diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index cba4791c7aaba330fa3a9c7d3579c9ad6e5387e3..63c63cafd6b800500622fe1c18b293e8b5d6d9a1 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -2,6 +2,18 @@ This document contains the ``fslpy`` release history in reverse chronological
+2.8.0 (Under development)
+* Improved the algorithm used by the :func:`.mesh.needsFixing` function.
 2.7.0 (Wednesday 6th November 2019)
diff --git a/fsl/data/mesh.py b/fsl/data/mesh.py
index c15e49ced5f972e39e01af4c520053ecdb6b809a..383afcb17d0f31fe329886212a2a81d814f85c4e 100644
--- a/fsl/data/mesh.py
+++ b/fsl/data/mesh.py
@@ -758,15 +758,19 @@ def needsFixing(vertices, indices, fnormals, loBounds, hiBounds):
     ivert = np.argmin(dists)
     vert  = vertices[ivert]
-    # Pick a triangle that
-    # this vertex is in and
-    # ges its face normal
-    itri = np.where(indices == ivert)[0][0]
-    n    = fnormals[itri, :]
+    # Get all the triangles
+    # that this vertex is in
+    # and their face normals
+    itris = np.where(indices == ivert)[0]
+    norms = fnormals[itris, :]
-    # Make sure the angle between the
+    # Calculate the angle between each
     # normal, and a vector from the
-    # vertex to the camera is positive
-    # If it isn't, we need to flip the
-    # triangle winding order.
-    return np.dot(n, affine.normalise(camera - vert)) < 0
+    # vertex to the camera. If more than
+    # 50% of the angles are negative
+    # (== more than 90 degrees == the
+    # face is facing away from the
+    # camera), assume that we need to
+    # flip the triangle winding order.
+    angles = np.dot(norms, affine.normalise(camera - vert))
+    return ((angles >= 0).sum() / len(itris)) < 0.5
diff --git a/tests/test_mesh.py b/tests/test_mesh.py
index c5841df9d38338c601cc9e2a6ee4c5552d18f7b4..f5ae5ead39be0dc3621a847c2083636cbf23e6a7 100644
--- a/tests/test_mesh.py
+++ b/tests/test_mesh.py
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ def test_needsFixing():
     verts    = np.array(CUBE_VERTICES)
     tris_cw  = np.array(CUBE_TRIANGLES_CW)
     tris_ccw = np.array(CUBE_TRIANGLES_CCW)
-    fnormals = np.array(CUBE_CCW_VERTEX_NORMALS)
+    fnormals = np.array(CUBE_CCW_FACE_NORMALS)
     blo      = verts.min(axis=0)
     bhi      = verts.max(axis=0)
     mesh     = fslmesh.Mesh(tris_cw, vertices=verts, fixWinding=True)
@@ -254,6 +254,28 @@ def test_needsFixing():
     assert     fslmesh.needsFixing(verts, tris_cw, -fnormals, blo, bhi)
     assert     np.all(np.isclose(mesh.indices, tris_ccw))
+    # regression: needsFixing used to use the first triangle
+    # of the nearest vertex to the camera. But this will fail
+    # if that triangle is facing away from the camera.
+    verts = np.array([
+        [ -1,    -1,   -1], # vertex 0 will be nearest the camera
+        [  0.5,  -0.5,  0],
+        [  1,    -1,    0],
+        [  1,     1,    1],
+        [  0,    -1,    1]])
+    tris = np.array([
+        [0, 4, 1], # first triangle will be facing away from the camera
+        [0, 1, 2],
+        [1, 3, 2],
+        [0, 2, 4],
+        [2, 3, 4],
+        [1, 4, 3]])
+    mesh     = fslmesh.Mesh(tris, vertices=verts, fixWinding=True)
+    fnormals = fslmesh.calcFaceNormals(verts, tris)
+    blo      = verts.min(axis=0)
+    bhi      = verts.max(axis=0)
+    assert not fslmesh.needsFixing(verts, tris, fnormals, blo, bhi)
 def test_trimesh_no_trimesh():