Contributing to ``fslpy`` ========================= *This document is a work in progress* Development model ----------------- - The master branch should always be stable and ready to release. All development occurs on the master branch. - All changes to the master branch occur via merge requests. Individual developers are free to choose their own development workflow in their own repositories. - Merge requests will not be accepted unless: - All existing tests pass (or have been updated as needed). - New tests have been written to cover newly added features. - Code coverage is as close to 100% as possible. - Coding conventions are adhered to (unless there is good reason not to). Commit messages --------------- To aid readability, all commit messages should be prefixed with one or more of the following labels (this convention has been inherited from `nibabel <>`_): * *BF* : bug fix * *RF* : refactoring * *NF* : new feature * *BW* : addresses backward-compatibility * *OPT* : optimization * *BK* : breaks something and/or tests fail * *PL* : making pylint happier * *DOC* : for all kinds of documentation related commits * *TEST*: for adding or changing tests * *MNT* : for administrative/maintenance changes * *CI* : for continuous-integration changes Version number -------------- The ``fslpy`` version number roughly follows `semantic versioning <>`_ rules, so that dependant projects are able to perform compatibility testing. The full version number string consists of three numbers:: major.minor.patch - The ``patch`` number is incremented on bugfixes and minor (backwards-compatible) changes. - The ``minor`` number is incremented on feature additions and/or backwards-compatible changes. - The ``major`` number is incremented on major feature additions, and backwards-incompatible changes. The version number in the ``master`` branch should be of the form ````, to indicate that any releases made from this branch are development releases (although development releases are not part of the release model). Releases -------- A separate branch is created for each **minor** release. The name of the branch is ``v[major.minor]``, where ``[major.minor]`` is the first two components of the release version number (see above). For example, the branch name for minor release ``1.0`` would be ``v1.0``. Patches and bugfixes may be added to these release branches as ``patch`` releases. These changes should be made on the master branch like any other change (i.e. via merge requests), and then cherry-picked onto the relevant release branch(es). Every release commit is also tagged with its full version number. For example, the first release off the ``v1.0`` branch would be tagged with ``1.0.0``. Patch releases to the ``v1.0`` branch would be tagged with ``1.0.1``, ``1.0.2``, etc. Testing ------- Unit and integration tests are currently run with ``py.test`` and ``coverage``. - Aim for 100% code coverage. - Tests must pass on python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 Coding conventions ------------------ - Clean, readable code is good - White space and visual alignment is good (where it helps to make the code more readable) - Clear and accurate documentation is good - Document all modules, functions, classes, and methods using `ReStructuredText <>`_. Configure your text editor to use: - `flake8 <>`_: This checks your code for adherence to the `PEP8 <>`_ coding standard. - `pylint <>`_: This checks that your code follows other good conventions. Because I like whitespace and vertical alignment more than PEP8 does, the following violations of the PEP8 standard are accepted (see `here <>`_ for a list of error codes): - E127: continuation line over-indented for visual indent - E201: whitespace after '(' - E203: whitespace before ':' - E221: multiple spaces before operator - E222: multiple spaces after operator - E241: multiple spaces after ',' - E271: multiple spaces after keyword - E272: multiple spaces before keyword - E301: expected 1 blank line, found 0 - E302: expected 2 blank lines, found 0 - E303: too many blank lines (3) - E701: multiple statements on one line (colon) The ``pylint`` tool can be *very* opinionated about how you write your code, and also checks many of the same things as ``flake8``. So I disable all refactoring and convention messages, and a few select warnings (type ``pylint --list-msgs`` for a full list of codes): - W0511 (``fixme``): Warn about ``TODO`` and ``FIXME`` comments - W0703 (``broad-except``): Warn about too-general ``except`` blocks (e.g. ``except Exception:``) - W1202 (``logging-format-interpolation``): Warn about using ``format`` when calling a log function, instead of using ``%`` string formatting. To check code with ``flake8`` and ``pylint``, I use the following commands:: flake8 --ignore=E127,E201,E203,E221,E222,E241,E271,E272,E301,E302,E303,E701 fsl pylint --extension-pkg-whitelist=numpy,wx \ --generated-members=np.int8,np.uint8,np.int16,np.uint16,np.int32,np.uint32,np.int64,np.uint64,np.float32,np.float64,np.float128,wx.PyDeadObjectError \ --disable=R,C,W0511,W0703,W1202 fsl