diff --git a/src/MRIBuilder.jl b/src/MRIBuilder.jl
index 281f3c0f4e0152effc7ac14ad35b5c4165e6bba2..f43eb7a93148fb54e6c12701486b0e59c37a9c68 100644
--- a/src/MRIBuilder.jl
+++ b/src/MRIBuilder.jl
@@ -3,40 +3,48 @@ Builds and optimises NMR/MRI sequences.
 module MRIBuilder
-import .BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, scanner_constraints!
-export BuildingBlock, scanner_constraints!
+import .GlobalModel: set_model
+export set_model
-import .SequenceBuilders: SequenceBuilder, start_time, end_time, duration, TR
-export SequenceBuilder, start_time, end_time, duration, TR
+import .Scanners: Scanner, B0, Siemens_Connectom, Siemens_Prisma, Siemens_Terra
+export Scanner, B0, Siemens_Connectom, Siemens_Prisma, Siemens_Terra
-import .ConcreteBlocks: ConcreteBlock, Sequence
-export ConcreteBlock, Sequence
+import .Variables: variables, duration, start_time, end_time, flip_angle, amplitude, phase, frequency, bandwidth, N_left, N_right, qval, area_under_curve, δ, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate, gradient_strength
+export variables, duration, start_time, end_time, flip_angle, amplitude, phase, frequency, bandwidth, N_left, N_right, qval, area_under_curve, δ, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate, gradient_strength
+import .BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock
+export BuildingBlocks
+import .ConcreteBlocks: ConcreteBlock, AbstractConcreteBlock
+export ConcreteBlocks, AbstractConcreteBlock
 import .Wait: WaitBlock
 export WaitBlock
-import .Gradients: PulsedGradient, InstantGradientBlock, qval, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate, gradient_strength, bval
-export PulsedGradient, InstantGradientBlock, qval, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate, gradient_strength, bval
+import .Containers: Sequence
+export Sequence
-import .Pulses: InstantRFPulseBlock, ConstantPulse, SincPulse, flip_angle, phase, frequency, bandwidth, N_left, N_right
-export InstantRFPulseBlock, ConstantPulse, SincPulse, flip_angle, phase, frequency, bandwidth, N_left, N_right
+import .Gradients: PulsedGradient, InstantGradientBlock
+export PulsedGradient, InstantGradientBlock
+import .Pulses: InstantRFPulseBlock, ConstantPulse, SincPulse
+export InstantRFPulseBlock, ConstantPulse, SincPulse
 import .Readouts: InstantReadout
 export InstantReadout
-import .Scanners: Scanner, Siemens_Connectom, Siemens_Prisma, Siemens_Terra
-export Scanner, Siemens_Connectom, Siemens_Prisma, Siemens_Terra
-using JuMP
+import JuMP: @constraint, @objective, objective_function, optimize!, has_values, value
 export @constraint, @objective, objective_function, optimize!, has_values, value
diff --git a/src/building_blocks.jl b/src/building_blocks.jl
index d9b0374dbe6b122ceca451a32849079a72d57589..715092b4a7aaa25bd097087d410daa5438cd9e06 100644
--- a/src/building_blocks.jl
+++ b/src/building_blocks.jl
@@ -1,44 +1,36 @@
 module BuildingBlocks
 import JuMP: has_values, GenericVariableRef, value, Model, @constraint, @objective, owner_model, objective_function
 import Printf: @sprintf
-import ..Scanners: Scanner, gradient_strength, slew_rate
+import ..Scanners: Scanner
+import ..Variables: variables, start_time, duration, end_time, gradient_strength, slew_rate
 Parent type for all individual components out of which a sequence can be built.
 Required methods:
 - [`duration`](@ref)(block, parameters): returns block duration in ms.
-- [`to_concrete_block`](@ref)(sequence, block): converts the block into a `ConcreteBlock`, which will be part of given `Sequence`.
+- `to_concrete_block`(sequence, block): converts the block into a `ConcreteBlock`, which will be part of given `Sequence`.
 - [`variables`](@ref): A list of all functions that are used to compute variables of the building block. Any of these can be used in constraints or objective functions.
 abstract type BuildingBlock end
-    duration(building_block)
+    start_time(container, args...)
-The duration of the building block in ms.
+Returns the starting time of the specific [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) within the container.
+The [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) is defined by one or more indices as defined below.
-function duration end
+start_time(bb) = 0.
-    gradient_strength(gradient)
-Maximum gradient strength in kHz/um.
-If a [`Scanner`](@ref) is provided, this will be constrained to be lower than the maximum scanner gradient strength.
-function gradient_strength end
+    end_time(container, args...)
+Returns the end time of the specific [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) within the container.
+The [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) is defined by one or more indices as defined below.
-    slew_rate(gradient)
+end_time(bb) = duration(bb)
-Maximum rate of increase (and decrease) of the gradient strength in kHz/um/ms.
-If a [`Scanner`](@ref) is provided, this will be constrained to be lower than the maximum scanner slew rate.
-function slew_rate end
     scanner_constraints!([model, ]building_block, scanner)
@@ -65,24 +57,14 @@ Returns a list of function that can be called to constrain the `building_block`.
 variables(bb::BuildingBlock) = variables(typeof(bb))
-struct _BuildingBlockPrinter
-    bb :: BuildingBlock
-    number :: Integer
 function Base.show(io::IO, block::BuildingBlock)
     print(io, string(typeof(block)), "(")
-    if has_values(block)
-        if iszero(value(duration(block)))
-            print(io, "time=", @sprintf("%.3f", value(start_time(block))), ", ")
-        else
-            print(
-                io, "time=", 
-                @sprintf("%.3f", value(start_time(block))), " - ",
-                @sprintf("%.3f", value(end_time(block))), ", "
-            )
-        end
-    end
+    internal_print(io, block)
+    print(io, ")")
+function internal_print(io::IO, block::BuildingBlock)
     for name in propertynames(block)
         value = getproperty(block, name)
         if value isa GenericVariableRef || name == :parent || string(name)[1] == '_'
@@ -101,14 +83,12 @@ function Base.show(io::IO, block::BuildingBlock)
             print(io, "$(nameof(fn))=$(printed_value), ")
-    print(io, ")")
 # The `start_time` and `end_time` functions are properly defined in "sequence_builders.jl"
 function start_time end
 function end_time end
     set_simple_constraints!(model, block, kwargs)
@@ -158,42 +138,4 @@ function match_blocks!(block1::BuildingBlock, block2::BuildingBlock)
     match_blocks!(block1, block2, property_list)
-Stores the parameters passed on a [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) constructor (of type `T`).
-The parameters are temporarily stored in this format, until they can be added to a `SequenceBuilder`.
-For example, the following
-pg = PulsedGradient(qval=2)
-will return a `BuildingBlockPlaceholder` object rather than a `PulsedGradient` object.
-Only when this object is added to a `SequenceBuilder`, is the `PulsedGradient` actually initialised using the JuMP model of that `SequenceBuilder`:
-sb = SequenceBuilder([pg])
-You can access the initialised `PulsedGradient` through the `BuildingBlockPlaceholder` (`pg.concrete[]`) or directly through the `SequenceBuilder` (`sb[1]`)
-Each Placeholder can be added to only a single `SequenceBuilder`, but it can be added multiple times to the same `SequenceBuilder`.
-If added multiple times to the same `SequenceBuilder`, all variables will be matched between them.
-struct BuildingBlockPlaceholder{T<:BuildingBlock}
-    args
-    kwargs
-    concrete :: Ref{T}
-    BuildingBlockPlaceholder{T}(args...; kwargs...) where {T<:BuildingBlock} = new{T}(args, kwargs, Ref{T}())
-function Base.show(io::IO, placeholder::BuildingBlockPlaceholder{T}) where {T}
-    if isassigned(placeholder.concrete)
-        print(io, "Assigned BuildingBlockPlaceholder for $(placeholder.concrete[])")
-    else
-        args = join(placeholder.args, ", ")
-        kwargs = join(["$key=$value" for (key, value) in pairs(placeholder.kwargs)], ", ")
-        print(io, "Unassigned BuildingBlockPlaceholder{$T}($args; $kwargs)")
-    end
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diff --git a/src/concrete_blocks.jl b/src/concrete_blocks.jl
index 539b8b4f1709b02d300265e622776ed3e2c3cd59..19528ac25b1de660a39e3aab87129607e814a08c 100644
--- a/src/concrete_blocks.jl
+++ b/src/concrete_blocks.jl
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 module ConcreteBlocks
 import JuMP: has_values, optimize!, value
-import ..BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, BuildingBlockPlaceholder, properties, duration
-import ..SequenceBuilders: SequenceBuilder, to_block, AbstractSequence, TR, get_blocks
+import ..Variables: variables, duration
+import ..BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock
-abstract type AbstractConcreteBlock <: BuildingBlock end
 struct ConcreteRFPulse
     time :: Vector{Number}
@@ -64,13 +63,14 @@ ConcreteGradient(values::Tuple{<:Vector, <:Vector}) = ConcreteGradient(values...
 ConcreteGradient(values::Tuple{<:Vector, <:Vector, <:Vector, <:Vector}) = ConcreteGradient(values...)
+abstract type AbstractConcreteBlock <: BuildingBlock end
     ConcreteBlock(duration; pulse=nothing, gradient=nothing, rotate_bvec=false, readout_times=nothing)
 A [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) that is fully defined (i.e., there are no variables to be optimised).
 struct ConcreteBlock <: AbstractConcreteBlock
-    builder :: AbstractSequence
     duration :: Float64
     pulse :: Union{ConcreteRFPulse, Nothing}
     gradient :: Union{ConcreteGradient, Nothing}
@@ -78,31 +78,29 @@ struct ConcreteBlock <: AbstractConcreteBlock
     rotate_gradient :: Bool
-ConcreteBlock(args...; kwargs...) = BuildingBlockPlaceholder{ConcreteBlock}(args...; kwargs...)
-function ConcreteBlock(builder::AbstractSequence, duration::Number; pulse=nothing, gradient=nothing, readout_times=Number[], rotate_gradient=false)
-    ConcreteBlock(builder, duration, ConcreteRFPulse(pulse), ConcreteGradient(gradient), Float64.(readout_times), rotate_gradient)
+function ConcreteBlock(duration::Number; pulse=nothing, gradient=nothing, readout_times=Number[], rotate_gradient=false)
+    ConcreteBlock(duration, ConcreteRFPulse(pulse), ConcreteGradient(gradient), Float64.(readout_times), rotate_gradient)
-has_values(c::AbstractConcreteBlock) = has_values(c.builder)
+has_values(c::AbstractConcreteBlock) = true
 duration(c::AbstractConcreteBlock) = 0.
 duration(c::ConcreteBlock) = c.duration
-    ConcreteBlock(sequence, other_building_block)
+    ConcreteBlock(other_building_block)
 Creates a [`ConcreteBlock`](@ref) from another [`BuildingBlock`](@ref).
 This will raise an error if the other [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) has not been optimised yet.
 If it has been optimised, then [`to_concrete_block`](@ref) will be called.
-function ConcreteBlock(sequence::AbstractSequence, block::BuildingBlock)
+function ConcreteBlock(block::BuildingBlock)
     if !has_values(block)
         error("Making `BuildingBlock` objects concrete is only possible after optimisation.")
-    return to_concrete_block(sequence, block)
+    return to_concrete_block(block)
@@ -113,40 +111,11 @@ Internal function used to create [`ConcreteBlock`](@ref) from any [`BuildingBloc
 This needs to be defined for every [`BuildingBlock`](@ref)
-function to_concrete_block(sequence::AbstractSequence, cb::ConcreteBlock)
-    return ConcreteBlock(sequence, cb.duration, cb.pulse, cb.gradient, cb.readout_times)
+function to_concrete_block(cb::ConcreteBlock)
+    return ConcreteBlock(cb.duration, cb.pulse, cb.gradient, cb.readout_times, cb.rotate_gradient, value.(cb.start_time))
 variables(::Type{<:AbstractConcreteBlock}) = []
-    Sequence(builder::SequenceBuilder)
-A fully defined sequence with no free variables.
-When created from a [`SequenceBuilder`](@ref), all non-fixed variables are optimised given any constraints
-and the resulting sequence is returned.
-struct Sequence <: AbstractSequence
-    blocks :: Vector{<:AbstractConcreteBlock}
-    TR :: Number
-TR(seq::Sequence) = seq.TR
-get_blocks(seq::Sequence) = seq.blocks
-has_values(seq::Sequence) = true
-function Sequence(builder::SequenceBuilder)
-    if !has_values(builder)
-        optimize!(builder.model)
-    end
-    seq = Sequence(AbstractConcreteBlock[], value(TR(builder)))
-    for block in builder.blocks
-        @show block
-        push!(seq.blocks, ConcreteBlock(seq, block))
-    end
-    return seq
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diff --git a/src/containers/containers.jl b/src/containers/containers.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..591b9f09a426b9d327daf5bd879a95c9efb929e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/containers/containers.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module Containers
+import .Sequences: Sequence
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/containers/sequences.jl b/src/containers/sequences.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5dc31a06ebbb64f7d8740f2dde94acb682025744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/containers/sequences.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+module Sequences
+import JuMP: Model
+import ...GlobalModel: @global_model_constructor
+import ...Variables: variables, start_time, duration, VariableType
+import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock
+import ...InsertedBuildingBlocks: InsertedBuildingBlock
+    Sequence(building_blocks...)
+    Sequence([building_blocks])
+Represents a series of [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) objects run in turn.
+struct Sequence <: BuildingBlock
+    model :: Model
+    blocks :: Vector{<:BuildingBlock}
+@global_model_constructor Sequence
+Sequence(model::Model, blocks...) = Sequence(model, blocks)
+Base.length(seq::Sequence) = length(seq)
+Base.getindex(seq::Sequence, index) = seq[index]
+    start_time(sequence::Sequence, index::Integer, args...)
+Returns the starting time of the [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) with index `index`.
+Additional `args` can be used to select a sub-block of that [`BuildingBlock`](@ref).
+The starting time is returned with respect to the start of this sequence.
+start_time(seq::Sequence) = 0.
+start_time(seq::Sequence, index::Integer) = iszero(index) ? start_time(seq) : (start_time(seq, index-1) + duration(seq[index]))
+start_time(seq::Sequence, index::Integer, args...) = start_time(seq, index) + start_time(seq[index], args...)
+    end_time(sequence::Sequence, index::Integer, args...)
+Returns the end time of the [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) with index `index`.
+Additional `args` can be used to select a sub-block of that [`BuildingBlock`](@ref).
+The end time is returned with respect to the start of this sequence.
+end_time(seq::Sequence, index::Integer) = start_time(seq, index) + duration(seq[index])
+end_time(seq::Sequence, index::Integer, args...) = start_time(seq, index) + end_time(seq[index], args...)
+duration(seq::Sequence) = end_time(seq, length(seq))
diff --git a/src/global_model.jl b/src/global_model.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d845afb46f6334eafeb55bca3a55b1b79884b71b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/global_model.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+module GlobalModel
+import JuMP: Model
+const GLOBAL_MODEL = Ref(Model())
+Sets a global JuMP `Model`.
+Use as 
+model = set_model([model]) do
+    ...
+Any sequences created within the code block will be assigned the same JuMP `Model`.
+If no model is provided a new one is created (using a Juniper optimizer based on the Ipopt non-linear optimizer).
+The function will return the fully formed JuMP `Model`.
+function set_model(f::Function, model::Model)
+    prev_model = global_model[]
+    global_model[] = model
+    try
+        f()
+    finally
+        global_model[] = prev_model
+    end
+    return model
+function set_model(f::Function)
+    ipopt_opt = optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "print_level" => 0)
+    juniper_opt = optimizer_with_attributes(Juniper.Optimizer, "nl_solver" => ipopt_opt)
+    model = Model(juniper_opt)
+    set_model(f, model)
+function get_global_model()
+        error("No global model has been set. Please explicitly set one in the constructor or set a global model using `set_model`.")
+    end
+    return GLOBAL_MODEL[]
+    @global_model_constructor BuildingBlockType
+Add a onstructor the [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) subtype that fetches the global JuMP model (set by [`set_model`](@ref)) and assigns it to the first argument.
+BuildingBlockType(args...; kwargs...) = BuildingBlockType(global_model::JuMP.Model, args...; kwargs...)
+macro global_model_constructor(bb)
+    quote
+        $(esc(bb))(args...; kwargs...) = $(esc(bb))(get_global_model(), args...; kwargs...)
+    end
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diff --git a/src/gradients/gradients.jl b/src/gradients/gradients.jl
index 907cc8e3c832a2c4930a93506fd86da082a96d89..8c6dbb6f64a21323e34cc8dda586a9a276e403d2 100644
--- a/src/gradients/gradients.jl
+++ b/src/gradients/gradients.jl
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ include("integrate_gradients.jl")
-import .IntegrateGradients: qval, bval
-import .PulsedGradients: PulsedGradient, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate, gradient_strength
+import .PulsedGradients: PulsedGradient
 import .InstantGradients: InstantGradientBlock
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gradients/instant_gradients.jl b/src/gradients/instant_gradients.jl
index a8ee301d74714cde249c9eb49a295d9a78e05fc1..22016ec190c3dd226f5f423532f31ca3aabf6a22 100644
--- a/src/gradients/instant_gradients.jl
+++ b/src/gradients/instant_gradients.jl
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 module InstantGradients
-import JuMP: @constraint, @variable, VariableRef
-import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, properties, BuildingBlockPlaceholder, set_simple_constraints!, duration
-import ...SequenceBuilders: SequenceBuilder, owner_model, start_time
-import ...ConcreteBlocks: to_concrete_block, AbstractConcreteBlock, Sequence, AbstractSequence
-import ..IntegrateGradients: qval, bval
+import JuMP: @constraint, @variable, Model, owner_model
+import ...Variables: qval, bval, start_time, duration, variables, get_free_variable, VariableType
+import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock
+import ...ConcreteBlocks: to_concrete_block, AbstractConcreteBlock
+import ...GlobalModel: @global_model_constructor
     InstantGradientBlock(; orientation=:bvec, qval=nothing)
@@ -19,21 +19,20 @@ This is a [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) for the [`SequenceBuilder`](@ref).
 - [`qval`](@ref): Spatial scale on which spins will be dephased due to this pulsed gradient in rad/um.
 struct InstantGradientBlock <: BuildingBlock
-    builder::SequenceBuilder
+    model::Model
     orientation :: Any
-    qval :: VariableRef
+    qval :: VariableType
-InstantGradientBlock(; kwargs...) = BuildingBlockPlaceholder{InstantGradientBlock}(; kwargs...)
+@global_model_constructor InstantGradientBlock
-function InstantGradientBlock(builder::SequenceBuilder; orientation=:bvec, kwargs...)
-    model = owner_model(builder)
+function InstantGradientBlock(model::Model; orientation=:bvec, qval=nothing)
     res = InstantGradientBlock(
-        builder,
+        model,
-        @variable(model)
+        get_free_variable(model, qval),
-    set_simple_constraints!(model, res, kwargs)
+    @constraint model model.qval >= 0
     return res
@@ -51,13 +50,12 @@ Instantaneous MR gradient with no free variables.
 See [`InstantGradientBlock`](@ref) for a version where [`qval`](@ref) is variable.
 struct ConcreteInstantGradient <: AbstractConcreteBlock
-    builder :: AbstractSequence
     orientation :: Any
     qval :: Number
-function to_concrete_block(builder::Sequence, block::InstantGradientBlock)
-    return ConcreteInstantGradient(builder, block.orientation, value(qval(block)))
+function to_concrete_block(block::InstantGradientBlock)
+    return ConcreteInstantGradient(block.orientation, value(qval(block)))
diff --git a/src/gradients/integrate_gradients.jl b/src/gradients/integrate_gradients.jl
index 9083c050c61c4d3932342a5eb7f2e230d2e1741c..8b28be490b51009ee4bad341b77ea394a8b5024f 100644
--- a/src/gradients/integrate_gradients.jl
+++ b/src/gradients/integrate_gradients.jl
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 module IntegrateGradients
+import ...Variables: qval, bval
 import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock
-import ...SequenceBuilders: SequenceBuilder, TR, duration, builder, index
+import ...Containers: Sequence
-    qval(blocks)
-    qval(builder::SequenceBuilder, indices)
+    qval(container, indices)
 Computes the total q-value summed over multiple gradient [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) objects.
@@ -19,12 +19,10 @@ In addition, in this interface one can provide negative indices to indicate that
 The integral can occur over multiple repetition times by including [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) objects out of order (or by using :TR).
-qval(builder::SequenceBuilder, indices::AbstractVector) = full_integral(builder, indices)[1]
-qval(indices::AbstractVector) = full_integral(indices)[1]
+qval(builder::Sequence, indices::AbstractVector) = full_integral(builder, indices)[1]
-    bval(blocks)
-    bval(builder::SequenceBuilder, indices)
+    bval(container, indices)
 Computes the total b-value combined over multiple gradient [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) objects.
@@ -38,20 +36,9 @@ In addition, in this interface one can provide negative indices to indicate that
 The integral can occur over multiple repetition times by including [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) objects out of order (or by using :TR).
-bval(builder::SequenceBuilder, indices::AbstractVector) = full_integral(builder, indices)[2]
-bval(indices::AbstractVector) = full_integral(indices)[2]
+bval(builder::Sequence, indices::AbstractVector) = full_integral(builder, indices)[2]
-function full_integral(blocks::AbstractVector)
-    actual_blocks = filter(b -> b isa BuildingBlock)
-    if length(actual_blocks) == 0
-        return (0., 0.)
-    end
-    sb = builder(blocks[1])
-    return full_integral(sb, map(b -> b isa BuildingBlock ? index(sb, b) : b))
-function full_integral(builder::SequenceBuilder, indices::AbstractVector)
+function full_integral(builder::Sequence, indices::AbstractVector)
     qval_current = 0.
     current_index = 0
     bval_current = 0.
diff --git a/src/gradients/pulsed_gradients.jl b/src/gradients/pulsed_gradients.jl
index a140346656a3f6f032736b1c8f13bbcc934a5e75..6a91760c355235c899d44deda07fd50f25385ac5 100644
--- a/src/gradients/pulsed_gradients.jl
+++ b/src/gradients/pulsed_gradients.jl
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ module PulsedGradients
 import JuMP: @constraint, @variable, Model, VariableRef, owner_model, value
 import StaticArrays: SVector
-import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, duration, properties, set_simple_constraints!, BuildingBlockPlaceholder, gradient_strength, slew_rate
-import ...SequenceBuilders: SequenceBuilder, start_time
-import ...ConcreteBlocks: ConcreteBlock, to_concrete_block, AbstractSequence
-import ..IntegrateGradients: qval, bval
+import ...Variables: qval, bval, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate, gradient_strength, variables, duration, δ, get_free_variable, VariableType
+import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, duration, set_simple_constraints!
+import ...ConcreteBlocks: ConcreteBlock, to_concrete_block
+import ...GlobalModel: @global_model_constructor
@@ -36,66 +36,36 @@ If not set, they will be determined during the sequence optimisation.
 The [`bvalue`](@ref) can be constrained for multiple gradient pulses.
 mutable struct PulsedGradient <: BuildingBlock
-    builder::SequenceBuilder
+    model :: Model
     orientation :: Any
-    slew_rate :: VariableRef
-    rise_time :: VariableRef
-    flat_time :: VariableRef
+    slew_rate :: VariableType
+    rise_time :: VariableType
+    flat_time :: VariableType
-function PulsedGradient(; kwargs...)
-    return BuildingBlockPlaceholder{PulsedGradient}(; kwargs...)
+@global_model_constructor PulsedGradient
-function PulsedGradient(builder::SequenceBuilder; orientation=:bvec, kwargs...)
+function PulsedGradient(model::Model; orientation=:bvec, slew_rate=nothing, rise_time=nothing, flat_time=nothing, kwargs...)
     model = owner_model(builder)
     res = PulsedGradient(
-        @variable(model),
-        @variable(model),
-        @variable(model)
+        [get_free_variable(model, value) for value in (slew_rate, rise_time, flat_time)]...
     set_simple_constraints!(model, res, kwargs)
-    @constraint model flat_time(res) >= 0
-    @constraint model rise_time(res) >= 0
-    @constraint model slew_rate(res) >= 0
+    @constraint model res.flat_time >= 0
+    @constraint model res.rise_time >= 0
+    @constraint model res.slew_rate >= 0
     return res
-    rise_time(pulsed_gradient)
-The time from 0 till the maximum gradient strength in ms.
 rise_time(pg::PulsedGradient) = pg.rise_time
-    flat_time(pulsed_gradient)
-The time spent at the maximum gradient strength in ms.
 flat_time(pg::PulsedGradient) = pg.flat_time
 gradient_strength(g::PulsedGradient) = rise_time(g) * slew_rate(g)
 slew_rate(g::PulsedGradient) = g.slew_rate
-    δ(pulsed_gradient)
-Pulse gradient duration (`rise_time + `flat_time`).  This is the effective duration of the gradient. The real duration is longer (and given by [`duration`](@ref)).
 δ(g::PulsedGradient) = rise_time(g) + flat_time(g)
 duration(g::PulsedGradient) = 2 * rise_time(g) + flat_time(g)
-    qval(gradient)
-q-value at the end of the gradient (rad/um).
 qval(g::PulsedGradient) = (g.orientation == :neg_bvec ? -1 : 1) * gradient_strength(g) * δ(g)
@@ -116,7 +86,7 @@ end
 variables(::Type{<:PulsedGradient}) = [qval, δ, gradient_strength, duration, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate]
-function to_concrete_block(s::AbstractSequence, block::PulsedGradient)
+function to_concrete_block(block::PulsedGradient)
     if block.orientation == :bvec
         rotate = true
         qvec = [value(qval(block)), 0., 0.]
@@ -131,7 +101,7 @@ function to_concrete_block(s::AbstractSequence, block::PulsedGradient)
     t_rise = value(rise_time(block))
     t_d = value(δ(block))
-    return ConcreteBlock(s, t_d + t_rise, gradient=[
+    return ConcreteBlock(t_d + t_rise, gradient=[
         (0., zeros(3)),
         (t_rise, qvec),
         (t_d, qvec),
diff --git a/src/inserted_building_blocks.jl b/src/inserted_building_blocks.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a4b54db309d47141f2303e23e45bd25c6dc1e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inserted_building_blocks.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+module InsertedBuildingBlocks
+import Printf: @sprintf
+import JuMP: owner_model, has_values, Model
+import ..GlobalModel: @global_model_constructor
+import ..Variables: Variables, duration, start_time, variables, end_time, get_free_variable
+import ..BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, internal_print
+    InsertedBuildingBlock(building_block; start_time=nothing)
+    InsertedBuildingBlock(building_block, index)
+Represents a specific insertion of the [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) object within a larger sequence.
+If `index` is set an existing [`InsertedBuildingBlock`](@ref) is returned. Otherwise, a new one is created with the given `start_time` as constraint.
+struct InsertedBuildingBlock{T<:BuildingBlock}
+    bb :: T
+    index :: Int
+    function InsertedBuildingBlock(bb, index)
+        if index < 1 || index > length(bb)
+            error("$index is out of range for $bb")
+        end
+        return new{typeof(bb)}(bb, index)
+    end
+owner_model(inserted::InsertedBuildingBlock) = owner_model(inserted.bb)
+has_values(inserted::InsertedBuildingBlock) = has_values(owner_model(inserted))
+@global_model_constructor InsertedBuildingBlock
+function InsertedBuildingBlock(model::Model, bb::BuildingBlock; start_time=nothing)
+    index = length(bb.start_time) + 1
+    push!(bb.start_time, get_free_variable(model, start_time))
+    InsertedBuildingBlock(bb, index)
+function Base.show(io::IO, inserted::InsertedBuildingBlock)
+    print(io, string(typeof(block)), "(")
+    if has_values(inserted)
+        if iszero(value(duration(block)))
+            print(io, "time=", @sprintf("%.3f", value(start_time(block))), ", ")
+        else
+            print(
+                io, "time=", 
+                @sprintf("%.3f", value(start_time(block))), "-",
+                @sprintf("%.3f", value(end_time(block))), ", "
+            )
+        end
+    end
+    internal_print(io, inserted.bb)
+    print(io, ")")
+for func in variables()
+    if func in (start_time, end_time)
+        continue
+    end
+    @eval Variables.$(nameof(func))(inserted::InsertedBuildingBlock, args...; kwargs...) = Variables.$(nameof(func))(inserted.bb, args...; kwargs...)
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diff --git a/src/pulses/constant_pulses.jl b/src/pulses/constant_pulses.jl
index c0e174d5e0bec71e10ffd58f26ee19a2f8585bf2..c83209a1dc800a8e517eb95621492e4b81bfed68 100644
--- a/src/pulses/constant_pulses.jl
+++ b/src/pulses/constant_pulses.jl
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 module ConstantPulses
-import JuMP: VariableRef, @constraint, @variable, value
-import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, properties, BuildingBlockPlaceholder, set_simple_constraints!, duration
-import ...SequenceBuilders: SequenceBuilder, owner_model, start_time, end_time, AbstractSequence
+import JuMP: VariableRef, @constraint, @variable, value, Model
+import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, set_simple_constraints!
 import ...ConcreteBlocks: ConcreteBlock, to_concrete_block
-import ..Properties: flip_angle, phase, amplitude, frequency, bandwidth
+import ...Variables: variables, get_free_variable, flip_angle, phase, amplitude, frequency, bandwidth, start_time, end_time, VariableType, duration
+import ...GlobalModel: @global_model_constructor
     ConstantPulse(; variables...)
@@ -18,24 +18,21 @@ Represents an radio-frequency pulse with a constant amplitude and frequency (i.e
 - [`frequency`](@ref): frequency of the RF pulse relative to the Larmor frequency (in kHz).
 struct ConstantPulse <: BuildingBlock
-    builder :: SequenceBuilder
-    amplitude :: VariableRef
-    duration :: VariableRef
-    phase :: VariableRef
-    frequency :: VariableRef
+    model :: Model
+    amplitude :: VariableType
+    duration :: VariableType
+    phase :: VariableType
+    frequency :: VariableType
-ConstantPulse(; kwargs...) = BuildingBlockPlaceholder{ConstantPulse}(; kwargs...)
-function ConstantPulse(builder::SequenceBuilder; kwargs...) 
-    model = owner_model(builder)
+@global_model_constructor ConstantPulse
+function ConstantPulse(model::Model; amplitude=nothing, duration=nothing, phase=nothing, frequency=nothing, kwargs...) 
     res = ConstantPulse(
-        builder,
-        @variable(model),
-        @variable(model),
-        @variable(model),
-        @variable(model)
+        model,
+        [get_free_variable(model, value) for value in (amplitude, duration, phase, frequency)]...
-    @constraint model amplitude(res) >= 0
+    @constraint model res.amplitude >= 0
     set_simple_constraints!(model, res, kwargs)
     return res
@@ -49,10 +46,10 @@ bandwidth(pulse::ConstantPulse) = 3.79098854 / duration(pulse)
 variables(::Type{<:ConstantPulse}) = [amplitude, duration, phase, frequency, flip_angle, bandwidth]
-function to_concrete_block(s::AbstractSequence, block::ConstantPulse)
+function to_concrete_block(block::ConstantPulse)
     d = value(duration(block))
     final_phase = value(phase(block)) + d * value(frequency(block)) * 360
-    return ConcreteBlock(s, value(duration(block)), pulse=[
+    return ConcreteBlock(value(duration(block)), pulse=[
         ([0., d]),
         value.([amplitude(block), amplitude(block)]),
         value.([phase(block), final_phase])
diff --git a/src/pulses/instant_pulses.jl b/src/pulses/instant_pulses.jl
index 863fbfe04109cdd412c42da371d0aa218262a749..ffee58be9710c8c189ef20f37ca7030a21c0dff6 100644
--- a/src/pulses/instant_pulses.jl
+++ b/src/pulses/instant_pulses.jl
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
 module InstantPulses
-import JuMP: @constraint, @variable, VariableRef, value
-import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, properties, BuildingBlockPlaceholder, set_simple_constraints!, duration
-import ...SequenceBuilders: SequenceBuilder, owner_model, start_time
-import ...ConcreteBlocks: to_concrete_block, AbstractConcreteBlock, Sequence, AbstractSequence
-import ..Properties: flip_angle, phase
+import JuMP: @constraint, @variable, VariableRef, value, Model
+import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock
+import ...ConcreteBlocks: to_concrete_block, AbstractConcreteBlock
+import ...Variables: flip_angle, phase, start_time, variables, duration, get_free_variable, VariableType
+import ...GlobalModel: @global_model_constructor
 struct InstantRFPulseBlock <: BuildingBlock
-    builder :: SequenceBuilder
-    flip_angle :: VariableRef
-    phase :: VariableRef
+    model :: Model
+    flip_angle :: VariableType
+    phase :: VariableType
-InstantRFPulseBlock(; kwargs...) = BuildingBlockPlaceholder{InstantRFPulseBlock}(; kwargs...)
-function InstantRFPulseBlock(builder::SequenceBuilder; kwargs...) 
-    model = owner_model(builder)
+@global_model_constructor InstantRFPulseBlock
+function InstantRFPulseBlock(model::Model; flip_angle=nothing, phase=nothing) 
     res = InstantRFPulseBlock(
-        builder,
-        @variable(model),
-        @variable(model)
+        model,
+        get_free_variable(model, flip_angle),
+        get_free_variable(model, phase)
-    @constraint model flip_angle(res) >= 0
+    @constraint model res.flip_angle >= 0
     set_simple_constraints!(model, res, kwargs)
     return res
@@ -38,13 +38,12 @@ Instantaneous RF pulse with no free variables.
 See [`InstantRFPulseBlock`](@ref) for a version where [`flip_angle`](@ref) and [`phase`](@ref) are variables.
 struct ConcreteInstantRFPulse <: AbstractConcreteBlock
-    builder :: AbstractSequence
     flip_angle :: Number
     phase :: Number
-function to_concrete_block(builder::Sequence, block::InstantRFPulseBlock)
-    return ConcreteInstantRFPulse(builder, value(flip_angle(block)), value(phase(block)))
+function to_concrete_block(block::InstantRFPulseBlock)
+    return ConcreteInstantRFPulse(value(flip_angle(block)), value(phase(block)))
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deleted file mode 100644
index abde613511dfb62df9450f4f80f0a34d0d88b2a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/pulses/properties.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-module Properties
-    flip_angle(pulse_block)
-The flip angle of the RF pulse in a [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) in degrees.
-function flip_angle end
-    phase(pulse_block)
-The angle of the phase at the start of the RF pulse in a [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) in degrees.
-function phase end
-    amplitude(pulse_block)
-The maximum amplitude during the RF pulse in a [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) in kHz.
-function amplitude end
-    frequency(pulse_block)
-The maximum frequency during the RF pulse in a [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) relative to the Larmor frequency in kHz.
-function frequency end
-    bandwidth(pulse_block)
-FWHM of the frequency content of the RF pulse in kHz.
-function bandwidth end
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index fd9b9862c34f32c9ff6509db662fc904db7770b9..83354e61977277fe49ab1f2504bb21a092f5ebce 100644
--- a/src/pulses/pulses.jl
+++ b/src/pulses/pulses.jl
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
 module Pulses
-import .Properties: flip_angle, phase, amplitude, frequency, bandwidth
 import .InstantPulses: InstantRFPulseBlock
 import .ConstantPulses: ConstantPulse
-import .SincPulses: SincPulse, N_left, N_right
+import .SincPulses: SincPulse
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diff --git a/src/pulses/sinc_pulses.jl b/src/pulses/sinc_pulses.jl
index 8320c91855be8a4e593122512d264148007bf53a..fd6e7472678e76a42c3514dd3230967d3c941a03 100644
--- a/src/pulses/sinc_pulses.jl
+++ b/src/pulses/sinc_pulses.jl
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 module SincPulses
-import JuMP: VariableRef, @constraint, @variable, value
+import JuMP: VariableRef, @constraint, @variable, value, Model
 import QuadGK: quadgk
 import Polynomials: fit, Polynomial
-import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, properties, BuildingBlockPlaceholder, set_simple_constraints!, duration
-import ...SequenceBuilders: SequenceBuilder, owner_model, start_time, end_time, AbstractSequence
+import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, set_simple_constraints!
 import ...ConcreteBlocks: ConcreteBlock, to_concrete_block
-import ..Properties: flip_angle, phase, amplitude, frequency, bandwidth
+import ...Variables: flip_angle, phase, amplitude, frequency, bandwidth, VariableType, variables, get_free_variable, duration
+import ...GlobalModel: @global_model_constructor
     SincPulse(; symmetric=true, max_Nlobes=nothing, apodise=true, variables...)
@@ -29,27 +29,32 @@ Represents an radio-frequency pulse with a constant amplitude and frequency.
 - [`bandwidth`](@ref): width of the rectangular function in frequency space (in kHz). If the `duration` is short (compared with 1/`bandwidth`), this bandwidth will only be approximate.
 struct SincPulse <: BuildingBlock
-    builder :: SequenceBuilder
+    model :: Model
     symmetric :: Bool
     apodise :: Bool
     nlobe_integral :: Polynomial
-    N_left :: VariableRef
-    N_right :: VariableRef
-    amplitude :: VariableRef
-    phase :: VariableRef
-    frequency :: VariableRef
-    lobe_duration :: VariableRef
+    N_left :: VariableType
+    N_right :: VariableType
+    amplitude :: VariableType
+    phase :: VariableType
+    frequency :: VariableType
+    lobe_duration :: VariableType
-SincPulse(; kwargs...) = BuildingBlockPlaceholder{SincPulse}(; kwargs...)
-function SincPulse(builder::SequenceBuilder; symmetric=true, max_Nlobes=nothing, apodise=true, kwargs...) 
-    model = owner_model(builder)
+@global_model_constructor SincPulse
+function SincPulse(model::Model; 
+    symmetric=true, max_Nlobes=nothing, apodise=true, N_lobes=nothing, N_left=nothing, N_right=nothing, 
+    amplitude=nothing, phase=nothing, frequency=nothing, lobe_duration=nothing, kwargs...
     if symmetric
-        N_lobes = @variable(model, integer=true)
+        N_lobes = get_free_variable(model, N_lobes)
+        @assert isnothing(N_left) && isnothing(N_right) "N_left and N_right cannot be set if symmetric=true (default)"
         N_left_var = N_right_var = N_lobes
-        N_left_var = @variable(model, integer=true)
-        N_right_var = @variable(model, integer=true)
+        @assert isnothing(N_lobes) "N_lobes cannot be set if symmetric=true (default)"
+        N_left_var = get_free_variable(model, N_left)
+        N_right_var = get_free_variable(model, N_right)
     res = SincPulse(
@@ -58,15 +63,12 @@ function SincPulse(builder::SequenceBuilder; symmetric=true, max_Nlobes=nothing,
         nlobe_integral_params(max_Nlobes, apodise),
-        @variable(model),
-        @variable(model),
-        @variable(model),
-        @variable(model)
+        [get_free_variable(model, value) for value in (amplitude, phase, frequeny, lobe_duration)]...
-    @constraint model amplitude(res) >= 0
-    @constraint model N_left(res) >= 1
+    @constraint model res.amplitude >= 0
+    @constraint model res.N_left >= 1
     if !symmetric
-        @constraint model N_right(res) >= 1
+        @constraint model res.N_right >= 1
     set_simple_constraints!(model, res, kwargs)
     return res
@@ -100,13 +102,13 @@ lobe_duration(pulse::SincPulse) = pulse.lobe_duration
 bandwidth(pulse::SincPulse) = 1 / lobe_duration(pulse)
 variables(::Type{<:SincPulse}) = [amplitude, N_left, N_right, duration, phase, frequency, flip_angle, lobe_duration, bandwidth]
-function to_concrete_block(s::AbstractSequence, block::SincPulse)
+function to_concrete_block(block::SincPulse)
     normed_times = -value(N_left(block)):0.1:value(N_right(block)) + 1e-5
     times = ((normed_times .+ value(N_left(block))) .* value(lobe_duration(block)))
     amplitudes = value(amplitude(block)) .* (normalised_function.(normed_times; apodise=block.apodise))
     phases = (value(frequency(block)) .* value(lobe_duration(block))) .* normed_times * 360
     return ConcreteBlock(
-        s, value(duration(block)); 
+        value(duration(block)); 
         pulse=(times, amplitudes, phases)
diff --git a/src/readouts/instant_readouts.jl b/src/readouts/instant_readouts.jl
index 645809ba6d9c746eaa25c280d22604b479eb7816..6f3bf4cd5da847b7935aea7a6e0301d4f7a0300b 100644
--- a/src/readouts/instant_readouts.jl
+++ b/src/readouts/instant_readouts.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 module InstantReadouts
-import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, BuildingBlockPlaceholder, duration, properties
-import ...SequenceBuilders: SequenceBuilder, start_time, to_block, AbstractSequence
+import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock
 import ...ConcreteBlocks: AbstractConcreteBlock, to_concrete_block
+import ...Variables: variables
@@ -11,13 +11,8 @@ Represents an instantaneous `Readout` of the signal.
 It has no parameters or properties to set.
 struct InstantReadout <: AbstractConcreteBlock
-    builder::AbstractSequence
-InstantReadout() = BuildingBlockPlaceholder{InstantReadout}()
 variables(::Type{<:InstantReadout}) = []
-to_block(builder::SequenceBuilder, cls::Type{<:InstantReadout}) = cls(builder)
-to_concrete_block(builder::AbstractSequence, ::InstantReadout) = InstantReadout(builder)
+to_concrete_block(::InstantReadout) = InstantReadout()
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bff48c7d4c369b798bacd83ac00505c30ceb1921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/variables.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+module Variables
+import JuMP: @variable, Model, @objective, objective_function, owner_model, has_values, value, AbstractJuMPScalar
+import ..Scanners: gradient_strength, slew_rate
+all_variables_symbols = [
+    # general
+    :duration => (:block, "duration of the building block in ms."),
+    # RF pulse
+    :flip_angle => (:pulse, "The flip angle of the RF pulse in degrees"),
+    :amplitude => (:pulse, "The maximum amplitude of an RF pulse in kHz"),
+    :phase => (:pulse, "The angle of the phase of an RF pulse in KHz"),
+    :frequency => (:pulse, "The off-resonance frequency of an RF pulse (relative to the Larmor frequency of water) in KHz"),
+    :bandwidth => (:pulse, "Bandwidth of the RF pulse in kHz"),
+    :N_left => (:pulse, "The number of zero crossings of the RF pulse before the main peak"),
+    :N_right => (:pulse, "The number of zero crossings of the RF pulse after the main peak"),
+    # gradients
+    :qval => (:gradient, "The spatial range on which the displacements can be detected due to this gradient in 1/um (equivalent to [`area_under_curve`](@ref))"),
+    :area_under_curve => (:gradient, "Area under the curve of the gradient in 1/um (equivalent to [`qval`](@ref))."),
+    :δ => (:gradient, "Effective duration of a gradient pulse ([`rise_time`](@ref) + [`flat_time`](@ref)) in ms."),
+    :rise_time => (:gradient, "Time for gradient pulse to reach its maximum value in ms."),
+    :flat_time => (:gradient, "Time of gradient pulse at maximum value in ms."),
+    :slew_rate => (:gradient, "maximum increase of a gradient (kHz/um/ms)"),
+    :gradient_strength => (:gradient, "maximum strength of a gradient (kHz/um)"),
+symbol_to_func = Dict{Symbol, Function}()
+for (func_symbol, (block_symbol, description)) in all_variables_symbols
+    as_string = "    $func_symbol($block_symbol)\n\n$description\n\nThis represents a variable within the sequence. Variables can be set during the construction of a [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) or used to create constraints after the fact."
+    new_func = @eval begin
+        $as_string
+        function $func_symbol end
+    end
+    symbol_to_func[func_symbol] = new_func
+    variables(building_block)
+    variables()
+Returns all functions representing properties of a [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) object.
+variables() = [values(symbol_to_func)...]
+# Some universal truths
+area_under_curve(bb) = qval(bb)
+function start_time end
+function end_time end
+const VariableType = Union{Number, AbstractJuMPScalar}
+    get_free_variable(model, value; integer=false)
+Get a representation of a given `variable` given a user-defined constraint.
+get_free_variable(::Model, value::Number; integer=false) = integer ? Int(value) : Float64(value)
+function get_free_variable(model::Model, value::VariableType; integer=false)
+    if owner_model(value) != model
+        if has_values(value)
+            return value(value)
+        end
+        error("Cannot set any constraints between sequences stored in different JuMP models.")
+    end
+    return value
+get_free_variable(model::Model, ::Nothing; integer=false) = @variable(model, integer=integer)
+get_free_variable(model::Model, value::Symbol; integer=false) = integer ? error("Cannot maximise or minimise an integer variable") : get_free_variable(model, Val(value))
+function get_free_variable(model::Model, ::Val{:min})
+    var = get_free_variable(model, nothing)
+    @objective model Min objective_function(model) + var
+    return var
+function get_free_variable(model::Model, ::Val{:max})
+    var = get_free_variable(model, nothing)
+    @objective model Min objective_function(model) - var
+    return var
+function bval end
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diff --git a/src/wait.jl b/src/wait.jl
index 8888903aebb84792b76016bb0b2ed0db12a0c3fb..9bf981af88d237c6d59160669a2b7204a8ff3e4e 100644
--- a/src/wait.jl
+++ b/src/wait.jl
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 module Wait
 import JuMP: Model, @constraint, @variable, VariableRef, owner_model, value
-import ..BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, duration, properties, apply_simple_constraint!, BuildingBlockPlaceholder
-import ..SequenceBuilders: SequenceBuilder, to_block, AbstractSequence
+import ..Variables: VariableType, variables, duration, get_free_variable
+import ..BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock
 import ..ConcreteBlocks: to_concrete_block, ConcreteBlock
+import ..GlobalModel: @global_model_constructor
 import ...Scanners: Scanner
@@ -17,31 +18,29 @@ Duration can be set to one of:
 - `nothing` to make it fully determined by external constraints and objectives
 struct WaitBlock <: BuildingBlock
-    builder :: SequenceBuilder
-    duration :: VariableRef
+    model :: Model
+    duration :: VariableType
-function WaitBlock(builder::SequenceBuilder, duration_constraint=nothing)
-    model = owner_model(builder)
-    res = WaitBlock(builder, @variable(model))
+@global_model_constructor WaitBlock
+function WaitBlock(model::Model, duration=nothing)
+    res = WaitBlock(
+        model, 
+        get_free_variable(model, duration),
+        VariableType[]
+    )
     @constraint model duration(res) >= 0
-    if !isnothing(duration_constraint)
-        apply_simple_constraint!(model, duration(res), duration_constraint)
-    end
     return res
-WaitBlock(duration_constraint=nothing) = BuildingBlockPlaceholder{WaitBlock}(duration_constraint)
-to_block(builder::SequenceBuilder, time::Union{Number, Symbol, Nothing, Val{:min}, Val{:max}}) = WaitBlock(builder, time)
+to_block(time::Union{VariableType, Symbol, Nothing, Val{:min}, Val{:max}}) = WaitBlock(time)
 variables(::Type{WaitBlock}) = [duration]
 duration(wb::WaitBlock) = wb.duration
-scanner_constraints!(::Model, ::WaitBlock, ::Scanner) = nothing
-to_concrete_block(builder::AbstractSequence, wb::WaitBlock) = ConcreteBlock(builder, value(duration(wb)))
+to_concrete_block(wb::WaitBlock) = ConcreteBlock(value(duration(wb)))
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