diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 6a050cb81ce537763517ed9062fa6b3f48763634..6bc3be33baeabbc5e1c94802c856fd016928a9b0 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -157,12 +157,6 @@ variables:
     - bash ./.ci/test_template.sh
-  stage: test
-  image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py36-wxpy4-gtk3
-  <<: *test_template
   stage: test
   image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py37-wxpy4-gtk3
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index adab3734e2ac1a1b2dff5177049ec9f38fa8816c..dae80e9d6fc3df091bef68599230e7cfa58d1b96 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ This document contains the ``fslpy`` release history in reverse chronological
-2.9.0 (Under development)
+3.0.0 (Under development)
@@ -17,12 +17,15 @@ Added
   rudimentary support for double-barrelled filenames.
 * The :func:`.nonlinear.applyDeformation` function now accepts a ``premat``
   affine, which is applied to the input image before the deformation field.
+* New :class:`.SubmitParams` class, providing a higer level interface for
+  cluster submission.
+* ``fslpy`` now requires a minimum Python version of 3.7.
 * The :func:`.gifti.relatedFiles` function now supports files with
   BIDS-style naming conventions.
 * The :func:`.run.run` and :func:`.run.runfsl` functions now pass through any
diff --git a/fsl/utils/fslsub.py b/fsl/utils/fslsub.py
index 4f8479c716de3454cc7d26f850e81d4872de76da..f6fa49557059a9c011087af68382080c8dc2a4e6 100644
--- a/fsl/utils/fslsub.py
+++ b/fsl/utils/fslsub.py
@@ -49,27 +49,172 @@ import sys
 import tempfile
 import logging
 import importlib
+from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict
+from typing import Optional, Collection, Union, Tuple
+import argparse
+import warnings
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def submit(*command,
-           minutes=None,
-           queue=None,
-           architecture=None,
-           priority=None,
-           email=None,
-           wait_for=None,
-           job_name=None,
-           ram=None,
-           logdir=None,
-           mail_options=None,
-           output=None,
-           flags=False,
-           multi_threaded=None,
-           verbose=False,
-           env=None):
+class SubmitParams(object):
+    """
+    Represents the fsl_sub parameters
+    """
+    minutes: Optional[float] = None
+    queue: Optional[str] = None
+    architecture: Optional[str] = None
+    priority: Optional[int] = None
+    email: Optional[str] = None
+    wait_for: Union[str, None, Collection[str]] = None
+    job_name: Optional[str] = None
+    ram: Optional[int] = None
+    logdir: Optional[str] = None
+    mail_options: Optional[str] = None
+    flags: bool = False
+    multi_threaded: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None
+    verbose: bool = False
+    env: dict = None
+    cmd_line_flags = {
+        '-T': 'minutes',
+        '-q': 'queue',
+        '-a': 'architecture',
+        '-p': 'priority',
+        '-M': 'email',
+        '-N': 'job_name',
+        '-R': 'ram',
+        '-l': 'logdir',
+        '-m': 'mail_options',
+    }
+    def __post_init__(self):
+        if self.env is None:
+            self.env = {}
+    def as_flags(self, ):
+        """
+        Creates flags for submission using fsl_sub
+        All parameters changed from their default value (typically None) will be included in the flags.
+        :return: tuple with the flags
+        """
+        res = []
+        for key, value in self.cmd_line_flags.items():
+            if getattr(self, value) is not None:
+                res.extend((key, str(getattr(self, value))))
+        if self.verbose:
+            res.append('-v')
+        if self.flags:
+            res.append('-F')
+        if self.multi_threaded:
+            res.extend(("-s", ','.join(self.multi_threaded)))
+        if self.wait_for is not None and len(_flatten_job_ids(self.wait_for)) > 0:
+            res.extend(('-j', _flatten_job_ids(self.wait_for)))
+        return tuple(res)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return 'SubmitParams({})'.format(" ".join(self.as_flags()))
+    def __call__(self, *command, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Submits the command to the cluster.
+        :param command: string or tuple of strings with the command to submit
+        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments can override any parameters set in self
+        :return: job ID
+        """
+        from fsl.utils.run import prepareArgs, runfsl
+        runner = self.update(**kwargs)
+        command = prepareArgs(command)
+        fsl_sub_cmd = ' '.join(('fsl_sub', ) + tuple(runner.as_flags()) + tuple(command))
+        log.debug(fsl_sub_cmd)
+        jobid = runfsl(fsl_sub_cmd, env=runner.env).strip()
+        log.debug('Job submitted as {}'.format(jobid))
+        return jobid
+    def update(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Creates a new SubmitParams withe updated parameters
+        """
+        values = asdict(self)
+        values.update(kwargs)
+        return SubmitParams(**values)
+    @classmethod
+    def add_to_parser(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, as_group='fsl_sub commands',
+                      include=('wait_for', 'logdir', 'email', 'mail_options')):
+        """
+        Adds submission parameters to the parser
+        :param parser: parser that should understand submission commands
+        :param as_group: add as a new group
+        :param include: sequence of argument flags/names that should be added to the parser
+            (set to None to include everything)
+        :return: the group the arguments got added to
+        """
+        from fsl.utils.run import runfsl, FSLNotPresent
+        try:
+            fsl_sub_run, _ = runfsl('fsl_sub', exitcode=True)
+        except (FileNotFoundError, FSLNotPresent):
+            warnings.warn('fsl_sub was not found')
+            return
+        doc_lines = fsl_sub_run.splitlines()
+        nspaces = 1
+        for line in doc_lines:
+            if len(line.strip()) > 0:
+                while line.startswith(' ' * nspaces):
+                    nspaces += 1
+        nspaces -= 1
+        if as_group:
+            group = parser.add_argument_group(as_group)
+        else:
+            group = parser
+        def get_explanation(flag):
+            explanation = None
+            for line in doc_lines:
+                if explanation is not None and len(line.strip()) > 0 and line.strip()[0] != '-':
+                    explanation.append(line[nspaces:].strip())
+                elif explanation is not None:
+                    break
+                elif line.strip().startswith(flag):
+                    explanation = [line[nspaces:].strip()]
+            if (explanation is None) or (len(explanation) == 0):
+                return 'documentation not found'
+            return ' '.join(explanation)
+        for flag, value in cls.cmd_line_flags.items():
+            if include is not None and value not in include and flag not in include:
+                continue
+            as_type = {'minutes': float, 'priority': int, 'ram': int, 'verbose': None}
+            action = 'store_true' if value == 'verbose' else 'store'
+            group.add_argument(flag, dest='_sub_' + value, help=get_explanation(flag), action=action,
+                               metavar='<' + value + '>', type=as_type.get(value, str))
+        group.add_argument('-F', dest='_sub_flags', help=get_explanation('-F'), action='store_true')
+        group.add_argument('-v', dest='_sub_verbose', help=get_explanation('-v'), action='store_true')
+        group.add_argument('-s', dest='_sub_multi_threaded', help=get_explanation('-s'),
+                           metavar='<pename>,<threads>')
+        group.add_argument('-j', dest='_sub_wait_for', help=get_explanation('-j'),
+                           metavar='<jid>')
+        return group
+    @classmethod
+    def from_args(cls, args):
+        as_dict = {value: getattr(args, '_sub_' + value, None) for value in cls.cmd_line_flags.values()}
+        if args._sub_wait_for is not None:
+            as_dict['wait_for'] = args._sub_wait_for.split(',')
+        if args._sub_multi_threaded is not None:
+            pename, threads = args._sub_multi_threaded.split(',')
+            as_dict['multi_threaded'] = pename, threads
+        return cls(verbose=args._sub_verbose, flags=args._sub_flags, **as_dict)
+def submit(*command, **kwargs):
     Submits a given command to the cluster
@@ -104,41 +249,7 @@ def submit(*command,
     :return:             string of submitted job id
-    from fsl.utils.run import runfsl, prepareArgs
-    base_cmd = ['fsl_sub']
-    for flag, variable_name in [
-            ('-T', 'minutes'),
-            ('-q', 'queue'),
-            ('-a', 'architecture'),
-            ('-p', 'priority'),
-            ('-M', 'email'),
-            ('-N', 'job_name'),
-            ('-R', 'ram'),
-            ('-l', 'logdir'),
-            ('-m', 'mail_options'),
-            ('-z', 'output')]:
-        variable = locals()[variable_name]
-        if variable:
-            base_cmd.extend([flag, str(variable)])
-    if flags:
-        base_cmd.append('-F')
-    if verbose:
-        base_cmd.append('-v')
-    if wait_for:
-        base_cmd.extend(['-j', _flatten_job_ids(wait_for)])
-    if multi_threaded:
-        base_cmd.append('-s')
-        base_cmd.extend(multi_threaded)
-    base_cmd.extend(prepareArgs(command))
-    return runfsl(*base_cmd, env=env).strip()
+    return SubmitParams(**kwargs)(*command)
 def info(job_id):
@@ -264,7 +375,7 @@ else:
 res = func(*args, **kwargs)
 if res is not None:
-    with open(__file__ + '_out.pickle') as f:
+    with open(__file__ + '_out.pickle', 'w') as f:
         pickle.dump(f, res)
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index e1b4c967a72360f80883760c60f7dd25e9836097..eee141bd0972ba372349a7d1037d076d7b9dd021 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -102,8 +102,6 @@ setup(
         'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
         'Intended Audience :: Developers',
         'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
         'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
         'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
         'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules'],
diff --git a/tests/test_fslsub.py b/tests/test_fslsub.py
index a0856f46df870463e90aacbf092a03f4e0795d8c..40d7668285c813b332c8da91574cc34ffa671681 100644
--- a/tests/test_fslsub.py
+++ b/tests/test_fslsub.py
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ import os.path as op
 import sys
 import textwrap as tw
 import contextlib
+import argparse
+import fsl
 from fsl.utils         import fslsub
 from fsl.utils.tempdir import tempdir
@@ -27,6 +29,13 @@ import os
 import os.path as op
 import sys
 import subprocess as sp
+fslpydir = op.join('{}', '..')
+env = dict(os.environ)
+env['PYTHONPATH'] = fslpydir
+sys.path.insert(0, fslpydir)
 import fsl
 args = sys.argv[1:]
@@ -44,9 +53,6 @@ for i in range(len(args)):
 args = args[i:]
-env  = dict(os.environ)
-env['PYTHONPATH'] = op.join(op.dirname(fsl.__file__), '..')
 cmd   = op.basename(args[0])
 jobid = random.randint(1, 9999)
@@ -56,7 +62,7 @@ with open('{{}}.o{{}}'.format(cmd, jobid), 'w') as stdout, \
+""".format(sys.executable, op.dirname(fsl.__file__)).strip()
@@ -125,6 +131,49 @@ def test_info():
         assert fslsub.info('12345') == exp
+def test_add_to_parser():
+    test_flags = [
+        ('-T', '30.0'),
+        ('-q', 'short.q'),
+        ('-a', 'architecture'),
+        ('-p', '3'),
+        ('-M', 'test@something.com'),
+        ('-N', 'job_name'),
+        ('-R', '20'),
+        ('-l', 'logdir'),
+        ('-j', '12345,67890'),
+        ('-m', 'mail_options'),
+        ('-v', ),
+        ('-F', ),
+        ('-s', 'pename,thread')
+    ]
+    with fslsub_mockFSLDIR():
+        for flag in test_flags:
+            for include in (None, [flag[0]]):
+                parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("test parser")
+                fslsub.SubmitParams.add_to_parser(parser, include=include)
+                args = parser.parse_args(flag)
+                submitter = fslsub.SubmitParams.from_args(args)
+                assert submitter.as_flags() == flag
+    with fslsub_mockFSLDIR():
+        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("test parser")
+        parser.add_argument('some_input')
+        fslsub.SubmitParams.add_to_parser(parser, include=None)
+        all_flags = tuple(part for flag in test_flags for part in flag)
+        args = parser.parse_args(('input', ) + all_flags)
+        assert args.some_input == 'input'
+        submitter = fslsub.SubmitParams.from_args(args)
+        assert len(all_flags) == len(submitter.as_flags())
+        for flag in test_flags:
+            res_flags = submitter.as_flags()
+            assert flag[0] in res_flags
+            start_index = res_flags.index(flag[0])
+            for idx, part in enumerate(flag):
+                assert res_flags[idx + start_index] == part
 def myfunc():
     print('standard output')
     print('standard error', file=sys.stderr)