/* sparsefn.h Mark Woolrich, FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 1999-2000 University of Oxford */ /* CCOPYRIGHT */ #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <sstream> #include <cmath> #define WANT_STREAM #define WANT_MATH #include "sparse_matrix.h" #include "sparsefn.h" #include "newmatio.h" #include "newmat.h" #include "miscmaths.h" #include "utils/tracer_plus.h" using namespace std; using namespace NEWMAT; using namespace MISCMATHS; using namespace Utilities; namespace MISCMATHS { float quadratic(const ColumnVector& m, const SparseMatrix& C) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::quadratic"); // computes m'*C*m // assumes that C is symmetric float sum = 0; for(int j = 1; j<=m.Nrows(); j++) { // do diagonal sum += C(j,j)*m(j)*m(j); // do off-diagonal const SparseMatrix::Row& row = C.row(j); for(SparseMatrix::Row::const_iterator it=row.begin();it!=row.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first+1; if(c>=j) break; double val = (*it).second; sum += 2*val*m(j)*m(c); } } return sum; } void speye(int n, SparseMatrix& ret) { ret.ReSize(n,n); for(int j = 1; j<=n; j++) { ret.insert(j,j,1); } } void addto(SparseMatrix::Row& A, const SparseMatrix::Row& B, float S) { // computes A = A+B*S if(S!=0) { for(SparseMatrix::Row::const_iterator it=B.begin();it!=B.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first; double val = (*it).second; A[c] += val*S; } } } void addto(SparseMatrix& A, const SparseMatrix& B, float S) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::addto"); // computes A+B*S if(S!=0) { for(int j = 1; j<=B.Nrows(); j++) { const SparseMatrix::Row& row = B.row(j); for(SparseMatrix::Row::const_iterator it=row.begin();it!=row.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first+1; double val = (*it).second*S; A.addto(j,c,val); } } } } void symmetric_addto(SparseMatrix& A, const SparseMatrix& B, float S) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::symmetric_addto"); // computes A+B*S if(S!=0) { for(int j = 1; j<=B.Nrows(); j++) { const SparseMatrix::Row& row = B.row(j); A.addto(j,j,B(j,j)*S); for(SparseMatrix::Row::const_iterator it=row.lower_bound(j);it!=row.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first+1; double val = (*it).second*S; A.addto(j,c,val); A.addto(c,j,val); } } } } void addto(SparseMatrix& A, const Matrix& B) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::addto2"); for(int r=1; r <= B.Nrows(); r++) for(int c=1; c <= B.Ncols(); c++) { if(B(r,c)!=0) A.addto(r,c,B(r,c)); } } void chol(const SparseMatrix& A, SparseMatrix& U, SparseMatrix& L) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::chol"); int length = A.Nrows(); U.ReSize(length,length); for(int j = 1; j<=length; j++) { const SparseMatrix::Row& rowAj = A.row(j); SparseMatrix::Row& rowUj = U.row(j); for(SparseMatrix::Row::const_iterator it=rowAj.lower_bound(j-1);it!=rowAj.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first; double val = (*it).second; rowUj[c] = val; } for(int k = 1; k<=j-1; k++) { SparseMatrix::Row& rowk = U.row(k); double Ukj = U(k,j); if(Ukj!=0) for(SparseMatrix::Row::iterator it=rowk.lower_bound(j-1);it!=rowk.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first+1; double val = (*it).second*Ukj; U.addto(j,c,-val); } } double sqrtUjj = std::sqrt(Max(U(j,j),1e-6)); for(SparseMatrix::Row::iterator it=rowUj.lower_bound(j-1);it!=rowUj.end();it++) { (*it).second /= sqrtUjj; } } U.transpose(L); } void inv(const SparseMatrix& U, const SparseMatrix& L, SparseMatrix& ret) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::inv"); // assumes A=LU is symmetric int length = U.Nrows(); ret.ReSize(length,length); SparseMatrix b; speye(length,b); for(int bi=1;bi<=b.Ncols();bi++) { // solve for y (L*y=b) ColumnVector y(length); y = 0; y(1) = b(1,bi)/L(1,1); bool compute = false; if(b(1,bi)!=0) compute = true; for(int r = 2; r<=length; r++) { if(!compute && b(r,bi)!=0) compute = true; if(compute) { float sum = 0.0; const SparseMatrix::Row& row = L.row(r); for(SparseMatrix::Row::const_iterator it=row.begin();it!=row.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first+1; if(c > r-1) break; double val = (*it).second; sum += val*y(c); } y(r) = (b(r,bi)-sum)/L(r,r); } } // solve for x(bi) (U*x=y) ret.set(length,bi,y(length)/U(length,length)); compute = false; if(y(length)!=0) compute = true; // do not do rows which we already have from symmetry // therefore end at r=bi and not r=1 for(int r = length; r>=bi; r--) { if(!compute && y(r)!=0) compute = true; if(compute) { float sum = 0.0; const SparseMatrix::Row& row = U.row(r); for(SparseMatrix::Row::const_iterator it=row.lower_bound(r);it!=row.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first+1; double val = (*it).second; sum += val*ret(c,bi); } ret.set(r,bi,(y(r)-sum)/U(r,r)); ret.set(bi,r,(y(r)-sum)/U(r,r)); } } } } void solvefortracex(const SparseMatrix& U, const SparseMatrix& L, const SparseMatrix& b1, const SparseMatrix& b2, float& tr1, float& tr2) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::solvefortracex"); int length = U.Nrows(); tr1 = 0.0; tr2 = 0.0; for(int bi=1;bi<=b1.Ncols();bi++) { // solve for y (L*y=b) ColumnVector y1(length); ColumnVector y2(length); y1 = 0; y2 = 0; y1(1) = b1(1,bi)/L(1,1); y2(1) = b2(1,bi)/L(1,1); bool compute1 = false; if(b1(1,bi)!=0) compute1 = true; bool compute2 = false; if(b2(1,bi)!=0) compute2 = true; for(int r = 2; r<=length; r++) { if(!compute1 && b1(r,bi)!=0) compute1 = true; if(!compute2 && b2(r,bi)!=0) compute2 = true; if(compute1 || compute2) { float sum1 = 0.0; float sum2 = 0.0; const SparseMatrix::Row& row = L.row(r); for(SparseMatrix::Row::const_iterator it=row.begin();it!=row.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first+1; if(c > r-1) break; double val = (*it).second; if(compute1) sum1 += val*y1(c); if(compute2) sum2 += val*y2(c); } if(compute1) y1(r) = (b1(r,bi)-sum1)/L(r,r); if(compute2) y2(r) = (b2(r,bi)-sum2)/L(r,r); } } // solve for x(bi) (U*x=y) ColumnVector x1(length); ColumnVector x2(length); x1 = 0; x2 = 0; x1(length) = y1(length)/U(length,length); x2(length) = y2(length)/U(length,length); compute1 = false; if(y1(length)!=0) compute1 = true; compute2 = false; if(y2(length)!=0) compute2 = true; for(int r = length; r>=bi; r--) { if(!compute1 && y1(r)!=0) compute1 = true; if(!compute2 && y2(r)!=0) compute2 = true; if(compute1 || compute2) { float sum1 = 0.0; float sum2 = 0.0; const SparseMatrix::Row& row = U.row(r); for(SparseMatrix::Row::const_iterator it=row.lower_bound(r);it!=row.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first+1; double val = (*it).second; if(compute1) sum1 += val*x1(c); if(compute2) sum2 += val*x2(c); } if(compute1) x1(r) = (y1(r)-sum1)/U(r,r); if(compute2) x2(r) = (y2(r)-sum2)/U(r,r); } } tr1 += x1(bi); tr2 += x2(bi); } } float solvefortracex(const SparseMatrix& A, const SparseMatrix& b, SparseMatrix& x, int nsamps, float tol) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::solvefortracex"); int every = Max(1,A.Ncols()/nsamps); // int every = 1; // OUT(every); float tr = 0.0; // assumes symmetric A and b for(int r = every; r<=A.Ncols(); r+=every) { // cout << float(r)/A.Ncols() << "\r"; // cout.flush(); ColumnVector br = b.RowAsColumn(r); ColumnVector xr = x.RowAsColumn(r); solveforx3(A,br,xr,tol); for(int c = 1; c<=b.Ncols(); c++) { if(xr(c)!=0) { x.set(r,c,xr(c)); } } tr += xr(r); } cout << endl; tr *= every; return tr; } void solveforx(const SparseMatrix& A, const SparseMatrix& b, SparseMatrix& x) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::solveforx"); // assumes symmetric A and b for(int r = 1; r<=A.Ncols(); r++) { cout << float(r)/A.Ncols() << "\r"; cout.flush(); ColumnVector br = b.RowAsColumn(r); ColumnVector xr = x.RowAsColumn(r); solveforx3(A,br,xr); for(int c = 1; c<=b.Ncols(); c++) { if(xr(c)!=0) { x.set(r,c,xr(c)); } } } cout << endl; } void solveforx(const SparseMatrix& A, const ColumnVector& b, ColumnVector& x) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::solveforx2"); if(norm2(b)==0) { x = 0; } else { int k = 2; int kmax = Max(b.Nrows()*4,3); ColumnVector tmp; multiply(A,x,tmp); ColumnVector r = b-tmp; ColumnVector rho(kmax); rho = Sqr(norm2(r)); ColumnVector w; ColumnVector p = r; while(std::sqrt(rho(k))>0.2*norm2(b) && k < kmax) { k++; //if(k>2) p = r + p*rho(k-1)/rho(k-2); //else // p = r; multiply(A,p,w); float alpha = 0.0; //if(k>1) alpha = rho(k-1)/(p.t()*w).AsScalar(); //else //alpha = 1; x += alpha*p; r -= alpha*w; rho(k) = Sqr(norm2(r)); } } // OUT(std::sqrt(rho(k-1))); // OUT(norm2(b)); // OUT(k); // write_ascii_matrix("rho",rho); } void solveforx3(const SparseMatrix& A, const ColumnVector& b, ColumnVector& x, float tol) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::solveforx3"); if(norm2(b)==0) { x = 0; } else { int k = 2; int kmax = Max(b.Nrows(),3); ColumnVector tmp; multiply(A,x,tmp); ColumnVector r = b-tmp; ColumnVector rho(kmax); rho = Sqr(norm2(r)); ColumnVector w; ColumnVector p = r; while(std::sqrt(rho(k))>tol*norm2(b) && k < kmax) { k++; //if(k>2) p = r + p*rho(k-1)/rho(k-2); //else // p = r; // SparseMatrix::Row passparserow; // colvectosparserow(p,passparserow); // multiply(A,passparserow,w); multiply(A,p,w); float alpha = 0.0; //if(k>1) alpha = rho(k-1)/(p.t()*w).AsScalar(); //else //alpha = 1; x += alpha*p; r -= alpha*w; rho(k) = Sqr(norm2(r)); } if(k>kmax/2.0) { OUT(std::sqrt(rho(k-1))); OUT(norm2(b)); OUT(k); cout.flush(); } } // write_ascii_matrix("rho",rho); } void solveforx(const SparseMatrix& U, const SparseMatrix& L, const ColumnVector& b, ColumnVector& x) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::solveforx"); int length = U.Nrows(); x.ReSize(length); // solve for y (L*y=b) ColumnVector y(length); y = 0; y(1) = b(1)/L(1,1); bool compute = false; if(b(1)!=0) compute = true; for(int r = 2; r<=length; r++) { if(!compute && b(r)!=0) compute = true; if(compute) { float sum = 0.0; const SparseMatrix::Row& row = L.row(r); for(SparseMatrix::Row::const_iterator it=row.begin();it!=row.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first+1; if(c > r-1) break; double val = (*it).second; sum += val*y(c); } y(r) = (b(r)-sum)/L(r,r); } } // solve for x (U*x=y) x(length) = y(length)/U(length,length); compute = false; if(y(length)!=0) compute = true; for(int r = length; r>=1; r--) { if(!compute && y(r)!=0) compute = true; if(compute) { float sum = 0.0; const SparseMatrix::Row& row = U.row(r); for(SparseMatrix::Row::const_iterator it=row.lower_bound(r);it!=row.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first+1; double val = (*it).second; sum += val*x(c); } x(r) = (y(r)-sum)/U(r,r); } } } void solve(const SparseMatrix& A, const Matrix& b, SparseMatrix& x) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::solve"); int length = A.Nrows(); SparseMatrix U; SparseMatrix L; chol(A,U,L); x.ReSize(length,b.Ncols()); for(int bi=1;bi<=b.Ncols();bi++) { // solve for y (L*y=b) ColumnVector y(length); y = 0; y(1) = b(1,bi)/L(1,1); bool compute = false; if(b(1,bi)!=0) compute = true; for(int r = 2; r<=length; r++) { if(!compute && b(r,bi)!=0) compute = true; if(compute) { float sum = 0.0; SparseMatrix::Row& row = L.row(r); for(SparseMatrix::Row::iterator it=row.begin();it!=row.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first+1; if(c > r-1) break; double val = (*it).second; sum += val*y(c); } y(r) = (b(r,bi)-sum)/L(r,r); } } // solve for x (U*x=y) x.set(length,bi,y(length)/U(length,length)); compute = false; if(y(length)!=0) compute = true; for(int r = length; r>=1; r--) { if(!compute && y(r)!=0) compute = true; if(compute) { float sum = 0.0; SparseMatrix::Row& row = U.row(r); for(SparseMatrix::Row::iterator it=row.lower_bound(r);it!=row.end();it++) { int c = (*it).first+1; double val = (*it).second; sum += val*x(c,bi); } x.set(r,bi,(y(r)-sum)/U(r,r)); } } } } void cov(const ColumnVector& A, SparseMatrix& ret) { Tracer_Plus trace("sparsefns::cov"); ret.ReSize(A.Nrows(),A.Nrows()); for(int r=1; r <= A.Nrows(); r++) { // diagonal if(A(r) != 0) { ret.set(r,r,Sqr(A(r))); // off-diagonal for(int c=r+1; c <= A.Nrows(); c++) { if(A(c) != 0) { ret.set(r,c,A(r)*A(c)); ret.set(c,r,A(r)*A(c)); } } } } } }