/* ContrastMgr.cc Mark Woolrich, FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 1999-2000 University of Oxford */ /* CCOPYRIGHT */ #include <strstream> #include <fstream> #include "ContrastMgr.h" #include "ContrastMgrOptions.h" #include "miscmaths/miscmaths.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "gaussComparer.h" #include "miscmaths/t2z.h" #include "miscmaths/f2z.h" #include "paradigm.h" #include "utils/tracer_plus.h" #include "fslio/fslio.h" using namespace Utilities; using namespace MISCMATHS; using namespace std; namespace FILM { ContrastMgr::ContrastMgr() : tc(), fc(), c_counter(0), numParams(0), num_Ccontrasts_in_Fcontrast(0), contrast_valid(false), contrast_num(0), parad(), corrections(), b(), dof(), sigmaSquareds(), varcb(), cb(), neff(), numTS(0) {} void ContrastMgr::SetFContrast(const int p_num, const int p_c_counter) { fc.ReSize(parad.getTContrasts().Nrows(),numParams); int count = 0; for(int c = 1; c <= parad.getTContrasts().Nrows(); c++) { if(parad.getFContrasts()(p_num,c) == 1) { count++; fc.Row(count) = parad.getTContrasts().Row(c); } } fc = fc.Rows(1,count); contrast_num = p_num; contrast_valid = true; num_Ccontrasts_in_Fcontrast = fc.Nrows(); c_counter = p_c_counter; } void ContrastMgr::run() { Tracer_Plus ts("ContrastMgr::run"); Load(); // Loop through tcontrasts: for(int c = 1; c <= parad.getTContrasts().Nrows(); c++) { if(ContrastMgrOptions::getInstance().verbose) { cerr << "T contrast no. " << c << endl; cerr << parad.getTContrasts().Row(c) << endl; } SetTContrast(c, c+ContrastMgrOptions::getInstance().copenumber-1); ComputeNeff(); ComputeCope(); ComputeVarCope(); ComputeZStat(); SaveTContrast(ContrastMgrOptions::getInstance().suffix); } // Loop through fcontrasts: for(int c = 1; c <= parad.getFContrasts().Nrows(); c++) { SetFContrast(c, c+ContrastMgrOptions::getInstance().copenumber-1); if(ContrastMgrOptions::getInstance().verbose) { cerr << "F contrast no." << c << endl; cerr << parad.getFContrasts().Row(c) << endl; cerr << fc << endl; } ComputeFStat(); if(contrast_valid) SaveFContrast(ContrastMgrOptions::getInstance().suffix); } } void ContrastMgr::Load() { Tracer_Plus ts("ContrastMgr::Load"); // Need to read in b, sigmaSquareds, corrections and dof Log& logger = LogSingleton::getInstance(); // Load contrasts: parad.load("", ContrastMgrOptions::getInstance().contrastfname, ContrastMgrOptions::getInstance().fcontrastfname, false, 0); numParams = parad.getTContrasts().Ncols(); if(ContrastMgrOptions::getInstance().verbose) { cerr << "T Contrasts:" << endl << parad.getTContrasts(); cerr << "F Contrasts:" << endl << parad.getFContrasts(); } // sigmaSquareds: sigmaSquareds.read(logger.getDir() + "/sigmasquareds"); sigmaSquareds.threshold(0.0); numTS = sigmaSquareds.getVolumeSize(); // b: Volume peVol; b.ReSize(numTS, numParams); for(int i = 1; i <= numParams; i++) { // Add param number to "pe" to create filename: char strc[4]; ostrstream osc(strc,4); osc << i << '\0'; peVol.read(logger.getDir() + "/pe" + strc); peVol.setInfo(sigmaSquareds.getInfo()); peVol.setPreThresholdPositions(sigmaSquareds.getPreThresholdPositions()); peVol.threshold(); b.Column(i) = peVol; } // dof: - maybe single value ASCII or avw file: ifstream in; in.open(string(logger.getDir() + "/dof").c_str(), ios::in); if(!in) { // avw format dof.read(logger.getDir() + "/dof"); // threshold avw dof.setPreThresholdPositions(sigmaSquareds.getPreThresholdPositions()); dof.threshold(); } else { // single value ascii format in.close(); ColumnVector dofVec = MISCMATHS::read_ascii_matrix(logger.getDir() + "/dof"); dof = sigmaSquareds; dof = dofVec(1); } // corrections - maybe ASCII (old version) or avw file: // corrections are the correlation matrix of the pes. in.open(string(logger.getDir() + "/corrections").c_str(), ios::in); if(!in) { // avw format is_avw_corrections = true; corrections.read(logger.getDir() + "/corrections"); if(corrections.getInfo().x == sigmaSquareds.getInfo().x) { // unthresholded avw corrections.setPreThresholdPositions(sigmaSquareds.getPreThresholdPositions()); corrections.thresholdSeries(); } } else { // old ascii format in.close(); is_avw_corrections = false; corrections.ReSize(numTS,numParams*numParams); parad.read_vest_waveform(logger.getDir() + "/corrections", corrections); corrections = corrections.t(); } } void ContrastMgr::SaveFContrast(const string& suffix) { Tracer_Plus ts("ContrastMgr::SaveFContrast"); Log& logger = LogSingleton::getInstance(); // prepare contrast number: char strc[50]; ostrstream osc(strc,50); osc << suffix << c_counter << '\0'; VolumeInfo tmpinfo; // Write out fstat: tmpinfo = sigmaSquareds.getInfo(); tmpinfo.intent_code = NIFTI_INTENT_FTEST; tmpinfo.intent_p1 = 0.0; fstat.setInfo(tmpinfo); fstat.setPreThresholdPositions(sigmaSquareds.getPreThresholdPositions()); fstat.unthreshold(); fstat.writeAsFloat(logger.getDir() + "/fstat" + strc); // Write out zstat: tmpinfo = sigmaSquareds.getInfo(); tmpinfo.intent_code = NIFTI_INTENT_ZSCORE; tmpinfo.intent_p1 = 0.0; zstat.setInfo(tmpinfo); zstat.setPreThresholdPositions(sigmaSquareds.getPreThresholdPositions()); zstat.unthreshold(); zstat.writeAsFloat(logger.getDir() + "/zfstat" + strc); } void ContrastMgr::SaveTContrast(const string& suffix) { Tracer_Plus ts("ContrastMgr::SaveTContrast"); Log& logger = LogSingleton::getInstance(); // prepare contrast number: char strc[50]; ostrstream osc(strc,50); osc << suffix << c_counter << '\0'; VolumeInfo tmpinfo; // Write out neffs: tmpinfo = sigmaSquareds.getInfo(); tmpinfo.intent_code = NIFTI_INTENT_NONE; neff.setInfo(tmpinfo); neff.setPreThresholdPositions(sigmaSquareds.getPreThresholdPositions()); neff.unthreshold(); neff.writeAsFloat(logger.getDir() + "/neff" + strc); // Write out cope: tmpinfo = sigmaSquareds.getInfo(); tmpinfo.intent_code = NIFTI_INTENT_ESTIMATE; tmpinfo.intent_p1 = 0.0; cb.setInfo(tmpinfo); cb.setPreThresholdPositions(sigmaSquareds.getPreThresholdPositions()); cb.unthreshold(); cb.writeAsFloat(logger.getDir() + "/cope" + strc); // Write out varcope: tmpinfo = sigmaSquareds.getInfo(); tmpinfo.intent_code = NIFTI_INTENT_ESTIMATE; tmpinfo.intent_p1 = 0.0; varcb.setInfo(tmpinfo); varcb.setPreThresholdPositions(sigmaSquareds.getPreThresholdPositions()); varcb.unthreshold(); varcb.writeAsFloat(logger.getDir() + "/varcope" + strc); // Write out tstat: tmpinfo = sigmaSquareds.getInfo(); tmpinfo.intent_code = NIFTI_INTENT_TTEST; tmpinfo.intent_p1 = 0.0; tstat.setInfo(tmpinfo); tstat.setPreThresholdPositions(sigmaSquareds.getPreThresholdPositions()); tstat.unthreshold(); tstat.writeAsFloat(logger.getDir() + "/tstat" + strc); // Write out zstat: tmpinfo = sigmaSquareds.getInfo(); tmpinfo.intent_code = NIFTI_INTENT_ZSCORE; tmpinfo.intent_p1 = 0.0; zstat.setInfo(tmpinfo); zstat.setPreThresholdPositions(sigmaSquareds.getPreThresholdPositions()); zstat.unthreshold(); zstat.writeAsFloat(logger.getDir() + "/zstat" + strc); } void ContrastMgr::GetCorrection(Matrix& corr, const int ind) { Tracer_Plus ts("ContrastMgr::GetCorrection"); // puts ColumnVector of length p*p from correction // into Matrix corr which is p*p: corr.ReSize(numParams, numParams); for (int i = 1; i <= numParams; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= numParams; j++) { corr(i,j) = corrections((i-1)*numParams + j, ind); } } } void ContrastMgr::ComputeZStat() { Tracer_Plus ts("ContrastMgr::ComputeZStat"); Log& logger = LogSingleton::getInstance(); // calulate Zstat: tstat.ReSize(numTS); for(int i = 1; i <= numTS; i++) { if(varcb(i) > 0 && neff(i) > 0) { tstat(i) = cb(i)/sqrt(varcb(i)); } else tstat(i) = 0.0; } // Calculate tstat: zstat.ReSize(numTS); T2z::ComputeZStats(varcb, cb, dof, zstat); // Compare with theory: GaussComparer gaussComp(zstat); gaussComp.setup(); ColumnVector ratios(5); ColumnVector probs(5); int co = 1; for(float p = 0.05; p >= 0.0005; p=p/sqrt(10)) { float temp = gaussComp.computeRatio(p, logger.str()); logger.str() << "p = " << p << ": ratio = " << temp << endl; ratios(co) = temp; probs(co) = p; co++; } write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("ratios"), ratios); write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("probs"), probs); } void ContrastMgr::ComputeCope() { Tracer_Plus ts("ContrastMgr::ComputeCope"); cb.ReSize(numTS); for(int i = 1; i <= numTS; i++) { cb(i) = (tc.t()*b.Row(i).t()).AsScalar(); } } void ContrastMgr::ComputeNeff() { Tracer_Plus ts("ContrastMgr::ComputeNeff"); //Log& logger = LogSingleton::getInstance(); Matrix corr; neff.ReSize(numTS); neff = 0; int numNegs = 0; int maxNeff = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= numTS; i++) { GetCorrection(corr, i); neff(i) = 1/(tc.t()*corr*tc).AsScalar(); if(maxNeff < neff(i)) maxNeff = (int)neff(i); if(neff(i) < 0.0 && i > 1) { neff(i) = neff(i-1); numNegs++; } } } void ContrastMgr::ComputeFStat() { Tracer_Plus ts("ContrastMgr::ComputeFStat"); //Log& logger = LogSingleton::getInstance(); Matrix corr; fstat.ReSize(numTS); fstat = 1; for(int i = 1; i <= numTS; i++) { GetCorrection(corr, i); try { fstat(i) = (b.Row(i)*fc.t()*(fc*corr*fc.t()*sigmaSquareds(i)).i()*fc*b.Row(i).t()).AsScalar()/num_Ccontrasts_in_Fcontrast; } catch(SingularException& ex) { cerr << ex.what() << endl; cerr << "F contrast no. " << contrast_num << " produces singular variance matrix." << endl; cerr << "No results will be produced for this contrast" << endl; contrast_valid = false; break; } } // Calculate zstat: zstat.ReSize(numTS); F2z::ComputeFStats(fstat, num_Ccontrasts_in_Fcontrast, dof, zstat); } void ContrastMgr::ComputeVarCope() { Tracer_Plus ts("ContrastMgr::ComputeVarCope"); varcb.ReSize(numTS); for(int i = 1; i <= numTS; i++) { if(neff(i) > 0) varcb(i) = sigmaSquareds(i)/neff(i); else varcb(i) = 0; } } }