From d1ed8be76a663f8801512c81da29270706aa4f91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paul McCarthy <>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 14:43:48 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ENH: fslstats wrapper. Needs tweaking/testing

 fsl/wrappers/ |   5 +-
 fsl/wrappers/ | 256 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 fsl/wrappers/

diff --git a/fsl/wrappers/ b/fsl/wrappers/
index 5e1f61e89..44812bce9 100644
--- a/fsl/wrappers/
+++ b/fsl/wrappers/
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ instead. Aliases may also be used to provide a more readable interface (e.g.
 the :func:`.bet` function uses ``mask`` instead of ``m``).
-One exception to the above is :class:`.fslmaths`, which provides a more
-object-oriented interface::
+Two exceptions to the above are :class:`.fslmaths` and :class:`.fslstats`,
+which provide a more object-oriented interface::
     from fsl.wrappers import fslmaths
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ from .fnirt        import (fnirt,           # noqa
 from .fslmaths     import (fslmaths,)       # noqa
+from .fslstats     import (fslstats,)       # noqa
 from .fugue        import (fugue,           # noqa
diff --git a/fsl/wrappers/ b/fsl/wrappers/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77479a2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsl/wrappers/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# - Wrapper for fslstats
+# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
+"""This module provides the :class:`fslstats` class, which acts as a wrapper
+for the ``fslstats`` command-line tool.
+.. warning:: This wrapper function will only work with FSL 6.0.2 or newer.
+import six
+import functools as ft
+import      as fslimage
+from . import wrapperutils as wutils
+    'robust_minmax'   : 'r',
+    'minmax'          : 'R',
+    'mean_entropy'    : 'e',
+    'mean_entropy_nz' : 'E',
+    'volume'          : 'v',
+    'volume_nz'       : 'V',
+    'mean'            : 'm',
+    'mean_nz'         : 'M',
+    'stddev'          : 's',
+    'stddev_nz'       : 'S',
+    'smallest_roi'    : 'w',
+    'max_vox'         : 'x',
+    'min_vox'         : 'X',
+    'cog_mm'          : 'c',
+    'cog_vox'         : 'C',
+    'abs'             : 'a',
+    'zero_naninf'     : 'n',
+"""This dict contains options which do not require any additional arguments.
+They are set via attribute access on the ``fslstats`` object.
+    'lower_threshold' : 'l',
+    'upper_threshold' : 'u',
+    'percentile'      : 'p',
+    'percentile_nz'   : 'P',
+    'mask'            : 'k',
+    'diff'            : 'd',
+    'hist'            : 'h',
+    'hist_bounded'    : 'H',
+"""This dict contains options which require additional arguments.
+They are set via method calls on the ``fslstats`` object (with the
+additional arguments passed into the method call).
+# add {shortopt : shortopt} mappings
+# for all options to simplify code in
+# the  fslstats class
+OPTIONS    .update({v : v for v in OPTIONS    .values()})
+ARG_OPTIONS.update({v : v for v in ARG_OPTIONS.values()})
+class fslstats(object):
+    """The ``fslstats`` class is a wrapper around the ``fslstats`` command-line
+    tool. It provides an object-oriented interface - options are specified by
+    chaining method calls and attribute accesses together.
+    .. warning:: This wrapper function will only work with FSL 6.0.2 or newer,
+                 due to bugs in ``fslstats`` output formatting that are
+                 present in older versions.
+    Any ``fslstats`` command-line option which does not require any arguments
+    (e.g. ``-r``) can be set by accessing an attribute on a ``fslstats``
+    object, e.g.::
+        stats = fslstats('image.nii.gz')
+        stats.r
+    ``fslstats`` command-line options which do require additional arguments
+    (e.g. ``-k``) can be set by calling a method on an ``fslstats`` object,
+    e.g.::
+        stats = fslstats('image.nii.gz')
+        stats.k('mask.nii.gz')
+    The ``fslstats`` command can be executed via the :meth:`run` method.
+    Normally, the results will be returned as a list of floating point
+    numbers. Pre-options will affect the structure of the return value - see
+    :meth:`__init__` for details.
+    Attribute and method calls can be chained together, so a complete
+    ``fslstats`` call can be performed in a single line, e.g.::
+        imgmin, imgmax = fslstats('image.nii.gz').k('mask.nii.gz')
+    """
+    def __init__(self,
+                 input,
+                 t=False,
+                 K=None,
+                 sep_volumes=False,
+                 index_mask=None):
+        """Create a ``fslstats`` object.
+        If one of the ``t`` or ``K`` pre-options is set, e.g.::
+            fslstats('image_4d.nii.gz', t=True)
+        or::
+            fslstats('image_4d.nii.gz', K='mask.nii.gz')
+        then the value returned by :meth:`run` will contain a list-of-lists,
+        with each child list containing the results:
+         - for each 3D volume contained within the input image (if ``t``
+           is set), or
+         - for each sub-mask contained within the mask image (if ``K``
+           is set)
+        If both of the ``t`` and ``K`` pre-options are set, e.g.::
+            fslstats('image_4d.nii.gz', t=True, K='mask.nii.gz')
+        then the result will be a list-of-lists-of-lists, where each child
+        list corresponds to each 3D volume (``t``), and each grand-child list
+        corresponds to each sub-mask (``K``).
+        :arg input:       Input image - either a file name, or an
+                          :class:`.Image` object, or a ``nibabel.Nifti1Image``
+                          object.
+        :arg t:           Produce separate results for each 3D volume in the
+                          input image.
+        :arg K:           Produce separate results for each sub-mask within
+                          the provided mask image.
+        :arg sep_volumes: Alias for ``t``.
+        :arg index_mask:  Alias for ``K``.
+        """
+        if t is None: t = sep_volumes
+        if K is None: K = index_mask
+        self.__input   = input
+        self.__options = []
+        # pre-options must be supplied
+        # before input image
+        if t:             self.__options.append( '-t')
+        if K is not None: self.__options.extend(('-K', K))
+        self.__options.append(input)
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        """Intercepts attribute accesses,...
+        """
+        # options which take no args
+        # are called as attributes
+        if name in OPTIONS:
+            flag = OPTIONS[name]
+            args = False
+        # options which take args
+        # are called as methods
+        elif name in ARG_OPTIONS:
+            flag = ARG_OPTIONS[name]
+            args = True
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError()
+        addFlag = ft.partial(self.__addFlag, flag)
+        if args: return addFlag
+        else:    return addFlag()
+    def __addFlag(self, flag, *args):
+        """Used by :meth:`__getattr__`. Add the given flag and any arguments to
+        the accumulated list of command-line options.
+        """
+        self.__options.extend(('-' + flag,) + args)
+        return self
+    def run(self):
+        """Run the ``fslstats`` command-line tool. The results are returned as
+        floating point numbers.
+        """
+        result = self.__run('fslstats', *self.__options, log=None)
+        result = result.stdout[0].strip()
+        result = [line.split() for line in result.split('\n')]
+        sepvols = '-t' in self.__options
+        lblmask = '-K' in self.__options
+        # This parsing logic will not work with
+        # versions of fslstats prior to fsl 6.0.2,
+        # due to a quirk in the output formatting
+        # of older versions.
+        # One line of output for each volume and
+        # for each label (with volume the slowest
+        # changing).
+        if sepvols and lblmask:
+            # One line of output for
+            # each volume and label
+            result = [[float(v) for v in line] for line in result]
+            # We need know the number of volumes
+            # (or the number of labels) in order
+            # to know how to nest the results.
+            img = fslimage.Image(self.__input, loadData=False)
+            if img.ndim >= 4: nvols = img.shape[3]
+            else:             nvols = 1
+            # split the result up into
+            # nlbls lines for each volume
+            nlbls   = len(result) / nvols
+            offsets = range(0, nvols * nlbls, nlbls)
+            result  = [result[off:off + nlbls] for off in offsets]
+        # One line of output
+        # for each volume/label
+        elif sepvols or lblmask:
+            result = [[float(v) for v in line] for line in result]
+        # One line of output
+        else:
+            result = [float(v) for v in result[0]]
+        return result
+    @wutils.fileOrImage()
+    @wutils.fslwrapper
+    def __run(self, *cmd):
+        """Run the given ``fslmaths`` command. """
+        return [str(c) for c in cmd]