/* log.cc Mark Woolrich, FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 1999-2000 University of Oxford */ /* CCOPYRIGHT */ #include "log.h" namespace Utilities { Log* LogSingleton::logger = NULL; int LogSingleton::count = 0; void Log::makeDir(const string& pdirname, const string& plogfilename, bool pstream_to_logfile, bool pstream_to_cout) { if(logEstablished) { logfileout.close(); } dir = pdirname; logfilename = plogfilename; stream_to_logfile = pstream_to_logfile; stream_to_cout = pstream_to_cout; // make directory to place results into: // keep adding "+" until directory is made: int count = 0; while(true) { if(count >= 20) { string s("Cannot create directory " + dir); throw Exception(s.c_str()); } int ret = system(("mkdir "+ dir + " 2>/dev/null").c_str()); if(ret == 0) { break; } dir = dir + "+"; count++; } // setup logfile if(stream_to_logfile) { logfileout.open((dir + "/" + logfilename).c_str(), ios::out); if(logfileout.bad()) { throw Exception(string(string("Unable to setup logfile ")+logfilename+string(" in directory ")+dir).c_str()); } } logEstablished = true; } void Log::setDir(const string& pdirname, const string& plogfilename, bool pstream_to_logfile, bool pstream_to_cout) { if(logEstablished) { logfileout.close(); } dir = pdirname; logfilename = plogfilename; stream_to_logfile = pstream_to_logfile; stream_to_cout = pstream_to_cout; // setup logfile if(stream_to_logfile) { logfileout.open((dir + "/" + logfilename).c_str(), ios::out); if(logfileout.bad()) { throw Exception(string(string("Unable to setup logfile ")+logfilename+string(" in directory ")+dir).c_str()); } } logEstablished = true; } void Log::setthenmakeDir(const string& pdirname, const string& plogfilename, bool pstream_to_logfile, bool pstream_to_cout) { if(logEstablished) { logfileout.close(); } dir = pdirname; logfilename = plogfilename; stream_to_logfile = pstream_to_logfile; stream_to_cout = pstream_to_cout; ifstream dirif; dirif.open(dir.c_str(), ios::in); bool direxists = !logfileout.bad(); cout << "direxists = " << direxists << endl; if(!direxists) { // make directory int ret = system(("mkdir "+ dir + " 2>/dev/null").c_str()); if(ret == 0) { throw Exception(string(string("Unable to make directory ")+dir).c_str()); } } // setup logfile if(stream_to_logfile) { logfileout.open((dir + "/" + logfilename).c_str(), ios::out); if(logfileout.bad()) { throw Exception(string(string("Unable to setup logfile ")+logfilename+string(" in directory ")+dir).c_str()); } } logEstablished = true; } }