#!/bin/sh # General FSL anatomical processing pipeline # # Mark Jenkinson # FMRIB Image Analysis Group # # Copyright (C) 2012 University of Oxford # # SHCOPYRIGHT set -e LOGFILE=log.txt # The following is a debugging line (displays all commands as they are executed) # set -x Usage() { echo "Usage: `basename $0` [options] -i <structural image>" echo " `basename $0` [options] -d <existing anat directory>" #echo " `basename $0` [options] --list=<list of image names OR a text file>" echo " " echo "Arguments (You may specify one or more of):" echo " -i <strucural image> filename of input image (for one image only)" echo " -d <anat dir> directory name for existing .anat directory where this script will be run in place" echo " -o <output directory> basename of directory for output (default is input image basename followed by .anat)" #echo " --list=<image list> specifies a list of images to be averaged (either a comma separated list of image names with no spaces, or the filename for a text file containing the individual image filenames)" echo " --clobber if .anat directory exist (as specified by -o or default from -i) then delete it and make a new one" echo " --strongbias used for images with very strong bias fields" echo " --weakbias used for images with smoother, more typical, bias fields (default setting)" echo " --noreorient turn off step that does reorientation 2 standard (fslreorient2std)" echo " --nocrop turn off step that does automated cropping (robustfov)" #echo " --nobet turn off step that does brain extraction (BET or registration) - to use this the input image must already brain extracted" echo " --nobias turn off steps that do bias field correction (via FAST)" echo " --noreg turn off steps that do registration to standard (FLIRT and FNIRT)" echo " --nononlinreg turn off step that does non-linear registration (FNIRT)" echo " --noseg turn off step that does tissue-type segmentation (FAST)" echo " --nosubcortseg turn off step that does sub-cortical segmentation (FIRST)" echo " -s <value> specify the value for bias field smoothing (the -l option in FAST)" echo " -t <type> specify the type of image (choose one of T1 T2 PD - default is T1)" #echo " -m <lesion mask> use the mask image to exclude areas (e.g. lesions) - voxels=1 in mask are excluded/deweighted" echo " --nosearch specify that linear registration uses the -nosearch option (FLIRT)" echo " --betfparam specify f parameter for BET (only used if not running non-linear reg and also wanting brain extraction done)" echo " --nocleanup do not remove intermediate files" echo " " } # extracts the option name from any version (-- or -) get_opt1() { arg=`echo $1 | sed 's/=.*//'` echo $arg } # get arg for -- options get_arg1() { if [ X`echo $1 | grep '='` = X ] ; then echo "Option $1 requires an argument" 1>&2 exit 1 else arg=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'` if [ X$arg = X ] ; then echo "Option $1 requires an argument" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo $arg fi } # get image filename from -- options get_imarg1() { arg=`get_arg1 $1`; arg=`$FSLDIR/bin/remove_ext $arg`; echo $arg } # get arg for - options (need to pass both $1 and $2 to this) get_arg2() { if [ X$2 = X ] ; then echo "Option $1 requires an argument" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo $2 } # get arg of image filenames for - options (need to pass both $1 and $2 to this) get_imarg2() { arg=`get_arg2 $1 $2`; arg=`$FSLDIR/bin/remove_ext $arg`; echo $arg } run() { echo $@ >> $LOGFILE $@ } quick_smooth() { in=$1 out=$2 run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths $in -subsamp2 -subsamp2 -subsamp2 -subsamp2 vol16 run $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -in vol16 -ref $in -out $out -noresampblur -applyxfm -paddingsize 16 # possibly do a tiny extra smooth to $out here? run $FSLDIR/bin/imrm vol16 } # Parse input arguments # default values inputimage= imagelist= outputname= anatdir= lesionmask= strongbias=no; do_reorient=yes; do_crop=yes; do_bet=yes; do_biasrestore=yes; do_reg=yes; do_nonlinreg=yes; do_seg=yes; do_subcortseg=yes; do_cleanup=yes; clobber=no; multipleimages=no; use_lesionmask=no; nosearch= niter=10; smooth=20; betfparam=0.1; type=1 # For FAST: 1 = T1w, 2 = T2w, 3 = PD # Parse! Parse! Parse! if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then Usage; exit 0; fi if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then Usage; exit 1; fi while [ $# -ge 1 ] ; do iarg=`get_opt1 $1`; case "$iarg" in -i) inputimage=`get_imarg2 $1 $2`; shift 2;; -o) outputname=`get_arg2 $1 $2`; shift 2;; -d) anatdir=`get_arg2 $1 $2`; shift 2;; -s) smooth=`get_arg2 $1 $2`; shift 2;; -m) use_lesionmask=yes; lesionmask=`get_arg2 $1 $2`; shift 2;; -t) typestr=`get_arg2 $1 $2`; if [ $typestr = T1 ] ; then type=1; fi if [ $typestr = T2 ] ; then type=2; fi if [ $typestr = PD ] ; then type=3; fi shift 2;; --list) imagelist=`get_arg1 $1`; multipleimages=yes; shift;; --clobber) clobber=yes; shift;; --noreorient) do_reorient=no; shift;; --nocrop) do_crop=no; shift;; --nobet) do_bet=no; shift;; --noreg) do_reg=no; shift;; --nononlinreg) do_nonlinreg=no; shift;; --noseg) do_seg=no; shift;; --nosubcortseg) do_subcortseg=no; shift;; --nobias) do_biasrestore=no; shift;; --nosearch) nosearch=-nosearch; shift;; --strongbias) strongbias=yes; niter=5; smooth=10; shift;; --weakbias) strongbias=no; niter=10; smooth=20; shift;; --betfparam) betfparam=`get_arg1 $1`; shift;; --nocleanup) do_cleanup=no; shift;; -v) verbose=yes; shift;; -h) Usage; exit 0;; *) #if [ `echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.\).*/\1/'` = "-" ] ; then echo "Unrecognised option $1" 1>&2 exit 1 #fi #shift;; esac done ### Sanity checking of arguments if [ X$inputimage = X ] && [ X$anatdir = X ] && [ X"$imagelist" = X ] ; then #echo "One of the compulsory arguments -i, -d or --list MUST be used" echo "One of the compulsory arguments -i or -d MUST be used" exit 1; fi if [ $type != 1 ] ; then if [ $do_nonlinreg = yes ] ; then echo "ERROR: Cannot do non-linear registration with non-T1 images, please re-run with --nononlinreg" ; exit 1; fi ; if [ $do_subcortseg = yes ] ; then echo "ERROR: Cannot perform subcortical segmentation (with FIRST) on a non-T1 image, please re-run with --nosubcortseg" exit 1; fi ; fi T1=T1; if [ $type = 2 ] ; then T1=T2; fi if [ $type = 3 ] ; then T1=PD; fi betopts="-f ${betfparam}" ###### Now do some work! # setup output directory (or go to existing one) if [ X$anatdir = X ] ; then if [ X${outputname} = X ] ; then outputname=$inputimage; fi if [ -d ${outputname}.anat ] ; then if [ $clobber = no ] ; then echo "ERROR: Directory ${outputname}.anat already exists!" exit 1; else rm -rf ${outputname}.anat fi fi mkdir ${outputname}.anat else if [ X${inputimage} != X ] ; then echo "ERROR: Cannot specify both -d and -i"; exit 1; fi if [ $multipleimages = yes ] ; then echo "ERROR: Cannot specify both -d and --list"; exit 1; fi outputname=`$FSLDIR/bin/fsl_abspath $anatdir`; outputname=`echo $outputname | sed 's/\.anat$//'`; if [ ! -d ${outputname}.anat ] ; then echo "ERROR: Directory ${outputname}.anat not found" exit 1; fi inputimage=$anatdir/T1 fi # some initial reporting for the log file echo "Script invoked from directory = `pwd`" >> ${outputname}.anat/$LOGFILE echo "Output directory = ${outputname}.anat" >> ${outputname}.anat/$LOGFILE if [ $multipleimages = yes ] ; then if [ X${inputimage} != X ] ; then echo "ERROR: Cannot specify both -i and --list"; exit 1; fi im1=`echo $imagelist | sed 's/,/ /g' | awk '{ print $1 }'`; if [ $FSLDIR/bin/imtest $im1 = 1 ] ; then # this is a comma separated list of image names namelist="`echo ${imagelist} | sed 's/,/ /g'`"; else # this is a file containing the image names namelist="`cat ${imagelist}`"; fi for name in $namelist ; do if [ $FSLDIR/bin/imtest $name = 0 ] ; then echo "ERROR: Cannot find image $name" exit 1; fi $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths $name ${outputname}.anat/${T1}_${num} done echo "Input images are ${namelist}" >> ${outputname}.anat/$LOGFILE else $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${inputimage} ${outputname}.anat/${T1} echo "Input image is ${inputimage}" >> ${outputname}.anat/$LOGFILE fi if [ $use_lesionmask = yes ] ; then $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths $lesionmask ${outputname}.anat/lesionmask echo "Lesion mask is ${lesionmask}" >> ${outputname}.anat/$LOGFILE fi cd ${outputname}.anat echo " " >> $LOGFILE # now the real work #### AVERAGING MULTIPLE SCANS # required input: list of images linked from the input argument with names ${T1}_[0-9]* # output: ${T1} if [ $multipleimages = yes ] ; then date; echo "Averaging list of input images" mkdir average_dir run $FSLDIR/bin/AnatomicalAverage -w average_dir -o ${T1} `$FSLDIR/bin/imglob ${T1}_*` fi #### FIXING NEGATIVE RANGE # required input: ${T1} # output: ${T1} minval=`$FSLDIR/bin/fslstats ${T1} -p 0`; maxval=`$FSLDIR/bin/fslstats ${T1} -p 100`; if [ X`echo "if ( $minval < 0 ) { 1 }" | bc -l` = X1 ] ; then if [ X`echo "if ( $maxval > 0 ) { 1 }" | bc -l` = X1 ] ; then # if there are just some negative values among the positive ones then reset zero to the min value run ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${T1} -sub $minval ${T1} -odt float else # if all values are negative then make them positive, but retain any zeros as zeros run ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${T1} -bin -binv zeromask run ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${T1} -sub $minval -mas zeromask ${T1} -odt float fi fi #### REORIENTATION 2 STANDARD # required input: ${T1} # output: ${T1} (modified) [ and ${T1}_orig and .mat ] if [ $do_reorient = yes ] ; then date; echo "Reorienting to standard orientation" run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1} ${T1}_orig run $FSLDIR/bin/fslreorient2std ${T1} > ${T1}_orig2std.mat run $FSLDIR/bin/convert_xfm -omat ${T1}_std2orig.mat -inverse ${T1}_orig2std.mat run $FSLDIR/bin/fslreorient2std ${T1} ${T1} fi #### AUTOMATIC CROPPING # required input: ${T1} # output: ${T1} (modified) [ and ${T1}_fullfov plus various .mats ] if [ $do_crop = yes ] ; then date; echo "Automatically cropping the image" run $FSLDIR/bin/immv ${T1} ${T1}_fullfov run $FSLDIR/bin/robustfov -i ${T1}_fullfov -r ${T1} -m ${T1}_roi2nonroi.mat | grep [0-9] | tail -1 > ${T1}_roi.log # combine this mat file and the one above (if generated) if [ $do_reorient = yes ] ; then run $FSLDIR/bin/convert_xfm -omat ${T1}_nonroi2roi.mat -inverse ${T1}_roi2nonroi.mat run $FSLDIR/bin/convert_xfm -omat ${T1}_orig2roi.mat -concat ${T1}_nonroi2roi.mat ${T1}_orig2std.mat run $FSLDIR/bin/convert_xfm -omat ${T1}_roi2orig.mat -inverse ${T1}_orig2roi.mat fi fi ### LESION MASK # make appropriate (reoreinted and cropped) lesion mask (or a default blank mask to simplify the code later on) if [ $use_lesionmask = yes ] ; then if [ -f ${T1}_orig2std.mat ] ; then transform=${T1}_orig2std.mat ; fi if [ -f ${T1}_orig2roi.mat ] ; then transform=${T1}_orig2roi.mat ; fi # this takes precedence if both exist if [ X$transform != X ] ; then $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths lesionmask lesionmask_orig $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -in lesionmask_orig -ref ${T1} -applyxfm -interp nearestneighbour -init ${transform} -out lesionmask fi else $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1} -mul 0 lesionmask fi $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths lesionmask -bin lesionmask $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths lesionmask -binv lesionmaskinv #### BIAS FIELD CORRECTION (main work, although also refined later on if segmentation run) # required input: ${T1} # output: ${T1}_biascorr [ other intermediates to be cleaned up ] if [ $do_biasrestore = yes ] ; then if [ $strongbias = yes ] ; then date; echo "Estimating and removing field (stage 1 - large-scale fields)" # for the first step (very gross bias field) don't worry about the lesionmask # the following is a replacement for : run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1} -s 20 ${T1}_s20 quick_smooth ${T1} ${T1}_s20 run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1} -div ${T1}_s20 ${T1}_hpf if [ $do_bet = yes ] ; then # get a rough brain mask - it can be *VERY* rough (i.e. missing huge portions of the brain or including non-brain, but non-background) - use -f 0.1 to err on being over inclusive run $FSLDIR/bin/bet ${T1}_hpf ${T1}_hpf_brain -m -f 0.1 else run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_hpf ${T1}_hpf_brain run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_hpf_brain -bin ${T1}_hpf_brain_mask fi run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_hpf_brain_mask -mas lesionmaskinv ${T1}_hpf_brain_mask # get a smoothed version without the edge effects run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1} -mas ${T1}_hpf_brain_mask ${T1}_hpf_s20 quick_smooth ${T1}_hpf_s20 ${T1}_hpf_s20 quick_smooth ${T1}_hpf_brain_mask ${T1}_initmask_s20 run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_hpf_s20 -div ${T1}_initmask_s20 -mas ${T1}_hpf_brain_mask ${T1}_hpf2_s20 run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1} -mas ${T1}_hpf_brain_mask -div ${T1}_hpf2_s20 ${T1}_hpf2_brain # make sure the overall scaling doesn't change (equate medians) med0=`$FSLDIR/bin/fslstats ${T1} -k ${T1}_hpf_brain_mask -P 50`; med1=`$FSLDIR/bin/fslstats ${T1}_hpf2_brain -k ${T1}_hpf_brain_mask -P 50`; run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_hpf2_brain -div $med1 -mul $med0 ${T1}_hpf2_brain date; echo "Estimating and removing bias field (stage 2 - detailed fields)" run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_hpf2_brain -mas lesionmaskinv ${T1}_hpf2_maskedbrain run $FSLDIR/bin/fast -o ${T1}_initfast -l ${smooth} -b -B -t $type --iter=${niter} --nopve --fixed=0 -v ${T1}_hpf2_maskedbrain run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_initfast_restore -mas lesionmaskinv ${T1}_initfast_maskedrestore run $FSLDIR/bin/fast -o ${T1}_initfast2 -l ${smooth} -b -B -t $type --iter=${niter} --nopve --fixed=0 -v ${T1}_initfast_maskedrestore run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_hpf_brain_mask ${T1}_initfast2_brain_mask else if [ $do_bet = yes ] ; then # get a rough brain mask - it can be *VERY* rough (i.e. missing huge portions of the brain or including non-brain, but non-background) - use -f 0.1 to err on being over inclusive run $FSLDIR/bin/bet ${T1} ${T1}_initfast2_brain -m -f 0.1 else run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1} ${T1}_initfast2_brain run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_initfast2_brain -bin ${T1}_initfast2_brain_mask fi run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_initfast2_brain ${T1}_initfast2_restore fi # redo fast again to try and improve bias field run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_initfast2_restore -mas lesionmaskinv ${T1}_initfast2_maskedrestore run $FSLDIR/bin/fast -o ${T1}_fast -l ${smooth} -b -B -t $type --iter=${niter} --nopve --fixed=0 -v ${T1}_initfast2_maskedrestore date; echo "Extrapolating bias field from central region" # use the latest fast output run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1} -div ${T1}_fast_restore -mas ${T1}_initfast2_brain_mask ${T1}_fast_totbias run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_initfast2_brain_mask -ero -ero -ero -ero -mas lesionmaskinv ${T1}_initfast2_brain_mask2 run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_fast_totbias -sub 1 ${T1}_fast_totbias run $FSLDIR/bin/fslsmoothfill -i ${T1}_fast_totbias -m ${T1}_initfast2_brain_mask2 -o ${T1}_fast_bias run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_fast_bias -add 1 ${T1}_fast_bias run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_fast_totbias -add 1 ${T1}_fast_totbias # run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_fast_totbias -sub 1 -mas ${T1}_initfast2_brain_mask -dilall -add 1 ${T1}_fast_bias # alternative to fslsmoothfill run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1} -div ${T1}_fast_bias ${T1}_biascorr else run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1} ${T1}_biascorr fi #### REGISTRATION AND BRAIN EXTRACTION # required input: ${T1}_biascorr # output: ${T1}_biascorr_brain ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask ${T1}_to_MNI_lin ${T1}_to_MNI [plus transforms, inverse transforms, jacobians, etc.] if [ $do_reg = yes ]; then if [ $do_bet != yes ]; then echo "Skipping registration, as it requires a non-brain-extracted input image" else date echo "Registering to standard space (linear)" flirtargs="$flirtargs $nosearch" if [ $use_lesionmask = yes ]; then flirtargs="$flirtargs -inweight lesionmaskinv"; fi run $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -interp spline -dof 12 -in ${T1}_biascorr -ref $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_${T1}_2mm -dof 12 -omat ${T1}_to_MNI_lin.mat -out ${T1}_to_MNI_lin $flirtargs if [ $do_nonlinreg = yes ]; then date echo "Registering to standard space (non-linear)" #refmask=$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_${T1}_2mm_brain_mask_dil1 refmask=MNI152_${T1}_2mm_brain_mask_dil1 fnirtargs="" if [ $use_lesionmask = yes ]; then fnirtargs="$fnirtargs --inmask=lesionmaskinv"; fi run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_${T1}_2mm_brain_mask -fillh -dilF $refmask run $FSLDIR/bin/fnirt --in=${T1}_biascorr --ref=$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_${T1}_2mm --fout=${T1}_to_MNI_nonlin_field --jout=${T1}_to_MNI_nonlin_jac --iout=${T1}_to_MNI_nonlin --logout=${T1}_to_MNI_nonlin.txt --cout=${T1}_to_MNI_nonlin_coeff --config=$FSLDIR/etc/flirtsch/${T1}_2_MNI152_2mm.cnf --aff=${T1}_to_MNI_lin.mat --refmask=$refmask $fnirtargs date echo "Performing brain extraction (using FNIRT)" run $FSLDIR/bin/invwarp --ref=${T1}_biascorr -w ${T1}_to_MNI_nonlin_coeff -o MNI_to_${T1}_nonlin_field run $FSLDIR/bin/applywarp --interp=nn --in=$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_${T1}_2mm_brain_mask --ref=${T1}_biascorr -w MNI_to_${T1}_nonlin_field -o ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask -fillh ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_biascorr -mas ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask ${T1}_biascorr_brain else if [ $do_bet = yes ]; then date echo "Performing brain extraction (using BET)" run $FSLDIR/bin/bet ${T1}_biascorr ${T1}_biascorr_brain -m $betopts ## results sensitive to the f parameter else run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_biascorr ${T1}_biascorr_brain run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_biascorr_brain -bin ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask fi fi ## In the future, could check the initial ROI extraction here fi fi #### TISSUE-TYPE SEGMENTATION # required input: ${T1}_biascorr ${T1}_biascorr_brain ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask # output: ${T1}_biascorr ${T1}_biascorr_brain (modified) ${T1}_fast* (as normally output by fast) ${T1}_fast_bias (modified) if [ $do_seg = yes ] ; then date; echo "Performing tissue-type segmentation" run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_biascorr_brain -mas lesionmaskinv ${T1}_biascorr_maskedbrain run $FSLDIR/bin/fast -o ${T1}_fast -l ${smooth} -b -B -t $type --iter=${niter} ${T1}_biascorr_maskedbrain run $FSLDIR/bin/immv ${T1}_biascorr ${T1}_biascorr_init run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_fast_restore ${T1}_biascorr_brain # extrapolate bias field and apply to the whole head image run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask -mas lesionmaskinv ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask2 run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_biascorr_init -div ${T1}_fast_restore -mas ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask2 ${T1}_fast_totbias run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_fast_totbias -sub 1 ${T1}_fast_totbias run $FSLDIR/bin/fslsmoothfill -i ${T1}_fast_totbias -m ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask2 -o ${T1}_fast_bias run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_fast_bias -add 1 ${T1}_fast_bias run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_fast_totbias -add 1 ${T1}_fast_totbias # run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_fast_totbias -sub 1 -mas ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask2 -dilall -add 1 ${T1}_fast_bias # alternative to fslsmoothfill run $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${T1}_biascorr_init -div ${T1}_fast_bias ${T1}_biascorr if [ $do_nonlinreg = yes ] ; then # regenerate the standard space version with the new bias field correction applied run $FSLDIR/bin/applywarp -i ${T1}_biascorr -w ${T1}_to_MNI_nonlin_field -r $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_${T1}_2mm -o ${T1}_to_MNI_nonlin --interp=spline fi fi #### SKULL-CONSTRAINED BRAIN VOLUME ESTIMATION (only done if registration turned on, and segmentation done, and it is a T1 image) # required inputs: ${T1}_biascorr # output: ${T1}_vols.txt if [ $do_reg = yes ] && [ $do_seg = yes ] && [ $T1 = T1 ] ; then echo "Skull-constrained registration (linear)" run ${FSLDIR}/bin/bet ${T1}_biascorr ${T1}_biascorr_bet -s -m $betopts run ${FSLDIR}/bin/pairreg ${FSLDIR}/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain ${T1}_biascorr_bet ${FSLDIR}/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_skull ${T1}_biascorr_bet_skull ${T1}2std_skullcon.mat if [ $use_lesionmask = yes ] ; then run ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths lesionmask -max ${T1}_fast_pve_2 ${T1}_fast_pve_2_plusmask -odt float # ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths lesionmask -bin -mul 3 -max ${T1}_fast_seg ${T1}_fast_seg_plusmask -odt int fi vscale=`${FSLDIR}/bin/avscale ${T1}2std_skullcon.mat | grep Determinant | awk '{ print $3 }'`; ugrey=`$FSLDIR/bin/fslstats ${T1}_fast_pve_1 -m -v | awk '{ print $1 * $3 }'`; ngrey=`echo "$ugrey * $vscale" | bc -l`; uwhite=`$FSLDIR/bin/fslstats ${T1}_fast_pve_2 -m -v | awk '{ print $1 * $3 }'`; nwhite=`echo "$uwhite * $vscale" | bc -l`; ubrain=`echo "$ugrey + $uwhite" | bc -l`; nbrain=`echo "$ngrey + $nwhite" | bc -l`; echo "Scaling factor from ${T1} to MNI (using skull-constrained linear registration) = $vscale" > ${T1}_vols.txt echo "Brain volume in mm^3 (native/original space) = $ubrain" >> ${T1}_vols.txt echo "Brain volume in mm^3 (normalised to MNI) = $nbrain" >> ${T1}_vols.txt fi #### SUB-CORTICAL STRUCTURE SEGMENTATION # required input: ${T1}_biascorr # output: ${T1}_first* if [ $do_subcortseg = yes ] ; then date; echo "Performing subcortical segmentation" # Future note, would be nice to use ${T1}_to_MNI_lin.mat to initialise first_flirt ffopts="" if [ $use_lesionmask = yes ] ; then ffopts="$ffopts -inweight lesionmaskinv" ; fi run $FSLDIR/bin/first_flirt ${T1}_biascorr ${T1}_biascorr_to_std_sub $ffopts run mkdir first_results echo "$FSLDIR/bin/run_first_all $firstreg -i ${T1}_biascorr -o first_results/${T1}_first -a ${T1}_biascorr_to_std_sub.mat" >> $LOGFILE FIRSTID=`$FSLDIR/bin/run_first_all $firstreg -i ${T1}_biascorr -o first_results/${T1}_first -a ${T1}_biascorr_to_std_sub.mat` echo "$FSLDIR/bin/fsl_sub -T 1 -j $FIRSTID imcp first_results/${T1}_first_all_fast_firstseg ${T1}_subcort_seg" >> $LOGFILE $FSLDIR/bin/fsl_sub -T 1 -j $FIRSTID imcp first_results/${T1}_first_all_fast_firstseg ${T1}_subcort_seg fi #### CLEANUP if [ $do_cleanup = yes ] ; then date; echo "Cleaning up intermediate files" run $FSLDIR/bin/imrm ${T1}_biascorr_bet_mask ${T1}_biascorr_bet ${T1}_biascorr_brain_mask2 ${T1}_biascorr_init ${T1}_biascorr_maskedbrain ${T1}_biascorr_to_std_sub ${T1}_fast_bias_idxmask ${T1}_fast_bias_init ${T1}_fast_bias_vol2 ${T1}_fast_bias_vol32 ${T1}_fast_totbias ${T1}_hpf* ${T1}_initfast* ${T1}_s20 ${T1}_initmask_s20 fi