#!/bin/sh # Copyright (C) 2004 University of Oxford # # SHCOPYRIGHT if [ "x$SGE_ROOT" = "x" ] ; then . /usr/local/share/sge-6.0/default/common/settings.sh fi Usage() { echo "" echo "Usage: bedpost <subject directory> " echo "" echo "expects to find bvals and bvecs in subject directory" echo "expects to find data nodif_brain_mask nodif in subject directory" echo "" exit } make_absolute(){ dir=$1; if [ -d ${dir} ]; then OLDWD=`pwd` cd ${dir} dir_all=`pwd` cd $OLDWD else dir_all=${dir} fi echo ${dir_all} } [ "$1" = "" ] && Usage subjdir=`make_absolute $1` subjdir=`echo $subjdir | sed 's/\/$/$/g'` echo subjectdir is $subjdir #check that all required files exist if [ ! -d $subjdir ]; then echo "subject directory $1 not found" fi if [ ! -e ${subjdir}/bvecs ]; then echo "${subjdir}/bvecs not found" fi if [ ! -e ${subjdir}/bvals ]; then echo "${subjdir}/bvals not found" fi if [ `${FSLDIR}/bin/imtest ${subjdir}/data` -eq 0 ]; then echo "${subjdir}/data not found" fi if [ `${FSLDIR}/bin/imtest ${subjdir}/nodif` -eq 0 ]; then echo "${subjdir}/nodif not found" fi if [ `${FSLDIR}/bin/imtest ${subjdir}/nodif_brain_mask` -eq 0 ]; then echo "${subjdir}/nodif_brain_mask not found" fi echo Making bedpost directory structure mkdir -p ${subjdir}.bedpost/ mkdir -p ${subjdir}.bedpost/diff_slices mkdir -p ${subjdir}.bedpost/logs mkdir -p ${subjdir}.bedpost/logs/pid_${$} mkdir -p ${subjdir}.bedpost/xfms mailto=`whoami`@fmrib.ox.ac.uk echo Queuing preprocessing stages preprocid=`qsub -M $mailto -V -q short.q \ -o ${subjdir}.bedpost/logs -e ${subjdir}.bedpost/logs \ ${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpost_preproc.sh ${subjdir} | \ awk '{print $3}'` echo Queuing parallel processing stage nslices=`avwval ${subjdir}/data dim3` bedpostid=`qsub -M $mailto -hold_jid $preprocid -V -q long.q -t 1-$nslices \ -o ${subjdir}.bedpost/logs -e ${subjdir}.bedpost/logs \ ${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpost_single_slice.sh $subjdir | \ awk '{print $3}' | awk -F. '{print $1}'` echo Queuing post processing stage mergeid=`qsub -M $mailto -hold_jid $bedpostid -V -q short.q \ -o ${subjdir}.bedpost/logs -e ${subjdir}.bedpost/logs \ ${FSLDIR}/bin/bedpost_postproc.sh $subjdir | \ awk '{print $3}'` echo echo Type ${subjdir}.bedpost/monitor to show progress. cat <<EOM > ${subjdir}.bedpost/monitor #!/bin/sh finished=0 logdir=${subjdir}.bedpost/logs while [ \$finished -eq 0 ] ; do nfin=0 if [ -f \$logdir/bedpost.o$bedpostid.1 ] ; then nfin=\`cat \$logdir/bedpost.o$bedpostid.* |\ grep Done | wc -w | awk '{print \$1}'\` fi if [ \$nfin -eq $nslices ] ; then finished=1 fi echo "\$nfin slices processed" sleep 600; done EOM chmod +x ${subjdir}.bedpost/monitor echo Type ${subjdir}.bedpost/cancel to terminate the task. cat <<EOC > ${subjdir}.bedpost/cancel #!/bin/sh qdel $mergeid $bedpostid $preprocid EOC chmod +x ${subjdir}.bedpost/cancel echo echo You will get an email at the end of the post-processing stage. echo