diff --git a/fsl/data/image.py b/fsl/data/image.py
index 4cde726519f32c255c17a37dfc27f9452f4f67da..b614d1cf2b6a66574a533e3431ed56d2ea186fa5 100644
--- a/fsl/data/image.py
+++ b/fsl/data/image.py
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class Nifti(notifier.Notifier, meta.Meta):
     A ``Nifti`` instance expects to be passed either a
     ``nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Header`` or a ``nibabel.nifti2.Nifti2Header``, but
-    can als encapsulate a ``nibabel.analyze.AnalyzeHeader``. In this case:
+    can also encapsulate a ``nibabel.analyze.AnalyzeHeader``. In this case:
       - The image voxel orientation is assumed to be R->L, P->A, I->S.
diff --git a/fsl/transform/affine.py b/fsl/transform/affine.py
index e0364bf94030c76d6df99a5222ce6439bed8df38..aaee3e182711a186b5d8950a167ad1a99de8ae50 100644
--- a/fsl/transform/affine.py
+++ b/fsl/transform/affine.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ transformations. The following functions are available:
+   rescale
 And a few more functions are provided for working with vectors:
@@ -582,3 +583,55 @@ def rmsdev(T1, T2, R=None, xc=None):
     erms = np.sqrt(erms)
     return erms
+def rescale(oldShape, newShape, origin='centre'):
+    """Calculates an affine matrix to use for resampling.
+    This function generates an affine transformation matreix that can be used
+    to resample an N-D array from ``oldShape`` to ``newShape`` using, for
+    example, ``scipy.ndimage.affine_transform``.
+    The matrix will contain scaling factors derived from the ``oldShape /
+    newShape`` ratio, and an offset determined by the ``origin``.
+    The default value for ``origin`` (``'centre'``) causes the corner voxel of
+    the output to have the same centre as the corner voxel of the input. If
+    the origin is ``'corner'``, we apply an offset which effectively causes
+    the voxel grid corners of the input and output to be aligned.
+    :arg oldShape: Shape of input data
+    :arg newShape: Shape to resample data to
+    :arg origin:   Voxel grid alignment - either ``'centre'`` or ``'corner'``
+    :returns:      An affine resampling matrix
+    """
+    oldShape = np.array(oldShape, dtype=np.float)
+    newShape = np.array(newShape, dtype=np.float)
+    ndim     = len(oldShape)
+    if len(oldShape) != len(newShape):
+        raise ValueError('Shape mismatch')
+    # shapes are the same - no rescaling needed
+    if np.all(np.isclose(oldShape, newShape)):
+        return np.eye(ndim + 1)
+    # Otherwise we calculate a scaling
+    # matrix from the old/new shape
+    # ratio, and specify an offset
+    # according to the origin
+    ratio = oldShape / newShape
+    scale = np.diag(ratio)
+    # Calculate an offset from the origin
+    if   origin == 'centre': offset = [0] * ndim
+    elif origin == 'corner': offset = (ratio - 1) / 2
+    # combine the scales and translations
+    # to form thte final affine
+    xform               = np.eye(ndim + 1)
+    xform[:ndim, :ndim] = scale
+    xform[:ndim, -1]    = offset
+    return xform
diff --git a/fsl/utils/image/resample.py b/fsl/utils/image/resample.py
index 50dc0c4022cc5b32f763d8afd43f3d7fb31fba47..b140d7dec2396ae3bf362878a80cb049c17649c9 100644
--- a/fsl/utils/image/resample.py
+++ b/fsl/utils/image/resample.py
@@ -10,17 +10,15 @@ to resample an :class:`.Image` object to a different resolution.
 The :func:`resampleToPixdims` and :func:`resampleToReference` functions
 are convenience wrappers around :func:`resample`.
-The :func:`applySmoothing` and :func:`calculateMatrix` functions are
-sub-functions of :func:`resample`.
+The :func:`applySmoothing` function is a sub-function of :func:`resample`.
-import collections.abc      as abc
 import numpy                as np
 import scipy.ndimage        as ndimage
 import fsl.transform.affine as affine
+import fsl.utils.deprecated as deprecated
 def resampleToPixdims(image, newPixdims, **kwargs):
@@ -204,12 +202,11 @@ def resample(image,
     # old/new shape ratio and the origin
     # setting.
     if matrix is None:
-        matrix = calculateMatrix(data.shape, newShape, origin)
+        matrix = affine.rescale(data.shape, newShape, origin)
-    # calculateMatrix will return None
-    # if it decides that the image
+    # identity matrix? the image
     # doesn't need to be resampled
-    if matrix is None:
+    if np.all(np.isclose(matrix, np.eye(len(newShape) + 1))):
         return data, image.voxToWorldMat
     newShape = np.array(np.round(newShape), dtype=np.int)
@@ -230,9 +227,9 @@ def resample(image,
     # Construct an affine transform which
     # puts the resampled image into the
     # same world coordinate system as this
-    # image. The calculateMatrix function
-    # might not return a 4x4 matrix, so we
-    # make sure it is valid.
+    # image. We may be working with >3D data,
+    # so here we discard the non-spatial
+    # parts of the resampling matrix
     if matrix.shape != (4, 4):
         rotmat         = matrix[:3, :3]
         offsets        = matrix[:3, -1]
@@ -286,53 +283,11 @@ def applySmoothing(data, matrix, newShape):
     return ndimage.gaussian_filter(data, sigma)
+@deprecated.deprecated('2.9.0', '3.0.0',
+                       'Use fsl.transform.affine.rescale instead')
 def calculateMatrix(oldShape, newShape, origin):
-    """Calculates an affine matrix to use for resampling.
-    Called by :func:`resample`.  The matrix will contain scaling factors
-    determined from the ``oldShape / newShape`` ratio, and an offset
-    determined from the ``origin``.
-    :arg oldShape: Shape of input data
-    :arg newShape: Shape to resample data to
-    :arg origin:   Voxel grid alignment - either ``'centre'`` or ``'corner'``
-    :returns:      An affine matrix that can be passed to
-                   ``scipy.ndimage.affine_transform``.
-    """
-    oldShape = np.array(oldShape, dtype=np.float)
-    newShape = np.array(newShape, dtype=np.float)
-    if np.all(np.isclose(oldShape, newShape)):
+    """Deprecated - use :func:`.affine.rescale` instead. """
+    xform = affine.rescale(oldShape, newShape, origin)
+    if np.all(np.isclose(xform, np.eye(len(oldShape) + 1))):
         return None
-    # Otherwise we calculate a
-    # scaling matrix from the
-    # old/new shape ratio, and
-    # specify an offset
-    # according to the origin
-    else:
-        ratio = oldShape / newShape
-        scale = np.diag(ratio)
-        # Calculate an offset from the
-        # origin - the default behaviour
-        # (centre) causes the corner voxel
-        # of the output to have the same
-        # centre as the corner voxel of
-        # the input. If the origin is
-        # 'corner', we apply an offset
-        # which effectively causes the
-        # voxel grids of the input and
-        # output to be aligned.
-        if   origin == 'centre': offset = 0
-        elif origin == 'corner': offset = list((ratio - 1) / 2)
-        if not isinstance(offset, abc.Sequence):
-            offset = [offset] * len(newShape)
-        # ndimage.affine_transform will accept
-        # a matrix of shape (ndim, ndim + 1)
-        matrix = np.hstack((scale, np.atleast_2d(offset).T))
-    return matrix
+    return xform[:-1, :]