/* MELODIC - Multivariate exploratory linear optimized decomposition into independent components meldata.cc - data handler / container class Christian F. Beckmann, FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 1999-2008 University of Oxford */ /* CCOPYRIGHT */ #include "newimage/newimageall.h" #include "meloptions.h" #include "meldata.h" #include "melodic.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include <time.h> #include <algorithm> #include "miscmaths/miscprob.h" #include "melhlprfns.h" using namespace Utilities; using namespace NEWIMAGE; namespace Melodic{ // {{{ Setup ReturnMatrix MelodicData::process_file(string fname, int numfiles) { Matrix tmpData; { volume4D<float> RawData; memmsg(" before reading file "<< fname); //read data message("Reading data file " << fname << " ... "); read_volume4D(RawData,fname); message(" done" << endl); memmsg(" after reading file "<< fname); del_vols(RawData,opts.dummy.value()); Mean += meanvol(RawData)/numfiles; //estimate smoothness memmsg(" before est smoothness "); if((Resels == 0)&&(!opts.filtermode)) Resels = est_resels(RawData,Mask); memmsg(" after smoothness "); //reshape memmsg(" before reshape "); tmpData = RawData.matrix(Mask); memmsg(" after reshape "); } //convert to percent BOLD signal change if(opts.pbsc.value()){ message(" Converting data to percent BOLD signal change ..."); Matrix meanimg = convert_to_pbsc(tmpData); meanR = meanimg.Row(1); message(" done" << endl); } else{ if(opts.remove_meanvol.value()) { message(string(" Removing mean image ...")); memmsg(" before remmean "); remmean(tmpData,meanR,1); memmsg(" after remmean "); message(" done" << endl); } else meanR=ones(1,tmpData.Ncols()); } if(opts.remove_meantc.value()){ remmean(tmpData,meanC,2); } //convert to power spectra if(opts.pspec.value()){ message(" Converting data to powerspectra ..."); tmpData = calc_FFT(tmpData); message(" done" << endl); } //switch dimension in case temporal ICA is required if(opts.temporal.value()){ message(string(" Switching dimensions for temporal ICA") << endl); tmpData = tmpData.t(); Matrix tmp; tmp = meanC; meanC = meanR.t(); meanR = tmp.t(); message(" Data size : " << Data.Nrows() << " x " << Data.Ncols() <<endl); } //variance - normalisation memmsg(" before VN "); if(opts.varnorm.value()){ message(" Normalising by voxel-wise variance ..."); if(stdDev.Storage()==0) stdDev = varnorm(tmpData,std::min(30,tmpData.Nrows()-1), opts.vn_level.value())/numfiles; else stdDev += varnorm(tmpData,std::min(30,tmpData.Nrows()-1), opts.vn_level.value())/numfiles; stdDevi = pow(stdDev,-1); memmsg(" in VN "); message(" done" << endl); } tmpData.Release(); return tmpData; } Matrix MelodicData::expand_mix() { Matrix out; out = expand_dimred(mixMatrix); return out; } Matrix MelodicData::expand_dimred(const Matrix& Mat) { int first, last; first = 1; last = DWM.at(0).Ncols(); Matrix tmp = DWM.at(0) * Mat.Rows(first,last); for(unsigned int ctr = 1; ctr < DWM.size(); ctr++){ first = last + 1; last += DWM.at(ctr).Ncols(); tmp &= DWM.at(ctr) * Mat.Rows(first, last); } return tmp; } Matrix MelodicData::reduce_dimred(const Matrix& Mat) { int first, last; first = 1; last = WM.at(0).Ncols(); Matrix tmp = WM.at(0) * Mat.Rows(first,last); for(unsigned int ctr = 1; ctr < WM.size(); ctr++){ first = last + 1; last += WM.at(ctr).Ncols(); tmp &= WM.at(ctr) * Mat.Rows(first, last); } return tmp; } void MelodicData::set_TSmode() { dbgmsg(string("START: set_TSmode")); Matrix tmp, tmpT, tmpS, tmpT2, tmpS2, tmpT3; tmp = expand_dimred(mixMatrix); tmpT = zeros(tmp.Nrows()/numfiles, tmp.Ncols()); tmpS = ones(numfiles, tmp.Ncols()); outMsize("tmp",tmp); outMsize("tmpT",tmpT); outMsize("tmpS",tmpS); dbgmsg(string(" approach ") << opts.approach.value() << endl); if(opts.approach.value()==string("tica")){ message("Calculating T- and S-modes " << endl); explained_var = krfact(tmp,tmpT,tmpS); Tmodes.clear(); Smodes.clear(); for(int ctr = 1; ctr <= tmp.Ncols(); ctr++){ tmpT3 << reshape(tmp.Column(ctr),tmpT.Nrows(),numfiles); outMsize("tmpT3", tmpT3); tmpT2 << tmpT.Column(ctr); tmpS2 << tmpS.Column(ctr); tmpT3 << SP(tmpT3,pow(ones(tmpT3.Nrows(),1)*tmpS2.t(),-1)); if(numfiles>1) tmpT2 |= tmpT3; if(mean(tmpS2,1).AsScalar()<0){ tmpT2*=-1.0; tmpS2*=-1.0; } add_Tmodes(tmpT2); add_Smodes(tmpS2); } } else{ Tmodes.clear(); Smodes.clear(); for(int ctr = 1; ctr <= tmp.Ncols(); ctr++){ tmpT3 << tmp.Column(ctr); add_Tmodes(tmpT3); } } if(opts.approach.value()!=string("concat")){ //add GLM OLS fit dbgmsg(string(" GLM fitting ") << endl); if(Tdes.Storage()){ Matrix alltcs = Tmodes.at(0).Column(1); for(int ctr=1; ctr < (int)Tmodes.size();ctr++) alltcs|=Tmodes.at(ctr).Column(1); if((alltcs.Nrows()==Tdes.Nrows())&&(Tdes.Nrows()>Tdes.Ncols())) glmT.olsfit(alltcs,Tdes,Tcon); } if(Sdes.Storage()){ Matrix alltcs = Smodes.at(0); for(int ctr=1; ctr < (int)Smodes.size();ctr++) alltcs|=Smodes.at(ctr); if((alltcs.Nrows()==Sdes.Nrows())&&(Sdes.Nrows()>Sdes.Ncols()&&alltcs.Nrows()>2)) glmS.olsfit(alltcs,Sdes,Scon); } } // else{ // dbgmsg(string(" Bypassing krfac ") << endl); // add_Tmodes(tmp); // add_Smodes(tmpS); // } dbgmsg(string("END: set_TSmode")); } void MelodicData::setup_classic() { Matrix alldat, tmpData; bool tmpvarnorm = opts.varnorm.value(); if(numfiles > 1 && opts.joined_vn.value()){ opts.varnorm.set_T(false); } alldat = process_file(opts.inputfname.value().at(0), numfiles) / numfiles; memmsg(" after process_file "); if(opts.pca_dim.value() > alldat.Nrows()-2){ cerr << "ERROR:: too many components selected \n\n"; exit(2); } if(opts.debug.value()) save4D(alldat,string("preproc_dat") + num2str(1)); for(int ctr = 1; ctr < numfiles; ctr++){ tmpData = process_file(opts.inputfname.value().at(ctr), numfiles) / numfiles; if(opts.debug.value()) save4D(tmpData,string("preproc_dat") + num2str(ctr+1)); if(tmpData.Ncols() == alldat.Ncols() && tmpData.Nrows() == alldat.Nrows()) alldat += tmpData; else{ if(opts.approach.value()==string("tica")){ cerr << "ERROR:: data dimensions do not match, TICA not possible \n\n"; exit(2); } if(tmpData.Ncols() == alldat.Ncols()){ int mindim = min(alldat.Nrows(),tmpData.Nrows()); alldat = alldat.Rows(1,mindim); tmpData = tmpData.Rows(1,mindim); alldat += tmpData; } else message("Data dimensions do not match - ignoring "+opts.inputfname.value().at(ctr) << endl); } } //update mask if(opts.update_mask.value()){ message("Excluding voxels with constant value ..."); update_mask(Mask, alldat); message(" done" << endl); } if((numfiles > 1 ) && opts.joined_vn.value() && tmpvarnorm){ //variance - normalisation message(endl<<"Normalising jointly by voxel-wise variance ..."); stdDev = varnorm(alldat,alldat.Nrows(),3.1); stdDevi = pow(stdDev,-1); message(" done" << endl); } if(numfiles>1) message(endl << "Initial data size : "<<alldat.Nrows()<<" x "<<alldat.Ncols()<<endl<<endl); if(opts.debug.value()) save4D(alldat,"alldat"); //estimate model order Matrix tmpPPCA; RowVector AdjEV, PercEV; Matrix Corr, tmpE; int order; order = ppca_dim(remmean(alldat,2), RXweight, tmpPPCA, AdjEV, PercEV, Corr, pcaE, pcaD, Resels, opts.pca_est.value()); if (opts.paradigmfname.value().length()>0) order += param.Ncols(); if(opts.pca_dim.value() == 0){ opts.pca_dim.set_T(order); PPCA=tmpPPCA; } if(opts.pca_dim.value() < 0){ opts.pca_dim.set_T(min(order,-1*opts.pca_dim.value())); PPCA=tmpPPCA; } order = opts.pca_dim.value(); dbgmsg(endl << "Model order : "<<order<<endl); if (opts.paradigmfname.value().length()>0){ Matrix tmpPscales; tmpPscales = param.t() * alldat; paramS = stdev(tmpPscales.t()); calc_white(pcaE, pcaD, order, param, paramS, whiteMatrix, dewhiteMatrix); }else calc_white(pcaE, pcaD, order, whiteMatrix, dewhiteMatrix); if(opts.debug.value()){ outMsize("pcaE",pcaE); saveascii(pcaE,"pcaE"); outMsize("pcaD",pcaD); saveascii(pcaD,"pcaD"); outMsize("AdjEV",AdjEV); saveascii(AdjEV,"AdjEV"); outMsize("PercEV",PercEV); saveascii(PercEV,"PercEV"); outMsize("tmpPPCA",tmpPPCA); saveascii(tmpPPCA,"tmpPPCA"); outMsize("whiteMatrix",whiteMatrix); saveascii(whiteMatrix,"whiteMatrix"); outMsize("dewhiteMatrix",dewhiteMatrix); saveascii(dewhiteMatrix,"dewhiteMatrix"); } EV = AdjEV; EVP = PercEV; if(numfiles == 1){ Data = alldat; Matrix tmp = IdentityMatrix(Data.Nrows()); DWM.push_back(tmp); WM.push_back(tmp); } else { dbgmsg("Multi-Subject ICA"); for(int ctr = 0; ctr < numfiles; ctr++){ tmpData = process_file(opts.inputfname.value().at(ctr), numfiles); if(opts.joined_vn.value() && tmpvarnorm){ dbgmsg("tmpData normalisation"<< endl); dbgmsg("stdDev " << stdDev(1,2)<< endl); dbgmsg("tmpData " << tmpData.SubMatrix(1,1,1,2)<< endl); SP3(tmpData,pow(stdDev,-1)); } // whiten (separate / joint) Matrix newWM,newDWM; if(!opts.joined_whiten.value()){ message(" Individual whitening in a " << order << " dimensional subspace " << endl); std_pca(tmpData, RXweight, Corr, pcaE, pcaD); calc_white(pcaE, pcaD, order, newWM, newDWM); }else{ if(!opts.dr_pca.value()){ std_pca(whiteMatrix*tmpData, RXweight, Corr, pcaE, pcaD); calc_white(pcaE, pcaD, order, newWM, newDWM); newDWM=(dewhiteMatrix*newDWM); newWM=(newWM*whiteMatrix); } else{ if(opts.debug.value()) dbgmsg(" --mod_pca "); Matrix tmp1, tmp2; tmp1 = whiteMatrix * alldat; remmean(tmp1,2); tmp1 *= tmpData.t(); tmp2 = pinv(tmp1.t()).t(); std_pca(tmp1 * tmpData, RXweight, Corr, pcaE, pcaD); calc_white(pcaE, pcaD, order, newWM, newDWM); newDWM=(tmp2*newDWM); newWM=(newWM * tmp1); } } DWM.push_back(newDWM); WM.push_back(newWM); tmpData = newWM * tmpData; //concatenate Data if(Data.Storage() == 0) Data = tmpData; else Data &= tmpData; } } opts.varnorm.set_T(tmpvarnorm); } void MelodicData::setup_migp() { dbgmsg("starting MIGP"); //permute input vector if desired std::random_shuffle ( opts.inputfname.value().begin(), opts.inputfname.value().end() ); Matrix tmpData; bool tmpvarnorm = opts.varnorm.value(); if(numfiles > 1 && opts.joined_vn.value()){ opts.varnorm.set_T(false); } for(int ctr = 1; ctr < numfiles; ctr++){ tmpData = process_file(opts.inputfname.value().at(ctr), numfiles) / numfiles; if(opts.debug.value()) save4D(tmpData,string("preproc_dat") + num2str(ctr+1)); if(Data.Storage()==0) Data = tmpData; else Data &= tmpData; //reduce dim down to manageable level if(Data.Nrows() > opts.migpN.value()){ message(" Reducing data matrix to a " << opt.migpN.value() << " dimensional subspace " << endl); Matrix pcaE, Corr; RowVector pcaD; std_pca(Data, RXweight, Corr, pcaE, pcaD); pcaE = pcaE.Columns(pcaE.Ncols()-opts.migpN.value()+1,pcaE.Ncols()); Data = pcaE.t() * Data; } } //update mask if(opts.update_mask.value()){ message("Excluding voxels with constant value ..."); update_mask(Mask, Data); message(" done" << endl); } Matrix tmp = IdentityMatrix(Data.Nrows()); DWM.push_back(tmp); WM.push_back(tmp); opts.varnorm.set_T(tmpvarnorm); } void MelodicData::setup() { numfiles = (int)opts.inputfname.value().size(); setup_misc(); if(opts.debug.value()) memmsg(" after setup_misc "); if(opts.filtermode){ // basic setup for filtering only Data = process_file(opts.inputfname.value().at(0)); } else{ if((numfiles > 1) && (opts.approach.value()==string("defl") || opts.approach.value()==string("symm"))) opts.approach.set_T("concat"); if(opts.migp.value()) setup_migp(); else setup_classic(); } message(endl << " Data size : "<<Data.Nrows()<<" x "<<Data.Ncols()<<endl<<endl); outMsize("stdDev",stdDev); //meanC=mean(Data,2); if(opts.debug.value()) save4D(Data,"concat_data"); //save the mean & mask save_volume(Mask,logger.appendDir("mask")); save_volume(Mean,logger.appendDir("mean")); } // void setup() void MelodicData::setup_misc() { //initialize Mean read_volume(Mean,opts.inputfname.value().at(0)); //create mask create_mask(Mask); //setup background image if(opts.bgimage.value()>""){ read_volume(background,opts.bgimage.value()); if(!samesize(Mean,background)){ cerr << "ERROR:: background image and data have different dimensions \n\n"; exit(2); } }else{ background = Mean; } if(!samesize(Mean,Mask)){ cerr << "ERROR:: mask and data have different dimensions \n\n"; exit(2); } //reset mean Mean *= 0; //set up weighting if(opts.segment.value().length()>0){ create_RXweight(); } //seed the random number generator double tmptime = time(NULL); if ( opts.seed.value() != -1 ) { tmptime = opts.seed.value(); } srand((unsigned int) tmptime); if(opts.paradigmfname.value().length()>0){ message(" Use columns in " << opts.paradigmfname.value() << " for PCA initialisation" <<endl); param = read_ascii_matrix(opts.paradigmfname.value()); Matrix tmpPU, tmpPV; DiagonalMatrix tmpPD; SVD(param, tmpPD, tmpPU, tmpPV); param = tmpPU; opts.pca_dim.set_T(std::max(opts.pca_dim.value(), param.Ncols()+3)); if(opts.debug.value()){ outMsize("Paradigm",param); saveascii(param,"param"); } //opts.guessfname.set_T(opts.paradigmfname.value()); } //read in post-proc design matrices etc if(opts.fn_Tdesign.value().length()>0) Tdes = read_ascii_matrix(opts.fn_Tdesign.value()); if(opts.fn_Sdesign.value().length()>0) Sdes = read_ascii_matrix(opts.fn_Sdesign.value()); if(opts.fn_Tcon.value().length()>0) Tcon = read_ascii_matrix(opts.fn_Tcon.value()); if(opts.fn_Scon.value().length()>0) Scon = read_ascii_matrix(opts.fn_Scon.value()); if(opts.fn_TconF.value().length()>0) TconF = read_ascii_matrix(opts.fn_TconF.value()); if(opts.fn_SconF.value().length()>0) SconF = read_ascii_matrix(opts.fn_SconF.value()); if(numfiles>1 && Sdes.Storage() == 0){ Sdes = ones(numfiles,1); if(Scon.Storage() == 0){ Scon = ones(1,1); Scon &= -1*Scon; } } remmean(Tdes); } void MelodicData::save() { //check for temporal ICA if(opts.temporal.value()){ message(string("temporal ICA: transform back the data ... ")); Matrix tmpIC = mixMatrix.t(); mixMatrix=IC.t(); IC=tmpIC; unmixMatrix=pinv(mixMatrix); Data = Data.t(); tmpIC = meanC; meanC = meanR.t(); meanR = tmpIC.t(); // whiteMatrix = whiteMatrix.t; // dewhiteMatrix = dewhiteMatrix.t(); message(string("done") << endl); opts.temporal.set_T(false); // Do not switch again! } message(endl << "Writing results to : " << endl); //Output IC if((IC.Storage()>0)&&(opts.output_origIC.value())&&(after_mm==false)) save4D(IC,opts.outputfname.value() + "_oIC"); //Output IC -- adjusted for noise if(IC.Storage()>0){ volume4D<float> tempVol; //Matrix ICadjust; if(after_mm){ save4D(IC,opts.outputfname.value() + "_IC"); // ICadjust = IC; } else{ Matrix resids = stdev(Data - mixMatrix * IC); for(int ctr=1;ctr<=resids.Ncols();ctr++) if(resids(1,ctr) < 0.05) resids(1,ctr)=1; // stdNoisei = pow(stdev(Data - mixMatrix * IC)* // std::sqrt((float)(Data.Nrows()-1))/ // std::sqrt((float)(Data.Nrows()-IC.Nrows())),-1); stdNoisei = pow(resids* std::sqrt((float)(Data.Nrows()-1))/ std::sqrt((float)(Data.Nrows()-IC.Nrows())),-1); ColumnVector diagvals; diagvals=pow(diag(unmixMatrix*unmixMatrix.t()),-0.5); save4D(SP(IC,diagvals*stdNoisei),opts.outputfname.value() + "_IC"); } if(opts.output_origIC.value()) save4D(stdNoisei,string("Noise__inv")); } //Output T- & S-modes save_Tmodes(); save_Smodes(); //Output mixMatrix if(mixMatrix.Storage()>0){ saveascii(expand_mix(), opts.outputfname.value() + "_mix"); mixFFT=calc_FFT(expand_mix(), opts.logPower.value()); saveascii(mixFFT,opts.outputfname.value() + "_FTmix"); } //Output PPCA if(PPCA.Storage()>0) saveascii(PPCA, opts.outputfname.value() + "_PPCA"); //Output ICstats if(ICstats.Storage()>0) saveascii(ICstats,opts.outputfname.value() + "_ICstats"); //Output unmixMatrix if(opts.output_unmix.value() && unmixMatrix.Storage()>0) saveascii(unmixMatrix,opts.outputfname.value() + "_unmix"); //Output Mask message(" "<< logger.appendDir("mask") <<endl); //Output mean if(opts.output_mean.value() && meanC.Storage()>0 && meanR.Storage()>0){ saveascii(meanR,opts.outputfname.value() + "_meanR"); saveascii(meanC,opts.outputfname.value() + "_meanC"); } //Output white if(opts.output_white.value() && whiteMatrix.Storage()>0&& dewhiteMatrix.Storage()>0){ saveascii(whiteMatrix,opts.outputfname.value() + "_white"); saveascii(dewhiteMatrix,opts.outputfname.value() + "_dewhite"); Matrix tmp; tmp=calc_FFT(dewhiteMatrix, opts.logPower.value()); saveascii(tmp,opts.outputfname.value() + "_FTdewhite"); } //Output PCA if(opts.output_pca.value() && pcaD.Storage()>0&&pcaE.Storage()>0){ saveascii(pcaE,opts.outputfname.value() + "_pcaE"); saveascii((Matrix) diag(pcaD),opts.outputfname.value() + "_pcaD"); Matrix PCAmaps; if(whiteMatrix.Ncols()==Data.Ncols()) PCAmaps = dewhiteMatrix.t(); else PCAmaps = whiteMatrix * Data; save4D(PCAmaps,opts.outputfname.value() + "_pca"); } message("...done" << endl); } //void save() int MelodicData::remove_components() { message("Reading " << opts.filtermix.value() << endl) mixMatrix = read_ascii_matrix(opts.filtermix.value()); if (mixMatrix.Storage()<=0) { cerr <<" Please specify the mixing matrix correctly" << endl; exit(2); } unmixMatrix = pinv(mixMatrix); IC = unmixMatrix * Data; string tmpstr; tmpstr = opts.filter.value(); Matrix noiseMix; Matrix noiseIC; int ctr=0; char *p; char t[1024]; const char *discard = ", [];{(})abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*_-=+|\':><./?"; message("Filtering the data..."); strcpy(t, tmpstr.c_str()); p=strtok(t,discard); ctr = atoi(p); if(ctr>0 && ctr<=mixMatrix.Ncols()){ message(" "<< ctr ); noiseMix = mixMatrix.Column(ctr); noiseIC = IC.Row(ctr).t(); } else{ cerr << endl<< "component number "<<ctr<<" does not exist" << endl; } do{ p=strtok(NULL,discard); if(p){ ctr = atoi(p); if(ctr>0 && ctr<=mixMatrix.Ncols()){ message(" "<<ctr); noiseMix |= mixMatrix.Column(ctr); noiseIC |= IC.Row(ctr).t(); } else{ cerr << endl<< "component number "<<ctr<<" does not exist" << endl; } } }while(p); message(endl); Matrix newData; outMsize("DATA",Data); outMsize("IC",IC); outMsize("noiseIC",noiseIC); outMsize("noiseMix",noiseMix); outMsize("meanR",meanR); outMsize("meanC",meanC); newData = Data - noiseMix * noiseIC.t(); if(meanR.Storage()>0) newData = newData + ones(newData.Nrows(),1)*meanR; volume4D<float> tmp; read_volume4D(tmp,opts.inputfname.value().at(0)); tmp.setmatrix(newData,Mask); save_volume4D(tmp,logger.appendDir(opts.outputfname.value() + "_ICAfiltered")); return 0; } // int remove_components() void MelodicData::create_RXweight() { message("Reading the weights for the covariance R_X from file "<< opts.segment.value() << endl); volume4D<float> tmpRX; read_volume4D(tmpRX,opts.segment.value()); RXweight = tmpRX.matrix(Mask); } void MelodicData::est_smoothness() { if(Resels == 0){ string SM_path = opts.binpath + "smoothest"; string Mask_fname = logger.appendDir("mask"); if(opts.segment.value().length()>0){ Mask_fname = opts.segment.value(); } // Setup external call to smoothest: char callSMOOTHESTstr[1000]; ostrstream osc(callSMOOTHESTstr,1000); osc << SM_path << " -d " << data_dim() << " -r " << opts.inputfname.value().at(0) << " -m " << Mask_fname << " > " << logger.appendDir("smoothest") << '\0'; message(" Calling Smoothest: " << callSMOOTHESTstr << endl); system(callSMOOTHESTstr); //read back the results ifstream in; string str; Resels = 1.0; in.open(logger.appendDir("smoothest").c_str(), ios::in); if(in>0){ for(int ctr=1; ctr<7; ctr++) in >> str; in.close(); if(str!="nan") Resels = atof(str.c_str()); } } } unsigned long MelodicData::standardise(volume<float>& mask, volume4D<float>& R) { unsigned long count = 0; int M=R.tsize(); for (int z=mask.minz(); z<=mask.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=mask.miny(); y<=mask.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=mask.minx(); x<=mask.maxx(); x++) { if( mask(x,y,z) > 0.5) { count ++; if( M > 2 ) { // For each voxel // calculate mean and standard deviation... double Sx = 0.0, SSx = 0.0; for ( int t = 0; t < M; t++ ) { float R_it = R(x,y,z,t); Sx += R_it; SSx += (R_it)*(R_it); } float mean = Sx / M; float sdsq = (SSx - ((Sx)*(Sx) / M)) / (M - 1) ; if (sdsq<=0) { // trap for differences between mask and invalid data mask(x,y,z)=0; count--; } else { // ... and use them to standardise to N(0, 1). for ( unsigned short t = 0; t < M; t++ ) { R(x,y,z,t) = (R(x,y,z,t) - mean) / sqrt(sdsq); } } } } } } } return count; } float MelodicData::est_resels(volume4D<float> R, volume<float> mask) { message(" Estimating data smoothness ... "); unsigned long mask_volume = standardise(mask, R); int dof = R.tsize(); unsigned long N = mask_volume; // MJ additions to make it cope with 2D images bool usez = true; if (R.zsize() <= 1) { usez = false; } enum {X = 0, Y, Z}; float SSminus[3] = {0, 0, 0}, S2[3] = {0, 0, 0}; int zstart=1; if (!usez) zstart=0; for ( unsigned short z = zstart; z < R.zsize() ; z++ ) for ( unsigned short y = 1; y < R.ysize() ; y++ ) for ( unsigned short x = 1; x < R.xsize() ; x++ ) // Sum over N if( (mask(x, y, z)>0.5) && (mask(x-1, y, z)>0.5) && (mask(x, y-1, z)>0.5) && ( (!usez) || (mask(x, y, z-1)>0.5) ) ) { N++; for ( unsigned short t = 0; t < R.tsize(); t++ ) { // Sum over M SSminus[X] += R(x, y, z, t) * R(x-1, y, z, t); SSminus[Y] += R(x, y, z, t) * R(x, y-1, z, t); if (usez) SSminus[Z] += R(x, y, z, t) * R(x, y, z-1, t); S2[X] += 0.5 * (R(x, y, z, t)*R(x, y, z, t) + R(x-1, y, z, t)*R(x-1, y, z, t)); S2[Y] += 0.5 * (R(x, y, z, t)*R(x, y, z, t) + R(x, y-1, z, t)*R(x, y-1, z, t)); if (usez) S2[Z] += 0.5 * (R(x, y, z, t)*R(x, y, z, t) + R(x, y, z-1, t)*R(x, y, z-1, t)); } } float norm = 1.0/(float) N; float v = dof; // v - degrees of freedom (nu) if(R.tsize() > 1) { norm = (v - 2) / ((v - 1) * N * R.tsize()); } // for extreme smoothness if (SSminus[X]>=0.99999999*S2[X]) SSminus[X]=0.99999*S2[X]; if (SSminus[Y]>=0.99999999*S2[Y]) SSminus[Y]=0.99999*S2[Y]; if (usez) if (SSminus[Z]>=0.99999999*S2[Z]) SSminus[Z]=0.99999*S2[Z]; // Convert to sigma squared float sigmasq[3] = {0,0,0}; sigmasq[X] = -1.0 / (4 * log(fabs(SSminus[X]/S2[X]))); sigmasq[Y] = -1.0 / (4 * log(fabs(SSminus[Y]/S2[Y]))); if (usez) { sigmasq[Z] = -1.0 / (4 * log(fabs(SSminus[Z]/S2[Z]))); } // Convert to full width half maximum float FWHM[3] = {0,0,0}; FWHM[X] = sqrt(8 * log(2) * sigmasq[X]); FWHM[Y] = sqrt(8 * log(2) * sigmasq[Y]); if (usez) { FWHM[Z] = sqrt(8 * log(2) * sigmasq[Z]); } float resels = FWHM[X] * FWHM[Y]; if (usez) resels *= FWHM[Z]; message(" done " <<endl); return resels; } void MelodicData::create_mask(volume<float>& theMask) { if(opts.use_mask.value() && opts.maskfname.value().size()>0){ // mask provided read_volume(theMask,opts.maskfname.value()); message("Mask provided : " << opts.maskfname.value()<<endl<<endl); } else{ if(opts.perf_bet.value() && opts.use_mask.value()){ //use BET message("Create mask ... "); //save first image tmpnam(Mean_fname); // generate a tmp name save_volume(Mean,Mean_fname); // set up all strings string BET_outputfname = string(Mean_fname)+"_brain"; string BET_path = opts.binpath + "bet"; string BET_optarg = "-m -f 0.4"; // see man bet string Mask_fname = BET_outputfname+"_mask"; // Setup external call to BET: // char callBETstr[1000]; // ostrstream betosc(callBETstr,1000); // betosc << BET_path << " " << Mean_fname << " " // << BET_outputfname << " " << BET_optarg << " > /dev/null " << '\0'; // message(" Calling BET: " << callBETstr << endl); // system(callBETstr); string tmpstr = BET_path + string(" ") + Mean_fname + string(" ") + BET_outputfname + string(" ") + BET_optarg + string(" > /dev/null "); system(tmpstr.c_str()); // read back the Mask file read_volume(theMask,Mask_fname); // clean /tmp char callRMstr[1000]; ostrstream osc(callRMstr,1000); osc << "rm " << string(Mean_fname) <<"* " << '\0'; system(callRMstr); message("done" << endl); } else{ if(opts.use_mask.value()){ //just threshold the Mean message("Create mask ... "); float Mmin, Mmax, Mtmp; Mmin = Mean.min(); Mmax = Mean.max(); theMask = binarise(Mean,Mmin + opts.threshold.value()* (Mmax-Mmin),Mmax); Mtmp = Mmin + opts.threshold.value()* (Mmax-Mmin); message("done" << endl); } else{ //well, don't threshold then theMask = Mean; theMask = 1.0; } } } if(opts.remove_endslices.value()){ // just in case mc introduced something nasty message(" Deleting end slices" << endl); for(int ctr1=theMask.miny(); ctr1<=theMask.maxy(); ctr1++){ for(int ctr2=theMask.minx(); ctr2<=theMask.maxx(); ctr2++){ theMask(ctr2,ctr1,Mask.minz()) = 0.0; theMask(ctr2,ctr1,Mask.maxz()) = 0.0; } } } } //void create_mask() void MelodicData::sort() { int numComp = mixMatrix.Ncols(), numVox = IC.Ncols(), numTime = mixMatrix.Nrows(), i,j; //flip IC maps to be positive (on max) //flip Subject/Session modes to be positive (on average) //flip time courses accordingly for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= numComp; ctr_i++) if(IC.Row(ctr_i).MaximumAbsoluteValue()>IC.Row(ctr_i).Maximum()){ flipres(ctr_i); } message("Sorting IC maps" << endl); Matrix tmpscales, tmpICrow, tmpMIXcol; if(numfiles > 1 && opts.approach.value()==string("tica")){ set_TSmode(); Matrix allmodes = Smodes.at(0); for(int ctr = 1; ctr < (int)Smodes.size();++ctr) allmodes |= Smodes.at(ctr); tmpscales = median(allmodes).t(); } else { // re-order wrt standard deviation of IC maps tmpscales = stdev(IC,2); } ICstats = tmpscales; double max_val, min_val = tmpscales.Minimum()-1; for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= numComp; ctr_i++){ max_val = tmpscales.Maximum2(i,j); ICstats(ctr_i,1)=max_val; tmpICrow = IC.Row(ctr_i); tmpMIXcol = mixMatrix.Column(ctr_i); IC.SubMatrix(ctr_i,ctr_i,1,numVox) = IC.SubMatrix(i,i,1,numVox); mixMatrix.SubMatrix(1,numTime,ctr_i,ctr_i) = mixMatrix.SubMatrix(1,numTime,i,i); IC.SubMatrix(i,i,1,numVox) = tmpICrow.SubMatrix(1,1,1,numVox); mixMatrix.SubMatrix(1,numTime,i,i) = tmpMIXcol.SubMatrix(1,numTime,1,1); tmpscales(i,1)=tmpscales(ctr_i,1); tmpscales(ctr_i,1)=min_val; } ICstats /= ICstats.Column(1).Sum(); ICstats *= 100; if(EVP.Storage()>0){ tmpscales = ICstats.Column(1).AsMatrix(ICstats.Nrows(),1) * EVP(1,numComp); ICstats |= tmpscales; } if(Data.Storage()>0&&stdDev.Storage()>0){ Matrix copeP(tmpscales), copeN(tmpscales); Matrix max_ICs(tmpscales), min_ICs(tmpscales); for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= numComp; ctr_i++){ int i,j; max_ICs(ctr_i,1) = IC.Row(ctr_i).Maximum2(i,j); copeP(ctr_i,1) = std::abs((pinv(mixMatrix)* Data.Column(j)).Row(ctr_i).AsScalar()*stdDev(1,j)*100* (mixMatrix.Column(ctr_i).Maximum()- mixMatrix.Column(ctr_i).Minimum())/meanR(1,j)); min_ICs(ctr_i,1) = IC.Row(ctr_i).Minimum2(i,j); copeN(ctr_i,1) = -1.0*std::abs((pinv(mixMatrix)* Data.Column(j)).Row(ctr_i).AsScalar()*stdDev(1,j)*100* (mixMatrix.Column(ctr_i).Maximum()- mixMatrix.Column(ctr_i).Minimum())/meanR(1,j)); } ICstats |= copeP; ICstats |= copeN; } mixFFT=calc_FFT(expand_mix(), opts.logPower.value()); unmixMatrix = pinv(mixMatrix); } void MelodicData::reregress() { if((numfiles > 1)){ } } void MelodicData::status(const string &txt) { cout << "MelodicData Object " << txt << endl; if(Data.Storage()>0){cout << "Data: " << Data.Nrows() <<"x" << Data.Ncols() << endl;}else{cout << "Data empty " <<endl;} if(pcaE.Storage()>0){cout << "pcaE: " << pcaE.Nrows() <<"x" << pcaE.Ncols() << endl;}else{cout << "pcaE empty " <<endl;} if(pcaD.Storage()>0){cout << "pcaD: " << pcaD.Nrows() <<"x" << pcaD.Ncols() << endl;}else{cout << "pcaD empty " <<endl;} if(whiteMatrix.Storage()>0){cout << "white: " << whiteMatrix.Nrows() <<"x" << whiteMatrix.Ncols() << endl;}else{cout << "white empty " <<endl;} if(dewhiteMatrix.Storage()>0){cout << "dewhite: " << dewhiteMatrix.Nrows() <<"x" << dewhiteMatrix.Ncols() << endl;}else{cout << "dewhite empty " <<endl;} if(mixMatrix.Storage()>0){cout << "mix: " << mixMatrix.Nrows() <<"x" << mixMatrix.Ncols() << endl;}else{cout << "mix empty " <<endl;} if(unmixMatrix.Storage()>0){cout << "unmix: " << unmixMatrix.Nrows() <<"x" << unmixMatrix.Ncols() << endl;}else{cout << "unmix empty " <<endl;} if(IC.Storage()>0){cout << "IC: " << IC.Nrows() <<"x" << IC.Ncols() << endl;}else{cout << "IC empty " <<endl;} } //void status() }