diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index be2e3f0f6e4ba72357d2fec32f715c2cb9a58b63..b2a848897d812547adb0c8a97c735a880fbb7140 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -15,13 +15,18 @@ Added
   tasks passed to :func:`.idle.idle` to be executed synchronously.
 * New :meth:`.IdleLoop.synchronous` context manager, to temporarily change the
   value of :meth:`.IdleLoop.neverQueue`.
+* New :mod:`.bids` module, containing a few simple functions for working with
+  `BIDS <https://bids.neuroimaging.io>`_ datasets.
+* New :func:`.image.loadMetadata` function, and ``loadMeta`` option to the
+  :class:`.Image` class, to automatically find and load any sidecar JSON files
+  associated with an image file.
-* Internal reorganisation inm the :mod:`.idle` module.
+* Internal reorganisation in the :mod:`.idle` module.
diff --git a/doc/fsl.utils.bids.rst b/doc/fsl.utils.bids.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4fa875b6cd71eaa72ad6ef8c2455472a162281d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/fsl.utils.bids.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.. automodule:: fsl.utils.bids
+    :members:
+    :undoc-members:
+    :show-inheritance:
diff --git a/doc/fsl.utils.rst b/doc/fsl.utils.rst
index f253bac7e11914f3d5ccebcd152a576cd326ce66..d4d921736d3427664f1a6d514e7969bd458443c8 100644
--- a/doc/fsl.utils.rst
+++ b/doc/fsl.utils.rst
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+   fsl.utils.bids
diff --git a/fsl/data/image.py b/fsl/data/image.py
index 188167b9ae417e7e8ba75a59d9f4bc158cf34cac..4cde726519f32c255c17a37dfc27f9452f4f67da 100644
--- a/fsl/data/image.py
+++ b/fsl/data/image.py
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ and file names:
 import                      os
 import os.path           as op
 import itertools         as it
+import                      json
 import                      string
 import                      logging
 import                      tempfile
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ import fsl.utils.notifier    as notifier
 import fsl.utils.memoize     as memoize
 import fsl.utils.path        as fslpath
 import fsl.utils.deprecated  as deprecated
+import fsl.utils.bids        as fslbids
 import fsl.data.constants    as constants
 import fsl.data.imagewrapper as imagewrapper
@@ -61,8 +63,8 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ['.nii.gz', '.nii', '.img', '.hdr', '.img.gz', '.hdr.gz']
 """The file extensions which we understand. This list is used as the default
-if the ``allowedExts`` parameter is not passed to any of the functions
+if the ``allowedExts`` parameter is not passed to any of the ``*Ext``
+functions, or the :func:`looksLikeImage` function.
@@ -246,7 +248,6 @@ class Nifti(notifier.Notifier, meta.Meta):
         if not isinstance(header, nib.analyze.AnalyzeHeader):
             raise ValueError('Unrecognised header: {}'.format(header))
-        header                   = header
         origShape, shape, pixdim = Nifti.determineShape(header)
         voxToWorldMat            = Nifti.determineAffine(header)
         affines, isneuro         = Nifti.generateAffines(voxToWorldMat,
@@ -905,6 +906,7 @@ class Image(Nifti):
+                 loadMeta=False,
         """Create an ``Image`` object with the given image data or file name.
@@ -954,6 +956,12 @@ class Image(Nifti):
                          used to specify the file from which the image was
+        :arg loadMeta:   If ``True``, any metadata contained in JSON sidecar
+                         files is loaded and attached to this ``Image`` via
+                         the :class:`.Meta` interface. if ``False``, metadata
+                         can be loaded at a later stage via the
+                         :func:`loadMeta` function. Defaults to ``False``.
         All other arguments are passed through to the ``nibabel.load`` function
         (if it is called).
@@ -1078,6 +1086,9 @@ class Image(Nifti):
         if calcRange:
+        if self.dataSource is not None and loadMeta:
+            self.updateMeta(loadMetadata(self))
         self.__imageWrapper.register(self.__lName, self.__dataRangeChanged)
@@ -1419,6 +1430,36 @@ def canonicalShape(shape):
     return shape
+def loadMetadata(image):
+    """Searches for and loads any sidecar JSON files associated with the given
+    :class:`.Image`.
+    If the image looks to be part of a BIDS data set,
+    :func:`.bids.loadMetadata` is used. Otherwise, if a JSON file with the same
+    file prefix is present alongside the image, it is directly loaded.
+    :arg image: :class:`.Image` instance
+    :returns:   Dict containing any metadata that was loaded.
+    """
+    if image.dataSource is None:
+        return {}
+    filename = image.dataSource
+    basename = op.basename(removeExt(filename))
+    dirname  = op.dirname(filename)
+    if fslbids.inBIDSDir(image.dataSource):
+        return fslbids.loadMetadata(image.dataSource)
+    jsonfile = op.join(dirname, '{}.json'.format(basename))
+    if op.exists(jsonfile):
+        with open(jsonfile, 'rt') as f:
+            return json.load(f)
+    return {}
 def looksLikeImage(filename, allowedExts=None):
     """Returns ``True`` if the given file looks like a NIFTI image, ``False``
diff --git a/fsl/utils/bids.py b/fsl/utils/bids.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17f428f5c8a8927a542187658af8a17c49a57960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsl/utils/bids.py
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# bids.py - Simple BIDS metadata reader.
+# Author: Paul McCarthy <pauldmccarthy@gmail.com>
+"""This module provides a few functions for working with BIDS data sets.
+.. autosummary::
+   :nosignatures:
+   isBIDSDir
+   inBIDSDir
+   isBIDSFile
+   loadMetadata
+All of the other functions in this module should not be considered part of the
+public API.
+.. note::  The `pybids <https://bids-standard.github.io/pybids/>`_ library is
+           a more suitable choice if you are after a more robust and featured
+           interface for working with BIDS datasets.
+import os.path   as op
+import itertools as it
+import              re
+import              glob
+import              json
+import fsl.utils.memoize as memoize
+import fsl.utils.path    as fslpath
+class BIDSFile(object):
+    """The ``BIDSFile`` class parses and stores the entities and suffix contained
+    in a BIDS file. See the :func:`parseFilename` function.
+    The :meth:`match` method can be used to compare two ``BIDSFile`` instances.
+    The following attributes are available on a ``BIDSFile`` instance:
+     - ``filename``: Absolute path to the file
+     - ``entities``: Dict of ``key : value`` pairs, the entities that are
+       present in the file name (e.g. ``{'sub' : '01}``)
+     - ``suffix``: File suffix (e.g. ``T1w``, ``bold``, etc.)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename):
+        """Create a ``BIDSFile``. """
+        entities, suffix = parseFilename(filename)
+        self.filename    = op.abspath(filename)
+        self.entities    = entities
+        self.suffix      = suffix
+    def match(self, other):
+        """Compare this ``BIDSFile`` to ``other``.
+        :arg other: ``BIDSFile`` to compare
+        :returns:   ``True`` if ``self.suffix == other.suffix`` and if
+                    all of the entities in ``other`` are present in ``self``,
+                    ``False`` otherwise.
+        """
+        suffix   = self.suffix == other.suffix
+        entities = True
+        for key, value in other.entities.items():
+            entities = entities and self.entities.get(key, None) == value
+        return suffix and entities
+def parseFilename(filename):
+    """Parses a BIDS-like file name. The file name must consist of zero or more
+    "entities" (alpha-numeric ``name-value`` pairs), a "suffix", all separated
+    by underscores, and a regular file extension. For example, the following
+    file::
+        sub-01_ses-01_task-stim_bold.nii.gz
+    has suffix ``bold``, and entities ``sub=01``, ``ses=01`` and ``task=stim``.
+    :returns: A tuple containing:
+               - A dict containing the entities
+               - The suffix
+    """
+    if not isBIDSFile(filename, strict=False):
+        raise ValueError('Does not look like a BIDS '
+                         'file: {}'.format(filename))
+    suffix   = None
+    entities = []
+    filename = op.basename(filename)
+    filename = fslpath.removeExt(filename, ['.nii', '.nii.gz', '.json'])
+    parts    = filename.split('_')
+    for part in parts[:-1]:
+        entities.append(part.split('-'))
+    suffix   = parts[-1]
+    entities = dict(entities)
+    return entities, suffix
+def isBIDSDir(dirname):
+    """Returns ``True`` if ``dirname`` is the root directory of a BIDS dataset.
+    """
+    return op.exists(op.join(dirname, 'dataset_description.json'))
+def inBIDSDir(filename):
+    """Returns ``True`` if ``filename`` looks like it is within a BIDS dataset
+    directory, ``False`` otherwise.
+    """
+    dirname = op.abspath(op.dirname(filename))
+    inBIDS  = False
+    while True:
+        if isBIDSDir(dirname):
+            inBIDS = True
+            break
+        prevdir = dirname
+        dirname = op.dirname(dirname)
+        # at filesystem root
+        if prevdir == dirname:
+            break
+    return inBIDS
+def isBIDSFile(filename, strict=True):
+    """Returns ``True`` if ``filename`` looks like a BIDS image or JSON file.
+    :arg filename: Name of file to check
+    :arg strict:   If ``True`` (the default), the file must be within a BIDS
+                   dataset directory, as defined by :func:`inBIDSDir`.
+    """
+    name    = op.basename(filename)
+    pattern = r'([a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]+_)*([a-z0-9])+\.(nii|nii\.gz|json)'
+    flags   = re.ASCII | re.IGNORECASE
+    match   = re.fullmatch(pattern, name, flags)
+    return ((not strict) or inBIDSDir(filename)) and match
+def loadMetadataFile(filename):
+    """Load ``filename`` (assumed to be JSON), returning its contents. """
+    with open(filename, 'rt') as f:
+        return json.load(f)
+def loadMetadata(filename):
+    """Load all of the metadata associated with ``filename``.
+    :arg filename: Path to a data file in a BIDS dataset.
+    :returns:      A dict containing all of the metadata associated with
+                   ``filename``
+    """
+    filename  = op.realpath(op.abspath(filename))
+    bfile     = BIDSFile(filename)
+    dirname   = op.dirname(filename)
+    prevdir   = filename
+    metafiles = []
+    metadata  = {}
+    # Walk up the directory tree until
+    # we hit the BIDS dataset root, or
+    # the filesystem root
+    while True:
+        # Gather all json files in this
+        # directory with matching entities
+        # and suffix, sorted alphabetically
+        # and reversed, so that earlier
+        # ones take precedence
+        files = reversed(sorted(glob.glob(op.join(dirname, '*.json'))))
+        files = [BIDSFile(f) for f in files if isBIDSFile(f)]
+        files = [f.filename  for f in files if bfile.match(f)]
+        # build a list of all files
+        metafiles.append(files)
+        # move to the next dir up
+        prevdir = dirname
+        dirname = op.dirname(dirname)
+        # stop when we hit the dataset or filesystem root
+        if isBIDSDir(prevdir) or dirname == prevdir:
+            break
+    # Load in each json file, from
+    # shallowest to deepest, so entries
+    # in deeper files take precedence
+    # over shallower ones.
+    for f in it.chain(*reversed(metafiles)):
+        # assuming here that every file contains a dict
+        metadata.update(loadMetadataFile(f))
+    return metadata
diff --git a/fsl/utils/meta.py b/fsl/utils/meta.py
index 3e65d398ec078817242dd5c8ee205db7b7e957e0..30d18a567021f014f9ae41fcbcb381f43b47155d 100644
--- a/fsl/utils/meta.py
+++ b/fsl/utils/meta.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class Meta(object):
+       updateMeta
     def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -67,3 +68,8 @@ class Meta(object):
         """Add some metadata with the specified key (``dict.__setitem__``).
         self.__meta.__setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def updateMeta(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Update the metadata dict (``dict.update``). """
+        self.__meta.update(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/tests/test_bids.py b/tests/test_bids.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58bb08f516554d1c58d85991a75ee4d9c38f7bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_bids.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# test_bids.py -
+# Author: Paul McCarthy <pauldmccarthy@gmail.com>
+import                  json
+import os.path   as     op
+import itertools as     it
+from   pathlib   import Path
+import pytest
+from fsl.utils.tempdir import tempdir
+import fsl.utils.bids  as     fslbids
+def test_parseFilename():
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        fslbids.parseFilename('bad.txt')
+    tests = [
+        ('sub-01_ses-01_t1w.nii.gz',
+         ({'sub' : '01', 'ses' : '01'}, 't1w')),
+        ('a-1_b-2_c-3_d-4_e.json',
+         ({'a' : '1', 'b' : '2', 'c' : '3', 'd' : '4'}, 'e')),
+    ]
+    for filename, expect in tests:
+        assert fslbids.parseFilename(filename) == expect
+def test_isBIDSDir():
+    with tempdir():
+        assert not fslbids.isBIDSDir('.')
+    with tempdir():
+        Path('dataset_description.json').touch()
+        assert fslbids.isBIDSDir('.')
+def test_inBIDSDir():
+    with tempdir():
+        Path('a/b/c').mkdir(parents=True)
+        Path('dataset_description.json').touch()
+        assert fslbids.inBIDSDir(Path('.'))
+        assert fslbids.inBIDSDir(Path('a'))
+        assert fslbids.inBIDSDir(Path('a/b'))
+        assert fslbids.inBIDSDir(Path('a/b/c'))
+    with tempdir():
+        Path('a/b/c').mkdir(parents=True)
+        assert not fslbids.inBIDSDir(Path('.'))
+        assert not fslbids.inBIDSDir(Path('a'))
+        assert not fslbids.inBIDSDir(Path('a/b'))
+        assert not fslbids.inBIDSDir(Path('a/b/c'))
+def test_isBIDSFile():
+    goodfiles = [
+        Path('sub-01_ses-01_t1w.nii.gz'),
+        Path('sub-01_ses-01_t1w.nii'),
+        Path('sub-01_ses-01_t1w.json'),
+        Path('a-1_b-2_c-3_d-4_e.nii.gz'),
+    ]
+    badfiles = [
+        Path('sub-01_ses-01.nii.gz'),
+        Path('sub-01_ses-01_t1w'),
+        Path('sub-01_ses-01_t1w.'),
+        Path('sub-01_ses-01_t1w.txt'),
+        Path('sub_ses-01_t1w.nii.gz'),
+        Path('sub-01_ses_t1w.nii.gz'),
+    ]
+    with tempdir():
+        Path('dataset_description.json').touch()
+        for f in goodfiles: assert     fslbids.isBIDSFile(f)
+        for f in badfiles:  assert not fslbids.isBIDSFile(f)
+    with tempdir():
+        for f in it.chain(goodfiles, badfiles):
+            assert not fslbids.isBIDSFile(f)
+def test_loadMetadata():
+    dd    = Path('dataset_description.json')
+    t1    = Path('sub-01/func/sub-01_task-stim_bold.nii.gz')
+    json1 = Path('sub-01/func/sub-01_task-stim_bold.json')
+    json2 = Path('sub-01/sub-01_bold.json')
+    json3 = Path('sub-01_t1w.json')
+    json4 = Path('sub-01/task-stim_bold.json')
+    meta1 = {'a' : '1',   'b' : '2'}
+    meta2 = {'a' : '10',  'c' : '3'}
+    meta3 = {'a' : '109', 'b' : '99'}
+    meta4 = {'c' : '9',   'd' : '5'}
+    with tempdir():
+        dd.touch()
+        Path(op.dirname(t1)).mkdir(parents=True)
+        t1.touch()
+        assert fslbids.loadMetadata(t1) == {}
+        json1.write_text(json.dumps(meta1))
+        assert fslbids.loadMetadata(t1) == meta1
+        json2.write_text(json.dumps(meta2))
+        assert fslbids.loadMetadata(t1) == {**meta2, **meta1}
+        json3.write_text(json.dumps(meta3))
+        assert fslbids.loadMetadata(t1) == {**meta2, **meta1}
+        json4.write_text(json.dumps(meta4))
+        assert fslbids.loadMetadata(t1) == {**meta4, **meta2, **meta1}
diff --git a/tests/test_image.py b/tests/test_image.py
index 22402c4c2c4b3d5ec3255259f9d606d22d463024..ace4dcb510006bc71acf2c9aceba4493d2944c9c 100644
--- a/tests/test_image.py
+++ b/tests/test_image.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 import              os
+import              json
 import os.path   as op
 import itertools as it
@@ -1382,3 +1383,50 @@ def test_complex():
     assert image[3, 3, 3] == data[3, 3, 3]
     assert dmin == data.min()
     assert dmax == data.max()
+def test_loadMeta():
+    with tempdir():
+        make_image('image.nii.gz')
+        meta = {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}
+        with open('image.json', 'wt') as f:
+            json.dump(meta, f)
+        img = fslimage.Image('image.nii.gz', loadMeta=True)
+        assert img.getMeta('a') == 1
+        assert img.getMeta('b') == 2
+def test_loadMetadata():
+    with tempdir():
+        make_image('image.nii.gz')
+        meta = {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}
+        with open('image.json', 'wt') as f:
+            json.dump(meta, f)
+        img = fslimage.Image('image.nii.gz')
+        gotmeta = fslimage.loadMetadata(img)
+        assert gotmeta == meta
+    with tempdir():
+        imgfile  = op.join('data', 'sub-01', 'anat', 'sub-01_T1w.nii.gz')
+        metafile = op.join('data', 'T1w.json')
+        os.makedirs(op.dirname(imgfile))
+        make_image(imgfile)
+        with open(op.join('data', 'dataset_description.json'), 'wt') as f:
+            pass
+        meta = {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}
+        with open(metafile, 'wt') as f:
+            json.dump(meta, f)
+        img = fslimage.Image(imgfile)
+        gotmeta = fslimage.loadMetadata(img)
+        assert gotmeta == meta
diff --git a/tests/test_meta.py b/tests/test_meta.py
index 2d323d066e3d8ddd822d226a96031a4f10486265..791f1873b0b070e8b3a61c78aa0e8ae58917f541 100644
--- a/tests/test_meta.py
+++ b/tests/test_meta.py
@@ -22,3 +22,8 @@ def test_meta():
     assert list(data.keys())   == list(m.metaKeys())
     assert list(data.values()) == list(m.metaValues())
     assert list(data.items())  == list(m.metaItems())
+    data.update( {'d' : 4, 'e' : 5})
+    m.updateMeta({'d' : 4, 'e' : 5})
+    assert list(data.items())  == list(m.metaItems())