diff --git a/getting_started/file_management.ipynb b/getting_started/file_management.ipynb
index c3f212ac750af8958df4bf1aed4644872b905652..b63ece9e98275faaec5aab4a6a366f231edf294f 100644
--- a/getting_started/file_management.ipynb
+++ b/getting_started/file_management.ipynb
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     "If you are impatient, feel free to dive straight in to the exercises, and use the\n",
-    "other sections as a reference. You might miss out on some neat tricks though ...\n",
+    "other sections as a reference. You might miss out on some neat tricks though.\n",
     "* [Managing files and directories](#managing-files-and-directories)\n",
@@ -58,10 +58,11 @@
     "* [Exercises](#exercises)\n",
     " * [Re-name subject directories](#re-name-subject-directories)\n",
     " * [Re-organise a data set](#re-organise-a-data-set)\n",
+    " * [Re-name subject files](#re-name-subject-files)\n",
     " * [Compress all uncompressed images](#compress-all-uncompressed-images)\n",
     " * [Write your own `os.path.splitext`](#write-your-own-os-path-splitext)\n",
     " * [Write a function to return a specific image file](#write-a-function-to-return-a-specific-image-file)\n",
-    "\n",
+    " * [Solutions](#solutions)\n",
     "<a class=\"anchor\" id=\"managing-files-and-directories\"></a>\n",
@@ -521,6 +522,7 @@
     "> having it return a tuple. For example, the implementation of `op.split` might\n",
     "> look something like this:\n",
+    ">\n",
     "> ```\n",
     "> def mysplit(path):\n",
     ">     dirname  = op.dirname(path)\n",
@@ -910,33 +912,66 @@
     "### Re-name subject directories\n",
-    "Rename the subject directories in raw_mri_data so that the subject IDs are\n",
-    "padded with zeros, and thus will be able to be sorted alphabetically.\n",
+    "Write a function which can rename the subject directories in `raw_mri_data` so\n",
+    "that the subject IDs are padded with zeros, and thus will be able to be sorted\n",
+    "alphabetically. This function:\n",
+    "\n",
+    "\n",
+    "  - Should accept the path to the parent directory of the data set\n",
+    "    (`raw_mri_data` in this case).\n",
+    "  - Should be able to handle any number of subjects\n",
+    "    > Hint: `numpy.log10`\n",
+    "\n",
+    "  - May assume that the subject directory names follow the pattern\n",
+    "    `subj_[id]`, where `[id]` is the integer subject ID.\n",
     "<a class=\"anchor\" id=\"re-organise-a-data-set\"></a>\n",
     "### Re-organise a data set\n",
-    "Separate the data for each group (patients: 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, and controls: 2, 3,\n",
-    "5, 6, 10) into sub-directories.\n",
+    "Write a function which can be used to separate the data for each group\n",
+    "(patients: 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, and controls: 2, 3, 5, 6, 10) into sub-directories\n",
+    "`CON` and `PAT`.\n",
+    "\n",
+    "This function should work with any number of groups, and should accept three\n",
+    "parameters:\n",
+    "\n",
+    " - The root directory of the data set (e.g. `raw_mri_data`).\n",
+    " - A list of strings, the labels for each group.\n",
+    " - A list of lists, with each list containing the subject IDs for one group.\n",
+    "\n",
+    "<a class=\"anchor\" id=\"re-name-subject-files\"></a>\n",
+    "### Re-name subject files\n",
-    "<a class=\"anchor\" id=\"rename-files\"></a>\n",
-    "### Rename files\n",
+    "Write a function which, given a subject directory, renames all of the image\n",
+    "files for this subject so that they are prefixed with `[group]_subj_[id]`,\n",
+    "where `[group]` is either `CON` or `PAT`, and `[id]` is the (zero-padded)\n",
+    "subject ID.\n",
-    "Rename all of the scans so that theuy are prefixed with '[group]_subj_[id]',\n",
-    "where [group] is either CON or PAT, and [id] is the (zero-padded) subject ID.\n",
+    "\n",
+    "This function should accept the following parameters:\n",
+    " - The subject directory\n",
+    " - The subject group\n",
+    "\n",
+    "\n",
+    "**Bonus 1** Make your function work with both `.nii` and `.nii.gz` files.\n",
+    "\n",
+    "**Bonus 2** If you completed [the previous exercise](#re-organise-a-data-set),\n",
+    "write a second function which accepts the data set directory as a sole\n",
+    "parameter, and then calls the first function for every subject.\n",
     "<a class=\"anchor\" id=\"compress-all-uncompressed-images\"></a>\n",
     "### Compress all uncompressed images\n",
-    "Learn how to compress a file using the built-in\n",
-    "[`gzip`](https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/gzip.html) library, and compress\n",
-    "all of those uncompressed image files.\n",
+    "Write a function which recursively scans a directory, and replaces all `.nii`\n",
+    "files with `.nii.gz` files, using the built-in\n",
+    "[`gzip`](https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/gzip.html) library to perform\n",
+    "the compression.\n",
     "<a class=\"anchor\" id=\"write-your-own-os-path-splitext\"></a>\n",
@@ -954,9 +989,63 @@
     "### Write a function to return a specific image file\n",
-    "Write a function which is given a group, numeric subject ID, and scan type\n",
-    "(t1, t2, task, rest), and returns the fully resolved path to the relevant\n",
-    "image file."
+    "Assuming that you have completed the previous exercises, and re-organised\n",
+    "`raw_mri_data` so that it has the structure:\n",
+    "\n",
+    "  `raw_mri_data/[group]/subj_[id]/[group]_subj_[id]_[modality].nii.gz`\n",
+    "\n",
+    "write a function which is given:\n",
+    "\n",
+    " - the data set directory\n",
+    " - a group label\n",
+    " - integer ubject ID\n",
+    " - modality (`'t1'`, `'t2'`, `'task'`, `'rest'`)\n",
+    "\n",
+    "and which returns the fully resolved path to the relevant image file.\n",
+    "\n",
+    " > Hint: Python has [regular\n",
+    "   expressions](https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/re.html) - you might want\n",
+    "   to use one to cope with zero-padding.\n",
+    "\n",
+    "**Bonus** Modify the function so the group label does not need to be passed in.\n",
+    "\n",
+    "\n",
+    "<a class=\"anchor\" id=\"solutions\"></a>\n",
+    "### Solutions\n",
+    "\n",
+    "\n",
+    "Use the `print_solution` function, defined below, to print the solution for a\n",
+    "specific exercise."
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "from pygments import highlight\n",
+    "from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer\n",
+    "from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter\n",
+    "import IPython\n",
+    "\n",
+    "# Pass the title of the exercise you\n",
+    "# are interested to this function\n",
+    "def print_solution(extitle):\n",
+    "    solfile = ''.join([c.lower() if c.isalnum() else '_' for c in extitle])\n",
+    "    solfile = op.join('.solutions', '{}.py'.format(solfile))\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    if not op.exists(solfile):\n",
+    "        print('Can\\'t find solution to exercise \"{}\"'.format(extitle))\n",
+    "        return\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    with open(solfile, 'rt') as f:\n",
+    "        code = f.read()\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    formatter = HtmlFormatter()\n",
+    "    return IPython.display.HTML('<style type=\"text/css\">{}</style>{}'.format(\n",
+    "        formatter.get_style_defs('.highlight'),\n",
+    "        highlight(code, PythonLexer(), formatter)))"
diff --git a/getting_started/file_management.md b/getting_started/file_management.md
index c6745e6d37240e9fad8a76424266978737ed4b92..b7b2ecd18f37c3be5380377a8cdd7f6f3bb1ce02 100644
--- a/getting_started/file_management.md
+++ b/getting_started/file_management.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ managing file and directory _paths_.
 If you are impatient, feel free to dive straight in to the exercises, and use the
-other sections as a reference. You might miss out on some neat tricks though ...
+other sections as a reference. You might miss out on some neat tricks though.
 * [Managing files and directories](#managing-files-and-directories)
@@ -52,10 +52,11 @@ other sections as a reference. You might miss out on some neat tricks though ...
 * [Exercises](#exercises)
  * [Re-name subject directories](#re-name-subject-directories)
  * [Re-organise a data set](#re-organise-a-data-set)
+ * [Re-name subject files](#re-name-subject-files)
  * [Compress all uncompressed images](#compress-all-uncompressed-images)
  * [Write your own `os.path.splitext`](#write-your-own-os-path-splitext)
  * [Write a function to return a specific image file](#write-a-function-to-return-a-specific-image-file)
+ * [Solutions](#solutions)
 <a class="anchor" id="managing-files-and-directories"></a>
@@ -394,6 +395,7 @@ print('Directory and base names: {}'.format(op.split(   path)))
 > having it return a tuple. For example, the implementation of `op.split` might
 > look something like this:
 > ```
 > def mysplit(path):
 >     dirname  = op.dirname(path)
@@ -677,33 +679,66 @@ print(op.join(op.sep, 'home', 'fsluser', '.bash_profile'))
 ### Re-name subject directories
-Rename the subject directories in raw_mri_data so that the subject IDs are
-padded with zeros, and thus will be able to be sorted alphabetically.
+Write a function which can rename the subject directories in `raw_mri_data` so
+that the subject IDs are padded with zeros, and thus will be able to be sorted
+alphabetically. This function:
+  - Should accept the path to the parent directory of the data set
+    (`raw_mri_data` in this case).
+  - Should be able to handle any number of subjects
+    > Hint: `numpy.log10`
+  - May assume that the subject directory names follow the pattern
+    `subj_[id]`, where `[id]` is the integer subject ID.
 <a class="anchor" id="re-organise-a-data-set"></a>
 ### Re-organise a data set
-Separate the data for each group (patients: 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, and controls: 2, 3,
-5, 6, 10) into sub-directories.
+Write a function which can be used to separate the data for each group
+(patients: 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, and controls: 2, 3, 5, 6, 10) into sub-directories
+`CON` and `PAT`.
+This function should work with any number of groups, and should accept three
+ - The root directory of the data set (e.g. `raw_mri_data`).
+ - A list of strings, the labels for each group.
+ - A list of lists, with each list containing the subject IDs for one group.
+<a class="anchor" id="re-name-subject-files"></a>
+### Re-name subject files
-<a class="anchor" id="rename-files"></a>
-### Rename files
+Write a function which, given a subject directory, renames all of the image
+files for this subject so that they are prefixed with `[group]_subj_[id]`,
+where `[group]` is either `CON` or `PAT`, and `[id]` is the (zero-padded)
+subject ID.
-Rename all of the scans so that theuy are prefixed with '[group]_subj_[id]',
-where [group] is either CON or PAT, and [id] is the (zero-padded) subject ID.
+This function should accept the following parameters:
+ - The subject directory
+ - The subject group
+**Bonus 1** Make your function work with both `.nii` and `.nii.gz` files.
+**Bonus 2** If you completed [the previous exercise](#re-organise-a-data-set),
+write a second function which accepts the data set directory as a sole
+parameter, and then calls the first function for every subject.
 <a class="anchor" id="compress-all-uncompressed-images"></a>
 ### Compress all uncompressed images
-Learn how to compress a file using the built-in
-[`gzip`](https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/gzip.html) library, and compress
-all of those uncompressed image files.
+Write a function which recursively scans a directory, and replaces all `.nii`
+files with `.nii.gz` files, using the built-in
+[`gzip`](https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/gzip.html) library to perform
+the compression.
 <a class="anchor" id="write-your-own-os-path-splitext"></a>
@@ -721,6 +756,56 @@ uncompressed NIFTI images.
 ### Write a function to return a specific image file
-Write a function which is given a group, numeric subject ID, and scan type
-(t1, t2, task, rest), and returns the fully resolved path to the relevant
-image file.
\ No newline at end of file
+Assuming that you have completed the previous exercises, and re-organised
+`raw_mri_data` so that it has the structure:
+  `raw_mri_data/[group]/subj_[id]/[group]_subj_[id]_[modality].nii.gz`
+write a function which is given:
+ - the data set directory
+ - a group label
+ - integer ubject ID
+ - modality (`'t1'`, `'t2'`, `'task'`, `'rest'`)
+and which returns the fully resolved path to the relevant image file.
+ > Hint: Python has [regular
+   expressions](https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/re.html) - you might want
+   to use one to cope with zero-padding.
+**Bonus** Modify the function so the group label does not need to be passed in.
+<a class="anchor" id="solutions"></a>
+### Solutions
+Use the `print_solution` function, defined below, to print the solution for a
+specific exercise.
+from pygments import highlight
+from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer
+from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
+import IPython
+# Pass the title of the exercise you
+# are interested to this function
+def print_solution(extitle):
+    solfile = ''.join([c.lower() if c.isalnum() else '_' for c in extitle])
+    solfile = op.join('.solutions', '{}.py'.format(solfile))
+    if not op.exists(solfile):
+        print('Can\'t find solution to exercise "{}"'.format(extitle))
+        return
+    with open(solfile, 'rt') as f:
+        code = f.read()
+    formatter = HtmlFormatter()
+    return IPython.display.HTML('<style type="text/css">{}</style>{}'.format(
+        formatter.get_style_defs('.highlight'),
+        highlight(code, PythonLexer(), formatter)))
diff --git a/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/compress_all_uncompressed_images.py b/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/compress_all_uncompressed_images.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c180ed7714ce260ccbc91dd753e8785af65dd36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/compress_all_uncompressed_images.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import os.path as op
+import            os
+import            gzip
+def compress_all(dirname):
+    """Recursively scans through `dirname`, and compresses all `.nii` files
+    with gzip, replacing them with `.nii.gz` files.
+    :arg dirname: Directory to scan for `.nii` files.
+    """
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname):
+        uncmpfiles = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.nii')]
+        infiles  = [op.join(root, uf)  for  uf  in uncmpfiles]
+        outfiles = ['{}.gz'.format(inf) for inf in infiles]
+        for infile, outfile in zip(infiles, outfiles):
+            with open(     infile,  'rb') as inf, \
+                 gzip.open(outfile, 'wb') as outf:
+                outf.write(inf.read())
+            os.remove(infile)
diff --git a/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/re_name_subject_directories.py b/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/re_name_subject_directories.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38a1e59bacacaaa7bf24155939d9c623cbfee06a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/re_name_subject_directories.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import os.path as op
+import            glob
+import            shutil
+import numpy   as np
+def rename_subject_dirs(dirname):
+    """Renames all directories in `dirname` which have the form `subj_[id]`,
+    where `[id]` is an integer specifying the subject IDs.
+    Each subject directory is renamed such that the subject IDs are padded
+    with zeros, thus allowing the directories to be sorted alphabetically.
+    :arg dirname: Data set directory.
+    """
+    # get a list of all
+    # subject directories
+    subjdirs = list(glob.glob(op.join(dirname, 'subj_*')))
+    # get a list of subject IDs
+    subjids = [int(sd.split('_')[1]) for sd in subjdirs]
+    # figure out the maximmum
+    # number of digits we need
+    ndigits = int(np.ceil(np.log10(max(subjids) + 1)))
+    # create a format string
+    # which will pad an ID with
+    # the required number of zeros
+    fmtstr = 'subj_{{:0{}d}}'.format(ndigits)
+    # generate new subject
+    # directory names
+    newsubjdirs = [op.join(dirname, fmtstr.format(sid)) for sid in subjids]
+    # rename each subject dir
+    for subjdir, newsubjdir in zip(subjdirs, newsubjdirs):
+        shutil.move(subjdir, newsubjdir)
diff --git a/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/re_name_subject_files.py b/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/re_name_subject_files.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb3ed871b72417c20c25837bb3e439f37d8c4052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/re_name_subject_files.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import os.path as op
+import            os
+import            glob
+def rename_subject_files(subjdir, group):
+    """Renames all of the NIFTI files contained in `subjdir`, adding
+    the prefix `[group]_subj_[id]`, where `[group]` is equal to the
+    specified `group`, and `[id`] is gleaned from `subjdir` (assumed
+    to be called `subj_[id]`).
+    :arg subjdir: Directory containing NIFTI files for one subject
+    :arg group:   Name of the group this subject belongs to.
+    """
+    # Normalise the subject directory name.
+    # We pass subjdir through abspath so that
+    # this function will accept relative
+    # paths, and through normpath to ensure
+    # that there is no trailing slash.
+    subjdir = op.normpath(op.abspath(subjdir))
+    # Now we can extract the subject id.
+    # Note that we don't convert the subject
+    # ID to a string here - this means that
+    # any zero-padding will be preserved.
+    subjid = op.basename(subjdir)
+    subjid = subjid.split('_')[1]
+    # Get a list of all nifti images
+    # in the subject directory.
+    imgfiles = list(glob.glob(op.join(subjdir, '*.nii')) +
+                    glob.glob(op.join(subjdir, '*.nii.gz')))
+    # Generate new file names
+    # for all of these images
+    newimgfiles = ['{}_subj_{}_{}'.format(group, subjid, op.basename(imgf))
+                   for imgf in imgfiles]
+    newimgfiles = [op.join(subjdir, imgf) for imgf in newimgfiles]
+    # Rename all the images
+    for imgfile, newimgfile in zip(imgfiles, newimgfiles):
+        os.rename(imgfile, newimgfile)
+def rename_all_subject_files(dirname):
+    """Calls `rename_subject_files` on every subject directory in the specified
+    `dirname`.
+    :arg dirname: Data set directory.. Assumed to contain a sub-directory for
+                  each group, which in turn contain sub-directories for each
+                  subject.
+    """
+    # get a list of all
+    # group directories
+    groupdirs = glob.glob(op.join(dirname, '*'))
+    groupdirs = [gdir for gdir in groupdirs if op.isdir(gdir)]
+    for groupdir in groupdirs:
+        # get the group name
+        group = op.basename(op.normpath(groupdir))
+        # get the list of subject
+        # directories in this group
+        subjdirs = glob.glob(op.join(groupdir, 'subj_*'))
+        # apply rename_subject_files
+        # to each subject dir
+        for subjdir in subjdirs:
+            rename_subject_files(subjdir, group)
diff --git a/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/re_organise_a_data_set.py b/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/re_organise_a_data_set.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b39435c9c1b1985792289041ce771f8b0a614d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/re_organise_a_data_set.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import            os
+import os.path as op
+import            glob
+import            shutil
+def reorganise_data_set(dirname, groupLabels, groups):
+    """Re-organises the subject directories in the given `dirname` by group,
+    according to the labels in `groupLabels`, and the group definitions in
+    `groups`.
+    :arg dirname:     Data set directory.
+    :arg groupLabels: Sequence of labels, one for each group
+    :arg groups:      Sequence of group definitions - each group is defined
+                      by a sequence of subject IDs.
+    """
+    # Get lists of subject directories
+    # and corresponding subject IDs
+    subjdirs = list(glob.glob(op.join(dirname, 'subj_*')))
+    subjids  = [int(sd.split('_')[1]) for sd in subjdirs]
+    # For each group
+    for glabel, group in zip(groupLabels, groups):
+        # Make the group directory
+        groupdir = op.join(dirname, glabel)
+        os.mkdir(groupdir)
+        # For each subject in this group
+        for sid in group:
+            # Lookup the subject directory,
+            # and move it into the group dir
+            subjdir = subjdirs[subjids.index(sid)]
+            shutil.move(subjdir, groupdir)
diff --git a/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/write_a_function_to_return_a_specific_image_file.py b/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/write_a_function_to_return_a_specific_image_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dad45f5d5fc6d20d9e447b86a33d90a31bb9d4c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/write_a_function_to_return_a_specific_image_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+import os.path as op
+import            os
+import            re
+import            glob
+def get_image(dirname, group, subjID, modality):
+    """Finds the NIFTI image for the given `modality, in the specified
+    `dirname`, which is for the specified `subjID`.
+    :arg dirname:  Data set directory
+    :arg group:    Group label
+    :arg subjID:   Subject ID
+    :arg modality: Image modality
+    :returns:      The path to the specified image, or `None` if it cannot be
+                   found.
+    """
+    # Get the group directory, and
+    # list of all subject directories
+    groupdir = op.join(dirname, group)
+    subjdirs = list(glob.glob(op.join(groupdir, 'subj_*')))
+    # Define a regex which we can
+    # use to identify the appropriate
+    # subject directory
+    subjpat   = re.compile('subj_(0*{})'.format(subjID))
+    padsubjID = None
+    # Look for the relevant subject
+    # directory. When we find it, we
+    # store the zero-padded version
+    # of the subject ID, so we can
+    # use it to construct the final
+    # file name.
+    for subjdir in subjdirs:
+        match = subjpat.fullmatch(op.basename(subjdir))
+        if match is not None:
+            padsubjID = match.groups(0)[0]
+            break
+    # Could not identify
+    # subject directory
+    else:
+        return None
+    # Construct and return
+    # the relevant file name
+    fname = '{}_subj_{}_{}.nii.gz'.format(group, padsubjID, modality)
+    fname = op.join(subjdir, fname)
+    if op.exists(fname):
+        return fname
+    else:
+        return None
+def get_image_nogroup(dirname, subjID, modality):
+    """Finds the NIFTI image for the given `modality, in the specified
+    `dirname`, which is for the specified `subjID`, who is in the specified
+    `group`.
+    :arg dirname:  Data set directory
+    :arg subjID:   Subject ID
+    :arg modality: Image modality
+    :returns:      The path to the specified image, or `None` if it cannot be
+                   found.
+    """
+    # Define a regex which we can
+    # use to identify the appropriate
+    # subject directory
+    subjpat = re.compile('subj_(0*{})'.format(subjID))
+    # Look for the relevant subject
+    # directory. When we find it, we
+    # store the zero-padded version
+    # of the subject ID, so we can
+    # use it to construct the final
+    # file name.
+    subjdir   = None
+    padsubjID = None
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname):
+        for d in dirs:
+            match = subjpat.fullmatch(d)
+            if match is not None:
+                subjdir   = op.join(root, d)
+                padsubjID = match.groups(0)[0]
+    if subjdir is None:
+        return None
+    # Get the name of the group
+    # this subject is in
+    group = op.basename(op.dirname(subjdir))
+    # Construct and return
+    # the relevant file name
+    fname = '{}_subj_{}_{}.nii.gz'.format(group, padsubjID, modality)
+    fname = op.join(subjdir, fname)
+    if op.exists(fname):
+        return fname
+    else:
+        return None
diff --git a/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/write_your_own_os_path_splitext.py b/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/write_your_own_os_path_splitext.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b3716701065aed5d9d3a33095d737fea0c0b6017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/getting_started/file_management/.solutions/write_your_own_os_path_splitext.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+def nifti_splitext(path, exts=None):
+    """Splits the given path, assumed to be a NIFTI file, into its
+    prefix and suffix components.
+    :arg path: Path to split
+    :arg exts: List of recognised file extensions. Defaults to
+               `['.nii', '.nii.gz']`, but can be overridden.
+    :returns:  A tuple containing:
+                - The part of `path` before the extension
+                - The extension
+    """
+    if exts is None:
+        exts = ['.nii', '.nii.gz']
+    # Try and find a suffix match
+    extMatches = [path.endswith(ext) for ext in exts]
+    # No match - there is
+    # no supported extension
+    if not any(extMatches):
+        return path, ''
+    # Otherwise split the path
+    # into its base and its extension
+    extIdx = extMatches.index(True)
+    extLen = len(exts[extIdx])
+    return path[:-extLen], path[-extLen:]