diff --git a/volume.cc b/volume.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e7edb83367a5040a89818bb80caf457b6d435ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/volume.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-/*  volume.cc
-    Mark Woolrich, FMRIB Image Analysis Group
-    Copyright (C) 2002 University of Oxford  */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "fslio/fslio.h"
-#include "newmatap.h"
-#include "newmatio.h"
-#include "volume.h"
-#include "utils/time_tracer.h"
-using namespace NEWMAT;
-using namespace Utilities;
-namespace MISCMATHS {
-  void Volume::unthreshold()
-     {  
-       Time_Tracer ts("Volume::unthreshold");
-       int sizeVolUnthresholded = getUnthresholdSize();
-       int sizeVolThresholded = getVolumeSize();
-       // Increase this to required size and set to 0
-       Release(); 
-       ColumnVector X=*this; 
-       ReSize(sizeVolUnthresholded);
-       ColumnVector::operator=(0);
-       // Loop through volume restoring non thresholded values:
-       for(int i = 1; i <= sizeVolThresholded; i++)
-	 {
-	   (*this)(int(preThresholdPositions(i)))=X(i);
-	 }
-     }
-  void Volume::unthreshold(const VolumeInfo& pvolinfo,const ColumnVector& in)
-  {
-    volinfo = pvolinfo;
-    preThresholdPositions = in;
-    unthreshold();
-  }
-  void Volume::threshold()
-  {  
-    Time_Tracer ts("Volume::threshold");
-    int sizeVol = preThresholdPositions.Nrows();
-    ColumnVector X(sizeVol); 
-    // Loop through pulling out non thresholded values
-    for(int i = 1; i <= sizeVol; i++)
-      {
-	X(i)=(*this)(int(preThresholdPositions(i)));
-      }
-    (*this) = X;
-  }
-  void Volume::threshold(float thresh)
-  {
-    Time_Tracer ts("Volume::threshold");
-    int size = getVolumeSize();
-    int j = 0;
-    preThresholdPositions.ReSize(size);
-    float m = 0;
-    for(int i = 1; i <= size; i++)
-      {
-	m = (*this)(i);
-	if(m > thresh)
-	  {
-	    j++;	
-	    preThresholdPositions(j) = i;
-	    (*this)(j) = (*this)(i);
-	  }
-      }
-    // Discard rest:
-    *this = Rows(1,j);
-    preThresholdPositions = preThresholdPositions.Rows(1,j);
-  }
-  void Volume::writeAsFloat(const string& fname)
-  {    
-    Time_Tracer ts(string("Volume::writeAsFloat" + fname).c_str());
-    const ColumnVector& outputvol = *this;
-    FSLIO* OP = FslOpen(fname.c_str(), "wb");
-    FslCloneHeader(OP,volinfo.miscinfo);
-    FslSetCalMinMax(OP,Minimum(),Maximum());
-    FslSetDim(OP,volinfo.x, volinfo.y, volinfo.z, 1);
-    FslSetVoxDim(OP,volinfo.vx, volinfo.vy, volinfo.vz, 0);
-    FslSetDataType(OP, DT_FLOAT);
-    FslSetIntent(OP, volinfo.intent_code, volinfo.intent_p1, volinfo.intent_p2, 
-		 volinfo.intent_p3);
-    int sizeVol = outputvol.Nrows();
-    float *qv = new float[sizeVol];
-    for (int i=1; i<=sizeVol; i++) 
-      { 
-	qv[i-1] = outputvol(i);
-      }
-    FslWriteHeader(OP);
-    FslWriteVolumes(OP, qv, 1);
-    delete [] qv;
-    FslClose(OP);
-  }
-  void Volume::writeAsInt(const string& fname)
-  {    
-    Time_Tracer ts("Volume::writeAsInt");
-    const ColumnVector& outputvol = *this;
-    FSLIO* OP = FslOpen(fname.c_str(), "wb");
-    FslCloneHeader(OP,volinfo.miscinfo);
-    FslSetCalMinMax(OP,Minimum(),Maximum());
-    FslSetDim(OP, volinfo.x, volinfo.y, volinfo.z, 1);  
-    FslSetVoxDim(OP, volinfo.vx, volinfo.vy, volinfo.vz, 0);  
-    FslSetDataType(OP, DT_SIGNED_SHORT);
-    FslSetIntent(OP, volinfo.intent_code, volinfo.intent_p1, volinfo.intent_p2, 
-		 volinfo.intent_p3);
-    int sizeVol = outputvol.Nrows();
-    short *qv = new short[sizeVol];
-    for (int i=1; i<=sizeVol; i++) 
-      { 
-	qv[i-1] = (short)outputvol(i);
-      }
-    FslWriteHeader(OP);
-    FslWriteVolumes(OP, qv, 1);
-    delete [] qv;
-    FslClose(OP);
-  }
-  void Volume::read(const string& fname)
-  {
-    Time_Tracer ts(string("Volume::read" + fname).c_str());
-    FSLIO* IP = FslOpen(fname.c_str(), "rb");
-    ColumnVector& output = *this;
-    short x,y,z,v,type;
-    float vx,vy,vz,tr;
-    float slope, intercept;
-    int doscaling;
-    FslGetDim(IP,&x,&y,&z,&v);
-    FslGetVoxDim(IP,&vx,&vy,&vz,&tr);
-    FslGetIntent(IP, &(volinfo.intent_code), &(volinfo.intent_p1), &(volinfo.intent_p2), 
-		 &(volinfo.intent_p3));
-    doscaling = FslGetIntensityScaling(IP,&slope,&intercept);
-    volinfo.x = x; volinfo.y = y; volinfo.z = z; volinfo.v = v;
-    volinfo.vx = vx; volinfo.vy = vy; volinfo.vz = vz; volinfo.tr = tr;
-    volinfo.miscinfo = FslInit();
-    FslCloneHeader(volinfo.miscinfo,IP);
-    size_t imagesize=x*y*z;
-    FslGetDataType(IP,&type);
-    output.ReSize(x*y*z);
-    switch(type)
-      {
-      case DT_SIGNED_SHORT:
-	{
-	  short* sbuffer=new short[imagesize];
-	  FslReadVolumes(IP,sbuffer,v);
-	  for(size_t j = 1; j<=(size_t)x*y*z; j++)
-	    {
-	      if (doscaling==0) { output(j)=sbuffer[j-1]; }
-	      else { output(j)=(slope * sbuffer[j-1]) + intercept; }
-	    }
-	  delete[] sbuffer;
-	}
-	break;
-      case DT_FLOAT:
-	{
-	  float* fbuffer=new float[imagesize];
-	  FslReadVolumes(IP,fbuffer,v);
-	  for(size_t j = 1; j<=(size_t)x*y*z; j++)
-	    {
-	      if (doscaling==0) { output(j)=fbuffer[j-1]; }
-	      else { output(j)=(slope * fbuffer[j-1]) + intercept; }
-	    }
-	  delete[] fbuffer;
-	}
-	break;
-      case DT_UNSIGNED_CHAR:
-	{
-	  unsigned char* cbuffer=new unsigned char[imagesize];
-	  FslReadVolumes(IP,cbuffer,v);
-	  for(size_t j = 1; j<=(size_t)x*y*z; j++)
-	    {
-	      if (doscaling==0) { output(j)=cbuffer[j-1]; }
-	      else { output(j)=(slope * cbuffer[j-1]) + intercept; }
-	    }
-	  delete[] cbuffer;
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	perror("FslRead: DT not supported");
-      }
-    FslClose(IP);
-    return;
-  }
diff --git a/volume.h b/volume.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fa11e0504bfe9ffa490f80481acb040293d66a9e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/volume.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/*  volume.h
-    Mark Woolrich - FMRIB Image Analysis Group
-    Copyright (C) 2002 University of Oxford  */
-#if !defined(__volume_h)
-#define __volume_h
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#define WANT_STREAM
-#define WANT_MATH
-#include "newmatap.h"
-#include "newmatio.h"
-#include "volumeinfo.h"
-#include <string>
-using namespace NEWMAT;
-namespace MISCMATHS { 
-  class Volume : public ColumnVector
-    {
-    public:
-      Volume() : ColumnVector() {}
-      Volume(const VolumeInfo& pvolinfo, const ColumnVector& in) : 
-	ColumnVector(),
-	volinfo(pvolinfo),
-	preThresholdPositions(in)
-	{}
-      Volume(int psize) : ColumnVector (psize) {}
-      Volume(int psize,const VolumeInfo& pvolinfo, const ColumnVector& in) : 
-	ColumnVector (psize), 
-	volinfo(pvolinfo),
-	preThresholdPositions(in){}
-      Volume& operator=(const Volume& vol) {
-	ColumnVector::operator=(vol);
-	preThresholdPositions = vol.preThresholdPositions;
-	volinfo = vol.volinfo;
-	return *this;
-      }
-      Volume& operator=(const ColumnVector& pvec) { 
-	ColumnVector::operator=(pvec); 
-	return *this;
-      }
-      Volume& operator=(float pin) { 
-	ColumnVector::operator=(pin); 
-	return *this;
-      }
-      Volume(const ColumnVector& pvec) {ColumnVector::operator=(pvec);}
-	  void read(const std::string& fname);
-      void threshold(float thresh);
-      void threshold();
-      void unthreshold();
-      void unthreshold(const VolumeInfo& pvolinfo, const ColumnVector& in);
-      void writeAsInt(const std::string& fname);
-      void writeAsFloat(const std::string& fname);
-      const VolumeInfo& getInfo() const { return volinfo; }
-      void setInfo(const VolumeInfo& pvolinfo) { volinfo = pvolinfo; }
-      int getUnthresholdSize() const { return volinfo.x*volinfo.y*volinfo.z; }
-      int getVolumeSize() const { return Nrows(); }
-      const ColumnVector& getPreThresholdPositions() const { return preThresholdPositions; } 
-      void setPreThresholdPositions(const ColumnVector& in) { preThresholdPositions = in; } 
-    protected:
-      VolumeInfo volinfo;
-      ColumnVector preThresholdPositions;       
-    };
diff --git a/volumeinfo.h b/volumeinfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 804d5e69d45d3cd70f2b7f7eb3dc0ab8eea23f33..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/volumeinfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/*  volumeinfo.h
-    Mark Woolrich - FMRIB Image Analysis Group
-    Copyright (C) 2002 University of Oxford  */
-#include "fslio/fslio.h"
-namespace MISCMATHS {
-#if !defined(__VolumeInfo_h)
-#define __VolumeInfo_h
-struct VolumeInfo
-  // Volume dimensions (no. of voxels):
-  int x;
-  int y;
-  int z;
-  int v;
-  // Voxel dimensions (mm)
-  float vx;
-  float vy;
-  float vz;
-  float tr;
-  // Intent codes and parameters
-  short intent_code;
-  float intent_p1;
-  float intent_p2;
-  float intent_p3;
-  FSLIO* miscinfo;
diff --git a/volumeseries.cc b/volumeseries.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 25872c2f6c636bb8ea3a569346844b85ae48d515..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/volumeseries.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-/*  volumeseries.cc
-    Mark Woolrich - FMRIB Image Analysis Group
-    Copyright (C) 2002 University of Oxford  */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "fslio/fslio.h"
-#include "newmatap.h"
-#include "newmatio.h"
-#include "volumeseries.h"
-#include "miscmaths.h"
-#include "utils/time_tracer.h"
-using namespace NEWMAT;
-using namespace Utilities;
-namespace MISCMATHS {
-  void VolumeSeries::replaceMeans()
-  {
-    Time_Tracer ts("VolumeSeries::replaceMeans");
-    for(int i = 1; i <= getNumSeries(); i++)
-      {
-	Column(i) = Column(i) + means(i);
-      }
-  }
-  void VolumeSeries::unthresholdSeries()
-    {
-       Time_Tracer ts("VolumeSeries::unthresholdSeries");
-       int numUnThresholdedSeries = getUnthresholdNumSeries();
-       int numThresholdedSeries = getNumSeries();
-       int numVolumes = getNumVolumes();
-       // Increase this to required size and set to 0
-       Release();        
-       Matrix X=*this; 
-       ReSize(numVolumes, numUnThresholdedSeries);
-       Matrix::operator=(0);
-       // Loop through restoring non thresholded series: 
-       for(int i = 1; i <= numThresholdedSeries; i++)
-	 {
-	   Column(int(preThresholdPositions(i)))=X.Column(i);
-	 }
-    }
-  void VolumeSeries::thresholdSeries()
-  {
-    Time_Tracer ts("VolumeSeries::thresholdSeries");
-       int numSeries = preThresholdPositions.Nrows();
-       int numVolumes = getNumVolumes();
-       Matrix X(numVolumes, numSeries); 
-       for(int i = 1; i <= numSeries; i++)
-	 {
-	   X.Column(i)=Column(int(preThresholdPositions(i)));
-	 }
-       *this = X;
-    }
-   void VolumeSeries::thresholdSeries(float thresh, bool removeMean)
-     {
-       Time_Tracer ts("VolumeSeries::thresholdSeries");
-       int numSeries = getNumSeries();
-       int j = 0;
-       if(removeMean)
-	 {
-	   means.ReSize(numSeries);
-	   means = 0;
-	 }
-       preThresholdPositions.ReSize(numSeries);
-       float m = 0,s = 0;
-       for(int i = 1; i <= numSeries; i++)
-	 {
-	   m = MISCMATHS::mean(ColumnVector(getSeries(i))).AsScalar();
-	   s = MISCMATHS::var(ColumnVector(getSeries(i))).AsScalar();
-	   /*
-	   if(m > thresh && s == 0.0)
-	     {
-	       cerr << "m = " << m << endl;
-	       cerr << "s = " << s << endl;
-	       cerr << "i = " << i << endl;
-	       cerr << "j = " << j+1 << endl;
-	     }
-	   */
-	   if(m > thresh && s > 1e-10)
-	     {
-	       j++;	
-	       preThresholdPositions(j) = i;
-	       if(removeMean)
-		 {
-		   Column(j) = getSeries(i) - m;
-		   means(i) = m;
-		 }
-	       else
-		 Column(j) = getSeries(i);
-	     }
-	 }
-       // Discard rest:
-       *this = Columns(1,j);
-       preThresholdPositions = preThresholdPositions.Rows(1,j);
-     }
-  void VolumeSeries::removeSeriesMeans()
-    {
-      int numSeries = getNumSeries();
-      for(int i = 1; i <= numSeries; i++)
-	{
-	  float m = MISCMATHS::mean(ColumnVector(getSeries(i))).AsScalar();
-	  Column(i) = getSeries(i) - m;
-	}
-    }
-  void VolumeSeries::read(const string& fname)
-    {
-      Time_Tracer ts(string("VolumeSeries::read-" + fname).c_str());
-      FSLIO* IP = FslOpen(fname.c_str(), "rb");
-      Matrix& output = *this;
-      short x,y,z,v,type;
-      float vx,vy,vz,tr;
-      float slope, intercept;
-      int doscaling;
-      FslGetDim(IP,&x,&y,&z,&v);
-      FslGetVoxDim(IP,&vx,&vy,&vz,&tr);
-      FslGetIntent(IP, &(volinfo.intent_code), &(volinfo.intent_p1), &(volinfo.intent_p2), 
-		   &(volinfo.intent_p3));
-      doscaling = FslGetIntensityScaling(IP,&slope,&intercept);
-      volinfo.x = x; volinfo.y = y; volinfo.z = z; volinfo.v = v;
-      volinfo.vx = vx; volinfo.vy = vy; volinfo.vz = vz; volinfo.tr = tr;
-      volinfo.miscinfo = FslInit();
-      FslCloneHeader(volinfo.miscinfo,IP);
-      size_t imagesize=x*y*z;
-      FslGetDataType(IP,&type);
-      output.ReSize(v,x*y*z);
-      for(size_t i=1; i<=(size_t)v; i++)
-	{
-	  switch(type)
-	    {
-	    case DT_SIGNED_SHORT:
-	      {
-		short* sbuffer=new short[imagesize];
-		FslReadVolumes(IP, sbuffer,1);
-		for(size_t j = 1; j<=imagesize; j++)
-		  {
-		    if (doscaling==0) { output(i,j)=sbuffer[j-1]; }
-		    else { output(i,j)=(slope * sbuffer[j-1]) + intercept;}
-		  }
-		delete[] sbuffer;
-	      }
-	      break;
-	    case DT_FLOAT:
-	      {
-		float* fbuffer=new float[imagesize];
-		FslReadVolumes(IP,fbuffer,1);
-		for(size_t j = 1; j<=imagesize; j++)
-		  {
-		    if (doscaling==0) { output(i,j)=fbuffer[j-1]; }
-		    else { output(i,j)=(slope * fbuffer[j-1]) + intercept;}
-		  }
-		delete[] fbuffer;
-	      }
-	      break;
-	    case DT_UNSIGNED_CHAR:
-	      {
-		unsigned char* cbuffer=new unsigned char[imagesize];
-		FslReadVolumes(IP,cbuffer,1);
-		for(size_t j = 1; j<=imagesize; j++)
-		  {
-		    if (doscaling==0) { output(i,j)=cbuffer[j-1]; }
-		    else { output(i,j)=(slope * cbuffer[j-1]) + intercept;}
-		  }
-		delete[] cbuffer;
-	      }
-	      break;
-	    default:
-	      perror("FslRead: DT not supported");
-	    }
-	}
-      FslClose(IP);
-      return;
-    }
-  void VolumeSeries::unthresholdSeries(const VolumeInfo& pvolinfo,const ColumnVector& in)
-  {
-    volinfo = pvolinfo;
-    preThresholdPositions = in;
-    unthresholdSeries();
-  }
-  void VolumeSeries::writeAsFloat(const string& fname)
-    {
-       Time_Tracer ts(string("VolumeSeries::writeAsFloat" + fname).c_str());
-       FSLIO* OP = FslOpen(fname.c_str(), "wb");
-       FslCloneHeader(OP,volinfo.miscinfo);
-       FslSetCalMinMax(OP,Minimum(),Maximum());
-       FslSetDim(OP,volinfo.x, volinfo.y, volinfo.z, volinfo.v);
-       FslSetVoxDim(OP,volinfo.vx, volinfo.vy, volinfo.vz, volinfo.tr);
-       FslSetDataType(OP, DT_FLOAT);
-       FslSetIntent(OP, volinfo.intent_code, volinfo.intent_p1, volinfo.intent_p2, 
-		    volinfo.intent_p3);
-       int volSize = getNumSeries();
-       int volNum = getNumVolumes();
-       // This should assert() but I'm too scared to add that to production code!
-       if ( (volinfo.x * volinfo.y * volinfo.z != volSize) || (volinfo.v != volNum) )
-         cerr << "WARNING: Dimensions are inconsistent in VolumeSeries::writeAsFloat()\n"
-              << "x, y, z, v = " << volinfo.x << ", " << volinfo.y << ", " << volinfo.z
-              << ", " << volinfo.v << "\nvolSize, volNum = " << volSize << ", " 
-              << volNum << "\nThis is probably NOT what you intended!!" << endl;
-       FslWriteHeader(OP);
-       float *qv = new float[volSize];
-       for(int i = 1; i<= volNum; i++)
-	 {
-	    for(int j = 1; j <= volSize; j++)
-	      qv[j-1] = (*this)(i,j);
-	    FslWriteVolumes(OP, qv, 1);
-	 }
-       delete [] qv;
-       FslClose(OP);
-    }
-  void VolumeSeries::writeThresholdedSeriesAsFloat(const VolumeInfo& pvolinfo,const ColumnVector& in,const string& fname)
-    {
-       volinfo = pvolinfo;
-       preThresholdPositions = in;
-       Time_Tracer ts(string("VolumeSeries::writeThresholdedSeriesAsFloat" + fname).c_str());
-       FSLIO* OP = FslOpen(fname.c_str(), "wb");
-       FslCloneHeader(OP,volinfo.miscinfo);
-       FslSetCalMinMax(OP,Minimum(),Maximum());
-       FslSetDim(OP,volinfo.x, volinfo.y, volinfo.z, volinfo.v);
-       FslSetVoxDim(OP,volinfo.vx, volinfo.vy, volinfo.vz, volinfo.tr);
-       FslSetDataType(OP, DT_FLOAT);
-       FslSetIntent(OP, volinfo.intent_code, volinfo.intent_p1, volinfo.intent_p2, volinfo.intent_p3);
-       int volSize = getUnthresholdNumSeries();
-       int numThresholdedSeries = getNumSeries();
-       int volNum = getNumVolumes();
-       FslWriteHeader(OP);
-       float *qv = new float[volSize];
-       for(int i = 1; i<= volNum; i++)
-	 {
-	   for(int j = 1; j <= volSize; j++)
-	     qv[j-1]=0;
-	   for(int j = 1; j <= numThresholdedSeries; j++)
-	     qv[int(preThresholdPositions(j))-1] = (*this)(i,j);
-	   FslWriteVolumes(OP, qv, 1);
-	 }
-       delete [] qv;
-       FslClose(OP);
-    }
diff --git a/volumeseries.h b/volumeseries.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 996fcef069bbbaa8c6551f671250c6197bdfeee7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/volumeseries.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-/*  volumeseries.h
-    Mark Woolrich - FMRIB Image Analysis Group
-    Copyright (C) 2002 University of Oxford  */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#define WANT_STREAM
-#define WANT_MATH
-#include "newmatap.h"
-#include "newmatio.h"
-#include "volumeinfo.h"
-#include <string>
-using namespace NEWMAT;
-namespace MISCMATHS {
-#if !defined(__volumeseries_h)
-#define __volumeseries_h
-  // Rows are volumes
-  // Columns are (time) series
-  // num Rows is size of (time) series
-  // num Cols is size of volumes
-  class VolumeSeries : public Matrix
-    {
-    public:
-      VolumeSeries() : Matrix() {}
-      VolumeSeries(const VolumeInfo& pvolinfo, const ColumnVector& in) : 
-	Matrix(),
-	volinfo(pvolinfo),
-	preThresholdPositions(in)
-	{}
-      VolumeSeries(int pnumVols, int pnumSeries) : 
-	Matrix(pnumVols, pnumSeries), 
-	means(pnumSeries){}
-      VolumeSeries(int pnumVols, int pnumSeries, const VolumeInfo& pvolinfo, const ColumnVector& in) : 
-	Matrix(pnumVols, pnumSeries), 
-	volinfo(pvolinfo),
-	preThresholdPositions(in),
-	means(pnumSeries){}
-      VolumeSeries& operator=(const VolumeSeries& vol) { 
-	Matrix::operator=(vol); 
-	preThresholdPositions = vol.preThresholdPositions;
-	volinfo = vol.volinfo;
-	means = vol.means;
-	return *this;
-      }
-      VolumeSeries& operator=(const Matrix& mat) {
-	Matrix::operator=(mat);
-	return *this;
-      }
-      VolumeSeries& operator=(float pin) { 
-	Matrix::operator=(pin); 
-	return *this;
-      }
-      VolumeSeries(const VolumeSeries& vol){operator=(vol);}
-      VolumeSeries(const Matrix& pmat) : Matrix(pmat) {}
-      void thresholdSeries(float thresh, bool removeMean);
-      void thresholdSeries();
-      void unthresholdSeries();
-      void unthresholdSeries(const VolumeInfo& pvolinfo,const ColumnVector& in);
-      void removeSeriesMeans();
-      const ColumnVector& getPreThresholdPositions() const { return preThresholdPositions; } 
-      void setPreThresholdPositions(const ColumnVector& in) { preThresholdPositions = in; }
-      int getNumVolumes() const { return Nrows(); }
-      int getNumSeries() const { return Ncols(); }
-      int nvoxels() const { return Ncols(); }
-      int tsize() const { return Nrows(); }
-      const ReturnMatrix getSeries(int i) const { ColumnVector tmp = Column(i);tmp.Release();return tmp; }
-      ReturnMatrix getSeries(int i) { ColumnVector tmp = Column(i);tmp.Release();return tmp; }
-      void setSeries(const ColumnVector& in, int i) { Column(i) = in; }
-      const ReturnMatrix getVolume(int i) const { RowVector tmp = Row(i);tmp.Release();return tmp; }
-      ReturnMatrix getVolume(int i) { RowVector tmp = Row(i);tmp.Release();return tmp; }
-      void setVolume(const ColumnVector& in, int i) { Row(i) = in.AsRow(); }
-      void setVolume(const RowVector& in, int i) { Row(i) = in; }
-      void read(const std::string& fname);
-      void writeAsInt(const std::string& fname);
-      void writeAsFloat(const std::string& fname);
-      void writeThresholdedSeriesAsFloat(const VolumeInfo& pvolinfo,const ColumnVector& in,const std::string& fname);
-      void replaceMeans();
-      const VolumeInfo& getInfo() const { return volinfo; }
-      void setInfo(const VolumeInfo& pvolinfo) { volinfo = pvolinfo; }
-      int getUnthresholdNumSeries() const { return volinfo.x*volinfo.y*volinfo.z; }
-    protected:
-      VolumeInfo volinfo;
-      ColumnVector preThresholdPositions; 
-      ColumnVector means;
-    };