diff --git a/src/parts/helper_functions.jl b/src/parts/helper_functions.jl
index 7afca36eae5d217db360a4f73c1c2a7c2dfe7e02..281d648d7f6419b06682693b28152ddc49ddfb30 100644
--- a/src/parts/helper_functions.jl
+++ b/src/parts/helper_functions.jl
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import ..EPIReadouts: EPIReadout
 import ...BuildSequences: global_model, build_sequence
 import ...Containers: Sequence
 import ...Components: SincPulse, ConstantPulse, InstantPulse, SingleReadout, InstantGradient
-import ...Variables: qvec, flat_time, rise_time, qval, apply_simple_constraint!
+import ...Variables: qvec, flat_time, rise_time, qval, apply_simple_constraint!, variables
 function _get_pulse(shape, flip_angle, phase, frequency, Nzeros, group, bandwidth, duration)
@@ -141,11 +141,11 @@ Adds a readout event to the sequence.
 - `optimise`: Whether to optimise this readout event in isolation from the rest of the sequence. Use this with caution. It can speed up the optimisation (and for very complicated sequences make it more robust), however the resulting parameters might not represent the optimal solution of any external constraints (which are ignored if the readout is optimised in isolation).
 - `scanner`: Used for testing. Do not set this parameter at this level (instead set it for the total sequence using [`build_sequence`](@ref)).
-function readout_event(; type=:epi, optimise=false, scanner=nothing, variables...)
+function readout_event(; type=:epi, optimise=false, scanner=nothing, all_variables...)
     if type == :instant
         optimise = false # there is nothing to optimise
-    real_variables = Dict(key => value for (key, value) in pairs(variables) if !(isnothing(value) || (value isa AbstractVector && all(isnothing.(value)))))
+    real_variables = Dict(key => value for (key, value) in pairs(all_variables) if !(isnothing(value) || (value isa AbstractVector && all(isnothing.(value)))))
     build_sequence(scanner; optimise=optimise) do 
         func_dict = Dict(
             :epi => EPIReadout,
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ Returns two DWI gradients that are guaranteed to cancel each other out.
 - `optimise`: Whether to optimise this readout event in isolation from the rest of the sequence. Use this with caution. It can speed up the optimisation (and for very complicated sequences make it more robust), however the resulting parameters might not represent the optimal solution of any external constraints (which are ignored if the readout is optimised in isolation).
 - `scanner`: Used for testing. Do not set this parameter at this level (instead set it for the total sequence using [`build_sequence`](@ref)).
-function dwi_gradients(; type=:trapezoid, optimise=false, scanner=nothing, refocus=true, orientation=[1, 0, 0], group=:DWI, variables...)
-    real_variables = Dict(key => value for (key, value) in pairs(variables) if !(isnothing(value) || (value isa AbstractVector && all(isnothing.(value)))))
+function dwi_gradients(; type=:trapezoid, optimise=false, scanner=nothing, refocus=true, orientation=[1, 0, 0], group=:DWI, match=nothing, all_variables...)
+    real_variables = Dict(key => value for (key, value) in pairs(all_variables) if !(isnothing(value) || (value isa AbstractVector && all(isnothing.(value)))))
     func_dict = Dict(
         :trapezoid => Trapezoid,
@@ -181,6 +181,12 @@ function dwi_gradients(; type=:trapezoid, optimise=false, scanner=nothing, refoc
     if !(type in keys(func_dict))
         error("DWI gradients type `$type` has not been implemented. Please use one of $(keys(func_dict)).")
+    if isnothing(match)
+        match = get(Dict(
+            :trapezoid => [:rise_time, :flat_time, :slew_rate],
+        ), type, [])
+    end
     build_sequence(scanner; optimise=optimise) do 
         other_orientation = isnothing(orientation) ? nothing : (refocus ? orientation : -orientation)
         (g1, g2) = (
@@ -192,6 +198,12 @@ function dwi_gradients(; type=:trapezoid, optimise=false, scanner=nothing, refoc
             apply_simple_constraint!(qval(g1), -qval(g2))
+        for var_func in match
+            if var_func isa Symbol
+                var_func = variables[var_func]
+            end
+            apply_simple_constraint!(var_func(g1), var_func(g2))
+        end
         return (g1, g2)