From 12971c486b0b03b5ea364a5f6c7a3cf0f37920ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stephen Smith <>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 12:21:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] *** empty log message ***

 doc/index.html   |   2 +-
 doc/siena        | 206 ----------------------------------------------
 doc/siena_usage  |  11 ---
 doc/sienax       | 209 -----------------------------------------------
 doc/sienax_usage |  12 ---
 siena            |   2 +-
 sienax           |   2 +-
 7 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 441 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 doc/siena
 delete mode 100755 doc/siena_usage
 delete mode 100755 doc/sienax
 delete mode 100755 doc/sienax_usage

diff --git a/doc/index.html b/doc/index.html
index d4e7d91..505208d 100644
--- a/doc/index.html
+++ b/doc/index.html
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ progression.
-<LI> Run <b>siena &lt;A&gt: &lt;B&gt:</b> on all subjects.
+<LI> Run <b>siena &lt;A&gt; &lt;B&gt;</b> on all subjects.
diff --git a/doc/siena b/doc/siena
deleted file mode 100755
index ec68a13..0000000
--- a/doc/siena
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-#   siena - Structural Image Evaluation, including Normalisation, of Atrophy
-#   Stephen Smith, FMRIB Image Analysis Group
-#   Copyright (C) 1999-2004 University of Oxford
-Usage() {
-    echo ""
-    echo "Usage: siena <input1_fileroot> <input2_fileroot> [-d] [-f <BET threshold>] [-2] [-t2] [-m] [-t <t>] [-b <b>] [siena_diff options]"
-    echo ""
-    echo "-d     : debug (don't delete intermediate files)"
-    echo "-f <f> : Threshold for BET brain extraction (default 0.5)"
-    echo "-2     : two-class segmentation (don't segment grey and white matter separately)"
-    echo "-t2    : T2-weighted input image (default T1-weighted)"
-    echo "-m     : use Talairach-space masking as well as BET"
-    echo "-t <t> : ignore from t (mm) upwards in Talairach space"
-    echo "-b <b> : ignore from b (mm) downwards in Talairach space; b should probably be -ve"
-    echo ""
-    exit
-if [ _$FSLDIR = _ ] ; then
-    FSLDIR=/usr/local/fsl
-    export FSLDIR
-[ "$2" = "" ] && Usage
-[ `${FSLDIR}/bin/imtest $1` = 0 ] && Usage
-[ `${FSLDIR}/bin/imtest $2` = 0 ] && Usage
-A=`${FSLDIR}/bin/remove_ext $1`
-B=`${FSLDIR}/bin/remove_ext $2`
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" >  ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo ""                                                                        >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo " SIENA - Structural Image Evaluation, using Normalisation, of Atrophy"   >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo " part of FSL"                                     >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo " running longitudinal atrophy measurement: siena version 2.2"            >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo " siena $@"                                                               >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo ""                                                                        >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-shift 2
-origin3=37 # `avwval ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1 origin3`
-pixdim3=2  # `avwval ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1 pixdim3`
-for opts in $@ ; do
-    if [ $opts = -d ] ; then
-        debug=1
-        ov=-ov
-        shift
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -f ] ; then
-        betf=$2
-        shift 2
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -2 ] ; then
-	sdo="$sdo -2"
-        shift
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -t2 ] ; then
-	is_t2=" -s -t2"
-        shift
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -m ] ; then
-	talmask=1
-	dotal=1
-        shift
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -t ] ; then
-	dotal=1
-	talt=`echo $2 | sed 's/-/_/g'`
-	talt=`echo "10 k $talt $pixdim3 / $origin3 + p" | dc -`
-	talroi="$talroi -roi 0 1000000 0 1000000 0 $talt 0 1"
-	shift 2
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -b ] ; then
-	dotal=1
-	talb=`echo $2 | sed 's/-/_/g'`
-	talb=`echo "10 k $talb $pixdim3 / $origin3 + p" | dc -`
-	talroi="$talroi -roi 0 1000000 0 1000000 $talb 1000000 0 1"
-	shift 2
-    fi
-echo "----------  extract brain  --------------------------------------------" >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-${FSLDIR}/bin/bet $A ${A}_brain -s -m -f $betf >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-${FSLDIR}/bin/bet $B ${B}_brain -s -m -f $betf >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo ""                                                                        >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo "----------  register brains and skulls  -------------------------------" >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo "(do not worry about histogram warnings)"                                 >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-${FSLDIR}/bin/siena_flirt $A $B >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena 2>&1
-echo ""                                                                        >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo "----------  produce valid masks  --------------------------------------" >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-XDIM=`${FSLDIR}/bin/avwval $A dim1` ; XDIM=`echo "$XDIM 2 - p" | dc -`
-YDIM=`${FSLDIR}/bin/avwval $A dim2` ; YDIM=`echo "$YDIM 2 - p" | dc -`
-ZDIM=`${FSLDIR}/bin/avwval $A dim3` ; ZDIM=`echo "$ZDIM 2 - p" | dc -`
-${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${A}_brain_mask -mul 0 -add 1 -roi 1 $XDIM 1 $YDIM 1 $ZDIM 0 1 ${A}_valid_mask
-XDIM=`${FSLDIR}/bin/avwval $B dim1` ; XDIM=`echo "$XDIM 2 - p" | dc -`
-YDIM=`${FSLDIR}/bin/avwval $B dim2` ; YDIM=`echo "$YDIM 2 - p" | dc -`
-ZDIM=`${FSLDIR}/bin/avwval $B dim3` ; ZDIM=`echo "$ZDIM 2 - p" | dc -`
-${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${B}_brain_mask -mul 0 -add 1 -roi 1 $XDIM 1 $YDIM 1 $ZDIM 0 1 ${B}_valid_mask
-${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${B}_valid_mask -ref $A -out ${B}_valid_mask_to_${A} -applyxfm -init ${B}_to_${A}.mat -paddingsize 0
-${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${A}_valid_mask -ref $B -out ${A}_valid_mask_to_${B} -applyxfm -init ${A}_to_${B}.mat -paddingsize 0
-${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${A}_valid_mask -mul ${B}_valid_mask_to_${A} ${A}_valid_mask_with_$B
-${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${B}_valid_mask -mul ${A}_valid_mask_to_${B} ${B}_valid_mask_with_$A
-if [ $dotal = 1 ] ; then
-    echo ""                                                                        >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-    echo "----------  Talairach space masking  ----------------------------------" >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -ref ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1_brain -in ${A}_brain -omat ${A}_to_tal.mat >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -ref ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1_brain -in ${B}_brain -omat ${B}_to_tal.mat >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/convert_xfm -matonly -inverse -omat ${A}_to_tal_inv.mat ${A}_to_tal.mat
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/convert_xfm -matonly -inverse -omat ${B}_to_tal_inv.mat ${B}_to_tal.mat
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/convert_xfm -matonly -concat ${B}_to_tal_inv.mat -omat ${A}_to_${B}_tmp.mat ${A}_to_tal.mat
-    RMSDIFF=`${FSLDIR}/bin/rmsdiff ${A}_to_${B}.mat ${A}_to_${B}_tmp.mat $A | sed 's/\..*$/ /g'` # last part makes it integer
-    echo "rmsdiff for Talairaching is $RMSDIFF mm" >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-    if [ $RMSDIFF -ge 10 ] ; then
-	echo "Warning! Probably failed consistency check for Talairach registrations!"
-	echo "Warning! Probably failed consistency check for Talairach registrations!" >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-    fi
-    if [ $talmask = 1 ] ; then
-	${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1_brain_mask_dil2 -ref $A -out ${A}_talmask -applyxfm -init ${A}_to_tal_inv.mat
-	${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1_brain_mask_dil2 -ref $B -out ${B}_talmask -applyxfm -init ${B}_to_tal_inv.mat
-	${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${A}_brain_mask -mas ${A}_talmask ${A}_brain_mask
-	${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${B}_brain_mask -mas ${B}_talmask ${B}_brain_mask
-    fi
-    if [ "$talroi" != "" ] ; then
-	${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1_brain_mask -mul 0 -add 1 $talroi ${A}_and_${B}_talmask
-	${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${A}_and_${B}_talmask -ref $A -out ${A}_talmask -applyxfm -init ${A}_to_tal_inv.mat
-	${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${A}_and_${B}_talmask -ref $B -out ${B}_talmask -applyxfm -init ${B}_to_tal_inv.mat
-	${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${A}_valid_mask_with_$B -mul ${A}_talmask ${A}_valid_mask_with_$B
-	${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${B}_valid_mask_with_$A -mul ${B}_talmask ${B}_valid_mask_with_$A
-    fi
-echo ""                                                                        >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo "----------  change analysis  ------------------------------------------" >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-corr1=`${FSLDIR}/bin/siena_cal $A $B 1.002 $sdo $@`
-corr2=`${FSLDIR}/bin/siena_cal $B $A 1.002 $sdo $@`
-corr=`echo "10 k $corr1 $corr2 + 2.0 / p" | dc -`
-echo "corr1=$corr1 corr2=$corr2 corr=$corr" >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo "" >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-${FSLDIR}/bin/siena_diff ${B} ${A} -c $corr $sdo $@ >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-pbvc_backward=`grep PBVC ${A}_to_${B}.siena | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/-/_/g'`
-echo "" >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-${FSLDIR}/bin/siena_diff ${A} ${B} -c $corr $sdo $@ >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-pbvc_forward=`grep PBVC ${A}_to_${B}.siena | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/-/_/g'`
-echo "" >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-pbvc_average=`echo "10 k $pbvc_forward $pbvc_backward - 2.0 / p" | dc -`
-echo "finalPBVC $pbvc_average %" >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${A}_to_${B}_flow -mul -1 ${A}_to_${B}_flowneg
-${FSLDIR}/bin/overlay 0 0 ${A}_halfwayto_${B} -a ${A}_to_${B}_flow 0.01 1 ${A}_to_${B}_flowneg 0.01 1 ${A}_halfwayto_${B}_render
-if [ $debug = 0 ] ; then
-    $FSLDIR/bin/imrm ${A}_brain.* ${A}_brain_mask.* ${A}_brain_skull.* \
-	${B}_brain.* ${B}_brain_mask.* ${B}_brain_skull.* \
-	${A}_halfwayto_${B}.* ${A}_halfwayto_${B}_mask.* \
-	${B}_halfwayto_${A}.* ${B}_halfwayto_${A}_mask.* \
-	${A}_halfwayto_${B}_talmask.* \
-	${B}_halfwayto_${A}_talmask.* \
-	${A}_halfwayto_${B}_brain.* \
-	${A}_halfwayto_${B}_brain_seg.* \
-	${A}_to_${B}_flowneg.* \
-	${B}_halfwayto_${A}_brain.* \
-	${B}_halfwayto_${A}_brain_seg.* \
-	${B}_to_${A}_flowneg.* \
-	${A}_talmask.* ${B}_talmask.* \
-	${A}_and_${B}_talmask.* \
-	${A}_valid_mask.* ${B}_valid_mask.* ${A}_valid_mask_to_${B}.* ${B}_valid_mask_to_${A}.* ${A}_valid_mask_with_$B.* ${B}_valid_mask_with_$A.* ${A}_halfwayto_${B}_valid_mask.* ${B}_halfwayto_${A}_valid_mask.*
-    /bin/rm -f ${A}_to_tal_inv.mat ${B}_to_tal_inv.mat ${A}_to_${B}_tmp.mat \
-	${A}_halfwayto_${B}_brain.vol ${B}_halfwayto_${A}_brain.vol \
-	${B}_to_${A}.mat_avscale
-echo "$pbvc_average"
diff --git a/doc/siena_usage b/doc/siena_usage
deleted file mode 100755
index 76d8a15..0000000
--- a/doc/siena_usage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Usage: siena <input1_fileroot> <input2_fileroot> [-d] [-f <BET threshold>] [-2] [-t2] [-m] [-t <t>] [-b <b>] [siena_diff options]
--d     : debug (don't delete intermediate files)
--f <f> : Threshold for BET brain extraction (default 0.5)
--2     : two-class segmentation (don't segment grey and white matter separately)
--t2    : T2-weighted input image (default T1-weighted)
--m     : use Talairach-space masking as well as BET
--t <t> : ignore from t (mm) upwards in Talairach space
--b <b> : ignore from b (mm) downwards in Talairach space; b should probably be -ve
diff --git a/doc/sienax b/doc/sienax
deleted file mode 100755
index cec4b3d..0000000
--- a/doc/sienax
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-#   sienax - Structural Image Evaluation, including Normalisation, of Atrophy (X-sectional)
-#   Stephen Smith, FMRIB Image Analysis Group
-#   Copyright (C) 1999-2004 University of Oxford
-Usage() {
-    echo ""
-    echo "Usage: sienax <input_fileroot> [-d] [-f <BET threshold>] [-2] [-t2] [-t <t>] [-b <b>] [-r] [-lm <lesion_mask>] [segmentation options]"
-    echo ""
-    echo "-d         : debug (don't delete intermediate files)"
-    echo "-f <f>     : Threshold for BET brain extraction (default f=0.5)"
-    echo "-2         : two-class segmentation (don't segment grey and white matter separately)"
-    echo "-t2        : T2-weighted input image (default T1-weighted)"
-    echo "-t <t>     : ignore from t (mm) upwards in Talairach space"
-    echo "-b <b>     : ignore from b (mm) downwards in Talairach space. b should probably be -ve"
-    echo "-r         : regional - use standard-space masks to give peripheral cortex GM volume (3-class segmentation only) and ventricular CSF volume"
-    echo "-lm <mask> : use lesion (or lesion+CSF) mask to remove incorrectly labelled \"grey matter\" voxels"
-    echo ""
-    exit
-if [ _$FSLDIR = _ ] ; then
-    FSLDIR=/usr/local/fsl
-    export FSLDIR
-[ _$1 = _ ] && Usage
-I=`${FSLDIR}/bin/remove_ext $1`;
-[ `${FSLDIR}/bin/imtest $I` = 0 ] && Usage
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" >  ${I}.sienax
-echo ""                                                                        >> ${I}.sienax
-echo " SIENA - Structural Image Evaluation, using Normalisation, of Atrophy"   >> ${I}.sienax
-echo " part of FSL"                                     >> ${I}.sienax
-echo " running cross-sectional atrophy measurement: sienax version 2.2"        >> ${I}.sienax
-echo " sienax $@"                                                              >> ${I}.sienax
-echo ""                                                                        >> ${I}.sienax
-origin3=37 # `avwval ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1 origin3`
-pixdim3=2  # `avwval ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1 pixdim3`
-for opts in $@ ; do
-    if [ $opts = -d ] ; then
-        debug=1
-        shift
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -r ] ; then
-	regional=1
-        shift
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -f ] ; then
-        betf=$2
-        shift 2
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -2 ] ; then
-        nseg=2
-        shift
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -t2 ] ; then
-        imtype=-t2
-        shift
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -t ] ; then
-	talt=`echo $2 | sed 's/-/_/g'`
-	talt=`echo "10 k $talt $pixdim3 / $origin3 + p" | dc -`
-	talroi="$talroi -roi 0 1000000 0 1000000 0 $talt 0 1"
-	shift 2
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -b ] ; then
-	talb=`echo $2 | sed 's/-/_/g'`
-	talb=`echo "10 k $talb $pixdim3 / $origin3 + p" | dc -`
-	talroi="$talroi -roi 0 1000000 0 1000000 $talb 1000000 0 1"
-	shift 2
-    fi
-    if [ $opts = -lm ] ; then
-	lm=$2
-	shift 2
-    fi
-if [ $regional = 1 ] ; then
-    if [ $nseg = 2 ] ; then
-	echo "Can't do regional analysis with 2-class segmentation"
-	exit
-    fi
-echo "----------  extract brain  --------------------------------------------" >> ${I}.sienax
-${FSLDIR}/bin/bet $I ${I}_brain -s -f $betf >> ${I}.sienax
-echo ""                                                                        >> ${I}.sienax
-echo "----------  register to talairach space using brain and skull  --------" >> ${I}.sienax
-echo "(do not worry about histogram warnings)"                                 >> ${I}.sienax
-${FSLDIR}/bin/pairreg ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1_brain ${I}_brain ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1_skull ${I}_brain_skull ${I}2tal.mat >> ${I}.sienax 2>&1
-${FSLDIR}/bin/avscale ${I}2tal.mat ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1 > ${I}2tal.avscale
-xscale=`grep Scales ${I}2tal.avscale | awk '{print $4}'`
-yscale=`grep Scales ${I}2tal.avscale | awk '{print $5}'`
-zscale=`grep Scales ${I}2tal.avscale | awk '{print $6}'`
-vscale=`echo "10 k $xscale $yscale * $zscale * p"|dc -`
-echo "VSCALING $vscale" >> ${I}.sienax
-echo ""                                                                        >> ${I}.sienax
-echo "----------  mask with talairach mask  ---------------------------------" >> ${I}.sienax
-${FSLDIR}/bin/convert_xfm -matonly -inverse -omat ${I}2tal_inv.mat ${I}2tal.mat
-if [ "$talroi" != "" ] ; then
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths $MASK $talroi ${I}_talmaskroi
-    MASK=${I}_talmaskroi
-${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in $MASK -ref ${I}_brain -out ${I}_talmask -applyxfm -init ${I}2tal_inv.mat
-${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${I}_brain -mask ${I}_talmask ${I}_talmaskbrain
-if [ $regional = 1 ] ; then
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1_strucseg_periph -ref ${I}_brain -out ${I}_talmask_segperiph -applyxfm -init ${I}2tal_inv.mat
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${FSLDIR}/etc/standard/avg152T1_strucseg -thr 4.5 -bin ${I}_tmpmask
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${I}_tmpmask -ref ${I}_brain -out ${I}_talmask_segvent -applyxfm -init ${I}2tal_inv.mat
-    /bin/rm ${I}_tmpmask*
-echo ""                                                                        >> ${I}.sienax
-echo "----------  segment tissue into types  --------------------------------" >> ${I}.sienax
-if [ $nseg = 2 ] ; then
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/fast -c 2 $imtype -e -ov $@ ${I}_talmaskbrain >> ${I}.sienax 2>&1
-    echo "" >> ${I}.sienax
-    echo "----------  convert brain volume into normalised volume  --------------" >> ${I}.sienax
-    S=`${FSLDIR}/bin/avwstats ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_1 -m -v`
-    xa=`echo $S | awk '{print $1}'`
-    xb=`echo $S | awk '{print $3}'`
-    brain=`echo "2 k $xa $xb * $vscale * p" | dc -`
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/fast $imtype -e -ov $@ ${I}_talmaskbrain >> ${I}.sienax 2>&1
-    if [ _$lm != _ ] ; then
-	${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths_32R $lm -bin -mul -1 -add 1 -mul ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_1 ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_1
-    fi
-    echo "" >> ${I}.sienax
-    echo "----------  convert brain volume into normalised volume  --------------" >> ${I}.sienax
-    if [ $regional = 1 ] ; then
-	${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths_32R ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_1 -mas ${I}_talmask_segperiph ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_1_segperiph
-	S=`${FSLDIR}/bin/avwstats ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_1_segperiph -m -v`
-	xa=`echo $S | awk '{print $1}'`
-	xb=`echo $S | awk '{print $3}'`
-	xg=`echo "2 k $xa $xb * $vscale * p" | dc -`
-	echo "" >> ${I}.sienax
-	echo "pgrey  $xg" >> ${I}.sienax
-	${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths_32R ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_0 -mas ${I}_talmask_segvent ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_0_segvent
-	S=`${FSLDIR}/bin/avwstats ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_0_segvent -m -v`
-	xa=`echo $S | awk '{print $1}'`
-	xb=`echo $S | awk '{print $3}'`
-	xg=`echo "2 k $xa $xb * $vscale * p" | dc -`
-	echo "" >> ${I}.sienax
-	echo "vcsf  $xg" >> ${I}.sienax
-    fi
-    S=`${FSLDIR}/bin/avwstats ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_1 -m -v`
-    xa=`echo $S | awk '{print $1}'`
-    xb=`echo $S | awk '{print $3}'`
-    grey=`echo "2 k $xa $xb * $vscale * p" | dc -`
-    S=`${FSLDIR}/bin/avwstats ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_2 -m -v`
-    xa=`echo $S | awk '{print $1}'`
-    xb=`echo $S | awk '{print $3}'`
-    white=`echo "2 k $xa $xb * $vscale * p" | dc -`
-    brain=`echo "2 k $white $grey + p" | dc -`
-    echo "" >> ${I}.sienax
-    echo "GREY  $grey" >> ${I}.sienax
-    echo "WHITE $white" >> ${I}.sienax
-echo "" >> ${I}.sienax
-echo "BRAIN $brain" >> ${I}.sienax
-echo "" >> ${I}.sienax
-${FSLDIR}/bin/overlay 1 1 -c ${I} -a ${I}_talmaskbrain_seg 1.9 5 ${I}_render
-if [ $regional = 1 ] ; then
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/overlay 1 1 -c ${I} -a ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_1_segperiph 0.3 0.7 ${I}_periph_render
-    ${FSLDIR}/bin/overlay 1 1 -c ${I} -a ${I}_talmaskbrain_pve_0_segvent   0.3 0.7 ${I}_vent_render
-if [ $debug = 0 ] ; then
-    /bin/rm -f `$FSLDIR/bin/imglob ${I}_brain* ${I}_talmask*`
-    /bin/rm -f ${I}2tal.avscale ${I}2tal_inv.mat
-echo "$brain"
diff --git a/doc/sienax_usage b/doc/sienax_usage
deleted file mode 100755
index 8c2c12c..0000000
--- a/doc/sienax_usage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Usage: sienax <input_fileroot> [-d] [-f <BET threshold>] [-2] [-t2] [-t <t>] [-b <b>] [-r] [-lm <lesion_mask>] [segmentation options]
--d         : debug (don't delete intermediate files)
--f <f>     : Threshold for BET brain extraction (default f=0.5)
--2         : two-class segmentation (don't segment grey and white matter separately)
--t2        : T2-weighted input image (default T1-weighted)
--t <t>     : ignore from t (mm) upwards in Talairach space
--b <b>     : ignore from b (mm) downwards in Talairach space. b should probably be -ve
--r         : regional - use standard-space masks to give peripheral cortex GM volume (3-class segmentation only) and ventricular CSF volume
--lm <mask> : use lesion (or lesion+CSF) mask to remove incorrectly labelled "grey matter" voxels
diff --git a/siena b/siena
index ec68a13..36bd5f4 100755
--- a/siena
+++ b/siena
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" >
 echo ""                                                                        >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
 echo " SIENA - Structural Image Evaluation, using Normalisation, of Atrophy"   >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
 echo " part of FSL"                                     >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
-echo " running longitudinal atrophy measurement: siena version 2.2"            >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
+echo " running longitudinal atrophy measurement: siena version 2.3"            >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
 echo " siena $@"                                                               >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
 echo ""                                                                        >> ${A}_to_${B}.siena
diff --git a/sienax b/sienax
index cec4b3d..e95e5e5 100755
--- a/sienax
+++ b/sienax
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" >
 echo ""                                                                        >> ${I}.sienax
 echo " SIENA - Structural Image Evaluation, using Normalisation, of Atrophy"   >> ${I}.sienax
 echo " part of FSL"                                     >> ${I}.sienax
-echo " running cross-sectional atrophy measurement: sienax version 2.2"        >> ${I}.sienax
+echo " running cross-sectional atrophy measurement: sienax version 2.3"        >> ${I}.sienax
 echo " sienax $@"                                                              >> ${I}.sienax
 echo ""                                                                        >> ${I}.sienax