// Declarations for nonlinear optimisation #ifndef nonlin_h #define nonlin_h #include <string> #include <vector> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include "bfmatrix.h" #include "newmat.h" namespace MISCMATHS { enum NLMethod {NL_VM, // Variable-Metric (see NRinC) NL_CG, // Conjugate-Gradient (see NRinC) NL_SCG, // Scaled Conjugate-Gradient (See Moller 1993). NL_LM, // Levenberg-Marquardt (see NRinC) NL_GD}; // Gradient Descent enum LMType {LM_L, LM_LM}; // Levenberg or Levenberg-Marquardt enum VMUpdateType {VM_DFP, VM_BFGS}; // See NRinC chapter 10. enum CGUpdateType {CG_FR, CG_PR}; // Fletcher-Reeves, Polak-Ribiere enum VMMatrixType {VM_OPT, // VM_COL, // Store all rank-one updates as column-vectors VM_FULL}; // Store full estimate of inverse Hessian enum LinOut {LM_MAXITER, // Too many iterations in line-minimisation LM_LAMBDA_NILL, // Could not find a minima along this direction LM_CONV}; // Line-minimisation converged. enum NonlinOut {NL_UNDEFINED, // Initial value before minimisation NL_MAXITER, // Too many iterations NL_LM_MAXITER, // To many iterations during a line-minimisation NL_PARCONV, // Convergence. Step in parameter space small NL_GRADCONV, // Convergence. Gradient small NL_CFCONV, // Convergence. Change in cost-function small NL_LCONV}; // Convergence, lambda very large const double EPS = 2.0e-16; // Losely based on NRinC 20.1 class NonlinException: public std::exception { private: std::string m_msg; public: NonlinException(const std::string& msg) throw(): m_msg(msg) {} virtual const char * what() const throw() { return string("Nonlin: msg=" + m_msg).c_str(); } ~NonlinException() throw() {} }; // NonlinParam is a struct that contains the // information about "how" the // minisation should be performed. I.e. it // contains things like choice of minimisation // algorithm, # of parameters, converegence // criteria etc class NonlinParam { public: NonlinParam(int pnpar, NLMethod pmtd, NEWMAT::ColumnVector ppar=NEWMAT::ColumnVector(), bool plogcf=false, bool ploglambda=false, bool plogpar=false, int pmaxiter=200, double pcftol=1.0e-8, double pgtol=1.0e-8, double pptol=4.0*EPS, VMUpdateType pvmut=VM_BFGS, double palpha=1.0e-4, double pstepmax=10, int plm_maxiter=50, int pmaxrestart=0, bool pautoscale=true, CGUpdateType pcgut=CG_PR, double plm_ftol=1.0e-3, LMType plmtype=LM_LM, double pltol=1.0e20, int pcg_maxiter=200, double pcg_tol=1.0e-6, double plambda=0.1) : npar(pnpar), mtd(pmtd), logcf(plogcf), loglambda(ploglambda), logpar(plogpar), maxiter(pmaxiter), cftol(pcftol), gtol(pgtol), ptol(pptol), vmut(pvmut), alpha(palpha), stepmax(pstepmax), lm_maxiter(plm_maxiter), maxrestart(pmaxrestart), autoscale(pautoscale), cgut(pcgut), lm_ftol(plm_ftol), lmtype(plmtype), ltol(pltol), cg_maxiter(pcg_maxiter), cg_tol(pcg_tol), lambda(), cf(), par(), niter(0), nrestart(0), status(NL_UNDEFINED) { lambda.push_back(plambda); if (ppar.Nrows()) SetStartingEstimate(ppar); else { NEWMAT::ColumnVector tmp(npar); tmp = 0.0; SetStartingEstimate(tmp); } } ~NonlinParam() {} // Routines to check values int NPar() const {return(npar);} NLMethod Method() const {return(mtd);} int MaxIter() const {return(maxiter);} int NIter() const {return(niter);} double FractionalCFTolerance() const {return(cftol);} double FractionalGradientTolerance() const {return(gtol);} double FractionalParameterTolerance() const {return(ptol);} VMUpdateType VariableMetricUpdate() const {return(vmut);} double VariableMetricAlpha() const {return(alpha);} int MaxVariableMetricRestarts() const {return(maxrestart);} int VariableMetricRestarts() const {return(nrestart);} bool VariableMetricAutoScale() const {return(autoscale);} double LineSearchMaxStep() const {return(stepmax);} int LineSearchMaxIterations() const {return(lm_maxiter);} CGUpdateType ConjugateGradientUpdate() const {return(cgut);} double LineSearchFractionalParameterTolerance() const {return(lm_ftol);} LMType GaussNewtonType() const {return(lmtype);} double LambdaConvergenceCriterion() const {return(ltol);} int EquationSolverMaxIter() const {return(cg_maxiter);} double EquationSolverTol() const {return(cg_tol);} bool LoggingParameters() const {return(logpar);} bool LoggingCostFunction() const {return(logcf);} bool LoggingLambda() const {return(loglambda);} // Routines to get output double Lambda() const {return(lambda.back());} double InitialLambda() const {if (loglambda) return(lambda[0]); else {throw NonlinException("InitialLabda: Lambda not logged"); return(0.0);}} const std::vector<double>& LambdaHistory() const {if (loglambda) return(lambda); else {throw NonlinException("InitialLabda: Lambda not logged"); return(lambda);}} const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& Par() const {return(par.back());} const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& InitialPar() const {if (logpar) return(par[0]); else {throw NonlinException("InitialPar: Parameters not logged"); return(par[0]);}} const std::vector<NEWMAT::ColumnVector>& ParHistory() const {if (logpar) return(par); else {throw NonlinException("ParHistory: Parameters not logged"); return(par);}} double CF() const {return(cf.back());} double InitialCF() const {if (logcf) return(cf[0]); else {throw NonlinException("InitialCF: Cost-function not logged"); return(cf[0]);}} const std::vector<double> CFHistory() const {if (logcf) return(cf); else {throw NonlinException("CFHistory: Cost-function not logged"); return(cf);}} NonlinOut Status() const {return(status);} bool Success() const { switch(status) { case NL_UNDEFINED: case NL_MAXITER: case NL_LM_MAXITER: return(false); break; default: return(true); } }; std::string TextStatus() const; // Routines to set values of steering parameters void SetMethod(NLMethod pmtd) {mtd = pmtd;} void LogCF(bool flag=true) {logcf = flag;} void LogPar(bool flag=true) {logpar = flag;} void LogLambda(bool flag=true) {loglambda = flag;} void SetStartingEstimate(NEWMAT::ColumnVector& sp) { if (niter) throw NonlinException("SetStartingEstimates: Object has to be reset before setting new starting parameters"); SetPar(sp); } void SetMaxIter(unsigned int pmiter) {maxiter = pmiter;} void SetFractionalCFTolerance(double pcftol) { if (pcftol>0.5) throw NonlinException("SetFractionalCFTolerance: Nonsensically large tolerance"); else if (pcftol <= 0.0) NonlinException("SetFractionalCFTolerance: Tolerance must be non-zero and positive"); cftol = pcftol; } void SetFractionalGradientTolerance(double pgtol) { if (pgtol>0.5) throw NonlinException("SetFractionalGradientTolerance: Nonsensically large tolerance"); else if (pgtol <= 0.0) NonlinException("SetFractionalGradientTolerance: Tolerance must be non-zero and positive"); gtol = pgtol; } void SetFractionalParameterTolerance(double pptol) { if (pptol>0.5) throw NonlinException("SetFractionalParameterTolerance: Nonsensically large tolerance"); else if (pptol <= 0.0) NonlinException("SetFractionalParameterTolerance: Tolerance must be non-zero and positive"); ptol = pptol; } void SetVariableMetricUpdate(VMUpdateType pvmut) {vmut = pvmut;} void SetVariableMetricAlpha(double palpha) { if (palpha>=1.0 || palpha<=0.0) throw NonlinException("SetVariableMetricAlpha: Alpha must be between 0 and 1"); alpha = palpha; } void SetMaxVariableMetricRestarts(unsigned int pmaxrestart) {maxrestart = pmaxrestart;} void SetVariableMetricAutoScale(bool flag=true) {autoscale = flag;} void SetLineSearchMaxStep(double pstepmax) { if (pstepmax<=0) throw NonlinException("SetLineSearchMaxStep: maxstep must be non-zero and positive"); stepmax = pstepmax; } void SetLineMinimisationMaxIterations(unsigned int plm_maxiter) {lm_maxiter = plm_maxiter;} void SetConjugateGradientUpdate(CGUpdateType pcgut) {cgut = pcgut;} void SetLineMinimisationFractionalParameterTolerance(double plm_ftol) { if (plm_ftol>0.5) throw NonlinException("SetLineMinimisationFractionalParameterTolerance: Nonsensically large tolerance"); else if (plm_ftol <= 0.0) NonlinException("SetLineMinimisationFractionalParameterTolerance: Tolerance must be non-zero and positive"); lm_ftol = plm_ftol; } void SetGaussNewtonType(LMType plmtype) {lmtype = plmtype;} void SetLambdaConvergenceCriterion(double pltol) { if (pltol<1.0) throw NonlinException("SetLambdaConvergenceCriterion: Nonsensically small tolerance"); ltol = pltol; } void SetEquationSolverMaxIter(int pcg_maxiter) {cg_maxiter = pcg_maxiter;} void SetEquationSolverTol(double pcg_tol) {cg_tol = pcg_tol;} // Reset is used to reset a NonlinParam object after it has run to convergence, thereby allowing it // to be reused with a different CF object. This is to avoid the cost of creating the object many // times when fitting for example multiple voxels. void Reset() {} // Routines used by the (global) non-linear fitting routines. Note that these can // all be called for const objects. void SetPar(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p) const { if (p.Nrows() != npar) throw NonlinException("SetPar: Mismatch between starting vector and # of parameters"); if (logpar || !par.size()) par.push_back(p); else par[0] = p; } void SetCF(double pcf) const { if (logcf || !cf.size()) cf.push_back(pcf); else cf[0] = pcf; } void SetLambda(double pl) const { if (loglambda || !lambda.size()) lambda.push_back(pl); else lambda[0] = pl; } bool NextIter(bool success=true) const {if (success && niter++ >= maxiter) return(false); else return(true);} bool NextRestart() const {if (nrestart++ >= maxrestart) return(false); else return(true);} void SetStatus(NonlinOut pstatus) const {status = pstatus;} private: // INPUT PARAMETERS // // Paramaters that apply to all algorithms const int npar; // # of parameters NLMethod mtd; // Minimisation method bool logcf; // If true, history of cost-function is logged bool loglambda; // If true, history of lambda is logged bool logpar; // If true history of parameters is logged int maxiter; // Maximum # of iterations allowed double cftol; // Tolerance for cost-function gonvergence criterion double gtol; // Tolerance for gradient convergence criterion double ptol; // Tolerance for parameter convergence criterion // Parameters that apply to Variable-Metric Algorithm VMUpdateType vmut; // DFP or BFGS double alpha; // Criterion for convergence in line minimisation double stepmax; // Maximum step length for line minimisation int lm_maxiter; // Maximum # of iterations for line minimisation int maxrestart; // Maximum # of restarts that should be done. bool autoscale; // "Automatic" search for optimal scaling // Parameters that apply to CG algorithm CGUpdateType cgut; // Fletcher-Reeves or Polak-Ribiere double lm_ftol; // Convergence criterion for line-search // Parameters that apply to LM algorithm LMType lmtype; // Levenberg or Levenberg-Marquardt double ltol; // Convergence criterion based on large lambda int cg_maxiter; // Maximum # of iterations for iterative "inverse" of Hessian double cg_tol; // Tolerance for iterative "inverse" of Hessian // // OUTPUT PARAMETERS // mutable std::vector<double> lambda; // (History of) lambda (LM and SCG type minimisation) mutable std::vector<double> cf; // (History of) cost-function mutable std::vector<NEWMAT::ColumnVector> par; // (History of) Parameter estimates mutable int niter; // Number of iterations mutable int nrestart; // Number of restarts mutable NonlinOut status; // Output status NonlinParam& operator=(const NonlinParam& rhs); // Hide assignment }; // NonlinCF (Cost Function) is a virtual // class that defines a minimal interface. // By subclassing NonlinCF the "user" can // create a class that allows him/her to // use NONLIN to minimise his/her function. class NonlinCF { private: NonlinCF& operator=(const NonlinCF& rhs); // Hide assignment public: NonlinCF() {} virtual ~NonlinCF() {} virtual double sf() const {return(1.0);} virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix grad(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p) const; virtual boost::shared_ptr<BFMatrix> hess(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p, boost::shared_ptr<BFMatrix> iptr=boost::shared_ptr<BFMatrix>()) const; virtual double cf(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p) const = 0; }; // Varmet matrix is a "helper" class // that makes it a little easier to // implement variable-metric minimisation. class VarmetMatrix { private: int sz; VMMatrixType mtp; VMUpdateType utp; NEWMAT::Matrix mat; std::vector<double> sf; std::vector<NEWMAT::ColumnVector> vec; VarmetMatrix& operator=(const VarmetMatrix& rhs); // Hide assignment public: explicit VarmetMatrix(int psz, VMMatrixType pmtp, VMUpdateType putp) : sz(psz), mtp(pmtp), utp(putp) { if (sz > 0 && mtp == VM_OPT) { if (sz < 100) { mtp = VM_FULL; NEWMAT::IdentityMatrix tmp(sz); mat = tmp; } else { mtp = VM_COL; } } } ~VarmetMatrix() {} int size() {return(sz);} VMUpdateType updatetype() {return(utp);} VMMatrixType matrixtype() {return(mtp);} void print() const; void reset() { if (sz > 0) { if (mtp == VM_FULL) { NEWMAT::IdentityMatrix tmp(sz); mat = tmp; } else if (mtp == VM_COL) { sf.clear(); vec.clear(); } } } void update(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& pdiff, // x_{i+1} - x_i const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& gdiff); // \nabla f_{i+1} - \nabla f_i friend NEWMAT::ColumnVector operator*(const VarmetMatrix& m, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& v); }; // Declaration of (global) main function for minimisation NonlinOut nonlin(const NonlinParam& p, const NonlinCF& cfo); // Declaration of global utility functions pair<NEWMAT::ColumnVector,NEWMAT::ColumnVector> check_grad(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& par, const NonlinCF& cfo); pair<boost::shared_ptr<BFMatrix>,boost::shared_ptr<BFMatrix> > check_hess(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& par, const NonlinCF& cfo); } // End namespace MISCMATHS #endif // end #ifndef nonlin_h