diff --git a/fsl/utils/run.py b/fsl/utils/run.py
index ee4de6621725550c40a9b3858b234829ce1a5f23..a8adb80b879a198485970284d562ef6064c96d96 100644
--- a/fsl/utils/run.py
+++ b/fsl/utils/run.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 import               sys
 import               logging
+import               warnings
 import               threading
 import               contextlib
 import               collections
@@ -87,6 +88,36 @@ def _prepareArgs(args):
     return list(args)
+real_stdout = sys.stdout
+def _forwardStream(in_, *outs):
+    """Creates and starts a daemon thread which forwards the given input stream
+    to one or more output streams. Used by the :func:`run` function to redirect
+    a command's standard output/error streams to more than one destination.
+    It is necessary to read the process stdout/ stderr on separate threads to
+    avoid deadlocks.
+    :arg in_:  Input stream
+    :arg outs: Output stream(s)
+    :returns:  The thread that has been started.
+    """
+    # not all file-likes have a mode attribute -
+    # if not present, assume a string stream
+    omodes = [getattr(o, 'mode', 'w') for o in outs]
+    def realForward():
+        for line in in_:
+            for i, o in enumerate(outs):
+                if 'b' in omodes[i]: o.write(line)
+                else:                o.write(line.decode('utf-8'))
+    t = threading.Thread(target=realForward)
+    t.daemon = True
+    t.start()
+    return t
 def run(*args, **kwargs):
     """Call a command and return its output. You can pass the command and
     arguments as a single string, or as a regular or unpacked sequence.
@@ -97,69 +128,79 @@ def run(*args, **kwargs):
     An exception is raised if the command returns a non-zero exit code, unless
     the ``ret`` option is set to ``True``.
-    :arg submit: Must be passed as a keyword argument. Defaults to ``None``.
-                 Accepted values are ``True`` or a
-                 If ``True``, the command is submitted as a cluster job via
-                 the :func:`.fslsub.submit` function.  May also be a
-                 dictionary containing arguments to that function.
-    :arg err:    Must be passed as a keyword argument. Defaults to
-                 ``False``. If ``True``, standard error is captured and
-                 returned. Ignored if ``submit`` is specified.
-    :arg tee:    Must be passed as a keyword argument. Defaults to ``False``.
-                 If ``True``, the command's standard output and error streams
-                 are forward to the streams for this process, in addition to
-                 being captured and returned. Ignored if ``submit`` is
-                 specified.
-    :arg ret:    Must be passed as a keyword argument. Defaults to ``False``.
-                 If ``True``, and the command's return code is non-0, an
-                 exception is not raised.  Ignored if ``submit`` is specified.
-    :returns:    If ``submit`` is provided, the cluster job ID is returned.
-                 Otherwise if ``err is False and ret is False`` (the default)
-                 a string containing the command's standard output.  is
-                 returned. Or, if ``err is True`` and/or ``ret is True``, a
-                 tuple containing the standard output, standard error (if
-                 ``err``), and return code (if ``ret``).
+    :arg stdout:   Must be passed as a keyword argument. Defaults to ``True``.
+                   If ``True``, standard output is captured and returned.
+                   Ignored if ``submit`` is specified.
+    :arg stderr:   Must be passed as a keyword argument. Defaults to ``False``.
+                   If ``True``, standard error is captured and returned.
+                   Ignored if ``submit`` is specified.
+    :arg exitcode: Must be passed as a keyword argument. Defaults to ``False``.
+                   If ``True``, and the command's return code is non-0, an
+                   exception is not raised.  Ignored if ``submit`` is
+                   specified.
+    :arg err:      Deprecated - use ``stderr`` instead.
+    :arg ret:      Deprecated - use ``exitcode`` instead.
+    :arg submit:   Must be passed as a keyword argument. Defaults to ``None``.
+                   If ``True``, the command is submitted as a cluster job via
+                   the :func:`.fslsub.submit` function.  May also be a
+                   dictionary containing arguments to that function.
+    :arg log:      Must be passed as a keyword argument.  An optional ``dict``
+                   which may be used to redirect the command's standard output
+                   and error. The following keys are recognised:
+                     - tee:    If ``True``, the command's standard output/error
+                               streams are forwarded to this processes streams.
+                     - stdout: Optional file-like object to which the command's
+                               standard output stream can be forwarded.
+                     - stderr: Optional file-like object to which the command's
+                               standard error stream can be forwarded.
+                     - cmd:    If ``True``, the command itself is logged to the
+                               standard output stream(s).
+    :returns:      If ``submit`` is provided, the return value of
+                   :func:`.fslsub` is returned. Otherwise returns a single
+                   value or a tuple, based on the based on the ``stdout``,
+                   ``stderr``, and ``exitcode`` arguments.
-    # Creates a thread which forwards the given
-    # input stream to one or more output streams.
-    # Used when tee is True - we have to read
-    # the process stdout/err on separate threads
-    # to avoid deadlocks.
-    def forward(in_, *outs):
-        # not all file-likes have a mode attribute -
-        # if not present, assume a string stream
-        omodes = [getattr(o, 'mode', 'w') for o in outs]
-        def realForward():
-            for line in in_:
-                for i, o in enumerate(outs):
-                    if 'b' in omodes[i]: o.write(line)
-                    else:                o.write(line.decode('utf-8'))
-        t = threading.Thread(target=realForward)
-        t.daemon = True
-        t.start()
-        return t
-    err    = kwargs.get('err',    False)
-    ret    = kwargs.get('ret',    False)
-    tee    = kwargs.get('tee',    False)
-    submit = kwargs.get('submit', None)
-    args   = _prepareArgs(args)
+    if 'err' in kwargs:
+        warnings.warn('err is deprecated and will be removed '
+                      'in fslpy 2.0.0 - use stderr instead',
+                      DeprecationWarning)
+        kwargs['stderr'] = kwargs.get('stderr', kwargs['err'])
+    if 'ret' in kwargs:
+        warnings.warn('ret is deprecated and will be removed '
+                      'in fslpy 2.0.0 - use exitcode instead',
+                      DeprecationWarning)
+        kwargs['exitcode'] = kwargs.get('exitcode', kwargs['ret'])
+    returnStdout   = kwargs.get('stdout',   True)
+    returnStderr   = kwargs.get('stderr',   False)
+    returnExitcode = kwargs.get('exitcode', False)
+    submit         = kwargs.get('submit',   {})
+    log            = kwargs.get('log',      {})
+    tee            = log   .get('tee',      False)
+    logStdout      = log   .get('stdout',   None)
+    logStderr      = log   .get('stderr',   None)
+    logCmd         = log   .get('cmd',      False)
+    args           = _prepareArgs(args)
     if not bool(submit):
         submit = None
     if submit is not None:
-        err = False
-        ret = False
-        tee = False
+        returnStdout   = False
+        returnStderr   = False
+        returnExitcode = False
         if submit is True:
             submit = dict()
@@ -168,47 +209,114 @@ def run(*args, **kwargs):
         raise ValueError('submit must be a mapping containing '
                          'options for fsl.utils.fslsub.submit')
-    if DRY_RUN: log.debug('dryrun: {}'.format(' '.join(args)))
-    else:       log.debug('run: {}'   .format(' '.join(args)))
-    # dry run - just echo back the command
     if DRY_RUN:
-        stderr = ''
-        if submit is None:
-            stdout = ' '.join(args)
-        else:
-            stdout = '[submit] ' + ' '.join(args)
-        results = [stdout]
-        if err: results.append(stderr)
-        if ret: results.append(0)
-        if len(results) == 1: return results[0]
-        else:                 return tuple(results)
+        return _dryrun(
+            submit, returnStdout, returnStderr, returnExitcode, *args)
     # submit - delegate to fslsub
     if submit is not None:
         return fslsub.submit(' '.join(args), **submit)
-    # Start the command, directing its
-    # stdout/stderr to temporary files
-    # and, if tee is True, to sys.stdout
-    # stderr.
+    # Run directly - delegate to _realrun
+    stdout, stderr, exitcode = _realrun(
+        tee, logStdout, logStderr, logCmd, *args)
+    if not returnExitcode and (exitcode != 0):
+        raise RuntimeError('{} returned non-zero exit code: {}'.format(
+            args[0], exitcode))
+    results = []
+    if returnStdout:   results.append(stdout)
+    if returnStderr:   results.append(stderr)
+    if returnExitcode: results.append(exitcode)
+    if len(results) == 1: return results[0]
+    else:                 return tuple(results)
+def _dryrun(submit, returnStdout, returnStderr, returnExitcode, *args):
+    """Used by the :func:`run` function when the :attr:`DRY_RUN` flag is
+    active.
+    """
+    if submit:
+        return ('0',)
+    results = []
+    stderr  = ''
+    stdout  = ' '.join(args)
+    if returnStdout:   results.append(stdout)
+    if returnStderr:   results.append(stderr)
+    if returnExitcode: results.append(0)
+    if len(results) == 1: return results[0]
+    else:                 return tuple(results)
+def _realrun(tee, logStdout, logStderr, logCmd, *args):
+    """Used by :func:`run`. Runs the given command and manages its standard
+    output and error streams.
+    :arg tee:       If ``True``, the command's standard output and error
+                    streams are forwarded to this process' standard output/
+                    error.
+    :arg logStdout: Optional file-like object to which the command's standard
+                    output stream can be forwarded.
+    :arg logStderr: Optional file-like object to which the command's standard
+                    error stream can be forwarded.
+    :arg logCmd:    If ``True``, the command itself is logged to the standard
+                    output stream(s).
+    :arg args:      Command to run
+    :returns:       A tuple containing:
+                      - the command's standard output as a string.
+                      - the command's standard error as a string.
+                      - the command's exit code.
+    """
     proc = sp.Popen(args, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE)
     with tempdir.tempdir(changeto=False) as td:
+        # We always direct the command's stdout/
+        # stderr to two temporary files
         stdoutf = op.join(td, 'stdout')
         stderrf = op.join(td, 'stderr')
         with open(stdoutf, 'wb') as stdout, \
              open(stderrf, 'wb') as stderr:  # noqa
+            outstreams = [stdout]
+            errstreams = [stderr]
+            # if tee, we duplicate the command's
+            # stdout/stderr to this process'
+            # stdout/stderr
             if tee:
-                stdoutt = forward(proc.stdout, stdout, sys.stdout)
-                stderrt = forward(proc.stderr, stderr, sys.stderr)
-            else:
-                stdoutt = forward(proc.stdout, stdout)
-                stderrt = forward(proc.stderr, stderr)
+                outstreams.append(sys.stdout)
+                errstreams.append(sys.stderr)
+            # And we also duplicate to caller-
+            # provided streams if they're given.
+            if logStdout is not None: outstreams.append(logStdout)
+            if logStderr is not None: errstreams.append(logStderr)
+            # log the command to
+            # stdout if requested
+            if logCmd:
+                cmd = ' '.join(args) + '\n'
+                for o in outstreams:
+                    if 'b' in getattr(o, 'mode', 'w'):
+                        o.write(cmd.encode('utf-8'))
+                    else:
+                        o.write(cmd)
+            stdoutt = _forwardStream(proc.stdout, *outstreams)
+            stderrt = _forwardStream(proc.stderr, *errstreams)
             # Wait until the forwarding threads
             # have finished cleanly, and the
@@ -221,21 +329,11 @@ def run(*args, **kwargs):
         with open(stdoutf, 'rb') as f: stdout = f.read()
         with open(stderrf, 'rb') as f: stderr = f.read()
-    retcode = proc.returncode
-    stdout  = stdout.decode('utf-8')
-    stderr  = stderr.decode('utf-8')
+    exitcode = proc.returncode
+    stdout   = stdout.decode('utf-8')
+    stderr   = stderr.decode('utf-8')
-    if not ret and (retcode != 0):
-        raise RuntimeError('{} returned non-zero exit code: {}'.format(
-            args[0], retcode))
-    results = [stdout]
-    if err: results.append(stderr)
-    if ret: results.append(retcode)
-    if len(results) == 1: return results[0]
-    else:                 return tuple(results)
+    return stdout, stderr, exitcode
 def runfsl(*args, **kwargs):