From 8de55d5583f910c33a2601901fbceb50672bf7f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Beckmann <>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2013 08:54:27 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added Instacorrs to melodic

 Makefile      |  9 +++++--    | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 meldata.h     |  2 +- | 23 +++++++++++-----
 melhlprfns.h  |  1 + |  4 +++
 meloptions.h  | 20 ++++++++++++--       | 25 ++++++++++++++++--
 8 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 744fb65..940ec2d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ TEST_OBJS = test.o
 GGMIX_OBJS = ggmix.o
+FSL_DR_OBJS = melhlprfns.o fsl_dualreg.o
 FSL_GLM_OBJS = melhlprfns.o fsl_glm.o
 FSL_SBCA_OBJS = melhlprfns.o fsl_sbca.o
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ MELODIC_OBJS =  meloptions.o melhlprfns.o melgmix.o meldata.o melpca.o melica.o
-XFILES = fsl_glm fsl_sbca fsl_mvlm fsl_regfilt fsl_schurprod fsl_bwtf melodic
+XFILES = fsl_dualreg fsl_glm fsl_sbca fsl_mvlm fsl_regfilt fsl_schurprod fsl_bwtf melodic
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ RUNTCLS = Melodic
 SCRIPTS = melodicreport dual_regression
-all: ggmix fsl_regfilt fsl_glm melodic ${OTHERFILES}
+all: ggmix fsl_regfilt fsl_glm fsl_dr melodic ${OTHERFILES}
 ggmix: ${GGMIX_OBJS}
 	${AR} -r libggmix.a ${GGMIX_OBJS} 
@@ -74,6 +76,9 @@ melodic: ${MELODIC_OBJS}
 test: ${TEST_OBJS}
+fsl_dr: ${FSL_DR_OBJS}
 fsl_glm: ${FSL_GLM_OBJS}
diff --git a/ b/
index fe93c7f..1eba93e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ namespace Melodic{
     //convert to power spectra
       message("  Converting data to powerspectra ...");
@@ -115,18 +115,42 @@ namespace Melodic{
       message(" done" << endl);
-	//convert to instacorrs
-	if(opts.insta_fn.value()>""){
-		Matrix vscales = pow(stdev(tmpData,1),-1);
-		varnorm(tmpData,vscales);
-		Matrix tmpTC = tmpData * insta_mask.t();
-		varnorm(tmpTC,pow(stdev(tmpTC),-1));
-		for(int ctr=1; ctr <=tmpData.Ncols();ctr++)
-			tmpData.Column(ctr) = SP(tmpData.Column(ctr),tmpTC);
+	Matrix tmpTC;
+	tmpTC = tmpData * insta_maps.t();		
+	if(opts.insta_fn.value().length()>0){
+		if(opts.insta_idx.value()<1 || opts.insta_idx.value()>tmpTC.Ncols()){
+			cerr << "ERROR:: INSTACORR index is wrong  \n\n";
+		    exit(2);
+		}
+		Matrix tmpRef = tmpTC.Column(opts.insta_idx.value());		
+		if(opts.insta_idx.value()>1){
+			// swap columns
+			tmpTC.Column(opts.insta_idx.value()) << tmpTC.Column(1);
+			tmpTC.Column(1) << tmpRef;
+		}
+		if(opts.insta_partial.value() && tmpTC.Ncols()>1){
+			// partal correlations
+			Matrix tmpConf = tmpTC.Columns(2,tmpTC.Ncols());	
+			tmpData -= tmpConf * (pinv(tmpConf) * tmpData);	
+			tmpRef -=  tmpConf * (pinv(tmpConf) * tmpRef);	
+		}
+		if(opts.insta_varnorm.value()){
+			Matrix vscales = pow(stdev(tmpData,1),-1);
+			varnorm(tmpData,vscales);
+			varnorm(tmpRef,pow(stdev(tmpRef,1),-1));
+		}
+		// Shur product
+		SP4(tmpData,tmpRef);
 	dbgmsg(string("END: process_file") << endl);	
@@ -620,19 +644,6 @@ namespace Melodic{
-	//set up instacorr mask image
-	if(opts.insta_fn.value()>""){
-		dbgmsg(string(" Setting up instacorr mask") << endl);
-		volume4D<float> tmp_im;
-		read_volume4D(tmp_im,opts.insta_fn.value());
-		if(!samesize(Mean,tmp_im[0])){
-	        	cerr << "ERROR:: instacorr mask and data have different voxel dimensions  \n\n";
-	        	exit(2);
-		}	
-		insta_mask = tmp_im.matrix(Mask); 
-	}
     //seed the random number generator
     double tmptime = time(NULL);
     if ( opts.seed.value() != -1 ) {
@@ -680,6 +691,20 @@ namespace Melodic{
+	if(opts.insta_fn.value().length()>0){
+		message("  Reading in " << opts.insta_fn.value() 
+		      << " for instantaneous correlation analysis" <<endl);
+		volume4D<float> tmp_im;
+		read_volume4D(tmp_im,opts.insta_fn.value());
+		if(!samesize(Mean,tmp_im[0])){
+		       	cerr << "ERROR:: instacorr mask and data have different voxel dimensions  \n\n";
+		       	exit(2);
+		}	
+		insta_maps = tmp_im.matrix(Mask);
+	}	
 	dbgmsg(string("END: setup_misc") << endl);	
diff --git a/meldata.h b/meldata.h
index f1ba9d2..9a04ac2 100644
--- a/meldata.h
+++ b/meldata.h
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ namespace Melodic{
       volume<float> Mask;
       volume<float> Mean;
       volume<float> background;
-      Matrix insta_mask;	
+      Matrix insta_maps;	
       Matrix Data;
       Matrix PPCA;
diff --git a/ b/
index 5f7965d..c662e17 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -171,12 +171,14 @@ namespace Melodic{
     Matrix Res;
     Res = in;
-      ColumnVector tmp;
-      for(int ctr=1; ctr <= in.Ncols(); ctr++){
-	tmp = in.Column(ctr);
-	tmp = tmp * weights(1,ctr);
-	Res.Column(ctr) = tmp;
-      }
+	  if(weights.Ncols() == in.Ncols()){		
+        ColumnVector tmp;
+        for(int ctr=1; ctr <= in.Ncols(); ctr++){
+       		tmp = in.Column(ctr);
+ 	    	tmp = tmp * weights(1,ctr);
+	    	Res.Column(ctr) = tmp;
+      	}
+	  }
       Res = ones(in.Nrows(),1)*weights.Row(1);
@@ -192,6 +194,15 @@ namespace Melodic{
+  void SP4(Matrix& in, const Matrix& weights){
+	RowVector tmp;
+    for(int ctr=1; ctr <= in.Nrows(); ctr++){
+   		tmp = in.Row(ctr);
+	    tmp = tmp * weights(ctr,1);
+	    in.Row(ctr) << tmp;
+  	}
+  }
   Matrix corrcoef(const Matrix& in1, const Matrix& in2){
 		Matrix tmp = in1;
 		tmp |= in2;
diff --git a/melhlprfns.h b/melhlprfns.h
index 0f06f33..1ff66df 100644
--- a/melhlprfns.h
+++ b/melhlprfns.h
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ namespace Melodic{
   Matrix SP2(const Matrix& in, const Matrix& weights, int econ = 20000);
   void SP3(Matrix& in, const Matrix& weights);
+  void SP4(Matrix& in, const Matrix& weights);
   RowVector Feta(int n1,int n2);
   RowVector cumsum(const RowVector& Inp);
diff --git a/ b/
index e7dc519..24c9af7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -157,6 +157,10 @@ MelodicOptions* MelodicOptions::gopt = NULL;
 		if (insta_fn.value() > ""){
+			cout << " inc_fn = "  << insta_fn.value() << endl;
+			cout << " inc_idx = "  << insta_idx.value() << endl;
+			cout << " inc_partial = "  << insta_partial.value() << endl;
+			cout << " inc_varnorm = "  << insta_varnorm.value() << endl;
   		//in the case of indirect inputs, create the vector of input names here
diff --git a/meloptions.h b/meloptions.h
index e2e9be6..020884f 100644
--- a/meloptions.h
+++ b/meloptions.h
@@ -125,7 +125,11 @@ class MelodicOptions {
   	Option<float> nlconst1;
   	Option<float> nlconst2;
   	Option<float> smooth_probmap;
 	Option<string> insta_fn;
+	Option<int>	   insta_idx;
+	Option<bool>   insta_partial;
+	Option<bool>   insta_varnorm;
   	Option<bool> remove_meanvol;
   	Option<bool> remove_meantc;
@@ -392,9 +396,18 @@ class MelodicOptions {
    smooth_probmap(string("--smooth_pm"),  0.0,
 	   string("width of smoothing kernel for probability maps"), 
 	   false, requires_argument, false),
-   insta_fn(string("--insta_fn"), string(""),
-	   string(" mask file name for instacorr calculation"),
+   insta_fn(string("--inc_fn"), string(""),
+	   string(" file name for instacorr volumes"),
        false, requires_argument, false),
+   insta_idx(string("--inc_idx"), 1,
+	   string(" index for instacorr calculation"),
+	   false, requires_argument, false),
+   insta_partial(string("--inc_partial"), true,
+	   string(" switch off partial correlation analysis for instacorrs"),
+	   false, requires_argument, false),
+   insta_varnorm(string("--inc_varnorm"), true,
+       string(" switch off varnorm for instantaneous correlations"),
+	   false, no_argument, false),
    remove_meanvol(string("--keep_meanvol"), true,
 	   string("do not subtract mean volume"), 
 	   false, no_argument, false),
@@ -501,6 +514,9 @@ class MelodicOptions {
+		options.add(insta_idx);
+		options.add(insta_partial);
+		options.add(insta_varnorm);
diff --git a/ b/
index 648574a..bc0fb91 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -136,7 +136,18 @@ Matrix calccorr(const Matrix& in, int econ)
     return Res;
   }  //Matrix calccorr
+void convert_to_mat(volume4D<float>& in, volume<float>& mask, Matrix& out)
+	out = in[0].vec(mask).t();
+	in.deletevolume(0);
+	while(in.tsize()>0){
+		out &= in[0].vec(mask).t();
+		in.deletevolume(0);	
+	}
 int do_work(int argc, char* argv[]) {
 	Matrix MatrixData;
@@ -151,14 +162,24 @@ int do_work(int argc, char* argv[]) {
     	message("Reading data file " << (string)fnin.value() << "  ... ");
     	message(" done" << endl);
 		Mean = meanvol(RawData);
     	message("Reading mask file " << (string)fnmask.value() << "  ... ");
+		MatrixData = RawData.matrix();
+		memmsg("start");
+		Matrix res;
+		convert_to_mat(RawData,theMask, res);
 		memmsg(" Before reshape ");
-    	MatrixData = RawData.matrix(theMask);
+		write_ascii_matrix("mat1", res);
+		write_ascii_matrix("mat2", MatrixData);
 		Matrix data = unifrnd(xdim.value(),ydim.value());