diff --git a/fsl/data/featdesign.py b/fsl/data/featdesign.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9b051b7c8e55e1acb33ff465126e8618d70e920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsl/data/featdesign.py
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# featdesign.py -
+# Author: Paul McCarthy <pauldmccarthy@gmail.com>
+"""This module provides the :class:`FEATFSFDesign` class, which encapsulates
+a FEAT design matrix.
+The FEAT design matrix
+A FEAT design matrix may contain the following types of explanatory variables:
+ - *Normal* EVs. This is simply a column in the design matrix, defined by the
+   user.
+ - Temporal derivative of normal EVs. A column in the design matrix  containing
+   the derivative of the previous normal EV. The presence of a temporal
+   derivative EV for a given normal EV can be determined by the ``deriv_yn``
+   flag in the ``design.fsf`` file.
+ - Basis function EV. One or more columns derived from a normal EV
+   (``basisfnumN``)
+ - Voxelwise EVs (``designVoxelwiseEV<N>.nii.gz``, EV number must be offset by
+   temporal derivative EVs)
+ - Confound EVs (... ?)
+ - Voxelwise confound EVs (``vef.dat`` and ``ven.dat``)
+ - Motion parameter EVs (``design.fsf:motionevs``, the last 6 or 24 columns of
+   the design matrix [i think])
+For each voxelwise EV, the design matrix (in ``design.mat``) contains a
+'dummy' column which contains the mean across all voxels.
+For voxelwise EVs, the column number (1-indexed) is conatined in the file name
+(``<N>`` in the above list entry).  But this number does not take into account
+the temporal derivative EVs of regular evs, so you need to offset this number
+by the number of TD EVs in the design matrix, which come before the voxelwise
+For voxelwise confound EVs, the column number mappings (1-indexed) are
+contained in ``vef.dat`` and ``ven.dat``.
+*Original* EV: An EV defined by the user
+*Real* EV: A derived EV (either temporal derivative, or derived with
+           basis functions).
+import            logging
+import            collections
+import os.path as op
+import numpy   as np
+from . import          featanalysis
+from . import image as fslimage
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class FSFError(Exception):
+    pass
+class EV(object):
+    def __init__(self, index, title):
+        self.index = index
+        self.title = title
+class NormalEV(EV):
+    def __init__(self, realIdx, origIdx, title):
+        EV.__init__(self, realIdx, title)
+        self.origIndex = origIdx
+class TemporalDerivativeEV(NormalEV):
+    pass
+class BasisFunctionEV(NormalEV):
+    pass
+class VoxelwiseEV(NormalEV):
+    def __init__(self, realIdx, origIdx, title, filename):
+        NormalEV.__init__(self, realIdx, origIdx, title)
+        self.filename = filename
+class ConfoundEV(EV):
+    def __init__(self, index, confIndex, title):
+        EV.__init__(self, index, title)
+        self.confIndex = confIndex
+class MotionParameterEV(EV):
+    def __init__(self, index, motionIndex, title):
+        EV.__init__(self, index, title)
+        self.motionIndex = motionIndex 
+class VoxelwiseConfoundEV(EV):
+    def __init__(self, index, voxIndex, title, filename):
+        EV.__init__(self, index, title)
+        self.voxIndex = voxIndex
+        self.filename = filename
+class FEATFSFDesign(object):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(self, featDir, settings, designMatrix):
+        # Get some information about the analysis
+        version = float(settings['version'])
+        level   = int(  settings['level'])
+        # Print a warning if we're 
+        # using an old version of FEAT
+        if version < 6:
+            log.warning('Unsupported FEAT version: {}'.format(version))
+        # We need to parse the EVS a bit
+        # differently depending on whether
+        # this is a first level or higher
+        # level analysis.
+        if level == 1: getEVs = getFirstLevelEVs
+        else:          getEVs = getHigherLevelEVs
+        self.__settings = collections.OrderedDict(settings.items())
+        self.__design   = np.array(designMatrix)
+        self.__numEVs   = self.__design.shape[1]
+        self.__evs      = getEVs(featDir, self.__settings, self.__design)
+        for i, ev in enumerate(self.__evs):
+            print 'EV{}: {} [{}]'.format(
+                ev.index + 1,
+                ev.title,
+                type(ev).__name__)
+        if len(self.__evs) != self.__numEVs:
+            raise FSFError('Number of EVs does not match design.mat')
+    def getDesign(self, x, y, z):
+        """Returns the design matrix for the specified voxel.
+        """
+        # if no vox EVs, just
+        # return the design
+        pass
+    def getVoxelEVFile(self, idx):
+        return self.__evs[idx].filename
+    def getVoxelConfoundFile(self, idx):
+        return self.__evs[idx].filename
+def getFirstLevelEVs(featDir, settings, designMat):
+    evs     = []
+    origEVs = int(settings['evs_orig'])
+    # First, we loop through the EVs that
+    # are explicitly defined in design.fsf.
+    # This includes 
+    #   - normal EVs
+    #   - temporal derivative EVs
+    #   - basis function EVs
+    #   - voxelwise EVs
+    for origIdx in range(origEVs):
+        title    = settings[        'evtitle{}'  .format(origIdx + 1)]
+        shape    = int(settings[    'shape{}'    .format(origIdx + 1)])
+        convolve = int(settings[    'convolve{}' .format(origIdx + 1)])
+        deriv    = int(settings[    'deriv_yn{}' .format(origIdx + 1)])
+        basis    = int(settings.get('basisfnum{}'.format(origIdx + 1), -1))
+        # Normal EV. This is just a column
+        # in the design matrix, defined by
+        # the user. 
+        if shape != 9:
+            evs.append(NormalEV(len(evs), origIdx, title))
+        # Voxelwise EV. This is a 'normal' EV
+        # defined by the user, with different
+        # values for each voxel. The voxelwise
+        # values should be contained in the
+        # feat directory, in an image called
+        # designVoxelwiseEVN, where N is the
+        # original EV index.
+        else:
+            # The addExt function will
+            # raise an error if the
+            # file does not exist.
+            filename = op.join(
+                featDir, 'designVoxelwiseEV{}'.format(origIdx + 1))
+            filename = fslimage.addExt(filename, True)
+            evs.append(VoxelwiseEV(len(evs), origIdx, title, filename)) 
+        # This EV has been convolved with a set of basis
+        # functions. A set of N additional EVs have been
+        # added to the design matrix, immediately after
+        # the EV, where N is specified by the basisfnumN
+        # parameter in design.fsf.
+        if convolve in (4, 5, 6):
+            if basis == -1:
+                raise FSFError('Number of EVs is not specified '
+                               'for basis function EV')
+            for i in range(basis - 1):
+                evs.append(BasisFunctionEV(len(evs), origIdx, title))
+        # A temporal derivative EV has been
+        # added for this EV - in the design
+        # matrix, it is the column immediately
+        # after this EV.
+        if deriv == 1:
+            evs.append(TemporalDerivativeEV(len(evs), origIdx, title))
+    # In the design matrix, after all EVs which
+    # have been explicilty defined, the rest of
+    # the EVs in the design matrix are confounds,
+    # in the following order:
+    # 
+    #   1. Voxelwise confounds
+    #   2. Motion parameters
+    #   3. Other confounds
+    # Any voxelwise confounds are specified
+    # in two plain text files - vef.dat
+    # contains a comma-separated list of
+    # files, and ven.dat contains the column
+    # index of this confound in the design
+    # matrix (1-indexed). If these files
+    # don't exist, then it means that there
+    # are no voxelwise confounds.
+    #
+    # n.b. Even though the indices into the
+    # final design matrix are stored in ven.dat,
+    # I'm just assuming that the voxelwise
+    # confound columns are immediately after
+    # the 'real' EVs procesed above, in the
+    # order defined in vef.dat.
+    voxConfFiles = op.join(featDir, 'vef.dat')
+    voxConfLocs  = op.join(featDir, 'ven.dat')
+    if op.exists(voxConfFiles) and op.exists(voxConfLocs):
+        with open(voxConfFiles, 'rt') as vcff:
+            voxConfFiles = vcff.read()
+        with open(voxConfLocs, 'rt') as vclf:
+            voxConfLocs = vclf.read()
+        voxConfFiles = voxConfFiles.strip().split(',')
+        voxConfLocs  = voxConfLocs .strip().split(',')
+        if len(voxConfFiles) != len(voxConfLocs):
+            raise FSFError('vef.dat does not match ven.dat')
+        # An error will be raised if any of
+        # the files in vef.dat do not exist,
+        # or if any of the indices in
+        # ven.dat are not integers.
+        voxConfFiles = [op.join(featDir, f)      for f in voxConfFiles]
+        voxConfFiles = [fslimage.addExt(f, True) for f in voxConfFiles]
+        voxConfLocs  = [int(i) for i in voxConfLocs]
+        # Check to see if my assumption
+        # above, about the voxelwise
+        # confound EV locations, holds
+        startIdx = len(evs) + 1
+        if voxConfLocs != range(startIdx, startIdx + len(voxConfFiles)):
+            raise FSFError('Unsupported voxelwise confound ordering '
+                           '({} -> {})'.format(startIdx, voxConfLocs))
+        # Create the voxelwise confound EVs
+        for i, (f, l) in enumerate(zip(voxConfFiles, voxConfLocs)):
+            evs.append(VoxelwiseConfoundEV(len(evs), i, 'voxconf', f))
+    # Have motion parameters been added
+    # as regressors to the design matrix?
+    motion = int(settings['motionevs'])
+    if   motion == 0: numMotionEVs = 0
+    elif motion == 1: numMotionEVs = 6
+    elif motion == 2: numMotionEVs = 24
+    for i in range(numMotionEVs):
+        evs.append(MotionParameterEV(len(evs), i, 'motion'))
+    # Last step - any columns in the design
+    # matrix which have not yet been accounted
+    # for are other confounds, specified by
+    # the user with a text file.
+    numConfoundEVs = designMat.shape[1] - len(evs)
+    for i in range(numConfoundEVs):
+        evs.append(ConfoundEV(len(evs), i, 'confound'))
+    # Phew.
+    return evs
+def getHigherLevelEVs(featDir, settings, designMat):
+    titleKeys = [s for s in settings.keys() if s.startswith('evtitle')]
+    evs       = []
+    return evs