/* Copyright (C) 1999-2004 University of Oxford */ /* CCOPYRIGHT */ #include "options.h" #include <fstream> namespace Utilities { using namespace std; BaseOption * OptionParser::find_matching_option(const string& optstr) { for(Options::iterator o = options_.begin(); o != options_.end(); ++o) if((*o)->matches(optstr)) return *o; return 0; } unsigned int OptionParser::parse_option(const string& optstr, const string& valstr, char *argv[], int valpos, int argc) throw(X_OptionError) { BaseOption * theOption = 0; if((theOption = find_matching_option(optstr)) == 0) throw X_OptionError(optstr, "Option doesn't exist"); if(theOption->unset() || (overWriteMode_==Allow)) { if(theOption->has_arg()) { if(valstr.length() > 0) { if(theOption->set_value(valstr,argv,valpos,argc)) return 1 + theOption->nrequired(); else { string errstr = "Couldn't set_value! valstr=\"" + valstr; for (int nn=valpos+1; nn<=valpos + theOption->nrequired(); nn++) { if (nn<argc) errstr += " " + string(argv[nn]); } throw X_OptionError(optstr, errstr + "\""); } } else if(!theOption->optional()) { throw X_OptionError(optstr, "Missing non-optional argument"); } } if(theOption->optional()) theOption->use_default_value(); else theOption->set_value(string()); return 1; } else { if( overWriteMode_!= Ignore) throw X_OptionError(optstr, "Option already set"); else return 1; } throw X_OptionError(optstr); return 0; } unsigned int OptionParser::parse_long_option(const string& str) { string optstr(str); string valstr; string::size_type pos = 0; if((pos = str.find("=", 0)) != string::npos) { optstr = str.substr(0, pos); valstr = str.substr(pos + 1, str.length() - pos + 1); } parse_option(optstr, valstr, 0,0,0); return 1; } unsigned int OptionParser::parse_config_file(const string& filename) { ifstream cf(filename.c_str()); if(cf.fail()) throw X_OptionError(filename, "Couldn't open the file"); OverwriteMode oldMode=overWriteMode_; overWriteMode_=Ignore; string optstr; char buffer[1024]; while (cf >> optstr) { if(optstr[0] == '#') cf.getline(buffer, 1024); // Read and discard the rest of this line else if(optstr.substr(0,2) == "--") parse_long_option(optstr); // Parse a long option else { cf.getline(buffer, 1024); parse_option(optstr, string(buffer), 0, 0, 0); } } overWriteMode_=oldMode; return 1; } unsigned int OptionParser::parse_command_line(unsigned int argc, char **argv, int skip) { unsigned int optpos = 1 + skip; unsigned int valpos = 1 + skip; while(optpos < argc) { unsigned int increments = 0; string optstr(argv[optpos]), valstr; if(optstr[0] != '-') // End of parsable options break; if(optstr[1] == '-') { // Parse a long opt increments = parse_long_option(optstr); optpos += increments; } else { valpos = optpos + 1; for(unsigned int i = 1; i < optstr.length(); ++i) { string suboptstr = "-" + optstr.substr(i, 1); if (valpos<argc) valstr=string(argv[valpos]); else valstr=string(); increments = parse_option(suboptstr, valstr, argv, valpos, argc); valpos += increments - 1; } optpos = valpos; } } return optpos; // User should process any remaining args } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const OptionParser p) { for(OptionParser::Options::const_iterator o = p.options_.begin(); o != p.options_.end(); ++o) os << *(*o) << std::endl; return os; } }