/* minimize Tim Behrens, FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 1999-2000 University of Oxford */ /* CCOPYRIGHT */ #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> //#include <unistd.h> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include "newmatap.h" #include "newmatio.h" #include "miscmaths.h" #include "minimize.h" #define WANT_STREAM #define WANT_MATH using namespace NEWMAT; using namespace std; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace MISCMATHS { float diff1(const ColumnVector& x, const EvalFunction& func, int i,float h,int errorord) { //computes the first derivative of "eval" wrt the i^th parameter at point "x" with step size h ColumnVector xtmp=x; float deriv=0; if(errorord==1){ xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+h; float en_plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); float en=func.evaluate(x); deriv=(en_plus-en)/h; } else if(errorord==2){ xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+h; float en_plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-(2*h); float en_minus=func.evaluate(xtmp); deriv=(en_plus-en_minus)/(2*h); } else{ xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+(2*h); float en_2plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-h; float en_plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-(2*h); float en_minus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-h; float en_2minus=func.evaluate(xtmp); deriv=(-en_2plus+8*en_plus-8*en_minus+en_2minus)/(12*h); } return deriv; } float diff2(const ColumnVector& x, const EvalFunction& func, int i,float h,int errorord) { //computes the second derivative of "eval" wrt the i^th parameter at point "x" with step size h ColumnVector xtmp=x; float deriv=0; if(errorord==1){ xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+(2*h); float en_2plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-h; float en_plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); float en=func.evaluate(x); deriv=(en_2plus-2*en_plus+en)/(h*h); } else if(errorord==2){ xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+h; float en_plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-(2*h); float en_minus=func.evaluate(xtmp); float en=func.evaluate(x); deriv=(en_plus-2*en+en_minus)/(h*h); } else{ xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+(2*h); float en_2plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-h; float en_plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-(2*h); float en_minus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-h; float en_2minus=func.evaluate(xtmp); float en=func.evaluate(x); deriv=(-en_2plus+16*en_plus-30*en+16*en_minus-en_2minus)/(12*h*h); } return deriv; } float diff2(const ColumnVector& x, const EvalFunction& func, int i,int j,float h,int errorord) {//computes the cross derivative of "eval" wrt the i^th and j^th parameter at point "x" with step size h ColumnVector xtmp=x; float deriv=0; if(errorord==1){ xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+h; xtmp(j)=xtmp(j)+h; float en_iplus_jplus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(j)=xtmp(j)-h; float en_iplus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-h;xtmp(j)=xtmp(j)+h; float en_jplus=func.evaluate(xtmp); float en=func.evaluate(x); deriv=(en_iplus_jplus-en_iplus-en_jplus+en)/(h*h);} else if(errorord==2){ xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+h; xtmp(j)=xtmp(j)+h; float en_iplus_jplus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(j)=xtmp(j)-2*h; float en_iplus_jminus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-2*h;xtmp(j)=xtmp(j)+2*h; float en_iminus_jplus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(j)=xtmp(j)-2*h; float en_iminus_jminus=func.evaluate(xtmp); deriv=(en_iplus_jplus-en_iplus_jminus-en_iminus_jplus+en_iminus_jminus)/(4*h*h); } else{ xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+2*h;xtmp(j)=xtmp(j)+2*h; float en_i2plus_j2plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-h; float en_iplus_j2plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-2*h; float en_iminus_j2plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-h; float en_i2minus_j2plus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(j)=xtmp(j)-h; float en_i2minus_jplus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+h; float en_iminus_jplus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+2*h; float en_iplus_jplus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+h; float en_i2plus_jplus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(j)=xtmp(j)-2*h; float en_i2plus_jminus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-h; float en_iplus_jminus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-2*h; float en_iminus_jminus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)-h; float en_i2minus_jminus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(j)=xtmp(j)-h; float en_i2minus_j2minus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+h; float en_iminus_j2minus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+2*h; float en_iplus_j2minus=func.evaluate(xtmp); xtmp(i)=xtmp(i)+h; float en_i2plus_j2minus=func.evaluate(xtmp); deriv=(en_i2plus_j2plus-8*en_iplus_j2plus+8*en_iminus_j2plus-en_i2minus_j2plus -8*en_i2plus_jplus+64*en_iplus_jplus-64*en_iminus_jplus+8*en_i2minus_jplus +8*en_i2plus_jminus-64*en_iplus_jminus+64*en_iminus_jminus-8*en_i2minus_jminus -en_i2plus_j2minus+8*en_iplus_j2minus-8*en_iminus_j2minus+en_i2minus_j2minus)/(144*h*h); } return deriv; } ReturnMatrix gradient(const ColumnVector& x, const EvalFunction& func, float h,int errorord){ ColumnVector deriv(x.Nrows()); deriv = 0; for(int i=1;i<=x.Nrows();i++){ deriv(i) = diff1(x,func,i,h,errorord); } deriv.Release(); return deriv; } ReturnMatrix hessian(const ColumnVector& x, const EvalFunction& func, float h,int errorord) { //evaluates the hessian of function "eval" at x in parameter space //errorord=4 requires something like 8n^2-3n evaluations //errorord=2 requires something like 2n^2+n evaluations //errorord=1 requires same as errorord=2. no point really. // NB Hessian will compute _all_ derivatives even if non_varying parameters exist. The user must prune out rows/colums that are non needed. SymmetricMatrix hess(x.Nrows()); for(int i=1;i<=x.Nrows();i++){ for(int j=1;j<=i;j++){ if(i!=j) hess(i,j)=diff2(x,func,i,j,h,errorord); else hess(i,j)=diff2(x,func,i,h,errorord); } } hess.Release(); return hess; } void minsearch(ColumnVector& x, const EvalFunction& func, ColumnVector& paramstovary){ //perform generic function minimization without gradient info // Number of nonvarying parameters int n_nonvary=0; for(int i=1;i<=paramstovary.Nrows();i++){ if(paramstovary(i)>0){ paramstovary(i)=1; } else{ paramstovary(i)=0; n_nonvary++; } } //Number of parameters to estimate int n=x.Nrows()-n_nonvary, maxiter=200*n,iter=0; int ntot=x.Nrows(); int func_evals=0; // Some things we'll need. float rho=1,chi=2,psi=0.5,sigma=0.5; float tolx=1e-6,tolf=1e-6; ColumnVector onesn(ntot); onesn=1; ColumnVector one2n(ntot),two2np1(ntot); for(int i=1;i<=ntot;i++){ one2n(i)=i; two2np1(i)=i+1; } // We want to store the best n+1 parameter estimates // I'm going to store them as a vector of pairs of floats and ColVecs // so I can sort them based on energy vector<pair<float, ColumnVector> > v; float en=func.evaluate(x); func_evals++; pair<float, ColumnVector> tmppair; tmppair.first=en; tmppair.second=x; v.push_back(tmppair); float usual_delta=0.05,zero_term_delta=0.00025; //perturb each parameter by a bit, and store the cost. ColumnVector y=x; for(int i=1;i<=ntot;i++){ // The values of nonvarying parameters should be the same in // all of the optional param vectors and therefore in all // combinations of them in the remainder of the code. if(paramstovary(i)==1){ if(y(i)!=0){y(i)=(1+usual_delta)*y(i);} else{y(i)=(1+zero_term_delta);} en=func.evaluate(y); func_evals++; tmppair.first=en; tmppair.second=y; v.push_back(tmppair); } } sort(v.begin(),v.end(),pair_comparer()); //wasn't that easy... string how=""; ColumnVector xbar(ntot),xr(ntot),xe(ntot),xc(ntot),xcc(ntot),xtmp(ntot); //cerr<<"starting loop"<<endl; while(iter<=maxiter){ iter++; if(v[n].first-v[0].first< tolf){ ColumnVector tmpvec1,tmpvec2; bool stopsearch=true; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){//iterate over paramsets tmpvec1=v[i].second; tmpvec2=v[i+1].second; for(int j=1;j<=n;j++){//iterate over n params if(fabs( tmpvec1(j)-tmpvec2(j) ) >tolx){stopsearch=false;} } } if(stopsearch){break;} } //compute reflection point // xbar is average of best n paramsets. xbar=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ xbar=xbar+v[i].second; } xbar=xbar/n; xr=(1+rho)*xbar-rho*v[n].second; //reflection point float en_xr=func.evaluate(xr);func_evals++; if(en_xr < v[0].first){ //en_xr is better than our current best //compute expansion point xe=(1+rho*chi)*xbar-rho*chi*v[n].second; float en_xe=func.evaluate(xe);func_evals++; if(en_xe<en_xr){ tmppair.first=en_xe; tmppair.second=xe; v[n]=tmppair; how="expand"; } else{ //en_xr < en_xe tmppair.first=en_xr; tmppair.second=xr; v[n]=tmppair; how="reflect1"; } } else{ //en_xr is worse than our current best if(en_xr<=v[n-1].first){ //en_xr is better than our current second worst tmppair.first=en_xr; tmppair.second=xr; v[n]=tmppair; how="reflect2"; } else{//en_xr is worse than our current secind worst //perform contraction if(en_xr<v[n].first){//en_xr better than current worst //perform outside contraction xc=(1+rho*psi)*xbar-rho*psi*v[n].second; float en_xc = func.evaluate(xc); func_evals++; if(en_xc<=v[n].first){ //en_xr is better than our current worst tmppair.first=en_xc; tmppair.second=xc; v[n]=tmppair; how="contract outside"; } else{ //xc no good //perform a shrink how="shrink"; } } else{//en_xr worse than currenst worst //perform inside contraction xcc = (1-psi)*xbar + psi*v[n].second; float en_xcc=func.evaluate(xcc);func_evals++; if(en_xcc<v[n].first){ tmppair.first=en_xcc; tmppair.second=xcc; v[n]=tmppair; how="contract inside"; } else{ //perform a shrink how="shrink"; } } if(how=="shrink"){ for(int i=1;i<n+1;i++){ tmppair.second=v[0].second+sigma*(v[i].second-v[0].second); tmppair.first=func.evaluate(xtmp);func_evals++; v[i]=tmppair; } } } } sort(v.begin(),v.end(),pair_comparer()); //double bracks constructs a temporary object } //closing while x=v[0].second; } void scg(ColumnVector& x,const gEvalFunction& func, ColumnVector& paramstovary, float tol, float eps, int niters){ //number of nonvarying parameters. int n_nonvary=0; for(int i=1;i<=paramstovary.Nrows();i++){ if(paramstovary(i)>0){ paramstovary(i)=1; } else{ paramstovary(i)=0; n_nonvary++; } } int fevals=0; int gevals=0; int nparams=x.Nrows(); float sigma0 = 1.0e-4; float fold=func.evaluate(x); fevals++; float fnow=0,fnew=0; //Comput gradient wrt all parameters which we wish to estimate ColumnVector gradold=func.g_evaluate(x);gevals++; gradold=SP(gradold,paramstovary); ColumnVector gradnew=gradold; ColumnVector d=-gradnew; // search direction ColumnVector xplus,xnew,gplus; bool success=true; int nsuccess=0; float lambda=1.0; float lambdamin = 1.0e-15; float lambdamax = 1.0e15; int j = 1; float mu=0,kappa=0,sigma=0,gamma=0,alpha=0,delta=0,Delta,beta=0; // main loop.. while(j<niters){ if(success){ mu=(d.t()*gradnew).AsScalar(); if(mu >= 0){ d=-gradnew; mu=(d.t()*gradnew).AsScalar(); } kappa=(d.t()*d).AsScalar(); if(kappa<eps){ break; } sigma=sigma0/std::sqrt(kappa); xplus = x + sigma*d; gplus=func.g_evaluate(xplus);gevals++; gplus=SP(gplus,paramstovary); gamma = (d.t()*(gplus - gradnew)).AsScalar()/sigma; } delta = gamma + lambda*kappa; if (delta <= 0){ delta = lambda*kappa; lambda = lambda - gamma/kappa; } alpha = - mu/delta; xnew = x + alpha*d; fnew=func.evaluate(xnew);fevals++; Delta = 2*(fnew - fold)/(alpha*mu); if (Delta >= 0){ success = true; nsuccess = nsuccess + 1; x = xnew; fnow = fnew;} else{ success = false; fnow = fold; } if (success == 1){ //Test for termination... if ( (max(abs(d*alpha))).AsScalar() < tol && std::abs(fnew-fold) < tol){ break; } else{ fold = fnew; gradold = gradnew; gradnew=func.g_evaluate(x);gevals++; gradnew=SP(gradnew,paramstovary); if ((gradnew.t()*gradnew).AsScalar() == 0){ break; } } } if (Delta < 0.25){ // lambda = min(4.0*lambda, lambdamax); lambda=4.0*lambda<lambdamax ? 4.0*lambda : lambdamax; } if (Delta > 0.75){ //lambda = max(0.5*lambda, lambdamin); lambda = 0.5*lambda > lambdamin ? 0.5*lambda : lambdamin; } if (nsuccess == nparams){ d = -gradnew; nsuccess = 0; } else{ if (success == 1){ beta = ((gradold - gradnew).t()*gradnew).AsScalar()/mu; d = beta*d - gradnew; } } j++; } } }