/* miscmaths.cc Mark Jenkinson & Mark Woolrich & Christian Beckmann & Tim Behrens, FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 1999-2000 University of Oxford */ /* CCOPYRIGHT */ // Miscellaneous maths functions #define NOMINMAX #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include "miscmaths.h" #include "miscprob.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "newmatio.h" using namespace std; namespace MISCMATHS { // The following lines are ignored by the current SGI compiler // (version egcs-2.91.57) // A temporary fix of including the std:: in front of all abs() etc // has been done for now using std::abs; using std::sqrt; using std::exp; using std::log; // using std::pow; using std::atan2; string size(const Matrix& mat) { string str = num2str(mat.Nrows())+"*"+num2str(mat.Ncols()); return str; } float Sinc(const float x) { if (fabs(x)<1e-9) { return 1-x*x*M_PI*M_PI/6.0; } else { return sin(M_PI*x)/(M_PI*x); } } double Sinc(const double x) { if (fabs(x)<1e-9) { return 1-x*x*M_PI*M_PI/6.0; } else { return sin(M_PI*x)/(M_PI*x); } } // General string/IO functions bool isnum(const string& str) { // assumes that initial whitespace has been removed if (isdigit(str[0])) return true; if ( (str[0]=='-') || (str[0]=='+') || (str[0]=='.') ) return true; return false; } string skip_alpha(ifstream& fs) { string cline; while (!fs.eof()) { getline(fs,cline); cline += " "; // force extra entry in parsing istringstream ss(cline.c_str()); string cc=""; ss >> cc; if (isnum(cc)) { fs.seekg(-((int)cline.size()),ios::cur); return cline; } } return ""; } ReturnMatrix read_ascii_matrix(int nrows, int ncols, const string& filename) { return read_ascii_matrix(filename,nrows,ncols); } ReturnMatrix read_ascii_matrix(const string& filename, int nrows, int ncols) { Matrix mat(nrows,ncols); mat = 0.0; if ( filename.size()<1 ) return mat; ifstream fs(filename.c_str()); if (!fs) { cerr << "Could not open matrix file " << filename << endl; return mat; } mat = read_ascii_matrix(fs,nrows,ncols); fs.close(); mat.Release(); return mat; } ReturnMatrix read_ascii_matrix(int nrows, int ncols, ifstream& fs) { return read_ascii_matrix(fs, nrows, ncols); } ReturnMatrix read_ascii_matrix(ifstream& fs, int nrows, int ncols) { Matrix mat(nrows,ncols); mat = 0.0; string ss=""; ss = skip_alpha(fs); for (int r=1; r<=nrows; r++) { for (int c=1; c<=ncols; c++) { if (!fs.eof()) { fs >> ss; while ( !isnum(ss) && !fs.eof() ) { fs >> ss; } mat(r,c) = atof(ss.c_str()); } } } mat.Release(); return mat; } ReturnMatrix read_ascii_matrix(const string& filename) { Matrix mat; if ( filename.size()<1 ) return mat; ifstream fs(filename.c_str()); if (!fs) { cerr << "Could not open matrix file " << filename << endl; mat.Release(); return mat; } mat = read_ascii_matrix(fs); fs.close(); mat.Release(); return mat; } ReturnMatrix read_ascii_matrix(ifstream& fs) { int rcount=0, cmax=0; string cline; // skip initial non-numeric lines // and count the number of columns in the first numeric line cline = skip_alpha(fs); cline += " "; { istringstream ss(cline.c_str()); string cc=""; while (!ss.eof()) { cmax++; ss >> cc; } } cmax--; do { getline(fs,cline); cline += " "; // force extra entry in parsing istringstream ss(cline.c_str()); string cc=""; ss >> cc; if (!isnum(cc)) break; // stop processing when non-numeric line found rcount++; // add new row to matrix } while (!fs.eof()); // now know the size of matrix fs.clear(); fs.seekg(0,ios::beg); return read_ascii_matrix(fs,rcount,cmax); } #define BINFLAG 42 ReturnMatrix read_binary_matrix(const string& filename) { Matrix mat; if ( filename.size()<1 ) return mat; ifstream fs(filename.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary); if (!fs) { cerr << "Could not open matrix file " << filename << endl; return mat; } mat = read_binary_matrix(fs); fs.close(); mat.Release(); return mat; } ReturnMatrix read_binary_matrix(ifstream& fs) { bool swapbytes = false; unsigned int testval; // test for byte swapping fs.read((char*)&testval,sizeof(testval)); if (testval!=BINFLAG) { swapbytes = true; Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(testval),&testval); if (testval!=BINFLAG) { cerr << "Unrecognised binary matrix file format" << endl; Matrix mres; mres.Release(); return mres; } } // read matrix dimensions (num rows x num cols) unsigned int ival,nx,ny; fs.read((char*)&ival,sizeof(ival)); // ignore the padding (reserved for future use) fs.read((char*)&ival,sizeof(ival)); if (swapbytes) Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(ival),&ival); nx = ival; fs.read((char*)&ival,sizeof(ival)); if (swapbytes) Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(ival),&ival); ny = ival; // set up and read matrix (rows fast, cols slow) double val; Matrix mres(nx,ny); for (unsigned int y=1; y<=ny; y++) { for (unsigned int x=1; x<=nx; x++) { fs.read((char*)&val,sizeof(val)); if (swapbytes) Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(val),&val); mres(x,y)=val; } } mres.Release(); return mres; } // WRITE FUNCTIONS // int write_ascii_matrix(const string& filename, const Matrix& mat, int precision) { return write_ascii_matrix(mat, filename, precision); } int write_ascii_matrix(const Matrix& mat, const string& filename, int precision) { Tracer tr("write_ascii_matrix"); if ( (filename.size()<1) ) return -1; ofstream fs(filename.c_str()); if (!fs) { cerr << "Could not open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; return -1; } int retval = write_ascii_matrix(mat,fs,precision); fs.close(); return retval; } int write_ascii_matrix(ofstream& fs, const Matrix& mat, int precision) { return write_ascii_matrix(mat, fs, precision); } int write_ascii_matrix(const Matrix& mat, ofstream& fs, int precision) { if (precision>0) { fs.setf(ios::scientific | ios::showpos); fs.precision(precision); } #ifdef PPC64 int n=0; #endif for (int i=1; i<=mat.Nrows(); i++) { for (int j=1; j<=mat.Ncols(); j++) { fs << mat(i,j) << " "; #ifdef PPC64 if ((n++ % 50) == 0) fs.flush(); #endif } fs << endl; } return 0; } int write_vest(string p_fname, const Matrix& x, int precision) { return write_vest(x,p_fname,precision); } int write_vest(const Matrix& x, string p_fname, int precision) { ofstream out; out.open(p_fname.c_str(), ios::out); if(!out) { cerr << "Unable to open " << p_fname << endl; return -1; } out << "! VEST-Waveform File" << endl; out << "/NumWaves\t" << x.Ncols() << endl; out << "/NumPoints\t" << x.Nrows() << endl; out << "/Skip" << endl; out << endl << "/Matrix" << endl; int retval = write_ascii_matrix(x, out, precision); out.close(); return retval; } int write_binary_matrix(const Matrix& mat, const string& filename) { Tracer tr("write_binary_matrix"); if ( (filename.size()<1) ) return -1; ofstream fs(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if (!fs) { cerr << "Could not open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl; return -1; } int retval = write_binary_matrix(mat,fs); fs.close(); return retval; } int write_binary_matrix(const Matrix& mat, ofstream& fs) { unsigned int ival, nx, ny; ival = BINFLAG; fs.write((char*)&ival,sizeof(ival)); ival = 0; // padding (reserved for future use) fs.write((char*)&ival,sizeof(ival)); ival = mat.Nrows(); fs.write((char*)&ival,sizeof(ival)); ival = mat.Ncols(); fs.write((char*)&ival,sizeof(ival)); nx = mat.Nrows(); ny = mat.Ncols(); double val; #ifdef PPC64 int n=0; #endif for (unsigned int y=1; y<=ny; y++) { for (unsigned int x=1; x<=nx; x++) { val = mat(x,y); fs.write((char*)&val,sizeof(val)); #ifdef PPC64 if ((n++ % 50) == 0) fs.flush(); #endif } } return 0; } // General mathematical functions int round(int x) { return x; } int round(float x) { if (x>0.0) return ((int) (x+0.5)); else return ((int) (x-0.5)); } int round(double x) { if (x>0.0) return ((int) (x+0.5)); else return ((int) (x-0.5)); } double rounddouble(double x){ return ( floor(x+0.5)); } int periodicclamp(int x, int x1, int x2) { if (x2<x1) return periodicclamp(x,x2,x1); int d = x2-x1+1; int xp = x-x1; if (xp>=0) { return (xp % d) + x1; } else { xp = xp + d + std::abs(xp/d)*d; assert(xp>0); return periodicclamp(xp + d + std::abs(xp/d)*d,x1,x2); } } ColumnVector cross(const ColumnVector& a, const ColumnVector& b) { Tracer tr("cross"); ColumnVector ans(3); ans(1) = a(2)*b(3) - a(3)*b(2); ans(2) = a(3)*b(1) - a(1)*b(3); ans(3) = a(1)*b(2) - a(2)*b(1); return ans; } ColumnVector cross(const Real *a, const Real *b) { Tracer tr("cross"); ColumnVector a1(3), b1(3); a1 << a; b1 << b; return cross(a1,b1); } double norm2(const ColumnVector& x) { return std::sqrt(x.SumSquare()); } double norm2(double a, double b, double c) { return a*a + b*b + c*c; } float norm2(float a, float b, float c) { return a*a + b*b + c*c; } int Identity(Matrix& m) { Tracer tr("Identity"); m=0.0; for (int j=1; j<=m.Nrows(); j++) m(j,j)=1.0; return 0; } ReturnMatrix Identity(int num) { Tracer tr("Identity"); Matrix eye(num,num); Identity(eye); eye.Release(); return eye; } int diag(Matrix& m, const float diagvals[]) { Tracer tr("diag"); m=0.0; for (int j=1; j<=m.Nrows(); j++) m(j,j)=diagvals[j-1]; return 0; } int diag(DiagonalMatrix& m, const ColumnVector& diagvals) { Tracer tr("diag"); m.ReSize(diagvals.Nrows()); m=0.0; for (int j=1; j<=diagvals.Nrows(); j++) m(j)=diagvals(j); return 0; } int diag(Matrix& m, const ColumnVector& diagvals) { Tracer tr("diag"); m.ReSize(diagvals.Nrows(),diagvals.Nrows()); m=0.0; for (int j=1; j<=diagvals.Nrows(); j++) m(j,j)=diagvals(j); return 0; } ReturnMatrix diag(const Matrix& Mat) { Tracer tr("diag"); if(Mat.Ncols()==1){ Matrix retmat(Mat.Nrows(),Mat.Nrows()); diag(retmat,Mat); retmat.Release(); return retmat;} else{ int mindim = Min(Mat.Ncols(),Mat.Nrows()); Matrix retmat(mindim,1); for(int ctr=1; ctr<=mindim;ctr++){ retmat(ctr,1)=Mat(ctr,ctr); } retmat.Release(); return retmat; } } ReturnMatrix pinv(const Matrix& mat) { // calculates the psuedo-inverse using SVD // note that the right-pinv(x') = pinv(x).t() Tracer tr("pinv"); DiagonalMatrix D; Matrix U, V; SVD(mat,D,U,V); float tol; tol = MaximumAbsoluteValue(D) * Max(mat.Nrows(),mat.Ncols()) * 1e-16; for (int n=1; n<=D.Nrows(); n++) { if (fabs(D(n,n))>tol) D(n,n) = 1.0/D(n,n); else D(n,n) = 0.0; // reduce the number of columns because too close to singular } Matrix pinv = V * D * U.t(); pinv.Release(); return pinv; } int rank(const Matrix& X) { // calculates the rank of matrix X Tracer tr("rank"); DiagonalMatrix eigenvals; SVD(X,eigenvals); double tolerance = Max(X.Nrows(),X.Ncols()) * eigenvals.Maximum() * 1e-16; int therank=0; for(int i=0; i<eigenvals.Nrows(); i++) if (eigenvals(i+1)>tolerance) therank++; // cout << "tolerance = " << tolerance << "\n" << "eigenvalues = " << eigenvals << "\n" << "rank = " << therank << endl; return therank; } ReturnMatrix sqrtaff(const Matrix& mat) { Tracer tr("sqrtaff"); Matrix matnew(4,4), rot(4,4), id4(4,4); Identity(rot); Identity(id4); ColumnVector params(12), centre(3), trans(4); centre = 0.0; // Quaternion decomposition -> params(1..3) = sin(theta/2)*(unit_axis_vec) // Want a new quaternion : q = sin(theta/4)*(unit_axis_vec) // Therefore factor of conversion is: factor = sin(theta/4)/sin(theta/2) // = 1/(2 * cos(theta/4)) which is calculated below // NB: t = theta/2 decompose_aff(params,mat,centre,rotmat2quat); double sint; sint = std::sqrt(params(1)*params(1) + params(2)*params(2) + params(3)*params(3)); double t = asin(sint); double factor = 1.0/(2.0*cos(0.5*t)); params(1) = factor * params(1); params(2) = factor * params(2); params(3) = factor * params(3); params(7) = std::sqrt(params(7)); params(8) = std::sqrt(params(8)); params(9) = std::sqrt(params(9)); params(10) = 0.5*params(10); params(11) = 0.5*params(11); params(12) = 0.5*params(12); construct_rotmat_quat(params,3,rot,centre); rot(1,4) = 0.0; rot(2,4) = 0.0; rot(3,4) = 0.0; Matrix scale(4,4); Identity(scale); scale(1,1)=params(7); scale(2,2)=params(8); scale(3,3)=params(9); Matrix skew(4,4); Identity(skew); skew(1,2)=params(10); skew(1,3)=params(11); skew(2,3)=params(12); trans(1) = params(4); trans(2) = params(5); trans(3) = params(6); trans(4) = 1.0; // The translation, being independent of the 3x3 submatrix, is // calculated so that it will be equal for each of the two // halves of the approximate square root // (i.e. matnew and mat*matnew.i() have exactly the same translation) ColumnVector th(4); th = (mat*scale.i()*skew.i()*rot.i() + id4).SubMatrix(1,3,1,3).i() * trans.SubMatrix(1,3,1,1); matnew = rot*skew*scale; matnew(1,4) = th(1); matnew(2,4) = th(2); matnew(3,4) = th(3); matnew.Release(); return matnew; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Handy MATLAB-like functions void reshape(Matrix& r, const Matrix& m, int nrows, int ncols) { Tracer tr("reshape"); if (nrows*ncols != m.Nrows() * m.Ncols() ) { cerr << "WARNING: cannot reshape " << m.Nrows() << "x" << m.Ncols() << " matrix into " << nrows << "x" << ncols << endl; cerr << " Returning original matrix instead" << endl; r = m; return; } r.ReSize(nrows,ncols); int rr = 1, rc = 1; for (int mc=1; mc<=m.Ncols(); mc++) { for (int mr=1; mr<=m.Nrows(); mr++) { r(rr,rc) = m(mr,mc); rr++; if (rr>nrows) { rc++; rr=1; } } } } ReturnMatrix reshape(const Matrix& m, int nrows, int ncols) { Tracer tr("reshape"); Matrix r; reshape(r,m,nrows,ncols); r.Release(); return r; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Spatial transformation functions (rotations and affine transforms) int construct_rotmat_euler(const ColumnVector& params, int n, Matrix& aff, const ColumnVector& centre) { Tracer tr("construct_rotmat_euler"); ColumnVector angl(3); Matrix newaff(4,4); Identity(aff); if (n<=0) return 0; // order of parameters is 3 rotation + 3 translation // angles are in radians // order of parameters is (Rx,Ry,Rz) and R = Rx.Ry.Rz angl=0.0; angl(1)=params(1); make_rot(angl,centre,newaff); aff = aff * newaff; if (n==1) return 0; angl=0.0; angl(2)=params(2); make_rot(angl,centre,newaff); aff = aff * newaff; if (n==2) return 0; angl=0.0; angl(3)=params(3); make_rot(angl,centre,newaff); aff = aff * newaff; if (n==3) return 0; aff(1,4)+=params(4); if (n==4) return 0; aff(2,4)+=params(5); if (n==5) return 0; aff(3,4)+=params(6); if (n==6) return 0; return 1; } int construct_rotmat_euler(const ColumnVector& params, int n, Matrix& aff) { Tracer tr("construct_rotmat_euler"); ColumnVector centre(3); centre = 0.0; return construct_rotmat_euler(params,n,aff,centre); } int construct_rotmat_quat(const ColumnVector& params, int n, Matrix& aff, const ColumnVector& centre) { Tracer tr("construct_rotmat_quat"); Identity(aff); if (n<=0) return 0; // order of parameters is 3 rotation (last 3 quaternion components) // + 3 translation if ((n>=1) && (n<3)) { cerr<<"Can only do 3 or more, not "<< n <<endl; } float w, w2 = 1.0 - Sqr(params(1)) - Sqr(params(2)) - Sqr(params(3)); if (w2 < 0.0) { cerr << "Parameters do not form a valid axis - greater than unity\n"; return -1; } w = std::sqrt(w2); float x=params(1), y=params(2), z=params(3); aff(1,1) = 1 - 2*y*y - 2*z*z; aff(2,2) = 1 - 2*x*x - 2*z*z; aff(3,3) = 1 - 2*x*x - 2*y*y; aff(1,2) = 2*x*y - 2*w*z; aff(2,1) = 2*x*y + 2*w*z; aff(1,3) = 2*x*z + 2*w*y; aff(3,1) = 2*x*z - 2*w*y; aff(2,3) = 2*y*z - 2*w*x; aff(3,2) = 2*y*z + 2*w*x; // Given Rotation matrix R: x' = Rx + (I-R)*centre ColumnVector trans(3); trans = aff.SubMatrix(1,3,1,3)*centre; aff.SubMatrix(1,3,4,4) = centre - trans; aff(1,4) += params(4); if (n==4) return 0; aff(2,4) += params(5); if (n==5) return 0; aff(3,4) += params(6); if (n==6) return 0; return 1; } int construct_rotmat_quat(const ColumnVector& params, int n, Matrix& aff) { Tracer tr("construct_rotmat_quat"); ColumnVector centre(3); centre = 0.0; return construct_rotmat_quat(params,n,aff,centre); } int make_rot(const ColumnVector& angl, const ColumnVector& centre, Matrix& rot) { // Matrix rot must be 4x4; angl and orig must be length 3 Tracer tr("make_rot"); Identity(rot); // default return value float theta; theta = norm2(angl); if (theta<1e-8) { // avoid round-off errors and return Identity return 0; } ColumnVector axis = angl/theta; ColumnVector x1(3), x2(3), x3(3); x1 = axis; x2(1) = -axis(2); x2(2) = axis(1); x2(3) = 0.0; if (norm2(x2)<=0.0) { x2(1) = 1.0; x2(2) = 0.0; x2(3) = 0.0; } x2 = x2/norm2(x2); x3 = cross(x1,x2); x3 = x3/norm2(x3); Matrix basischange(3,3); basischange.SubMatrix(1,3,1,1) = x2; basischange.SubMatrix(1,3,2,2) = x3; basischange.SubMatrix(1,3,3,3) = x1; Matrix rotcore(3,3); Identity(rotcore); rotcore(1,1)=cos(theta); rotcore(2,2)=cos(theta); rotcore(1,2)=sin(theta); rotcore(2,1)=-sin(theta); rot.SubMatrix(1,3,1,3) = basischange * rotcore * basischange.t(); Matrix ident3(3,3); Identity(ident3); ColumnVector trans(3); trans = (ident3 - rot.SubMatrix(1,3,1,3))*centre; rot.SubMatrix(1,3,4,4)=trans; return 0; } int getrotaxis(ColumnVector& axis, const Matrix& rotmat) { Tracer tr("getrotaxis"); Matrix residuals(3,3); residuals = rotmat*rotmat.t() - Identity(3); if (residuals.SumSquare() > 1e-4) { cerr << "Failed orthogonality check!" << endl; return -1; } Matrix u(3,3), v(3,3); DiagonalMatrix d(3); SVD(rotmat-Identity(3),d,u,v); // return column of V corresponding to minimum value of |S| for (int i=1; i<=3; i++) { if (fabs(d(i))<1e-4) axis = v.SubMatrix(1,3,i,i); } return 0; } int rotmat2euler(ColumnVector& angles, const Matrix& rotmat) { // uses the convention that R = Rx.Ry.Rz Tracer tr("rotmat2euler"); float cz, sz, cy, sy, cx, sx; cy = std::sqrt(Sqr(rotmat(1,1)) + Sqr(rotmat(1,2))); if (cy < 1e-4) { //cerr << "Cos y is too small - Gimbal lock condition..." << endl; cx = rotmat(2,2); sx = -rotmat(3,2); sy = -rotmat(1,3); angles(1) = atan2(sx,cx); angles(2) = atan2(sy,(float)0.0); angles(3) = 0.0; } else { // choose by convention that cy > 0 // get the same rotation if: sy stays same & all other values swap sign cz = rotmat(1,1)/cy; sz = rotmat(1,2)/cy; cx = rotmat(3,3)/cy; sx = rotmat(2,3)/cy; sy = -rotmat(1,3); //atan2(sin,cos) (defined as atan2(y,x)) angles(1) = atan2(sx,cx); angles(2) = atan2(sy,cy); angles(3) = atan2(sz,cz); } return 0; } int rotmat2quat(ColumnVector& quaternion, const Matrix& rotmat) { Tracer tr("rotmat2quat"); float trace = rotmat.SubMatrix(1,3,1,3).Trace(); if (trace > 0) { float w = std::sqrt((trace + 1.0)/4.0); quaternion(1) = (rotmat(3,2) - rotmat(2,3))/(4.0*w); quaternion(2) = (rotmat(1,3) - rotmat(3,1))/(4.0*w); quaternion(3) = (rotmat(2,1) - rotmat(1,2))/(4.0*w); } else if ((rotmat(1,1) > rotmat(2,2)) && (rotmat(1,1) > rotmat(3,3))) { // first col case float s = std::sqrt(1.0 + rotmat(1,1) - rotmat(2,2) - rotmat(3,3)) * 2.0; quaternion(1) = 0.5 / s; quaternion(2) = (-rotmat(1,2) - rotmat(1,2)) / s; quaternion(3) = (-rotmat(1,3) - rotmat(3,1)) / s; } else if ((rotmat(2,2) > rotmat(1,1)) && (rotmat(2,2) > rotmat(3,3))) { // 2nd col case float s = std::sqrt(1.0 + rotmat(2,2) - rotmat(1,1) - rotmat(3,3)) * 2.0; quaternion(1) = (-rotmat(1,2) - rotmat(2,1)) / s; quaternion(2) = 0.5 / s; quaternion(3) = (-rotmat(2,3) - rotmat(3,2)) / s; } else if ((rotmat(3,3) > rotmat(1,1)) && (rotmat(3,3) > rotmat(2,2))) { // 3rd col case float s = std::sqrt(1.0 + rotmat(3,3) - rotmat(1,1) - rotmat(2,2)) * 2.0; quaternion(1) = (-rotmat(1,3) - rotmat(3,1)) / s; quaternion(2) = (-rotmat(2,3) - rotmat(3,2)) / s; quaternion(3) = 0.5 / s; } return 0; } int decompose_aff(ColumnVector& params, const Matrix& affmat, const ColumnVector& centre, int (*rotmat2params)(ColumnVector& , const Matrix& )) { // decomposes using the convention: mat = rotmat * skew * scale // order of parameters is 3 rotation + 3 translation + 3 scales + 3 skews // angles are in radians Tracer tr("decompose_aff"); if (params. Nrows() < 12) params.ReSize(12); if (rotmat2params==0) { cerr << "No rotmat2params function specified" << endl; return -1; } ColumnVector x(3), y(3), z(3); Matrix aff3(3,3); aff3 = affmat.SubMatrix(1,3,1,3); x = affmat.SubMatrix(1,3,1,1); y = affmat.SubMatrix(1,3,2,2); z = affmat.SubMatrix(1,3,3,3); float sx, sy, sz, a, b, c; sx = norm2(x); sy = std::sqrt( dot(y,y) - (Sqr(dot(x,y)) / Sqr(sx)) ); a = dot(x,y)/(sx*sy); ColumnVector x0(3), y0(3); x0 = x/sx; y0 = y/sy - a*x0; sz = std::sqrt(dot(z,z) - Sqr(dot(x0,z)) - Sqr(dot(y0,z))); b = dot(x0,z)/sz; c = dot(y0,z)/sz; params(7) = sx; params(8) = sy; params(9) = sz; Matrix scales(3,3); float diagvals[] = {sx,sy,sz}; diag(scales,diagvals); Real skewvals[] = {1,a,b,0 , 0,1,c,0 , 0,0,1,0 , 0,0,0,1}; Matrix skew(4,4); skew << skewvals; params(10) = a; params(11) = b; params(12) = c; Matrix rotmat(3,3); rotmat = aff3 * scales.i() * (skew.SubMatrix(1,3,1,3)).i(); ColumnVector transl(3); //transl = affmat.SubMatrix(1,3,4,4); //transl = transl - (Identity(3) - rotmat)*centre; transl = affmat.SubMatrix(1,3,1,3)*centre + affmat.SubMatrix(1,3,4,4) - centre; for (int i=1; i<=3; i++) { params(i+3) = transl(i); } ColumnVector rotparams(3); (*rotmat2params)(rotparams,rotmat); for (int i=1; i<=3; i++) { params(i) = rotparams(i); } return 0; } int decompose_aff(ColumnVector& params, const Matrix& affmat, int (*rotmat2params)(ColumnVector& , const Matrix& )) { Tracer tr("decompose_aff"); ColumnVector centre(3); centre = 0.0; return decompose_aff(params,affmat,centre,rotmat2params); } int compose_aff(const ColumnVector& params, int n, const ColumnVector& centre, Matrix& aff, int (*params2rotmat)(const ColumnVector& , int , Matrix& , const ColumnVector& ) ) { Tracer tr("compose_aff"); if (n<=0) return 0; // order of parameters is 3 rotation + 3 translation + 3 scales + 3 skews // angles are in radians (*params2rotmat)(params,n,aff,centre); if (n<=6) return 0; Matrix scale(4,4); Identity(scale); if (n>=7) { scale(1,1)=params(7); if (n>=8) scale(2,2)=params(8); else scale(2,2)=params(7); if (n>=9) scale(3,3)=params(9); else scale(3,3)=params(7); } // fix the translation so that the centre is not moved ColumnVector strans(3); strans = centre - scale.SubMatrix(1,3,1,3)*centre; scale.SubMatrix(1,3,4,4) = strans; Matrix skew(4,4); Identity(skew); if (n>=10) { if (n>=10) skew(1,2)=params(10); if (n>=11) skew(1,3)=params(11); if (n>=12) skew(2,3)=params(12); } // fix the translation so that the centre is not moved ColumnVector ktrans(3); ktrans = centre - skew.SubMatrix(1,3,1,3)*centre; skew.SubMatrix(1,3,4,4) = ktrans; aff = aff * skew * scale; return 0; } float rms_deviation(const Matrix& affmat1, const Matrix& affmat2, const ColumnVector& centre, const float rmax) { Tracer trcr("rms_deviation"); Matrix isodiff(4,4); try { isodiff = affmat1*affmat2.i() - Identity(4); } catch(...) { cerr << "RMS_DEVIATION ERROR:: Could not invert matrix" << endl; exit(-5); } Matrix adiff(3,3); adiff = isodiff.SubMatrix(1,3,1,3); ColumnVector tr(3); tr = isodiff.SubMatrix(1,3,4,4) + adiff*centre; float rms = std::sqrt( (tr.t() * tr).AsScalar() + (rmax*rmax/5.0)*Trace(adiff.t()*adiff) ); return rms; } float rms_deviation(const Matrix& affmat1, const Matrix& affmat2, const float rmax) { ColumnVector centre(3); centre = 0; return rms_deviation(affmat1,affmat2,centre,rmax); } // helper function - calls nifti, but with FSL default case Matrix Mat44ToNewmat(mat44 m) { Matrix r(4,4); for(unsigned short i = 0; i < 4; ++i) for(unsigned short j = 0; j < 4; ++j) r(i+1, j+1) = m.m[i][j]; return r; } mat44 NewmatToMat44(const Matrix& m) { mat44 r; for(unsigned short i = 0; i < 4; ++i) for(unsigned short j = 0; j < 4; ++j) r.m[i][j] = m(i+1, j+1); return r; } void get_axis_orientations(const Matrix& sform_mat, int sform_code, const Matrix& qform_mat, int qform_code, int& icode, int& jcode, int& kcode) { Matrix vox2mm(4,4); if (sform_code!=NIFTI_XFORM_UNKNOWN) { vox2mm = sform_mat; } else if (qform_code!=NIFTI_XFORM_UNKNOWN) { vox2mm = qform_mat; } else { // ideally should be sampling_mat(), but for orientation it doesn't matter vox2mm = Identity(4); vox2mm(1,1) = -vox2mm(1,1); } mat44 v2mm; for (int ii=0; ii<4; ii++) { for (int jj=0; jj<4; jj++) { v2mm.m[ii][jj] = vox2mm(ii+1,jj+1); } } nifti_mat44_to_orientation(v2mm,&icode,&jcode,&kcode); } Matrix mat44_to_newmat(mat44 inmat) { Matrix retmat(4,4); for (int ii=0; ii<4; ii++) { for (int jj=0; jj<4; jj++) { retmat(ii+1,jj+1) = inmat.m[ii][jj]; } } return retmat; } mat44 newmat_to_mat44(const Matrix& inmat) { mat44 retmat; for (int ii=0; ii<4; ii++) { for (int jj=0; jj<4; jj++) { retmat.m[ii][jj] = inmat(ii+1,jj+1); } } return retmat; } // Matlab style functions for percentiles, quantiles and median // AUG 06 CB ColumnVector seq(const int num) { ColumnVector res(num); for(int ctr =1; ctr<num; ctr++) res(ctr) = ctr; return res; } float interp1(const ColumnVector& x, const ColumnVector& y, float xi) // Look-up function for data table defined by x, y // Returns the values yi at xi using linear interpolation // Assumes that x is sorted in ascending order { float ans; if(xi >= x.Maximum()) ans = y(x.Nrows()); else if(xi <= x.Minimum()) ans = y(1); else{ int ind=1; while(xi >= x(ind)) ind++; float xa = x(ind-1), xb = x(ind), ya = y(ind-1), yb = y(ind); ans = ya + (xi - xa)/(xb - xa) * (yb - ya); } return ans; } float quantile(const ColumnVector& in, int which) { float p; switch (which) { case 0 : p = 0.0; break; case 1 : p = 25.0; break; case 2 : p = 50.0; break; case 3 : p = 75.0; break; case 4 : p =100.0; break; default: p = 0.0; } return percentile(in,p); } float percentile(const ColumnVector& in, float p) { ColumnVector y = in; SortAscending(y); int num = y.Nrows(); ColumnVector xx,yy,sequence,a(1),b(1),c(1),d(1); sequence = 100*(seq(num)-0.5)/num; a << y(1); b << y(num); c = 0; d = 100; xx = (c & sequence & d); yy = (a & y & b); return interp1(xx,yy,p); } ReturnMatrix quantile(const Matrix& in, int which) { int num = in.Ncols(); Matrix res(1,num); for (int ctr=1; ctr<=num; ctr++){ ColumnVector tmp = in.Column(ctr); res(1,ctr) = quantile(tmp,which); } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix percentile(const Matrix& in, float p) { int num = in.Ncols(); Matrix res(1,num); for (int ctr=1; ctr<=num; ctr++){ ColumnVector tmp = in.Column(ctr); res(1,ctr) = percentile(tmp,p); } res.Release(); return res; } void cart2sph(const ColumnVector& dir, float& th, float& ph) { float mag=sqrt(dir(1)*dir(1)+dir(2)*dir(2)+dir(3)*dir(3)); if(mag==0){ ph=M_PI/2; th=M_PI/2; } else{ if(dir(1)==0 && dir(2)>=0) ph=M_PI/2; else if(dir(1)==0 && dir(2)<0) ph=-M_PI/2; else if(dir(1)>0) ph=atan(dir(2)/dir(1)); else if(dir(2)>0) ph=atan(dir(2)/dir(1))+M_PI; else ph=atan(dir(2)/dir(1))-M_PI; if(dir(3)==0) th=M_PI/2; else if(dir(3)>0) th=atan(sqrt(dir(1)*dir(1)+dir(2)*dir(2))/dir(3)); else th=atan(sqrt(dir(1)*dir(1)+dir(2)*dir(2))/dir(3))+M_PI; } } void cart2sph(const Matrix& dir,ColumnVector& th,ColumnVector& ph) { if(th.Nrows()!=dir.Ncols()){ th.ReSize(dir.Ncols()); } if(ph.Nrows()!=dir.Ncols()){ ph.ReSize(dir.Ncols()); } for (int i=1;i<=dir.Ncols();i++) { float mag=sqrt(dir(1,i)*dir(1,i)+dir(2,i)*dir(2,i)+dir(3,i)*dir(3,i)); if(mag==0){ ph(i)=M_PI/2; th(i)=M_PI/2; } else{ if(dir(1,i)==0 && dir(2,i)>=0) ph(i)=M_PI/2; else if(dir(1,i)==0 && dir(2,i)<0) ph(i)=-M_PI/2; else if(dir(1,i)>0) ph(i)=atan(dir(2,i)/dir(1,i)); else if(dir(2,i)>0) ph(i)=atan(dir(2,i)/dir(1,i))+M_PI; else ph(i)=atan(dir(2,i)/dir(1,i))-M_PI; if(dir(3,i)==0) th(i)=M_PI/2; else if(dir(3,i)>0) th(i)=atan(sqrt(dir(1,i)*dir(1,i)+dir(2,i)*dir(2,i))/dir(3,i)); else th(i)=atan(sqrt(dir(1,i)*dir(1,i)+dir(2,i)*dir(2,i))/dir(3,i))+M_PI; } } } // added by SJ void cart2sph(const vector<ColumnVector>& dir,ColumnVector& th,ColumnVector& ph) { if(th.Nrows()!=(int)dir.size()){ th.ReSize(dir.size()); } if(ph.Nrows()!=(int)dir.size()){ ph.ReSize(dir.size()); } //double _2pi=2*M_PI; double _pi2=M_PI/2; int j=1; for (unsigned int i=0;i<dir.size();i++) { float mag=std::sqrt(dir[i](1)*dir[i](1)+dir[i](2)*dir[i](2)+dir[i](3)*dir[i](3)); if(mag==0){ ph(j)=_pi2; th(j)=_pi2; } else{ if(dir[i](1)==0 && dir[i](2)>=0) ph(j)=_pi2; else if(dir[i](1)==0 && dir[i](2)<0) ph(j)=-_pi2; else if(dir[i](1)>0) ph(j)=std::atan(dir[i](2)/dir[i](1)); else if(dir[i](2)>0) ph(j)=std::atan(dir[i](2)/dir[i](1))+M_PI; else ph(j)=std::atan(dir[i](2)/dir[i](1))-M_PI; //ph(j)=fmod(ph(j),_2pi); if(dir[i](3)==0) th(j)=_pi2; else if(dir[i](3)>0) th(j)=std::atan(std::sqrt(dir[i](1)*dir[i](1)+dir[i](2)*dir[i](2))/dir[i](3)); else th(j)=std::atan(std::sqrt(dir[i](1)*dir[i](1)+dir[i](2)*dir[i](2))/dir[i](3))+M_PI; //th(j)=fmod(th(j),M_PI); } j++; } } // Added by CFB --- Matlab style Matrix functions ReturnMatrix ones(const int dim1, const int dim2) { int tdim = dim2; if(tdim<0){tdim=dim1;} Matrix res(dim1,tdim); res = 1.0; res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix zeros(const int dim1, const int dim2) { int tdim = dim2; if(tdim<0){tdim=dim1;} Matrix res(dim1,tdim); res = 0.0; res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix repmat(const Matrix &mat, const int rows, const int cols) { Matrix res = mat; for(int ctr = 1; ctr < cols; ctr++){res |= mat;} Matrix tmpres = res; for(int ctr = 1; ctr < rows; ctr++){res &= tmpres;} res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix dist2(const Matrix &mat1, const Matrix &mat2) { Matrix res(mat1.Ncols(),mat2.Ncols()); for(int ctr1 = 1; ctr1 <= mat1.Ncols(); ctr1++) for(int ctr2 =1; ctr2 <= mat2.Ncols(); ctr2++) { ColumnVector tmp; tmp=mat1.Column(ctr1)-mat2.Column(ctr2); res(ctr1,ctr2) = std::sqrt(tmp.SumSquare()); } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix abs(const Matrix& mat) { Matrix res = mat; for (int mc=1; mc<=mat.Ncols(); mc++) { for (int mr=1; mr<=mat.Nrows(); mr++) { res(mr,mc)=std::abs(res(mr,mc)); } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix sqrt(const Matrix& mat) { Matrix res = mat; bool neg_flag = false; for (int mc=1; mc<=mat.Ncols(); mc++) { for (int mr=1; mr<=mat.Nrows(); mr++) { if(res(mr,mc)<0){ neg_flag = true; } res(mr,mc)=std::sqrt(std::abs(res(mr,mc))); } } if(neg_flag){ //cerr << " Matrix contained negative elements" << endl; //cerr << " return sqrt(abs(X)) instead" << endl; } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix log(const Matrix& mat) { Matrix res = mat; bool neg_flag = false; for (int mc=1; mc<=mat.Ncols(); mc++) { for (int mr=1; mr<=mat.Nrows(); mr++) { if(res(mr,mc)<0){ neg_flag = true; } res(mr,mc)=std::log(std::abs(res(mr,mc))); } } if(neg_flag){ // cerr << " Matrix contained negative elements" << endl; // cerr << " return log(abs(X)) instead" << endl; } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix exp(const Matrix& mat) { Matrix res = mat; for (int mc=1; mc<=mat.Ncols(); mc++) { for (int mr=1; mr<=mat.Nrows(); mr++) { res(mr,mc)=std::exp(res(mr,mc)); } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix tanh(const Matrix& mat) { Matrix res = mat; for (int mc=1; mc<=mat.Ncols(); mc++) { for (int mr=1; mr<=mat.Nrows(); mr++) { res(mr,mc)=std::tanh(res(mr,mc)); } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix pow(const Matrix& mat, const double exp) { Matrix res = mat; for (int mc=1; mc<=mat.Ncols(); mc++) { for (int mr=1; mr<=mat.Nrows(); mr++) { res(mr,mc)=std::pow(res(mr,mc),exp); } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix max(const Matrix& mat) { Matrix res; if(mat.Nrows()>1){ res=zeros(1,mat.Ncols()); res=mat.Row(1); for(int mc=1; mc<=mat.Ncols();mc++){ for(int mr=2; mr<=mat.Nrows();mr++){ if(mat(mr,mc)>res(1,mc)){res(1,mc)=mat(mr,mc);} } } } else{ res=zeros(1); res=mat(1,1); for(int mc=2; mc<=mat.Ncols(); mc++){ if(mat(1,mc)>res(1,1)){res(1,1)=mat(1,mc);} } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix max(const Matrix& mat,ColumnVector& index) { index.ReSize(mat.Nrows()); index=1; Matrix res; if(mat.Nrows()>1){ res=zeros(1,mat.Ncols()); res=mat.Row(1); for(int mc=1; mc<=mat.Ncols();mc++){ for(int mr=2; mr<=mat.Nrows();mr++){ if(mat(mr,mc)>res(1,mc)) { res(1,mc)=mat(mr,mc); index(mr)=mc; } } } } else{ res=zeros(1); res=mat(1,1); for(int mc=2; mc<=mat.Ncols(); mc++){ if(mat(1,mc)>res(1,1)) { res(1,1)=mat(1,mc); index(1)=mc; } } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix min(const Matrix& mat) { Matrix res; if(mat.Nrows()>1){ res=zeros(1,mat.Ncols()); res=mat.Row(1); for(int mc=1; mc<=mat.Ncols();mc++){ for(int mr=2; mr<=mat.Nrows();mr++){ if(mat(mr,mc)<res(1,mc)){res(1,mc)=mat(mr,mc);} } } } else{ res=zeros(1); res=mat(1,1); for(int mc=2; mc<=mat.Ncols(); mc++){ if(mat(1,mc)<res(1,1)){res(1,1)=mat(1,mc);} } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix sum(const Matrix& mat, const int dim) { Matrix tmp; if (dim == 1) {tmp=mat;} else {tmp=mat.t();} Matrix res(1,tmp.Ncols()); res = 0.0; for (int mc=1; mc<=tmp.Ncols(); mc++) { for (int mr=1; mr<=tmp.Nrows(); mr++) { res(1,mc) += tmp(mr,mc); } } if (!(dim == 1)) {res=res.t();} res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix mean(const Matrix& mat, const int dim) { Matrix tmp; if (dim == 1) {tmp=mat;} else {tmp=mat.t();} int N = tmp.Nrows(); Matrix res(1,tmp.Ncols()); res = 0.0; for (int mc=1; mc<=tmp.Ncols(); mc++) { for (int mr=1; mr<=tmp.Nrows(); mr++) { res(1,mc) += tmp(mr,mc)/N; } } if (!(dim == 1)) {res=res.t();} res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix var(const Matrix& mat, const int dim) { Matrix tmp; if (dim == 1) {tmp=mat;} else {tmp=mat.t();} int N = tmp.Nrows(); Matrix res(1,tmp.Ncols()); res = 0.0; if(N>1){ tmp -= ones(tmp.Nrows(),1)*mean(tmp,1); for (int mc=1; mc<=tmp.Ncols(); mc++) for (int mr=1; mr<=tmp.Nrows(); mr++) res(1,mc) += tmp(mr,mc) / (N-1) * tmp(mr,mc); } if (!(dim == 1)) {res=res.t();} res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix stdev(const Matrix& mat, const int dim) { return sqrt(var(mat,dim)); } ReturnMatrix gt(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2) { int ctrcol = std::min(mat1.Ncols(),mat2.Ncols()); int ctrrow = std::min(mat1.Nrows(),mat2.Nrows()); Matrix res(ctrrow,ctrcol); res=0.0; for (int ctr1 = 1; ctr1 <= ctrrow; ctr1++) { for (int ctr2 =1; ctr2 <= ctrcol; ctr2++) { if( mat1(ctr1,ctr2) > mat2(ctr1,ctr2)){ res(ctr1,ctr2) = 1.0; } } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix lt(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2) { int ctrcol = std::min(mat1.Ncols(),mat2.Ncols()); int ctrrow = std::min(mat1.Nrows(),mat2.Nrows()); Matrix res(ctrrow,ctrcol); res=0.0; for (int ctr1 = 1; ctr1 <= ctrrow; ctr1++) { for (int ctr2 =1; ctr2 <= ctrcol; ctr2++) { if( mat1(ctr1,ctr2) < mat2(ctr1,ctr2)){ res(ctr1,ctr2) = 1.0; } } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix geqt(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2) { int ctrcol = std::min(mat1.Ncols(),mat2.Ncols()); int ctrrow = std::min(mat1.Nrows(),mat2.Nrows()); Matrix res(ctrrow,ctrcol); res=0.0; for (int ctr1 = 1; ctr1 <= ctrrow; ctr1++) { for (int ctr2 =1; ctr2 <= ctrcol; ctr2++) { if( mat1(ctr1,ctr2) >= mat2(ctr1,ctr2)){ res(ctr1,ctr2) = 1.0; } } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix geqt(const Matrix& mat,const float a) { int ncols = mat.Ncols(); int nrows = mat.Nrows(); Matrix res(nrows,ncols); res=0.0; for (int ctr1 = 1; ctr1 <= nrows; ctr1++) { for (int ctr2 =1; ctr2 <= ncols; ctr2++) { if( mat(ctr1,ctr2) >= a){ res(ctr1,ctr2) = 1.0; } } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix leqt(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2) { int ctrcol = std::min(mat1.Ncols(),mat2.Ncols()); int ctrrow = std::min(mat1.Nrows(),mat2.Nrows()); Matrix res(ctrrow,ctrcol); res=0.0; for (int ctr1 = 1; ctr1 <= ctrrow; ctr1++) { for (int ctr2 =1; ctr2 <= ctrcol; ctr2++) { if( mat1(ctr1,ctr2) <= mat2(ctr1,ctr2)){ res(ctr1,ctr2) = 1.0; } } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix eq(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2) { int ctrcol = std::min(mat1.Ncols(),mat2.Ncols()); int ctrrow = std::min(mat1.Nrows(),mat2.Nrows()); Matrix res(ctrrow,ctrcol); res=0.0; for (int ctr1 = 1; ctr1 <= ctrrow; ctr1++) { for (int ctr2 =1; ctr2 <= ctrcol; ctr2++) { if( mat1(ctr1,ctr2) == mat2(ctr1,ctr2)){ res(ctr1,ctr2) = 1.0; } } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix neq(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2) { int ctrcol = std::min(mat1.Ncols(),mat2.Ncols()); int ctrrow = std::min(mat1.Nrows(),mat2.Nrows()); Matrix res(ctrrow,ctrcol); res=0.0; for (int ctr1 = 1; ctr1 <= ctrrow; ctr1++) { for (int ctr2 =1; ctr2 <= ctrcol; ctr2++) { if( mat1(ctr1,ctr2) != mat2(ctr1,ctr2)){ res(ctr1,ctr2) = 1.0; } } } res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix SD(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2) { if((mat1.Nrows() != mat2.Nrows()) || (mat1.Ncols() != mat2.Ncols()) ){ cerr <<"MISCMATHS::SD - matrices are of different dimensions"<<endl; exit(-1); } Matrix ret(mat1.Nrows(),mat1.Ncols()); for (int r = 1; r <= mat1.Nrows(); r++) { for (int c =1; c <= mat1.Ncols(); c++) { if( mat2(r,c)==0) ret(r,c)=0; else ret(r,c) = mat1(r,c)/mat2(r,c); } } ret.Release(); return ret; } //Deprecate? ReturnMatrix vox_to_vox(const ColumnVector& xyz1,const ColumnVector& dims1,const ColumnVector& dims2,const Matrix& xfm){ ColumnVector xyz1_mm(4),xyz2_mm,xyz2(3); xyz1_mm<<xyz1(1)*dims1(1)<<xyz1(2)*dims1(2)<<xyz1(3)*dims1(3)<<1; xyz2_mm=xfm*xyz1_mm; xyz2_mm=xyz2_mm/xyz2_mm(4); xyz2<<xyz2_mm(1)/dims2(1)<<xyz2_mm(2)/dims2(2)<<xyz2_mm(3)/dims2(3); xyz2.Release(); return xyz2; } //Deprecate? ReturnMatrix mni_to_imgvox(const ColumnVector& mni,const ColumnVector& mni_origin,const Matrix& mni2img, const ColumnVector& img_dims){ ColumnVector mni_new_origin(4),img_mm;//homogeneous ColumnVector img_vox(3); mni_new_origin<<mni(1)+mni_origin(1)<<mni(2)+mni_origin(2)<<mni(3)+mni_origin(3)<<1; img_mm=mni2img*mni_new_origin; img_vox<<img_mm(1)/img_dims(1)<<img_mm(2)/img_dims(2)<<img_mm(3)/img_dims(3); img_vox.Release(); return img_vox; } ReturnMatrix remmean(const Matrix& mat, const int dim) { Matrix res; if (dim == 1) {res=mat;} else {res=mat.t();} Matrix Mean; Mean = mean(res); for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= res.Nrows(); ctr++) { for (int ctr2 =1; ctr2 <= res.Ncols(); ctr2++) { res(ctr,ctr2)-=Mean(1,ctr2); } } if (dim != 1) {res=res.t();} res.Release(); return res; } void remmean(const Matrix& mat, Matrix& demeanedmat, Matrix& Mean, const int dim) { if (dim == 1) {demeanedmat=mat;} else {demeanedmat=mat.t();} Mean = mean(demeanedmat); for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= demeanedmat.Nrows(); ctr++) { for (int ctr2 =1; ctr2 <= demeanedmat.Ncols(); ctr2++) { demeanedmat(ctr,ctr2)-=Mean(1,ctr2); } } if (dim != 1){demeanedmat = demeanedmat.t();Mean = Mean.t();} } ReturnMatrix cov(const Matrix& mat, const int norm) { SymmetricMatrix res; Matrix tmp; int N; tmp=remmean(mat); if (norm == 1) {N = mat.Nrows();} else {N = mat.Nrows()-1;} res << tmp.t()*tmp; res = res/N; res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix corrcoef(const Matrix& mat, const int norm) { SymmetricMatrix res; SymmetricMatrix C; C = cov(mat,norm); Matrix D; D=diag(C); D=pow(sqrt(D*D.t()),-1); res << SP(C,D); res.Release(); return res; } ReturnMatrix flipud(const Matrix& mat) { Matrix rmat(mat.Nrows(),mat.Ncols()); for(int j=1;j<=mat.Ncols();j++) for(int i=1;i<=mat.Nrows();i++) rmat(i,j)=mat(mat.Nrows()-i+1,j); rmat.Release(); return rmat; } ReturnMatrix fliplr(const Matrix& mat) { Matrix rmat(mat.Nrows(),mat.Ncols()); for(int j=1;j<=mat.Ncols();j++) for(int i=1;i<=mat.Nrows();i++) rmat(i,j)=mat(i,mat.Ncols()-j+1); rmat.Release(); return rmat; } void symm_orth(Matrix &Mat) { SymmetricMatrix Metric; Metric << Mat.t()*Mat; Metric = Metric.i(); Matrix tmpE; DiagonalMatrix tmpD; EigenValues(Metric,tmpD,tmpE); Mat = Mat * tmpE * sqrt(abs(tmpD)) * tmpE.t(); } void powerspectrum(const Matrix &Mat1, Matrix &Result, bool useLog) //calculates the powerspectrum for every column of Mat1 { Matrix res; for(int ctr=1; ctr <= Mat1.Ncols(); ctr++) { ColumnVector tmpCol; tmpCol=Mat1.Column(ctr); ColumnVector FtmpCol_real; ColumnVector FtmpCol_imag; ColumnVector tmpPow; RealFFT(tmpCol,FtmpCol_real,FtmpCol_imag); tmpPow = pow(FtmpCol_real,2)+pow(FtmpCol_imag,2); tmpPow = tmpPow.Rows(2,tmpPow.Nrows()); if(useLog){tmpPow = log(tmpPow);} if(res.Storage()==0){res= tmpPow;}else{res|=tmpPow;} } Result=res; } void element_mod_n(Matrix& Mat,double n) { //represent each element in modulo n (useful for wrapping phases (n=2*M_PI)) double tmp; for( int j=1;j<=Mat.Ncols();j++){ for( int i=1;i<=Mat.Nrows();i++){ while( !( (Mat(i,j)>0) && (Mat(i,j)<n) ) ){ tmp = ( Mat(i,j) - rounddouble(Mat(i,j)/n)*n ); Mat(i,j)= tmp > 0 ? tmp : tmp + n; } } } } int nextpow2(int n) { return (int)pow(2,ceil(log(float(n))/log(float(2)))); } void xcorr(const Matrix& p_ts, Matrix& ret, int lag, int p_zeropad) { Tracer tr("MISCMATHS::xcorr"); int sizeTS = p_ts.Nrows(); int numTS = p_ts.Ncols(); if(p_zeropad == 0) p_zeropad = sizeTS; if(lag == 0) lag = sizeTS; ColumnVector x(p_zeropad); x = 0; ColumnVector fft_real; ColumnVector fft_im; ColumnVector dummy(p_zeropad); ColumnVector dummy2; dummy = 0; ColumnVector realifft(p_zeropad); ret.ReSize(lag,numTS); ret = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= numTS; i++) { x.Rows(1,sizeTS) = p_ts.Column(i); FFT(x, dummy, fft_real, fft_im); for(int j = 1; j <= p_zeropad; j++) { // (x+iy)(x-iy) = x^2 + y^2 fft_real(j) = fft_real(j)*fft_real(j) + fft_im(j)*fft_im(j); fft_im(j) = 0; } FFTI(fft_real, fft_im, realifft, dummy2); float varx = var(x.Rows(1,sizeTS)).AsScalar(); ret.Column(i) = realifft.Rows(1,lag); for(int j = 1; j <= lag-1; j++) { // Correction to make autocorr unbiased and normalised ret(j,i) = ret(j,i)/((sizeTS-j)*varx); } } } ReturnMatrix xcorr(const Matrix& p_ts, int lag, int p_zeropad ) { Matrix r; xcorr(p_ts,r,lag,p_zeropad); r.Release(); return r; } void detrend(Matrix& p_ts, int p_level) { Tracer trace("MISCMATHS::detrend"); int sizeTS = p_ts.Nrows(); // p_ts = b*a + e (OLS regression) // e is detrended data Matrix a(sizeTS, p_level+1); // Create a for(int t = 1; t <= sizeTS; t++) { for(int l = 0; l <= p_level; l++) a(t,l+1) = pow((float)t/sizeTS,l); } // Form residual forming matrix R: Matrix R = Identity(sizeTS)-a*pinv(a); for(int t = 1; t <= sizeTS; t++) { p_ts.Column(t) = R*p_ts.Column(t); } } ReturnMatrix read_vest(string p_fname) { ifstream in; in.open(p_fname.c_str(), ios::in); if(!in) throw Exception(string("Unable to open "+p_fname).c_str()); int numWaves = 0; int numPoints = 0; string str; while(true) { if(!in.good()) throw Exception(string(p_fname+" is not a valid vest file").c_str()); in >> str; if(str == "/Matrix") break; else if(str == "/NumWaves") { in >> numWaves; } else if(str == "/NumPoints" || str == "/NumContrasts") { in >> numPoints; } } Matrix p_mat(numPoints, numWaves); for(int i = 1; i <= numPoints; i++) { for(int j = 1; j <= numWaves; j++) { if (!in.eof()) in >> p_mat(i,j); else throw Exception(string(p_fname+" has insufficient data points").c_str()); } } in.close(); p_mat.Release(); return p_mat; } void ols(const Matrix& data,const Matrix& des,const Matrix& tc, Matrix& cope,Matrix& varcope){ // ols // data is t x v // des is t x ev (design matrix) // tc is cons x ev (contrast matrix) // cope and varcope will be cons x v // but will be resized if they are wrong // hence may be passed in uninitialised // TB 2004 if(data.Nrows() != des.Nrows()){ cerr <<"MISCMATHS::ols - data and design have different number of time points"<<endl; exit(-1); } if(des.Ncols() != tc.Ncols()){ cerr <<"MISCMATHS::ols - design and contrast matrix have different number of EVs"<<endl; exit(-1); } Matrix pdes = pinv(des); Matrix prevar=diag(tc*pdes*pdes.t()*tc.t()); Matrix R=Identity(des.Nrows())-des*pdes; float tR=R.Trace(); Matrix pe=pdes*data; cope=tc*pe; Matrix res=data-des*pe; Matrix sigsq=sum(SP(res,res))/tR; varcope=prevar*sigsq; } float ols_dof(const Matrix& des){ Matrix pdes = pinv(des); Matrix R=Identity(des.Nrows())-des*pdes; return R.Trace(); } int conjgrad(ColumnVector& x, const Matrix& A, const ColumnVector& b, int maxit, float reltol) { // solves: A * x = b (for x) // implementation of algorithm in Golub and Van Loan (3rd ed, page 527) ColumnVector rk1, rk2, pk, apk; double betak, alphak, rk1rk1=0, rk2rk2, r00=0; int k=0; rk1 = b - A*x; // a *big* calculation for (int n=1; n<=maxit; n++) { k++; if (k==1) { pk = rk1; rk1rk1 = (rk1.t() * rk1).AsScalar(); r00=rk1rk1; } else { rk2rk2 = rk1rk1; // from before rk1rk1 = (rk1.t() * rk1).AsScalar(); if (rk2rk2<1e-10*rk1rk1) { cerr << "WARNING:: Conj Grad - low demoninator (rk2rk2)" << endl; if (rk2rk2<=0) { cerr << "Aborting conj grad ..." << endl; return 1; } } betak = rk1rk1 / rk2rk2; pk = rk1 + betak * pk; // note RHS pk is p(k-1) in algorithm } // stop if sufficient accuracy is achieved if (rk1rk1<reltol*reltol*r00) return 0; apk = A * pk; // the *big* calculation in this algorithm ColumnVector pap = pk.t() * apk; if (pap.AsScalar()<0) { cerr << "ERROR:: Conj Grad - negative eigenvector found (matrix must be symmetric and positive-definite)\nAborting ... " << endl; return 2; } else if (pap.AsScalar()<1e-10) { cerr << "WARNING:: Conj Grad - nearly null eigenvector found (terminating early)" << endl; return 1; } else { alphak = rk1rk1 / pap.AsScalar(); } x = x + alphak * pk; // note LHS is x(k) and RHS is x(k-1) in algorithm rk2 = rk1; // update prior to the next step rk1 = rk1 - alphak * apk; // note LHS is r(k) in algorithm } return 0; } int conjgrad(ColumnVector& x, const Matrix& A, const ColumnVector& b, int maxit) { return conjgrad(x,A,b,maxit,1e-10); } float csevl(const float x, const ColumnVector& cs, const int n) { float b0 = 0; float b1 = 0; float b2 = 0; const float twox=2*x; for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { b2=b1; b1=b0; b0=twox*b1-b2+cs(n+1-i); } return 0.5*(b0-b2); } float digamma(const float x) { int ntapsi(16); int ntpsi(23); ColumnVector psics(ntpsi); ColumnVector apsics(ntapsi); psics << -.038057080835217922E0<< .49141539302938713E0<< -.056815747821244730E0<< .008357821225914313E0<< -.001333232857994342E0<< .000220313287069308E0<< -.000037040238178456E0<< .000006283793654854E0<< -.000001071263908506E0<< .000000183128394654E0<< -.000000031353509361E0<< .000000005372808776E0<< -.000000000921168141E0<< .000000000157981265E0<< -.000000000027098646E0<< .000000000004648722E0<< -.000000000000797527E0<< .000000000000136827E0<< -.000000000000023475E0<< .000000000000004027E0<< -.000000000000000691E0<< .000000000000000118E0<< -.000000000000000020E0; apsics <<-.0204749044678185E0<< -.0101801271534859E0<< .0000559718725387E0<< -.0000012917176570E0<< .0000000572858606E0<< -.0000000038213539E0<< .0000000003397434E0<< -.0000000000374838E0<< .0000000000048990E0<< -.0000000000007344E0<< .0000000000001233E0<< -.0000000000000228E0<< .0000000000000045E0<< -.0000000000000009E0<< .0000000000000002E0<< -.0000000000000000E0; float y = fabs(x); float psi; if(y<2.0) { // do we need to deal with the following case? // c psi(x) for -2. .lt. x .lt. 2. int n = int(floor(x)); y = x - n; n = n - 1; psi = csevl(2*y-1, psics, ntpsi); if(n==-1) { psi = psi - 1.0/x; } } else { const float aux = csevl(8/(Sqr(y))-1, apsics, ntapsi); psi = log(x) - 0.5/x + aux; } return psi; } void glm_vb(const Matrix& X, const ColumnVector& Y, ColumnVector& B, SymmetricMatrix& ilambda_B, int niters) { // Does Variational Bayes inference on GLM Y=XB+e with ARD priors on B // design matrix X should be num_tpts*num_evs ///////////////////// // setup OUT("Setup"); int ntpts=Y.Nrows(); int nevs=X.Ncols(); if(ntpts!=X.Nrows()) throw Exception("COCK"); OUT(nevs); OUT(ntpts); ColumnVector gam_m(nevs); gam_m=1e10; float gam_y; ColumnVector lambdaB(nevs); if(nevs<ntpts-10) { // initialise with OLS B=pinv(X)*Y; ColumnVector res=Y-X*B; gam_y=(ntpts-nevs)/(res.t()*res).AsScalar(); ilambda_B << (X.t()*X*gam_y).i(); lambdaB=0; for(int l=1; l <= nevs; l++) { lambdaB(l)=ilambda_B(l,l); } } else { OUT("no ols"); B.ReSize(nevs); B=0; lambdaB=1; // ColumnVector res=Y-X*B; // gam_y=ntpts/(res.t()*res).AsScalar(); gam_y=10; } // OUT(B(1)); // OUT(lambdaB(1)); float trace_ilambdaZZ=1; SymmetricMatrix ZZ; ZZ << X.t()*X; Matrix ZY = X.t()*Y; float YY=0; for(int t=1; t <= ntpts; t++) YY += Sqr(Y(t)); ///////////////////// // iterate OUT("Iterate"); int i = 1;; for(; i<=niters; i++) { cout<<i<<","; //////////////////// // update phim for(int l=1; l <= nevs; l++) { float b_m0 = 1e10; float c_m0 = 2; float c_m = 1.0/2.0 + c_m0; float b_m = 1.0/(0.5*(Sqr(B(l))+lambdaB(l))+1.0/b_m0); gam_m(l) = b_m*c_m; } // OUT(gam_m(1)); //////////////////// // update B ColumnVector beta(nevs); beta = 0; SymmetricMatrix lambda_B(nevs); lambda_B = 0; for(int l=1; l <= nevs; l++) lambda_B(l,l)=gam_m(l); SymmetricMatrix tmp = lambda_B + gam_y*ZZ; lambda_B << tmp; beta += gam_y*ZY; ilambda_B << lambda_B.i(); B=ilambda_B*beta; lambdaB.ReSize(nevs); lambdaB=0; for(int l=1; l <= nevs; l++) { lambdaB(l)=ilambda_B(l,l); } //////////////////// // compute trace for noise precision phiy update SymmetricMatrix tmp3; tmp3 << ilambda_B; SymmetricMatrix tmp2; tmp2 << tmp3*ZZ; trace_ilambdaZZ=tmp2.Trace(); // OUT(trace_ilambdaZZ); ///////////////////// // update phiy float b_y0 = 1e10; float c_y0 = 1; float c_y = (ntpts-1)/2.0 + c_y0; float sum = YY + (B.t()*ZZ*B).AsScalar() - 2*(B.t()*ZY).AsScalar(); float b_y = 1.0/(0.5*(sum + trace_ilambdaZZ)+1/b_y0); gam_y = b_y*c_y; // OUT(gam_y); } cout << endl; } vector<float> ColumnVector2vector(const ColumnVector& col) { vector<float> vec(col.Nrows()); for(int c = 0; c < col.Nrows(); c++) vec[c] = col(c+1); return vec; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Uninteresting byte swapping functions typedef struct { unsigned char a,b ; } TWObytes ; void Swap_2bytes( int n , void *ar ) /* 2 bytes at a time */ { register int ii ; register TWObytes *tb = (TWObytes *)ar ; register unsigned char tt ; for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){ tt = tb[ii].a ; tb[ii].a = tb[ii].b ; tb[ii].b = tt ; } return ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { unsigned char a,b,c,d ; } FOURbytes ; void Swap_4bytes( int n , void *ar ) /* 4 bytes at a time */ { register int ii ; register FOURbytes *tb = (FOURbytes *)ar ; register unsigned char tt ; for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){ tt = tb[ii].a ; tb[ii].a = tb[ii].d ; tb[ii].d = tt ; tt = tb[ii].b ; tb[ii].b = tb[ii].c ; tb[ii].c = tt ; } return ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { unsigned char a,b,c,d , D,C,B,A ; } EIGHTbytes ; void Swap_8bytes( int n , void *ar ) /* 8 bytes at a time */ { register int ii ; register EIGHTbytes *tb = (EIGHTbytes *)ar ; register unsigned char tt ; for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){ tt = tb[ii].a ; tb[ii].a = tb[ii].A ; tb[ii].A = tt ; tt = tb[ii].b ; tb[ii].b = tb[ii].B ; tb[ii].B = tt ; tt = tb[ii].c ; tb[ii].c = tb[ii].C ; tb[ii].C = tt ; tt = tb[ii].d ; tb[ii].d = tb[ii].D ; tb[ii].D = tt ; } return ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { unsigned char a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h , H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A ; } SIXTEENbytes ; void Swap_16bytes( int n , void *ar ) /* 16 bytes at a time */ { register int ii ; register SIXTEENbytes *tb = (SIXTEENbytes *)ar ; register unsigned char tt ; for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){ tt = tb[ii].a ; tb[ii].a = tb[ii].A ; tb[ii].A = tt ; tt = tb[ii].b ; tb[ii].b = tb[ii].B ; tb[ii].B = tt ; tt = tb[ii].c ; tb[ii].c = tb[ii].C ; tb[ii].C = tt ; tt = tb[ii].d ; tb[ii].d = tb[ii].D ; tb[ii].D = tt ; tt = tb[ii].e ; tb[ii].e = tb[ii].E ; tb[ii].E = tt ; tt = tb[ii].f ; tb[ii].f = tb[ii].F ; tb[ii].F = tt ; tt = tb[ii].g ; tb[ii].g = tb[ii].G ; tb[ii].G = tt ; tt = tb[ii].h ; tb[ii].h = tb[ii].H ; tb[ii].H = tt ; } return ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void Swap_Nbytes( int n , int siz , void *ar ) /* subsuming case */ { switch( siz ){ case 2: Swap_2bytes ( n , ar ) ; break ; case 4: Swap_4bytes ( n , ar ) ; break ; case 8: Swap_8bytes ( n , ar ) ; break ; case 16: Swap_16bytes( n , ar ) ; break ; } return ; } // end namespace MISCMATHS }