diff --git a/tests/test_wrapperutils.py b/tests/test_wrapperutils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0be5674e0ac2ceb9c74d6afdd07da2a6bb02309c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_wrapperutils.py
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# test_wrapperutils.py -
+# Author: Paul McCarthy <pauldmccarthy@gmail.com>
+import shlex
+import collections
+import pytest
+import fsl.wrappers.wrapperutils as wutils
+def test_applyArgStyle():
+    """
+    """
+    kwargs = {
+        'name'  : 'val',
+        'name2' : ['val1', 'val2'],
+    }
+    # these combinations of style+valsep should
+    # raise an error
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        wutils.applyArgStyle(style='-=',  valsep=' ', **kwargs)
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        wutils.applyArgStyle(style='--=', valsep=' ', **kwargs)
+    # unsupported style/valsep
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        wutils.applyArgStyle('?', **kwargs)
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        wutils.applyArgStyle('-', valsep='b', **kwargs)
+    # style, valsep, expected_result.
+    # Order of arguments is not guaranteed
+    tests = [
+        ('-',   ' ', [' -name  val', '-name2   val1 val2']),
+        ('-',   '"', [' -name  val', '-name2  "val1 val2"']),
+        ('-',   ',', [' -name  val', '-name2   val1,val2']),
+        ('--',  ' ', ['--name  val', '--name2  val1 val2']),
+        ('--',  '"', ['--name  val', '--name2 "val1 val2"']),
+        ('--',  ',', ['--name  val', '--name2  val1,val2']),
+        ('-=',  '"', [' -name=val', '-name2="val1 val2"']),
+        ('-=',  ',', [' -name=val', '-name2=val1,val2']),
+        ('--=', '"', ['--name=val', '--name2="val1 val2"']),
+        ('--=', ',', ['--name=val', '--name2=val1,val2']),
+    ]
+    for style, valsep, exp in tests:
+        exp    = [shlex.split(e) for e in exp]
+        result = wutils.applyArgStyle(style, valsep=valsep, **kwargs)
+        assert result in (exp[0] + exp[1], exp[1] + exp[0])
+def test_applyArgStyle_argmap():
+    kwargs = {
+        'name1' : 'val1',
+        'name2' : 'val2',
+    }
+    argmap = {
+        'name1' : 'n',
+        'name2' : 'm',
+    }
+    # order not guaranteed
+    exp = [shlex.split('-n val1 -m val2'),
+           shlex.split('-m val2 -n val1')]
+    assert wutils.applyArgStyle('-', argmap=argmap, **kwargs) in exp
+def test_applyArgStyle_valmap():
+    valmap = {
+        'a' : wutils.SHOW_IF_TRUE,
+        'b' : wutils.HIDE_IF_TRUE,
+    }
+    # kwargs, expected
+    tests = [
+        ({                          }, ['']),
+        ({ 'a' : False,             }, ['']),
+        ({ 'a' : True,              }, ['-a']),
+        ({              'b' : False }, ['-b']),
+        ({              'b' : True  }, ['']),
+        ({ 'a' : False, 'b' : True  }, ['']),
+        ({ 'a' : True,  'b' : True  }, ['-a']),
+        ({ 'a' : False, 'b' : False }, ['-b']),
+        ({ 'a' : False, 'b' : True  }, ['']),
+        ({ 'a' : True,  'b' : False }, ['-a -b', '-b -a']),
+        ({ 'a' : True,  'b' : True  }, ['-a']),
+    ]
+    for kwargs, expected in tests:
+        expected = [shlex.split(e) for e in expected]
+        assert wutils.applyArgStyle('-', valmap=valmap, **kwargs) in expected
+def test_applyArgStyle_argmap_valmap():
+    argmap = {'a1' : 'a', 'a2' : 'b'}
+    valmap = {
+        'a' : wutils.SHOW_IF_TRUE,
+        'b' : wutils.HIDE_IF_TRUE,
+    }
+    # kwargs, expected
+    tests = [
+        ({                            }, ['']),
+        ({ 'a1' : False,              }, ['']),
+        ({ 'a1' : True,               }, ['-a']),
+        ({               'a2' : False }, ['-b']),
+        ({               'a2' : True  }, ['']),
+        ({ 'a1' : False, 'a2' : True  }, ['']),
+        ({ 'a1' : True,  'a2' : True  }, ['-a']),
+        ({ 'a1' : False, 'a2' : False }, ['-b']),
+        ({ 'a1' : False, 'a2' : True  }, ['']),
+        ({ 'a1' : True,  'a2' : False }, ['-a -b', '-b -a']),
+        ({ 'a1' : True,  'a2' : True  }, ['-a']),
+    ]
+    for kwargs, expected in tests:
+        expected = [shlex.split(e) for e in expected]
+        assert wutils.applyArgStyle(
+            '-', argmap=argmap, valmap=valmap, **kwargs) in expected
+#  - test _FileOrImage LOAD tuple order