diff --git a/src/containers/building_blocks.jl b/src/containers/building_blocks.jl
index cc456f3c7880b8f82545d9a6f68aa86ca98153d0..5a65bef162d41d4c0b2e8c8a4d07f88d922b2d9f 100644
--- a/src/containers/building_blocks.jl
+++ b/src/containers/building_blocks.jl
@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ function waveform(bb::BaseBuildingBlock)
             @assert all(abs.(prev_grad) .<= 1e-12) "$(typeof(bb)) inserts NoGradient before the gradient is zero. This is probably caused by an improper implementation of this BuildingBlock."
             push!(result, (new_time, prev_grad))
         elseif block isa ConstantGradient
-            @assert all(isapprox.(gradient_strength(block), prev_grad, atol=tol, rtol=tol)) "$(typeof(bb)) inserts ConstantGradient that does not match previous gradient strength. This is probably caused by an improper implementation of this BuildingBlock."
+            @assert all(isapprox.(variables.gradient_strength(block), prev_grad, atol=tol, rtol=tol)) "$(typeof(bb)) inserts ConstantGradient that does not match previous gradient strength. This is probably caused by an improper implementation of this BuildingBlock."
             push!(result, (new_time, prev_grad))
         elseif block isa ChangingGradient
             @assert all(isapprox.(block.gradient_strength_start, prev_grad, atol=tol, rtol=tol)) "$(typeof(bb)) inserts ChangingGradient that does not match previous gradient strength. This is probably caused by an improper implementation of this BuildingBlock."
-            push!(result, (new_time, prev_grad .+ slew_rate(block) .* duration(block)))
+            push!(result, (new_time, prev_grad .+ variables.slew_rate(block) .* variables.duration(block)))
             error("Unrecognised block type in BuildingBlock: $(typeof(bb)).")
diff --git a/src/plot.jl b/src/plot.jl
index b9215fbda7856576028ab71f1340e8a490fd4f72..c50c0d99f9d7f5d359cec68adda9d93a5b6f8283 100644
--- a/src/plot.jl
+++ b/src/plot.jl
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ struct SequenceDiagram
 function SequenceDiagram(actual_duration; kwargs...)
-    durations = duration.([values(kwargs)...])
+    durations = duration_line.([values(kwargs)...])
     @assert all(isapprox.(actual_duration, durations, rtol=1e-3))
     res = SinglePlotLine[]
     for symbol in (:RFx, :RFy, :G, :Gx, :Gy, :Gz, :ADC)