/* MELODIC - Multivariate exploratory linear optimized decomposition into independent components melpca.cc - PCA and whitening Christian F. Beckmann, FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 1999-2004 University of Oxford */ /* CCOPYRIGHT */ #include "newimage/newimageall.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "meloptions.h" #include "meldata.h" #include "melodic.h" #include "newmatap.h" #include "newmatio.h" #include "melpca.h" #include "libprob.h" #include <sstream> using namespace Utilities; using namespace NEWIMAGE; namespace Melodic{ void MelodicPCA::perf_pca(const Matrix &Data) { message("Starting PCA ... "); SymmetricMatrix Corr; if(opts.segment.value().length()>0){ Matrix Res; Res = ones(Data.Nrows(),1)*melodat.get_RXweight(); Res = SP(melodat.get_Data(),Res); Corr = cov(Res.t()); } else{ Corr = cov(melodat.get_Data().t()); } Matrix tmpE; DiagonalMatrix tmpD; EigenValues(Corr,tmpD,tmpE); if(opts.tsmooth.value()){ message(" temporal smoothing of Eigenvectors " << endl); tmpE=melodat.smoothColumns(tmpE); } melodat.set_pcaE(tmpE); melodat.set_pcaD(tmpD); RowVector AdjEV; AdjEV = tmpD.AsRow().Reverse(); SortDescending(AdjEV); RowVector PercEV(AdjEV); PercEV = cumsum(AdjEV / sum(AdjEV,2).AsScalar()); write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("eigenvalues_percent"),PercEV); melodat.set_EVP(PercEV); AdjEV = (AdjEV - min(AdjEV).AsScalar())/(max(AdjEV).AsScalar() - min(AdjEV).AsScalar()); melodat.set_EV((AdjEV)); message("done" << endl); } void MelodicPCA::perf_white(const Matrix &Data) { Matrix RE; DiagonalMatrix RD; Matrix tmpWhite; Matrix tmpDeWhite; int N = melodat.get_pcaE().Ncols(); if(opts.pca_dim.value() > N){ message("dimensionality too large - using -dim " << N << " instead " << endl); opts.pca_dim.set_T(N); } if(opts.pca_dim.value() < 0){ if(opts.remove_meanvol.value()){ opts.pca_dim.set_T(N-2); }else{ opts.pca_dim.set_T(N-1); } } if(opts.pca_dim.value() ==0){ opts.pca_dim.set_T(pcadim()); if(melodat.get_Data().Nrows()<20){ opts.pca_dim.set_T(N-2); message("too few data points for full estimation, using " << opts.pca_dim.value() << " instead"<< endl); } } if(opts.approach.value()==string("jade") && opts.pca_dim.value() > 30){ message("dimensionality too large for jade estimation - using --dim 30 instead" << endl); opts.pca_dim.set_T(30); } message("Start whitening using "<< opts.pca_dim.value()<<" dimensions ... " << endl); RowVector tmpEVP; tmpEVP << melodat.get_EVP(); float varp = 1.0; if(opts.pca_dim.value() <= tmpEVP.Ncols()){ varp = tmpEVP(opts.pca_dim.value()); } message(" retaining "<< varp*100 <<" percent of the variability " << endl); RE = melodat.get_pcaE().Columns(N-opts.pca_dim.value()+1,N); RD << abs(melodat.get_pcaD().SymSubMatrix(N-opts.pca_dim.value()+1,N)); tmpWhite = sqrt(abs(RD.i()))*RE.t(); tmpDeWhite = RE*sqrt(RD); melodat.set_white(tmpWhite); melodat.set_dewhite(tmpDeWhite); message(" ... done"<< endl << endl); } int MelodicPCA::pcadim() { message("Estimating the number of sources from the data (PPCA) ..." << endl); //First, estimate the smoothness of the data; // set up all strings string SM_path = opts.binpath + "smoothest"; string Mask_fname = logger.appendDir("mask"); if(opts.segment.value().length()>0){ Mask_fname = opts.segment.value(); } // Setup external call to smoothest: ostringstream osc; osc << SM_path << " -d " << melodat.data_dim() << " -r " << opts.inputfname.value() << " -m " << Mask_fname << " > " << logger.appendDir("smoothest"); message(" Calling Smoothest: " << osc.str() << endl); system(osc.str().c_str()); //read back the results ifstream in; string str; float Resel = 1.0; in.open(logger.appendDir("smoothest").c_str(), ios::in); if(in>0){ for(int ctr=1; ctr<7; ctr++){ in >> str;} in.close(); if(str!="nan"){ Resel = atof(str.c_str()); } } //cerr << " Resels : " << Resel << endl << endl; melodat.set_resels(Resel); Matrix PPCAest; // if(!opts.varnorm.value()){ SymmetricMatrix Corr; if(opts.segment.value().length()>0){ Matrix Res; Res = ones(melodat.get_DataVN().Nrows(),1)*melodat.get_RXweight(); Res = SP(melodat.get_DataVN(),Res); Corr = cov(Res.t()); } else{ Corr = cov(melodat.get_DataVN().t()); } DiagonalMatrix tmpD; Matrix tmpE; EigenValues(Corr,tmpD,tmpE); // } RowVector AdjEV; AdjEV << tmpD.AsRow(); AdjEV = AdjEV.Columns(3,AdjEV.Ncols()); AdjEV = AdjEV.Reverse(); RowVector CircleLaw; int NumVox = (int) floor(melodat.data_samples()/(2.5*Resel)); CircleLaw = Feta(int(AdjEV.Ncols()), NumVox); for(int ctr=1;ctr<=CircleLaw.Ncols(); ctr++){ if(CircleLaw(ctr)<5*10e-10){CircleLaw(ctr) = 5*10e-10;} } //write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("tmpA1"),AdjEV); //AdjEV = AdjEV.Columns(2,AdjEV.Ncols()); //write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("tmpA2"),AdjEV); //cerr<< AdjEV.Nrows() << " x " << AdjEV.Ncols() << endl; //cerr<< CircleLaw.Nrows() << " x " << CircleLaw.Ncols() << endl; float slope; slope = CircleLaw.Columns(int(AdjEV.Ncols()/4),AdjEV.Ncols() - int(AdjEV.Ncols()/4)).Sum() / AdjEV.Columns(int(AdjEV.Ncols()/4),AdjEV.Ncols() - int(AdjEV.Ncols()/4)).Sum(); //CircleLaw = slope * (CircleLaw-1) + 1; // write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("claw"),CircleLaw.Columns(1,AdjEV.Ncols())); RowVector PercEV(AdjEV); PercEV = cumsum(AdjEV / sum(AdjEV,2).AsScalar()); // write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("ev"),AdjEV); //cerr << int(AdjEV.Ncols()) << " " << NumVox << " " << slope << endl; AdjEV << SP(AdjEV,pow(CircleLaw.Columns(1,AdjEV.Ncols()),-1)); // cerr << "recalculated" << endl; SortDescending(AdjEV); int maxEV = 1; float threshold = 0.98; for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i < PercEV.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ if((PercEV(ctr_i)<threshold)&&(PercEV(ctr_i+1)>=threshold)){maxEV=ctr_i;} } if(maxEV<3){maxEV=PercEV.Ncols()/2;} RowVector NewEV; Matrix temp1; temp1 = abs(AdjEV); NewEV << temp1.SubMatrix(1,1,1,maxEV); PPCAest = ppca_est(NewEV, NumVox); RowVector estimators(5); estimators = 1.0; Matrix PPCA2(PPCAest); for(int ctr=1; ctr<=PPCA2.Ncols(); ctr++){ PPCA2.Column(ctr) = (PPCA2.Column(ctr) - min(PPCA2.Column(ctr)).AsScalar()) / ( max(PPCA2.Column(ctr)).AsScalar() - min(PPCA2.Column(ctr)).AsScalar()); } int ctr_i = 1; while((ctr_i< PPCAest.Nrows()-1)&& (PPCAest(ctr_i,2) < PPCAest(ctr_i+1,2))&&(ctr_i<maxEV)) {estimators(1)=ctr_i+1;ctr_i++;} ctr_i = 1; while((ctr_i< PPCAest.Nrows()-1)&& (PPCAest(ctr_i,3) < PPCAest(ctr_i+1,3))&&(ctr_i<maxEV)) {estimators(2)=ctr_i+1;ctr_i++;} ctr_i = 1; while((ctr_i< PPCAest.Nrows()-1)&& (PPCAest(ctr_i,4) < PPCAest(ctr_i+1,4))&&(ctr_i<maxEV)) {estimators(3)=ctr_i+1;ctr_i++;} ctr_i = 1; while((ctr_i< PPCAest.Nrows()-1)&& (PPCAest(ctr_i,5) < PPCAest(ctr_i+1,5))&&(ctr_i<maxEV)) {estimators(4)=ctr_i+1;ctr_i++;} ctr_i = 1; while((ctr_i< PPCAest.Nrows()-1)&& (PPCAest(ctr_i,6) < PPCAest(ctr_i+1,6))&&(ctr_i<maxEV)) {estimators(5)=ctr_i+1;ctr_i++;} int res = 0; ColumnVector PPCA; if(opts.pca_est.value() == string("lap")){ res = int(estimators(1)); PPCA << PPCA2.Column(2); } if(opts.pca_est.value() == string("bic")){ res = int(estimators(2)); PPCA << PPCA2.Column(2); } if(opts.pca_est.value() == string("mdl")){ res = int(estimators(3)); PPCA << PPCA2.Column(4); } if(opts.pca_est.value() == string("aic")){ res = int(estimators(5)); PPCA << PPCA2.Column(6); } if(res==0){//median estimator PPCA = PPCA2.Column(2); for(int ctr=1; ctr<=PPCA2.Nrows(); ctr++){ RowVector tmp = PPCA2.SubMatrix(ctr,ctr,2,6); // SortAscending(tmp); // float themean = float(tmp.Sum()/5); // if(std::abs(int(tmp(2)-themean)) < std::abs(int(tmp(3)-themean))) // PPCA(ctr) = tmp(2); // else // PPCA(ctr) = tmp(3); PPCA(ctr) = float(tmp.Sum()/5); } ctr_i = 1; while((PPCA(ctr_i) < PPCA(ctr_i+1))&&(ctr_i<maxEV)){ res=ctr_i+1;ctr_i++; } } // cerr << estimators << " " << res << endl; //write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("PPCA2"),PPCA2); AdjEV = (AdjEV - min(AdjEV).AsScalar())/(max(AdjEV).AsScalar() - min(AdjEV).AsScalar()); write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("PPCA"),PPCA); write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("eigenvalues_adjusted"),AdjEV.t()); write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("eigenvalues_percent"),PercEV.t()); melodat.set_EVP(PercEV); melodat.set_EV(AdjEV); melodat.set_PPCA(PPCA); //PPCA << sum(PPCAest.Columns(2,6),2); //ctr_i = 1; //while((PPCA(ctr_i) < PPCA(ctr_i+1))&&(ctr_i<maxEV)){ // res=ctr_i+1;ctr_i++; //} //res = int(sum(estimators,2).AsScalar()/5); // res = int(estimators(1)); // Laplace approximation // SortAscending(estimators); // if(std::abs(int(estimators(2))-res) < std::abs(int(estimators(3))-res)) // res = int(estimators(2)); // else // res = int(estimators(3)); //write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("PPCA"),PPCAest); //write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("dimest"),estimators); return res; } RowVector MelodicPCA::Feta(int n1, int n2) { float nu = (float) n1/n2; float bm = pow((1-sqrt(nu)),2.0); float bp = pow((1+sqrt(nu)),2.0); //cerr << "nu, bm, bp " << nu << " " <<bm << " " << bp << endl; float lrange = 0.9*bm; float urange = 1.1*bp; // int dummy; RowVector eta(30*n1); float rangestepsize = (urange - lrange) / eta.Ncols(); for(int ctr_i = 0; ctr_i < eta.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ eta(ctr_i+1) = lrange + rangestepsize * (ctr_i); } RowVector teta(10*n1); teta = 0; float stepsize = (bp - bm) / teta.Ncols(); for(int ctr_i = 0; ctr_i < teta.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ teta(ctr_i+1) = stepsize*(ctr_i); } //cerr << teta(1)+bm << " " << teta(1000)+bm << endl; //cerr << eta(1)<< " " << eta(eta.Ncols())<< endl; //cerr << "BP1" << endl; //write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("teta"),teta.t()); // RowVector tmp1(teta); // tmp1 = teta + bm; // cerr << "tmp1" << endl; // tmp1 = pow(2*M_PI*nu*(tmp1),-1); // cerr << "tmp1" << endl; // RowVector tmp2(teta); // cerr << "tmp2" << endl; // tmp2 = SP(teta, bp-bm-teta); // cerr << "tmp2" << endl; // tmp2=abs(tmp2); // cerr << "tmp2" << endl; RowVector feta(teta); feta = SP(pow(2*M_PI*nu*(teta + bm),-1), pow(SP(teta, bp-bm-teta),0.5)); //Matrix location; teta = teta + bm; //cerr << "teta : " << teta.Nrows() << " x " << teta.Ncols() << endl; //cerr << "eta : " << eta.Nrows() << " x " << eta.Ncols() << endl; //cerr << "feta : " << feta.Nrows() << " x " << feta.Ncols() << endl; //c/err << "vor location (input)" << endl; //cin >> dummy; //location = SP(teta.t()*ones(1,eta.Ncols()),pow(ones(teta.Ncols(),1)*eta,-1)); //cerr << "nach location (input)" << endl; //cin >> dummy; //cerr << " weiter " << endl; //for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= location.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ // for(int ctr_j = 1; ctr_j <= location.Nrows(); ctr_j++){ // if(location(ctr_j,ctr_i)<1){location(ctr_j,ctr_i)=1;} // else {location(ctr_j,ctr_i)=0;} // } // } //write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("location"),location); // write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("teta"),teta); //write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("eta"),eta); //write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("feta"),feta); //RowVector claw; // claw = n1*(1-sum(SP(stepsize*feta.t()*ones(1,eta.Ncols()),location),1).AsRow()); RowVector claw(eta); claw = 0; for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= eta.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ double tmpval = 0.0; for(int ctr_j = 1; ctr_j <= teta.Ncols(); ctr_j++){ if(( double(teta(ctr_j))/double(eta(ctr_i)) )<1) tmpval += feta(ctr_j); } claw(ctr_i) = n1*(1-stepsize*tmpval); } //write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("claw"),claw); //cerr << "BP1" << endl; RowVector Res(n1); //invert the CDF //cerr << "n1=" << n1 << endl; for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i < eta.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ if(floor(claw(ctr_i))>floor(claw(ctr_i+1))){ // cerr << int(floor(claw(ctr_i))) << " "; Res(int(floor(claw(ctr_i)))) = eta(ctr_i); } } //cerr << endl; // cerr << " Done with loop " << int(floor(tmp4b(ctr_i))) << endl; //write_ascii_matrix(logger.appendDir("claw-dstn"),Res); return Res; } RowVector MelodicPCA::cumsum(const RowVector& Inp) { UpperTriangularMatrix UT(Inp.Ncols()); UT=1.0; RowVector Res; Res = Inp * UT; return Res; } Matrix MelodicPCA::ppca_est(const RowVector& eigenvalues, const int N) { RowVector logLambda(eigenvalues); logLambda = log(eigenvalues); int d = logLambda.Ncols(); RowVector k(d); for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <=d; ctr_i++){ k(ctr_i)=ctr_i; } RowVector m(d); m=d*k-0.5*SP(k,k+1); RowVector loggam(d); loggam = 0.5*k.Reverse(); for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <=d; ctr_i++){ loggam(ctr_i)=lgam(loggam(ctr_i)); } loggam = cumsum(loggam); RowVector l_probU(d); l_probU = -log(2)*k + loggam - cumsum(0.5*log(M_PI)*k.Reverse()); RowVector tmp1; tmp1 = -cumsum(eigenvalues).Reverse()+sum(eigenvalues,2).AsScalar(); tmp1(1) = 0.95*tmp1(2); tmp1=tmp1.Reverse(); RowVector tmp2; tmp2 = -cumsum(logLambda).Reverse()+sum(logLambda,2).AsScalar(); tmp2(1)=tmp2(2); tmp2=tmp2.Reverse(); RowVector tmp3; tmp3 = d-k; tmp3(d) = 1.0; RowVector tmp4; tmp4 = SP(tmp1,pow(tmp3,-1)); for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <=d; ctr_i++){ if(tmp4(ctr_i)<0.01){tmp4(ctr_i)=0.01;} if(tmp3(ctr_i)<0.01){tmp3(ctr_i)=0.01;} if(tmp1(ctr_i)<0.01){tmp1(ctr_i)=0.01;} } RowVector l_nu; l_nu = SP(-N/2*(d-k),log(tmp4)); l_nu(d) = 0; RowVector l_lam; l_lam = -(N/2)*cumsum(logLambda); RowVector l_lhood; l_lhood = SP(pow(tmp3,-1),tmp2)-log(SP(pow(tmp3,-1),tmp1)); Matrix t1,t2, t3; UpperTriangularMatrix triu(d); triu = 1.0; for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= triu.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ triu(ctr_i,ctr_i)=0.0; } t1 = (ones(d,1) * eigenvalues); t1 = SP(triu,t1.t() - t1); t2 = pow(tmp4,-1).t()*ones(1,d); t3 = ones(d,1)*pow(eigenvalues,-1); t2 = SP(triu, t2.t()-t3.t()); for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= t1.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ for(int ctr_j = 1; ctr_j <= t1.Nrows(); ctr_j++){ if(t1(ctr_j,ctr_i)<=0){t1(ctr_j,ctr_i)=1;} } } for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= t2.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ for(int ctr_j = 1; ctr_j <= t2.Nrows(); ctr_j++){ if(t2(ctr_j,ctr_i)<=0){t2(ctr_j,ctr_i)=1;} } } t1 = cumsum(sum(log(t1),2).AsRow()); t2 = cumsum(sum(log(t2),2).AsRow()); RowVector l_Az(d); l_Az << (t1+t2); RowVector l_lap; l_lap = l_probU + l_nu +l_Az + l_lam + 0.5*log(2*M_PI)*(m+k)-0.5*log(N)*k; RowVector l_BIC; l_BIC = l_lam + l_nu - 0.5*log(N)*(m+k); RowVector l_RRN; l_RRN = -0.5*N*SP(k,log(SP(cumsum(eigenvalues),pow(k,-1))))+l_nu; RowVector l_AIC; l_AIC = -2*N*SP(tmp3,l_lhood)+ 2*(1+d*k+0.5*(k-1)); l_AIC = -l_AIC; RowVector l_MDL; l_MDL = -N*SP(tmp3,l_lhood)+ 0.5*(1+d*k+0.5*(k-1))*log(N); l_MDL = -l_MDL; Matrix Res; Res = eigenvalues.t(); Res |= l_lap.t(); Res |= l_BIC.t(); Res |= l_MDL.t(); Res |= l_RRN.t(); Res |= l_AIC.t(); return Res; } }