diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index 124547fc22a8b59885df6173959d23fc42784bba..a3b2141c3a765d44a3ebda80d743efbece39035d 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Added
 * New :meth:`.Image.iscomplex` attribute.
+* Support for a new ``Statistic`` atlas type.
@@ -21,6 +22,20 @@ Changed
   as a least-recently-used cache.
 * The :mod:`.filetree` module has been refactored to make it easier for the
   :mod:`.query` module to work with file tree hierarchies.
+* The :meth:`.LabelAtlas.get` method has a new ``binary`` flag, allowing
+  either a binary mask, or a mask with the original label value, to be
+  returned.
+* :meth:`.ProbabilisticAtlas.proportions`,
+  :meth:`.ProbabilisticAtlas.maskProportions`, and
+  :meth:`.ProbabilisticAtlas.labelProportions` have been deprecated in favour
+  of :meth:`.StatisticAtlas.values`, :meth:`.StatisticAtlas.maskValues`, and
+  :meth:`.StatisticAtlas.labelValues`
 2.5.0 (Tuesday 6th August 2019)
diff --git a/fsl/data/atlases.py b/fsl/data/atlases.py
index 8d5dad9bd679b4bd8786de4a5a8e41c21db3d310..28ca1825a5b3804ca4e6e5cbabad9084a1470fb4 100644
--- a/fsl/data/atlases.py
+++ b/fsl/data/atlases.py
@@ -36,27 +36,29 @@ load an atlas image, which will be one of the following atlas-specific
+   StatisticAtlas
 from __future__ import division
-import xml.etree.ElementTree              as et
-import os.path                            as op
-import                                       glob
-import                                       bisect
-import                                       logging
+import xml.etree.ElementTree    as et
+import os.path                  as op
+import                             glob
+import                             bisect
+import                             logging
-import numpy                              as np
+import numpy                    as np
-import fsl.data.image                     as fslimage
-import fsl.data.constants                 as constants
-from   fsl.utils.platform import platform as platform
-import fsl.utils.image.resample           as resample
-import fsl.transform.affine               as affine
-import fsl.utils.notifier                 as notifier
-import fsl.utils.settings                 as fslsettings
+import fsl.data.image           as fslimage
+import fsl.data.constants       as constants
+from   fsl.utils.platform import   platform
+import fsl.utils.image.resample as resample
+import fsl.transform.affine     as affine
+import fsl.utils.notifier       as notifier
+import fsl.utils.settings       as fslsettings
+import fsl.utils.deprecated     as deprecated
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -322,9 +324,9 @@ class AtlasLabel(object):
     ========= ================================================================
     ``name``  Region name
     ``index`` The index of this label into the list of all labels in the
-              ``AtlasDescription`` that owns it. For probabilistic atlases,
-              this is also the index into the 4D atlas image of the volume
-              that corresponds to this region.
+              ``AtlasDescription`` that owns it. For statistic/probabilistic
+              atlases, this is also the index into the 4D atlas image of the
+              volume that corresponds to this region.
     ``value`` For label atlases and summary images, the value of voxels that
               are in this region.
     ``x``     X coordinate of the region in world space
@@ -386,8 +388,13 @@ class AtlasDescription(object):
-           <name></name>        # Atlas name
-           <type></type>        # 'Probabilistic' or 'Label'
+           <name></name>           # Atlas name
+           <type></type>           # 'Statistic', 'Probabilistic' or 'Label'
+           <statistic></statistic> # Optional. Type of statistic
+           <units></units>         # Optional. Units of measurement
+           <precision></precision> # Optional. Decimal precision to report
+           <upper></upper>         # Optional. Upper threshold
+           <lower></lower>         # Optional. Lower threshold
             </imagefile>        # If type is Probabilistic, path
@@ -412,11 +419,12 @@ class AtlasDescription(object):
-         # index - For probabilistic atlases, index of corresponding volume in
-         #         4D image file. For label images, the value of voxels which
-         #         are in the corresponding region. For probabilistic atlases,
-         #         it is assumed that the value for each region in the  summary
-         #         image(s) are equal to ``index + 1``.
+         # index - For statistic/probabilistic atlases, index of corresponding
+         #         volume in 4D image file. For label images, the value of
+         #         voxels which are in the corresponding region. For
+         #         statistic/probabilistic atlases, it is assumed that the
+         #         value for each region in the summary image(s) are equal to
+         #         ``index + 1``.
          # x    |
@@ -452,7 +460,18 @@ class AtlasDescription(object):
     ``specPath``      Path to the atlas XML specification file.
-    ``atlasType``     Atlas type - either *probabilistic* or *label*.
+    ``atlasType``     Atlas type - either *statistic*, *probabilistic* or
+                      *label*.
+    ``statistic``     Type of statistic, for statistic atlases.
+    ``units``         Unit of measurement, for statistic atlases.
+    ``precision``     Reporting precision, for statistic atlases.
+    ``upper``         Upper threshold, for statistic atlases.
+    ``lower``         Lower threshold, for statistic atlases.
     ``images``        A list of images available for this atlas - usually
                       :math:`1mm^3` and :math:`2mm^3` images are present.
@@ -500,6 +519,29 @@ class AtlasDescription(object):
         if self.atlasType == 'probabalistic':
             self.atlasType = 'probabilistic'
+        if self.atlasType == 'statistic':
+            fields = ['statistic', 'units', 'lower', 'upper', 'precision']
+            values = {}
+            for field in fields:
+                elem = header.find(field)
+                if elem is not None and elem.text is not None:
+                    values[field] = elem.text.strip()
+            self.statistic =       values.get('statistic', '')
+            self.units     =       values.get('units',     '')
+            self.lower     = float(values.get('lower',     0))
+            self.upper     = float(values.get('upper',     100))
+            self.precision = int(  values.get('precision', 2))
+        elif self.atlasType == 'probabilistic':
+            self.statistic = ''
+            self.units     = '%'
+            self.lower     = 5
+            self.upper     = 100
+            self.precision = 0
         images             = header.findall('images')
         self.images        = []
         self.summaryImages = []
@@ -661,7 +703,7 @@ class Atlas(fslimage.Image):
         :arg resolution: Desired isotropic resolution in millimetres.
         :arg isLabel:    Pass in ``True`` for label atlases, ``False`` for
-                         probabilistic atlases.
+                         statistic/probabilistic atlases.
         All other arguments are passed to :meth:`.Image.__init__`.
@@ -708,7 +750,7 @@ class Atlas(fslimage.Image):
         """Makes sure that the given mask has the same resolution as this
         atlas, so it can be used for querying. Used by the
         :meth:`.LabelAtlas.maskLabels` and
-        :meth:`.ProbabilisticAtlas.maskProportions` methods.
+        :meth:`.StatisticAtlas.maskValues` methods.
         :arg mask: A :class:`.Image`
@@ -738,13 +780,11 @@ class Atlas(fslimage.Image):
         return mask
 class MaskError(Exception):
     """Exception raised by the :meth:`LabelAtlas.maskLabel` and
-    :meth:`ProbabilisticAtlas.maskProportions` when a mask is provided which
+    :meth:`StatisticAtlas.maskValues` when a mask is provided which
     does not match the atlas space.
-    pass
 class LabelAtlas(Atlas):
@@ -877,17 +917,20 @@ class LabelAtlas(Atlas):
         return values, props
-    def get(self, label=None, index=None, value=None, name=None):
-        """
-        Returns the binary image for given label
+    def get(self, label=None, index=None, value=None, name=None, binary=True):
+        """Returns the binary image for the given label.
         Only one of the arguments should be used to define the label
-        :arg label: AtlasLabel contained within this atlas
-        :arg index: index of the label
-        :arg value: value of the label
-        :arg name: string of the label
-        :return: image.Image with the mask
+        :arg label:  :class:`AtlasLabel` contained within this atlas
+        :arg index:  index of the label
+        :arg value:  value of the label
+        :arg name:   string of the label
+        :arg binary: If ``True`` (the default), the image will contain 1s in
+                     the label region. Otherwise the image will contain the
+                     label value.
+        :return:     :class:`.Image` with the mask
         if ((label is not None) + (index is not None) +
             (value is not None) + (name is not None)) != 1:
@@ -896,19 +939,27 @@ class LabelAtlas(Atlas):
             label = self.find(index=index, name=name, value=value)
         elif label not in self.desc.labels:
             raise ValueError("Unknown label provided")
-        arr = (self.data == label.value).astype(int)
+        arr = (self.data == label.value).astype(np.int32)
+        if not binary:
+            arr[arr > 0] = label.value
         return fslimage.Image(arr, name=label.name, header=self.header)
-class ProbabilisticAtlas(Atlas):
-    """A 4D atlas which contains one volume for each region.
+class StatisticAtlas(Atlas):
+    """A ``StatisticAtlas`` is a 4D image which contains one volume for
+    each region in the atlas; each volume contains some statistic value
+    for the corresponding region.
-    The ``ProbabilisticAtlas`` provides the :meth`proportions` method,
-    which makes looking up region probabilities easy.
+    The :class:`ProbabilisticAtlas` is a specialisation of the
+    ``StatisticAtlas``
     def __init__(self, atlasDesc, resolution=None, **kwargs):
-        """Create a ``ProbabilisticAtlas`` instance.
+        """Create a ``StatisticAtlas`` instance.
         :arg atlasDesc:  The :class:`AtlasDescription` instance describing
                          the atlas.
@@ -917,17 +968,18 @@ class ProbabilisticAtlas(Atlas):
         Atlas.__init__(self, atlasDesc, resolution, False, **kwargs)
     def get(self, label=None, index=None, value=None, name=None):
-        """
-        Returns the probabilistic image for given label
+        """Returns the statistic image at the given label.
         Only one of the arguments should be used to define the label
-        :arg label: AtlasLabel contained within this atlas
+        :arg label: :class:`AtlasLabel` contained within this atlas
         :arg index: index of the label
         :arg value: value of the label
-        :arg name: string of the label
-        :return: image.Image with the probabilistic mask
+        :arg name:  string of the label
+        :return:    :class:`.Image` with the statistic values for the
+                    specified label.
         if ((label is not None) + (index is not None) +
             (value is not None) + (name is not None)) != 1:
@@ -939,36 +991,37 @@ class ProbabilisticAtlas(Atlas):
         arr = self[..., label.index]
         return fslimage.Image(arr, name=label.name, header=self.header)
-    def proportions(self, location, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Looks up and returns the proportions of of all regions at the given
+    def values(self, location, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Looks up and returns the values of of all regions at the given
         :arg location: Can be one of the following:
                         - A sequence of three values, interpreted as atlas
-                          coordinates. In this case, :meth:`coordProportions`
+                          coordinates. In this case, :meth:`coordValues`
                           is called.
                         - An :class:`.Image` which is interpreted as a
-                          weighted mask. In this case, :meth:`maskProportions`
+                          weighted mask. In this case, :meth:`maskValues`
                           is called.
-        All other arguments are passed through to the :meth:`coordProportions`
-        or :meth:`maskProportions` methods.
+        All other arguments are passed through to the :meth:`coordValues`
+        or :meth:`maskValues` methods.
-        :returns: The return value of either :meth:`coordProportions` or
-                  :meth:`maskProportions`.
+        :returns: The return value of either :meth:`coordValues` or
+                  :meth:`maskValues`.
         if isinstance(location, fslimage.Image):
-            return self.maskProportions(location, *args, **kwargs)
+            return self.maskValues(location, *args, **kwargs)
-            return self.coordProportions(location, *args, **kwargs)
+            return self.coordValues(location, *args, **kwargs)
-    def coordProportions(self, loc, voxel=False):
-        """Looks up the region probabilities for the given location.
+    def coordValues(self, loc, voxel=False):
+        """Looks up the region values for the given location.
         :arg loc:   A sequence of three values, interpreted as atlas
                     world or voxel coordinates.
@@ -976,10 +1029,8 @@ class ProbabilisticAtlas(Atlas):
         :arg voxel: Defaults to ``False``. If ``True``, the ``loc``
                     argument is interpreted as voxel coordinates.
-        :returns: a list of values, one per region, which represent
-                  the probability of each region for the specified
-                  location. Returns an empty list if the given
-                  location is out of bounds.
+        :returns: a list of values, one per region.  Returns an empty
+                  list if the given location is out of bounds.
         if not voxel:
@@ -994,30 +1045,27 @@ class ProbabilisticAtlas(Atlas):
            loc[2] >= self.shape[2]:
             return []
-        props = self[loc[0], loc[1], loc[2], :]
+        vals = self[loc[0], loc[1], loc[2], :]
         # We only return labels for this atlas -
         # the underlying image may have more
         # volumes than this atlas has labels.
-        return [props[l.index] for l in self.desc.labels]
+        return [vals[l.index] for l in self.desc.labels]
-    def maskProportions(self, mask):
-        """Looks up the probabilities of all regions in the given ``mask``.
+    def maskValues(self, mask):
+        """Looks up the average values of all regions in the given ``mask``.
         :arg mask: A 3D :class:`.Image`` which is interpreted as a weighted
                    mask. If the ``mask`` shape does not match that of this
-                   ``ProbabilisticAtlas``, it is resampled using
-                   :meth:`.Image.resample`, with nearest-neighbour
-                   interpolation.
+                   ``StatisticAtlas``, it is resampled using
+                   :meth:`Atlas.prepareMask`.
-        :returns:  A sequence containing the proportion, within the mask,
-                   of all regions in the atlas. The proportions are returned as
-                   values between 0 and 100.
+        :returns:  A sequence containing the average value, within the mask,
+                   of all regions in the atlas.
-        props = []
+        avgvals   = []
         mask      = self.prepareMask(mask)
         boolmask  = mask > 0
         weights   = mask[boolmask]
@@ -1030,11 +1078,35 @@ class ProbabilisticAtlas(Atlas):
             vals  = self[..., label.index]
             vals  = vals[boolmask] * weights
-            prop  = vals.sum() / weightsum
+            val   = vals.sum() / weightsum
+            avgvals.append(val)
-            props.append(prop)
+        return avgvals
-        return props
+    @deprecated.deprecated('2.6.0', '3.0.0', 'Use values instead')
+    def proportions(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Deprecated - use :meth:`values` instead. """
+        return self.values(*args, **kwargs)
+    @deprecated.deprecated('2.6.0', '3.0.0', 'Use coordValues instead')
+    def coordProportions(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Deprecated - use :meth:`coordValues` instead. """
+        return self.coordValues(*args, **kwargs)
+    @deprecated.deprecated('2.6.0', '3.0.0', 'Use maskValues instead')
+    def maskProportions(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Deprecated - use :meth:`maskValues` instead. """
+        return self.maskValues(*args, **kwargs)
+class ProbabilisticAtlas(StatisticAtlas):
+    """A 4D atlas which contains one volume for each region. Each volume
+    contains probabiliy values for one region, between 0 and 100.
+    """
 registry            = AtlasRegistry()
diff --git a/fsl/scripts/atlasq.py b/fsl/scripts/atlasq.py
index 4b87509c03c44216e36017e229735543ec167456..01ed67b4c373247b65e4571b14dba2d6a57f16ea 100644
--- a/fsl/scripts/atlasq.py
+++ b/fsl/scripts/atlasq.py
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ def maskQuery(atlas, masks, *args, **kwargs):
             labels = []
             props  = []
-            zprops = atlas.maskProportions(mask)
+            zprops = atlas.maskValues(mask)
             for i in range(len(zprops)):
                 if zprops[i] > 0:
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ def coordQuery(atlas, coords, voxel, *args, **kwargs):
         if isinstance(atlas, fslatlases.ProbabilisticAtlas):
-            props   = atlas.proportions(coord, voxel=voxel)
+            props   = atlas.values(coord, voxel=voxel)
             labels  = []
             nzprops = []
diff --git a/tests/test_atlases.py b/tests/test_atlases.py
index 99e656e10f3a0e138645e92d2c2aa53c66d97a73..1c7abc0dfe6d2d8720c86edf605f0bd782af5c6d 100644
--- a/tests/test_atlases.py
+++ b/tests/test_atlases.py
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ dummy_atlas_desc = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-    <type>Label</type>
+    <type>{atlastype}</type>
+    {extraheader}
@@ -52,7 +53,8 @@ dummy_atlas_desc = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-def _make_dummy_atlas(savedir, name, shortName, filename):
+def _make_dummy_atlas(
+        savedir, name, shortName, filename, atlastype='Label', extraheader=''):
     mladir     = op.join(savedir, shortName)
     mlaxmlfile = op.join(savedir, '{}.xml'.format(shortName))
     mlaimgfile = op.join(savedir, shortName, '{}.nii.gz'.format(filename))
@@ -70,7 +72,9 @@ def _make_dummy_atlas(savedir, name, shortName, filename):
         desc = dummy_atlas_desc.format(
-            filename=filename)
+            filename=filename,
+            atlastype=atlastype,
+            extraheader=extraheader)
     return mlaxmlfile
@@ -142,6 +146,28 @@ def test_AtlasDescription():
+def test_StatisticHeader():
+    with tests.testdir() as testdir:
+        hdr = '<statistic>T</statistic>' \
+              '<units></units>' \
+              '<precision>3</precision>' \
+              '<upper>75</upper>'
+        xmlfile = _make_dummy_atlas(testdir,
+                                    'statlas',
+                                    'STA',
+                                    'StAtlas',
+                                    atlastype='Statistic',
+                                    extraheader=hdr)
+        desc = atlases.AtlasDescription(xmlfile, 'StAtlas')
+        assert desc.atlasType == 'statistic'
+        assert desc.statistic == 'T'
+        assert desc.units     == ''
+        assert desc.precision == 3
+        assert desc.lower     == 0
+        assert desc.upper     == 75
 def test_add_remove_atlas():
     with tests.testdir() as testdir:
@@ -250,6 +276,9 @@ def test_get():
             assert (target == atlas.get(index=label.index).data).all()
             assert (target == atlas.get(value=label.value).data).all()
             assert (target == atlas.get(name=label.name).data).all()
+            if atlas is lblatlas:
+                target = target * label.value
+                assert (target == atlas.get(value=label.value, binary=False).data).all()
 def test_find():
diff --git a/tests/test_atlases_query.py b/tests/test_atlases_query.py
index 051f9cd6b7bf5a22234c31ebd3273f6d924033db..fedb0a00d9fa30405c50d2a1a880d78288e20f4e 100644
--- a/tests/test_atlases_query.py
+++ b/tests/test_atlases_query.py
@@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ def _eval_coord_voxel_query(atlas, query, qtype, qin):
         elif qin == 'out':
             expval = []
-        assert atlas.proportions(     query, voxel=voxel) == expval
-        assert atlas.coordProportions(query, voxel=voxel) == expval
+        assert atlas.values(     query, voxel=voxel) == expval
+        assert atlas.coordValues(query, voxel=voxel) == expval
     if   isinstance(atlas, fslatlases.LabelAtlas):         evalLabel()
     elif isinstance(atlas, fslatlases.ProbabilisticAtlas): evalProb()
@@ -343,13 +343,13 @@ def _eval_mask_query(atlas, query, qtype, qin):
         if qin == 'out':
             with pytest.raises(fslatlases.MaskError):
-                atlas.maskProportions(mask)
+                atlas.maskValues(mask)
             with pytest.raises(fslatlases.MaskError):
-                atlas.proportions(    mask)
+                atlas.values(    mask)
-        props  = atlas.    proportions(mask)
-        props2 = atlas.maskProportions(mask)
+        props  = atlas.    values(mask)
+        props2 = atlas.maskValues(mask)
         assert np.all(np.isclose(props, props2))
diff --git a/tests/test_scripts/test_atlasq_ohi.py b/tests/test_scripts/test_atlasq_ohi.py
index c2f2348a532c04f9819c28d980393bc3857c7746..8a9634f7e3ea2063eab8a4c911de0888eaead4c2 100644
--- a/tests/test_scripts/test_atlasq_ohi.py
+++ b/tests/test_scripts/test_atlasq_ohi.py
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def test_coords(seed):
     """Test the ohi -a "atlas" -c "coords" mode. """
     def expectedProbOutput(atlas, coords):
-        probs    = atlas.proportions(coords)
+        probs    = atlas.values(coords)
         expected = '<b>{}</b><br>'.format(atlas.desc.name)
         nzprobs  = []
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ def test_mask(seed):
     def expectedProbOutput(mask, atlas):
-        props  = atlas.maskProportions(mask)
+        props  = atlas.maskValues(mask)
         labels = [l.index for l in atlas.desc.labels]
         exp    = []
diff --git a/tests/test_scripts/test_atlasq_query.py b/tests/test_scripts/test_atlasq_query.py
index def92c956a08098afd779102a591044aa63740cf..5b2ab4e9da7a634be84c3aea0fa5f8d901a1fea0 100644
--- a/tests/test_scripts/test_atlasq_query.py
+++ b/tests/test_scripts/test_atlasq_query.py
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ def _eval_coord_voxel_query(
         if o_type == 'normal': evalLabelNormalOutput(explabel)
         else:                  evalLabelShortOutput(explabel)
     elif isinstance(a_img, fslatlases.ProbabilisticAtlas):
-        expprops = a_img.proportions(query, voxel=voxel)
+        expprops = a_img.values(query, voxel=voxel)
         if o_type == 'normal': evalProbNormalOutput(expprops)
         else:                  evalProbShortOutput(expprops)
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ def _eval_mask_query(
             explabels, expprops = [], []
     elif isinstance(aimg, fslatlases.ProbabilisticAtlas):
-            expprops  = aimg.maskProportions(maskimg)
+            expprops  = aimg.maskValues(maskimg)
             explabels = aimg.desc.labels
         except fslatlases.MaskError:
             explabels = []
diff --git a/tests/test_transform/test_nonlinear.py b/tests/test_transform/test_nonlinear.py
index 694162c3b3496cec470c68d57eb3142506e25cf0..b161f4f23748eba7f25766dc96edccdadae1bbd9 100644
--- a/tests/test_transform/test_nonlinear.py
+++ b/tests/test_transform/test_nonlinear.py
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ def test_convertDeformationType():
     gotconvrel2 = nonlinear.convertDeformationType(relfield, 'absolute')
     gotconvabs2 = nonlinear.convertDeformationType(absfield, 'relative')
-    tol = dict(atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
+    tol = dict(atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
     assert np.all(np.isclose(gotconvrel1, absfield.data, **tol))
     assert np.all(np.isclose(gotconvabs1, relfield.data, **tol))