This document contains the ``fslpy`` release history in reverse chronological

1.10.1 (Friday August 3rd 2018)


* Minor adjustmenets to improve Windows compatibility.


* The .mod:`.FEATImage.getCOPE` method was returning PE images.

1.10.0 (Wednesday July 18th 2018)


* A new script, :mod:`.extract_noise`, which can be used to extract ICA
  component time courses from a MELODIC ICA analysis.
* New :func:`.path.allFiles` function which returns all files underneath a
* The :func:`.fileOrImage` and :func:`.fileOrArray` decorators now support
  loading of files which are specified with an output basename.
* New :mod:`.fast` wrapper function for the FSL FAST tool.


* When using the :func:`` function, the command output/error streams
  are now forwarded immediately.
* Removed dependency on ``pytest-runner``.

1.9.0 (Monday June 4th 2018)


* New :meth:`` property method, for easy access to image data
  as a ``numpy`` array.
* New ``log`` option to the :func:`` function, allowing more
  fine-grained control over sub-process output streams.
* New :meth:`.Platform.fsldevdir` property, allowing the ``$FSLDEVDIR``
  environment variable to be queried/changed.


* :meth:`.Image.ndims` has been renamed to :meth:`.Image.ndim`, to align
  more closely with ``numpy`` naming conventions.
* The ``err`` and ``ret`` parameters to the :func:`` function have
  been renamed to ``stderr`` and ``exitcode`` respectively.
* The :func:`.runfsl` function will give priority to the ``$FSLDEVDIR``
  environment variable if it is set.


* :meth:`.Image.ndims`.
* The ``err`` and ``ret`` parameters to :func:``.

1.8.1 (Friday May 11th 2018)


* The :func:`.fileOrImage` decorator function now accepts :class:`.Image`
  objects as well as ``nibabel`` image objects.

1.8.0 (Thursday May 3rd 2018)


* New :mod:`.wrappers` package, containing wrapper functions for a range of
  FSL tools.
* New :mod:`` module, to replace the :mod:`fsl.utils.callfsl`
* New :mod:`fsl.utils.fslsub` module, containing a :func:`.fslsub.submit`
  function which submits a cluster job via ``fsl_sub``.
* Assertions (in the :mod:`.assertions` module) can be disabled with the
  new :func:`.assertions.disabled` context manager.
* New :mod:`fsl.utils.parse_data` module containing various neuroimaging
  data constructors for use with ``argparse``.
* The :func:`.memoize.skipUnchanged` decorator has an ``invalidate`` function
  which allows its cache to be cleared.


* The :func:`.tempdir` function has an option to not change to the newly
  created directory.


* The :mod:`fsl.utils.callfsl` module (replaced with :mod:``).

1.7.2 (Monday March 19th 2018)


* Added the :meth:`.MGHImage.voxToSurfMat` and related properties, giving
  access to the voxel-to-surface affine for an MGH image.

1.7.1 (Monday March 12th 2018)


* Adjusted :func:`.parseVersionString` so it accepts ``.dev*`` suffixes.


* Removed deprecated use of :func:`.imagewrapper.canonicalShape`.

1.7.0 (Tuesday March 6th 2018)


* The :mod:`fsl.utils.assertions` module contains a range of functions
  which can be used to assert that some condition is met.
* The :mod:`fsl.utils.ensure` module contains a range of functions (currently
  just one) which can be used to ensure that some condiution is met.


* The :mod:`.settings` module now saves its files in a format that is
  compatible with Python 2 and 3.
* The :func:`.tempdir` function now accepts a ``root`` argument, which
  specifies the location in which the temporary directory should be created.
* An image's data source can now be set via  :meth:`.Image.__init__`.
* :meth:`.MGHImage` objects now have a :meth:`` method.
* Adjustments to the ``conda`` package build and deployment process.
* The :func:`.ImageWrapper.canonicalShape` function has been moved
  to the :mod:`.image` class.
* The :func:`.ImageWrapper.naninfrange` function has been moved
  into its own :mod:`.naninfrange` module.


* Fixed a bug in the :class:`.MutexFactory` class.


* :func:`.ImageWrapper.canonicalShape` (moved to the :mod:`.image` module)
* :func:`.ImageWrapper.naninfrange` function (moved to the :mod:`.naninfrange`

1.6.8 (Monday February 12th 2018)

* The `atlasq`, `immv`, `imcp` and `imglob` scripts suppress some warnings.

1.6.7 (Friday February 9th 2018)

* More further adjustments to the ``conda`` package build.
* Adjustments to pypi source distribution - the ``requirements-extra.txt`` file
  was not being included.

1.6.6 (Thursday February 8th 2018)

* Further adjustments to the ``conda`` package build.

1.6.5 (Tuesday February 6th 2018)

* Adjustments to the ``conda`` package build.

1.6.4 (Monday February 5th 2018)

* The :mod:`.platform` module emits a warning if it cannot import ``wx``.

1.6.3 (Friday February 2nd 2018)

* Minor enhancements to the :class:`.WeakFunctionRef` class.
* Some bugfixes to the :mod:`fsl.utils.imcp` module, with respect to handling
  relative path names, moving file groups (e.g. `.img`/`.hdr` pairs), and
  non-existent directories.

1.6.2 (Tuesday January 30th 2018)

* Updates to the ``conda`` installation process.
* A new script is installed when ``fslpy`` is installed via ``pip`` or
  ``conda`` - ``atlasquery``, which emulates the FSL ``atlasquery`` tool.

1.6.1 (Monday January 29th 2018)

* Removed ``lxml`` as a dependency - this was necessary in older versions of

1.6.0 (Friday January 26th 2018)

* The new :class:`.Mesh` class is now the base class for all mesh types. It
  has been written to allow multiple sets of vertices to be associated with a
  mesh object (to support e.g. white matter, inflated, spherical models for a
  GIFTI/freeusrfer mesh).
* The new :class:`.VTKMesh` class must now be used for loading VTK model files,
  instead of the old :class:`.TriangleMesh` class.
* The new :class:`.Mesh` class uses the ``trimesh`` library
  ( to perform various geometrical
  operations, accessible via new :meth:`.Mesh.rayIntersection`,
  :meth:`.Mesh.planeIntersection`, :meth:`.Mesh.nearestVertex` methods.
* The :class:`.Nifti` and :class:`.Mesh` classes have new methods allowing
  arbitrary metadata to be stored with the image, as key-value
  pairs. These are provided by a new mixin class, :class:`.Meta`.
* Freesurer surface files and vertex data can now be loaded via the
  :class:`.FreesurferMesh` class, in the new :mod:`.freesurfer` module.
* Freesurfer ``mgz`` / ``mgh`` image files can now be loaded via the new
  :mod:`.mghimage` module. Internally, these image files are converted to NIFTI
  - the :class:`.MGHImage` class derives from the :class:`.Image` class.
* Meta-data access methods on the :class:`.DicomImage` class have been
  deprecated, as their functionality is provided by the new :class:`.Meta`
* The :class:`.TriangleMesh` class has been deprecated in favour of the new
  :class:`.Mesh` class.
* Optional dependencies ``wxpython``, ``indexed_gzip``, ``trimesh``, and
  ``rtree`` are now listed separately, so ``fslpy`` can be used without them
  (although relevant functionality will be disabled if they are not present).

1.5.4 (Wednesday January 10th 2018)

* Actually included the fix that was supposed to be in version 1.5.3.

1.5.3 (Tuesday January 9th 2018)

* Bug fix to :meth:`.ImageWrapper.__expandCoverage` - was not correctly handling
  large images with lots of ``nan`` values.

1.5.2 (Tuesday January 2nd 2018)

* Fixed issue with ```` file.

1.5.1 (Thursday December 14th 2017)

* Fixed bug in :func:`.dicom.scanDir` function related to data series ordering.

1.5.0 (Wednesday December 13th 2017)

* New module :mod:`.dicom`, which provides a thin wrapper on top of Chris
  Rorden's `dcm2niix <>`_.
* New module :mod:`.tempdir`, which has a convenience function for creating
  temporary directories.
* Fixed small issue in :meth:`.Image.dtype` - making sure that it access
  image data via the :class:`.ImageWrapper`, rather than via the `Nifti1Image`

1.4.2 (Tuesday December 5th 2017)

* New function :func:`.transform.rmsdev` function, which implements the RMS
  deviation equation for comparing two affine transformations (FMRIB Technical
  Report TR99MJ1, available at
* Some small bugfixes to the :mod:`.atlasq` and :mod:`.atlases` moduless.

1.4.1 (Thursday November 9th 2017)

* Fixed bug in ````.

1.4.0 (Thursday November 9th 2017)

* The :func:`.uniquePrefix` function now raises a :exc:`~.path.PathError`
  instead of a :exc:`.ValueError`, when an invalid path is provided.
* The :mod:`fsl.utils.async` module is now deprecated, as ``async`` will
  become a reserved word in Python 3.7. It has been renamed to
  ``fsl.utils.idle``, with no other API changes.
* For image file pairs, the ``hdr`` extension now takes precedence over the
  ``img`` extension, when using the :func:`` (and
  related) functions.
* The :func:`fsl.utils.path.addExt` function accepts a new parameter,
  ``unambiguous`` which causes it to allow an ambiguous prefix, and return
  all matching paths.
* New :mod:`~fsl.scripts.atlasq` application, intended to replace the FSL
  ``atlasquery`` tool.
* New :mod:`~fsl.scripts.imglob` application, intended to replace the FSL
  ``imglob`` tool.
* The :meth:`.Image.resample` method explicitly raises a ``ValueError``
  if incompatible shapes are provided.

1.3.1 (Wednesday October 25th 2017)

* Fixed bug in :meth:`.Platform.wxPlatform` causing it to always return

1.3.0 (Wednesday October 25th 2017)

* :class:`.Atlas` classes can now pass ``kwargs`` through to the
  :class:`.Image` constructor.
* :class:`.LabelAtlas` image values no longer need to match the index of the
  label into the :class:`.AtlasDescription` ``labels`` list. This means that
  label atlas XML files may contain non-sequential label values.
* :class:`.Cache` now implements ``__getitem__`` and ``__setitem__``
* The :func:`.image.read_segments` function (monkey-patched into ``nibabel``)
  is deprecated, as it is no longer necessary as of ``nibabel`` 2.2.0.
* :func:`.platform.isWidgetAlive` is deprecated in favour of an equivalent
  function in the ``fsleyes-widgets`` library.
* ``scipy`` is now explicitly listed as a requirement (this should have been
  done in 1.2.1).

1.2.2 (Saturday October 21st 2017)

* The :func:`.image.read_segments` function is only monkey-patched into
  ``nibabel`` 2.1.0, as it breaks when used with 2.2.0.

1.2.1 (Saturday October 7th 2017)

* If an :class:`.Image` is passed an existing ``nibabel`` header object,
  it creates a copy, rather than using the original.
* New :meth:`.Image.resample` method, which resamples the image data to a
  different resolution.
* New :meth:`.LabelAtlas.coordLabel`, :meth:`.LabelAtlas.maskLabel`,
  :meth:`.ProbabilisticAtlas.coordProportions` and
  :meth:`.ProbabilisticAtlas.maskProportions` methods. The ``coord``
  methods perform coordinate queries in voxel or world coordinates,
  and the ``mask`` methods perform mask-based queries.

1.2.0 (Thursday September 21st 2017)

* :meth:`` method deprecated in
  favour of new :meth:`.Nifti.voxToScaledVoxMat` and
  :meth:`Nifti.scaledVoxToVoxMat` properties.

1.1.0 (Monday September 11th 2017)

* The :mod:`fsl` package is now a ``pkgutil``-style `namespace package
  <>`_, so it
  can be used for different projects.
* Updates to :class:`` and :class:``
  to add support for images with more than 4 dimensions:
  - New ``ndims`` property
  - ``is4DImage`` method deprecated

1.0.5 (Thursday August 10th 2017)

* New functions and further adjustments in :mod:`fsl.utils.transform` module:

 - :func:`.transform.rotMatToAffine` converts a ``(3, 3)`` rotation matrix
   into a ``(4, 4)`` affine.
 - :func:`.transform.transformNormal` applies an affine transform to one or
   more vectors.
 - :func:`.transform.veclength` calculates the length of a vector
 - :func:`.transform.normalise` normalises a vector
 - :func:`.transform.scaleOffsetXform` adjusted to have more flexibility with
   respect to inputs.
 - :func:`.transform.decompose` can return rotations either as three
   axis-angles, or as a rotation matrix

* Updates to :class:`` - ``vertices`` and ``indices``
  are now ``property`` attributes. New lazily generated ``normals`` and
  ``vnormals`` properties (face and vertex normals respectively). Option
  to ``__init__`` to fix the face winding order of a mesh.
* :func:`fsl.utils.memoize.memoize` decorator made into a class rather than a
  function. The new :class:`.Memoize` class has an ``invalidate`` method, which
  clears the cache.

1.0.4 (Friday July 14th 2017)

* Python 2/3 compatibility fix to :mod:`fsl.utils.callfsl`.
* Fix to :func:`fsl.utils.transform.scaleOffsetXform` - accepts inputs
  that are not lists.
* :func:`fsl.utils.transform.compose` accepts either a sequence of three
  axis angles, or a ``(3, 3)`` rotation matrix.

1.0.3 (Sunday June 11th 2017)

* Fix to :mod:`fsl.utils.async` which was breaking environments where multiple
  ``wx.App`` instances were being created.

1.0.2 (Thursday June 8th 2017)

* Python 2/3 compatibility fixes
* New :func:`fsl.version.patchVersion` function.

1.0.1 (Sunday 4th June 2017)

* New version number parsing functions in :mod:`fsl.version`.

1.0.0 (Saturday May 27th 2017)

* Removed many GUI-related modules - they have been moved to the
  ``fsleyes-widgets`` project. The following modules have been removed:
  - :mod:`fsl.utils.colourbarbitmap`
  - :mod:`fsl.utils.dialog`
  - :mod:`fsl.utils.imagepanel`
  - :mod:`fsl.utils.layout`
  - :mod:`fsl.utils.platform`
  - :mod:`fsl.utils.runwindow`
  - :mod:`fsl.utils.status`
  - :mod:`fsl.utils.textbitmap`
  - :mod:`fsl.utils.typedict`
  - :mod:`fsl.utils.webpage`
* :mod:`fsl.utils.settings` module rewritten. It no longer uses ``wx``,
  but instead stores plain-text and ``pickle`` files in the user's home
* Software GL renderer test in :mod:`fsl.utils.platform` is more lenient
* New :class:`.AtlasLabel` class
* :meth:`.Image.__init__` allows arguments to be passed through to
* New :meth:`.Nifti.strval` method to handle escaped strings in NIFTI headers.
* Python 2/3 compatibility fixes

0.11.0 (Thursday April 20th 2017)

* First public release as part of FSL 5.0.10