diff --git a/tests/test_fsl_utils_path.py b/tests/test_fsl_utils_path.py
index bb6b9cb1737eab8907d5dbc991932912585e41f1..25f9456204a31c4c1b418ec4faca0bc9bab01fe7 100644
--- a/tests/test_fsl_utils_path.py
+++ b/tests/test_fsl_utils_path.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import os.path as op
 import pytest
 import fsl.utils.path as fslpath
+import fsl.data.image as fslimage
 def test_addExt_exists_shouldPass(testdir):
@@ -17,9 +18,8 @@ def test_addExt_exists_shouldPass(testdir):
     are valid.
-    # If we have a .hdr/.img pair, the .img should take precedence
-    replacements = {'.hdr' : ['.img', '.img.gz']}
-    allowedExts  = ['.hdr', '.img', '.nii', '.nii.gz', '.img.gz']
+    replacements = fslimage.REPLACEMENTS
+    allowedExts  = fslimage.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
     tests = [
         ('compressed',                     'compressed.nii.gz'),
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def test_addExt_exists_shouldPass(testdir):
         ('img_hdr_pair.hdr',               'img_hdr_pair.hdr'),
         ('img_hdr_pair.img',               'img_hdr_pair.img'),
         ('compressed_img_hdr_pair',        'compressed_img_hdr_pair.img.gz'),
-        ('compressed_img_hdr_pair.hdr',    'compressed_img_hdr_pair.hdr'),
+        ('compressed_img_hdr_pair.hdr.gz', 'compressed_img_hdr_pair.hdr.gz'),
         ('compressed_img_hdr_pair.img.gz', 'compressed_img_hdr_pair.img.gz'),
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ def test_addExt_exists_shouldFail(testdir):
     """Tests the addExt function with inputs that should cause it to raise an
-    replacements = {'.hdr' : ['.img', '.img.gz']}
-    allowedExts  = ['.hdr', '.img', '.nii', '.nii.gz', '.img.gz'] 
+    replacements = fslimage.REPLACEMENTS
+    allowedExts  = fslimage.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
     shouldFail = [
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ def test_addExt_exists_shouldFail(testdir):
         ('ambiguous',  [],      {'.hdr' : ['.img']}),
         ('ambiguous',  False,   {'.hdr' : ['.img.gz']}),
         ('ambiguous',  [],      {'.hdr' : ['.img.gz']}),
+        ('ambiguous',  False,   {'.hdr' : ['.img', '.img.gz', '.nii']}),
+        ('ambiguous',  [],      {'.hdr' : ['.img', '.img.gz', '.nii']}),
@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ def test_addExt_exists_shouldFail(testdir):
 def test_addExt_noExist(testdir):
-    allowedExts = ['.hdr', '.img', '.nii', '.nii.gz', '.img.gz']
+    allowedExts  = fslimage.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS 
     # Prefix, output, defaultExt, allowedExts
     tests = [
@@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ def test_addExt_noExist(testdir):
 def test_removeExt(testdir):
-    allowedExts = ['.hdr', '.img', '.nii', '.nii.gz', '.img.gz']
+    allowedExts = fslimage.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
     # If len(test) == 2, allowedExts is set from above
     # Otherwise, it is set from the test tuple
@@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ def test_removeExt(testdir):
 def test_getExt(testdir):
-    allowedExts = ['.hdr', '.img', '.nii', '.nii.gz', '.img.gz']
+    allowedExts = fslimage.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
     # len(test) == 2 -> allowedExts set from above
     # Otherwise, allowedExts set from test tuple
diff --git a/tests/test_image.py b/tests/test_image.py
index ff722fc2b9988ee361a809f6781f90b5772ae9da..757789f17b9bc204b8fcc3b01bae7aad2b92571a 100644
--- a/tests/test_image.py
+++ b/tests/test_image.py
@@ -6,13 +6,16 @@
 import os.path as op
-import logging
+import pytest
+import glob
 import numpy   as np
 import nibabel as nib
-import fsl.data.image as fslimage
+import fsl.data.constants as constants
+import fsl.data.image     as fslimage
+import fsl.utils.path     as fslpath
 # Need to test:
@@ -25,13 +28,157 @@ import fsl.data.image as fslimage
 def test_load(testdir):
     assert testdir is not None
+    shouldPass = ['compressed',
+                  'compressed.nii.gz',
+                  'uncompressed',
+                  'uncompressed.nii',
+                  'img_hdr_pair',
+                  'img_hdr_pair.img',
+                  'img_hdr_pair.hdr',
+                  'compressed_img_hdr_pair',
+                  'compressed_img_hdr_pair.img.gz',
+                  'compressed_img_hdr_pair.hdr.gz',
+                  'ambiguous.nii',
+                  'ambiguous.hdr',
+                  'ambiguous.img',
+                  'ambiguous.hdr.gz',
+                  'ambiguous.img.gz']
+    shouldRaise = ['notexist',
+                   'notexist.nii.gz',
+                   'ambiguous']
-    fslimage.Image(op.join(testdir, 'nifti_formats', 'compressed'))
-    fslimage.Image(op.join(testdir, 'nifti_formats', 'compressed.nii.gz'))
-    fslimage.Image(op.join(testdir, 'nifti_formats', 'uncompressed'))
-    fslimage.Image(op.join(testdir, 'nifti_formats', 'uncompressed.nii'))
-    fslimage.Image(op.join(testdir, 'nifti_formats', 'img_hdr_pair'))
-    fslimage.Image(op.join(testdir, 'nifti_formats', 'img_hdr_pair.img'))
-    fslimage.Image(op.join(testdir, 'nifti_formats', 'img_hdr_pair.hdr'))
+    # Not raising an error means the test passes
+    for fname in shouldPass:
+        fslimage.Image(op.join(testdir, 'nifti_formats', fname))
+    # These should raise an error
+    for fname in shouldRaise:
+        with pytest.raises(fslpath.PathError):
+            print fname
+            fslimage.Image(op.join(testdir, 'nifti_formats', fname))
+def test_Image_atts(testdir):
+    allowedExts = fslimage.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
+    # (file, dims, pixdims)
+    tests = [
+        ('MNI152_T1_0.5mm',                           (364, 436, 364),   (0.5, 0.5, 0.5),      np.uint8),
+        ('MNI152_T1_1mm',                             (182, 218, 182),   (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),      np.int16),
+        ('MNI152_T1_2mm',                             (91,  109, 91),    (2.0, 2.0, 2.0),      np.int16),
+        ('MNI152_T1_2mm_4D',                          (91,  109, 91, 5), (2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0), np.int16),
+        (op.join('nifti2D', 'MNI152_T1_2mm_sliceXY'), (91,  109, 1),     (2.0, 2.0, 2.0),      np.int16),
+        (op.join('nifti2D', 'MNI152_T1_2mm_sliceXZ'), (91,  1,   91),    (2.0, 2.0, 2.0),      np.int16),
+        (op.join('nifti2D', 'MNI152_T1_2mm_sliceYZ'), (1,   109, 91),    (2.0, 2.0, 2.0),      np.int16)]
+    for path, dims, pixdims, dtype in tests:
+        path = op.abspath(op.join(testdir, path))
+        i    = fslimage.Image(path)
+        assert tuple(i.shape)                       == tuple(dims)
+        assert tuple(i.pixdim)                      == tuple(pixdims)
+        assert tuple(i.nibImage.shape)              == tuple(dims)
+        assert tuple(i.nibImage.header.get_zooms()) == tuple(pixdims)
+        assert i.dtype      == dtype
+        assert i.name       == op.basename(path)
+        assert i.dataSource == fslpath.addExt(path, allowedExts, mustExist=True)
+def test_looksLikeImage():
+    # (file, expected)
+    tests = [
+        ('blah',        False),
+        ('blah.moo',    False),
+        ('blah.nii',    True),
+        ('blah.nii.gz', True),
+        ('blah.hdr',    True),
+        ('blah.img',    True),
+        ('blah.hdr.gz', True),
+        ('blah.img.gz', True),
+    ]
+    for path, expected in tests:
+        assert fslimage.looksLikeImage(path) == expected
+def test_addExt(testdir):
+    default = fslimage.DEFAULT_EXTENSION
+    # (file, mustExist, expected)
+    tests = [
+        ('blah',                           False, 'blah{}'.format(default)),
+        ('blah.nii',                       False, 'blah.nii'),
+        ('blah.nii.gz',                    False, 'blah.nii.gz'),
+        ('blah.img',                       False, 'blah.img'),
+        ('blah.hdr',                       False, 'blah.hdr'),
+        ('blah.img.gz',                    False, 'blah.img.gz'),
+        ('blah.hdr.gz',                    False, 'blah.hdr.gz'),
+        ('compressed',                     True,  'compressed.nii.gz'),
+        ('compressed.nii.gz',              True,  'compressed.nii.gz'),
+        ('uncompressed',                   True,  'uncompressed.nii'),
+        ('uncompressed.nii',               True,  'uncompressed.nii'),
+        ('img_hdr_pair',                   True,  'img_hdr_pair.img'),
+        ('img_hdr_pair.hdr',               True,  'img_hdr_pair.hdr'),
+        ('img_hdr_pair.img',               True,  'img_hdr_pair.img'),
+        ('compressed_img_hdr_pair',        True,  'compressed_img_hdr_pair.img.gz'),
+        ('compressed_img_hdr_pair.img.gz', True,  'compressed_img_hdr_pair.img.gz'),
+        ('compressed_img_hdr_pair.hdr.gz', True,  'compressed_img_hdr_pair.hdr.gz'),
+        ('ambiguous.nii',                  True,  'ambiguous.nii'),
+        ('ambiguous.nii.gz',               True,  'ambiguous.nii.gz'),
+        ('ambiguous.img',                  True,  'ambiguous.img'),
+        ('ambiguous.hdr',                  True,  'ambiguous.hdr'),
+        ('ambiguous.img.gz',               True,  'ambiguous.img.gz'),
+        ('ambiguous.hdr.gz',               True,  'ambiguous.hdr.gz')]
+    for path, mustExist, expected in tests:
+        if mustExist:
+            path     = op.join(testdir, 'nifti_formats', path)
+            expected = op.join(testdir, 'nifti_formats', expected)
+        assert fslimage.addExt(path, mustExist) == expected
+    with pytest.raises(fslimage.PathError):
+        path = op.join(testdir, 'nifti_formats', 'ambiguous')
+        fslimage.addExt(path, mustExist=True)
+def test_Image_orientation(testdir):
+    neuro = op.join(testdir, 'dtifit', 'neuro', 'dti_FA')
+    radio = op.join(testdir, 'dtifit', 'radio', 'dti_FA')
+    neuro = fslimage.Image(neuro)
+    radio = fslimage.Image(radio)
+    assert     neuro.isNeurological()
+    assert not radio.isNeurological()
+    # Both images should have the
+    # same orientation in the
+    # world coordinate system
+    assert neuro.getOrientation(0, np.eye(4))           == constants.ORIENT_L2R
+    assert neuro.getOrientation(1, np.eye(4))           == constants.ORIENT_P2A
+    assert neuro.getOrientation(2, np.eye(4))           == constants.ORIENT_I2S
+    assert radio.getOrientation(0, np.eye(4))           == constants.ORIENT_L2R
+    assert radio.getOrientation(1, np.eye(4))           == constants.ORIENT_P2A
+    assert radio.getOrientation(2, np.eye(4))           == constants.ORIENT_I2S
+    # The radio image should be
+    # l/r flipped in the voxel
+    # coordinate system
+    assert neuro.getOrientation(0, neuro.worldToVoxMat) == constants.ORIENT_L2R
+    assert neuro.getOrientation(1, neuro.worldToVoxMat) == constants.ORIENT_P2A
+    assert neuro.getOrientation(2, neuro.worldToVoxMat) == constants.ORIENT_I2S
+    assert radio.getOrientation(0, radio.worldToVoxMat) == constants.ORIENT_R2L
+    assert radio.getOrientation(1, radio.worldToVoxMat) == constants.ORIENT_P2A
+    assert radio.getOrientation(2, radio.worldToVoxMat) == constants.ORIENT_I2S 