/* dtiOptions.cc Mark Woolrich, FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 2004 University of Oxford */ /* CCOPYRIGHT */ #define WANT_STREAM #define WANT_MATH #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "tractOptions.h" #include "utils/options.h" //#include "newmat.h" using namespace Utilities; namespace TRACT { tractOptions* tractOptions::gopt = NULL; void tractOptions::parse_command_line(int argc, char** argv) { //Do the parsing; try{ for(int a = options.parse_command_line(argc, argv); a < argc; a++) ; } catch(X_OptionError& e){ cerr<<e.what()<<endl; cerr<<"try: tract2 --help"<<endl; exit(0); } if(help.value() || ! options.check_compulsory_arguments()) { options.usage(); exit(2); } } void tractOptions::status() { cerr<<"basename "<<basename.value()<<endl; cerr<<"maskfile "<<maskfile.value()<<endl; cerr<<"seeds "<<seedfile.value()<<endl; cerr<<"output "<<outfile.value()<<endl; cerr<<"verbose "<<verbose.value()<<endl; cerr<<"nparticles "<<nparticles.value()<<endl; cerr<<"nsteps "<<nsteps.value()<<endl; cerr<<"usef "<<usef.value()<<endl; cerr<<"rseed "<<rseed.value()<<endl; } }