diff --git a/fsl/data/image.py b/fsl/data/image.py
index c6f83c5988b1317ca1e2b691f499d5c339b10d26..c03618d856931ee96c0ab037ba530aa42d4c1a76 100644
--- a/fsl/data/image.py
+++ b/fsl/data/image.py
@@ -771,60 +771,64 @@ class Image(Nifti):
+                 dataSource=None,
         """Create an ``Image`` object with the given image data or file name.
-        :arg image:     A string containing the name of an image file to load,
-                        or a :mod:`numpy` array, or a :mod:`nibabel` image
-                        object.
-        :arg name:      A name for the image.
-        :arg header:    If not ``None``, assumed to be a
-                        :class:`nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Header` or
-                        :class:`nibabel.nifti2.Nifti2Header` to be used as the
-                        image header. Not applied to images loaded from file,
-                        or existing :mod:`nibabel` images.
-        :arg xform:     A :math:`4\\times 4` affine transformation matrix
-                        which transforms voxel coordinates into real world
-                        coordinates. If not provided, and a ``header`` is
-                        provided, the transformation in the header is used.
-                        If neither a ``xform`` nor a ``header`` are provided,
-                        an identity matrix is used. If both a ``xform`` and a
-                        ``header`` are provided, the ``xform`` is used in
-                        preference to the header transformation.
-        :arg loadData:  If ``True`` (the default) the image data is loaded
-                        in to memory.  Otherwise, only the image header
-                        information is read, and the image data is kept
-                        from disk. In either case, the image data is
-                        accessed through an :class:`.ImageWrapper` instance.
-                        The data may be loaded into memory later on via the
-                        :meth:`loadData` method.
-        :arg calcRange: If ``True`` (the default), the image range is
-                        calculated immediately (vi a call to
-                        :meth:`calcRange`). Otherwise, the image range is
-                        incrementally updated as more data is read from memory
-                        or disk.
-        :arg indexed:   If ``True``, and the file is gzipped, it is opened
-                        using the :mod:`indexed_gzip` package. Otherwise the
-                        file is opened by ``nibabel``. Ignored if ``loadData``
-                        is ``True``.
-        :arg threaded:  If ``True``, the :class:`.ImageWrapper` will use a
-                        separate thread for data range calculation. Defaults
-                        to ``False``. Ignored if ``loadData`` is ``True``.
+        :arg image:      A string containing the name of an image file to load,
+                         or a :mod:`numpy` array, or a :mod:`nibabel` image
+                         object.
+        :arg name:       A name for the image.
+        :arg header:     If not ``None``, assumed to be a
+                         :class:`nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Header` or
+                         :class:`nibabel.nifti2.Nifti2Header` to be used as the
+                         image header. Not applied to images loaded from file,
+                         or existing :mod:`nibabel` images.
+        :arg xform:      A :math:`4\\times 4` affine transformation matrix
+                         which transforms voxel coordinates into real world
+                         coordinates. If not provided, and a ``header`` is
+                         provided, the transformation in the header is used.
+                         If neither a ``xform`` nor a ``header`` are provided,
+                         an identity matrix is used. If both a ``xform`` and a
+                         ``header`` are provided, the ``xform`` is used in
+                         preference to the header transformation.
+        :arg loadData:   If ``True`` (the default) the image data is loaded
+                         in to memory.  Otherwise, only the image header
+                         information is read, and the image data is kept
+                         from disk. In either case, the image data is
+                         accessed through an :class:`.ImageWrapper` instance.
+                         The data may be loaded into memory later on via the
+                         :meth:`loadData` method.
+        :arg calcRange:  If ``True`` (the default), the image range is
+                         calculated immediately (vi a call to
+                         :meth:`calcRange`). Otherwise, the image range is
+                         incrementally updated as more data is read from memory
+                         or disk.
+        :arg indexed:    If ``True``, and the file is gzipped, it is opened
+                         using the :mod:`indexed_gzip` package. Otherwise the
+                         file is opened by ``nibabel``. Ignored if ``loadData``
+                         is ``True``.
+        :arg threaded:   If ``True``, the :class:`.ImageWrapper` will use a
+                         separate thread for data range calculation. Defaults
+                         to ``False``. Ignored if ``loadData`` is ``True``.
+        :arg dataSource: If ``image`` is not a file name, this argument may be
+                         used to specify the file from which the image was
+                         loaded.
         All other arguments are passed through to the ``nibabel.load`` function
         (if it is called).
-        nibImage   = None
-        dataSource = None
-        fileobj    = None
+        nibImage = None
+        fileobj  = None
         if loadData:
             indexed  = False
@@ -1132,6 +1136,10 @@ class Image(Nifti):
         filename = op.abspath(filename)
+        # make sure the extension is specified
+        if not looksLikeImage(filename):
+            filename = addExt(filename, mustExist=False)
         log.debug('Saving {} to {}'.format(self.name, filename))
         # If this Image is not managing its
diff --git a/fsl/data/mghimage.py b/fsl/data/mghimage.py
index c1530d493993253962493dd9776611145a888235..ba352c3e64f396b788f9b613383a55cbdb6a49c1 100644
--- a/fsl/data/mghimage.py
+++ b/fsl/data/mghimage.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import os.path as op
 import            six
 import nibabel as nib
+import fsl.utils.path as fslpath
 import fsl.data.image as fslimage
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ class MGHImage(fslimage.Image):
             name     = op.basename(filename)
             image    = nib.load(image)
-            name     = None
+            name     = 'MGH image'
             filename = None
         data   = image.get_data()
@@ -63,12 +64,26 @@ class MGHImage(fslimage.Image):
-                                name=name)
+                                name=name,
+                                dataSource=filename)
         if filename is not None:
             self.setMeta('mghImageFile', filename)
+    def save(self, filename=None):
+        """Overrides :meth:`.Image.save`.  If a ``filename`` is not provided,
+        converts the original (MGH) file name into a NIFTI filename, before
+        passing it to the :meth:`.Image.save` method.
+        """
+        if filename is None:
+            filename = self.dataSource
+        filename = fslpath.removeExt(filename, ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS)
+        return fslimage.Image.save(self, filename)
     def mghImageFile(self):
         """If this ``MGHImage`` was loaded from a file, returns the file