x y z $probtrack(reference)
-			} else {
-			    mm_to_voxels x y z [ file join $probtrack(bedpost_dir) nodif_brain_mask ]
-			}			    
-			puts $fd "$x $y $z"
-			puts "$probtrack(x) $probtrack(y) $probtrack(z) (mm) -> $x $y $z (voxels)"
-		    } else {
-			puts $fd "$probtrack(x) $probtrack(y) $probtrack(z)"
-		    }
-		    close $fd
- 		    puts $log "set probtrack(x) $probtrack(x)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(y) $probtrack(y)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(z) $probtrack(z)"
-		    puts $log "set probtrack(units) $probtrack(units)"
-                    set flags "--mode=simple --seedref=$probtrack(reference) -o $probtrack(output) -x ${filebase}_coordinates.txt $flags"
-	       } 
-               seedmask {
-		     if { $probtrack(bcyn) } { 
-			 fdt_monitor_short $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/convert_xfm -omat $probtrack(output)/tmp_xfm_mat -inverse $probtrack(xfm)"
-			 fdt_monitor_short $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in $probtrack(bedpost_dir)/nodif_brain_mask -ref $probtrack(reference) -applyxfm -init $probtrack(output)/tmp_xfm_mat -out $probtrack(output)/tmp_brain_mask"
-			 fdt_monitor_short $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in $probtrack(output)/tmp_brain_mask -ref $probtrack(output)/tmp_brain_mask -applyisoxfm $probtrack(scale) -out $probtrack(output)/lowresmask"
-			 fdt_monitor_short $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths  $probtrack(output)/lowresmask -thr 0.5 -bin  $probtrack(output)/lowresmask"
-                       set flags "$flags --lrmask=$probtrack(output)/lowresmask --omatrix2" 
-			 fdt_monitor_short $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/imrm $probtrack(output)/tmp_brain_mask"
-			 fdt_monitor_short $w "/bin/rm $probtrack(output)/tmp_xfm_mat"
-                   }
-                   set flags "--mode=seedmask -x $probtrack(reference) $flags"  
-	       }
-	       network {
-                   fdt_exp w $w.data.seed.targets $probtrack(output)/masks.txt
-		   set flags "--network --mode=seedmask -x $probtrack(output)/masks.txt $flags"
-	       }
-	    }
-       	    if { $canwrite } {
-       		set copylog "fdt.log"
-	        if { $probtrack(waypoint_yn) == 1 } {
-                    fdt_exp w $w.data.targets.wf.tf.targets $probtrack(output)/waypoints.txt
-                    set flags "$flags --waypoints=$probtrack(output)/waypoints.txt "
-	        } 
-	        if { $probtrack(classify_yn) == 1 } {
-                    fdt_exp w $w.data.targets.cf.tf.targets $probtrack(output)/targets.txt
-                    set flags "$flags --targetmasks=$probtrack(output)/targets.txt --os2t "
-                }
-                #TODO
-		if { $FSLPARALLEL } {
-                    set script [open "${filebase}_script.sh" w]
-                    puts "${filebase}_script.sh"
-                    exec chmod 777 ${filebase}_script.sh
-                    puts $script "#!/bin/sh"
-                    puts $script "cd $probtrack(output)"
-                    puts $script "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrackx $flags"
-                    if { $probtrack(classify_yn) == 1 } {
-			puts $script "$FSLDIR/bin/find_the_biggest seeds_to_* biggest >> fdt_seed_classification.txt"
-		    }
-                    if { $probtrack(mode) == "simple" } {
-                    puts $script "rm ${filebase}_coordinates.txt"
-		    }
-                    puts $script "mv $logfile $copylog"
-                    puts $script "rm ${filebase}_script.sh"
-		    close $script
-		    exec batch -q long.q ${filebase}_script.sh
-		} else {
-		    fdt_monitor_short $w "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrackx $flags"
-		    if { $probtrack(classify_yn) == 1 } {
-			fdt_monitor_short $w "$FSLDIR/bin/find_the_biggest ${logdir}/seeds_to_* biggest >> ${logdir}/fdt_seed_classification.txt"
-		    }
-		    set script [open "${filebase}_script.sh" w]
-                    puts "${filebase}_script.sh"
-                    exec chmod 777 ${filebase}_script.sh
-                    puts $script "#!/bin/sh"
-                    puts $script "$FSLDIR/bin/probtrackx $flags"
-		    if { $probtrack(classify_yn) == 1 } {
-			puts $script "$FSLDIR/bin/find_the_biggest ${logdir}/seeds_to_* biggest >> ${logdir}/fdt_seed_classification.txt"
-		    }
-                    puts $script "rm ${filebase}_coordinates.txt"
-                    puts $script "mv $logfile $copylog"
-                    puts $script "rm ${filebase}_script.sh"
-		    close $script
-		    }
-       	    }
-            if { !$FSLPARALLEL } {
-		if { $probtrack(mode) == "simple" } {
-		    puts "rm ${filebase}_coordinates.txt"
-		    exec rm ${filebase}_coordinates.txt
-		}
-		close $log
-		if { $copylog != "" } {
-		    puts "mv $logfile $copylog"
-		    exec mv $logfile $copylog
-		} else {
-		    puts "rm $logfile"
-		    exec rm $logfile
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	registration {
-	    global registration
-	    set errorStr ""
-	    if { $registration(directory) == ""  } { set errorStr "You must specify the bedpost directory!" }
-	    if { $registration(struct_yn) && $registration(struct_image) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the structural image!" }
-	    if { $registration(standard_yn) && $registration(standard_image) == ""  } { set errorStr "$errorStr You must specify the standard image!" }
-	    if { $errorStr != "" } {
-		MxPause $errorStr
-		return
-	    }
-	    exec mkdir -p [ file join $registration(directory) xfms ]
-	    set eyefd [ open [ file join $registration(directory) xfms eye.mat ] w ]
-	    puts $eyefd "1 0 0 0"
-	    puts $eyefd "0 1 0 0"
-	    puts $eyefd "0 0 1 0"
-	    puts $eyefd "0 0 0 1"
-	    close $eyefd
-	    set diff2str   [ file join $registration(directory) xfms diff2str.mat ]
-	    set str2diff   [ file join $registration(directory) xfms str2diff.mat ]
-	    set str2stand  [ file join $registration(directory) xfms str2standard.mat ]
-	    set stand2str  [ file join $registration(directory) xfms standard2str.mat ]
-	    set diff2stand [ file join $registration(directory) xfms diff2standard.mat ]
-	    set stand2diff [ file join $registration(directory) xfms standard2diff.mat ]
-	    set diff       [ file join $registration(directory) nodif_brain ]
-	    if { $registration(struct_yn) } {
-		set searchrx  "-searchrx -$registration(struct_search) $registration(struct_search)"
-		set searchry  "-searchry -$registration(struct_search) $registration(struct_search)"
-		set searchrz  "-searchrz -$registration(struct_search) $registration(struct_search)"
-		set options   "$searchrx $searchry $searchrz -dof $registration(struct_dof)"
-		fdt_monitor $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in $diff -ref $registration(struct_image) -omat $diff2str $options -cost $registration(struct_costfn)"
-		fdt_monitor $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/convert_xfm -omat $str2diff -inverse $diff2str"
-		if { $registration(standard_yn) } {
-		    set searchrx  "-searchrx -$registration(standard_search) $registration(standard_search)"
-		    set searchry  "-searchry -$registration(standard_search) $registration(standard_search)"
-		    set searchrz  "-searchrz -$registration(standard_search) $registration(standard_search)"
-		    set options   "$searchrx $searchry $searchrz -dof $registration(standard_dof)"
-		    fdt_monitor $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in $registration(struct_image) -ref $registration(standard_image) -omat $str2stand $options -cost $registration(standard_costfn)"
-		    fdt_monitor $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/convert_xfm -omat $stand2str -inverse $str2stand"
-		    fdt_monitor $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/convert_xfm -omat $diff2stand -concat $str2stand $diff2str"
-		    fdt_monitor $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/convert_xfm -omat $stand2diff -inverse $diff2stand"
-		}
-	    } elseif { $registration(standard_yn) } {
-		set searchrx  "-searchrx -$registration(standard_search) $registration(standard_search)"
-		set searchry  "-searchry -$registration(standard_search) $registration(standard_search)"
-		set searchrz  "-searchrz -$registration(standard_search) $registration(standard_search)"
-		set options   "$searchrx $searchry $searchrz -dof $registration(standard_dof)"
-		fdt_monitor $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in $diff -ref $registration(standard_image) -omat $diff2stand $options"
-		fdt_monitor $w "${FSLDIR}/bin/convert_xfm -omat $stand2diff -inverse $diff2stand"
-	    }
-	    puts "Done!"
-	    # Fudge to make the logic work
-	    set canwrite 1
-	}
-    }
-    if { $canwrite } { 
-	if { $FSLPARALLEL } { MxPause " Job submitted to queue" } else  { MxPause "  Done!  " }
-	update idletasks
-    }
-    if {$dialog == "destroy"} {
-        fdt:destroy $w
-    }
-proc fdt:destroy { w } {
-    destroy $w
-set debugging 0
-while {[llength $argv] > 0 } {
-    set flag [lindex $argv 0]
-    switch -- $flag {
-	"-debugging" {
-	    set debugging 1
-	    set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
-	    puts "Debug mode!"
-	}
-	default { break }
-    }
-wm withdraw .
-if { [ info exists env(MRDATADIR) ] } {
-} else {
-    set MRDATADIR ~/MRdata
-fdt:dialog .fdt $argv
-tkwait window .fdt