diff --git a/src/MRIBuilder.jl b/src/MRIBuilder.jl
index 70a276771e046c55ff2549235fad203412afae22..3e1f516a5bb59e0e3887a3612cb130423d9869fc 100644
--- a/src/MRIBuilder.jl
+++ b/src/MRIBuilder.jl
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ include("readouts/readouts.jl")
 import .BuildSequences: build_sequence
 export build_sequence
@@ -48,6 +49,9 @@ export Sequence
 import .Pathways: Pathway, duration_transverse, duration_dephase, bval, bmat
 export Pathway, duration_transverse, duration_dephase, bval, bmat
+import .HelperFunctions: excitation_pulse
+export excitation_pulse
 import JuMP: @constraint, @objective, objective_function, optimize!, has_values, value, owner_model, Model
 export @constraint, @objective, objective_function, optimize!, has_values, value, owner_model, Model
diff --git a/src/helper_functions.jl b/src/helper_functions.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89cd7c0f5289ee86ebbb0ab4b80243f301fc59bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/helper_functions.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+module HelperFunctions
+import JuMP: @constraint
+import ..BuildSequences: get_global_model
+import ..Sequences: Sequence
+import ..Pulses: SincPulse, ConstantPulse, InstantRFPulseBlock
+import ..Overlapping: TrapezoidGradient
+    excitation_pulse(; parameters...)
+Create an excitation RF pulse.
+By default there is no slice-selective gradient. 
+To enable slice selection `min_slice_thickness` has to be set to a number or to :min.
+if `min_slice_thickness` is not set or is set to `:min`, then either `bandwidth` or `duration` should be set, otherwise the problem might be unconstrained (ignore this for `shape=:instant`).
+## Parameters
+For an [`InstantRFPulseBlock`](@ref) (i.e., `shape=:instant`), only the `flip_angle`, `phase`, and `scale` will be used. All other parameters are ignored.
+### Pulse parameters
+- `shape`: The shape of the RF pulse. One of `:sinc` (for [`SincPulse`](@ref)), `:constant`/`:hard` (for [`ConstantPulse`](@ref)), or `:instant` (for [`InstantRFPulseBlock`](@ref)).
+- `flip_angle`: size of the flip due to the RF pulse in degrees (default: 90).
+- `phase`: angle of the RF pulse in the x-y plane in degrees (default: 0).
+- `frequency`: frequency of the RF pulse relative to the Larmor frequency in kHz (default: 0).
+- `bandwidth`: width of the RF pulse in Fourier space in kHz (default: free variable).
+- `duration`: duration of the RF pulse in ms (default: free variable).
+- `Nzero`: sets the number of zero crossings for a [`SincPulse`](@ref) (default: 3). Can be set to a tuple of two numbers to set a different number of zero crossings before and after the pulse maximum.
+- `scale`: name of the parameter with which the RF pulse amplitude can be modulated after sequence optimisation (default: `:transmit_B1`).
+### Slice selection
+- `min_slice_thickness`: minimum slice thickness that should be possible without adjusting the sequence timings in um (default: no slice selection). Can be set to `:min` to indicate that this should be minimised given the scanner constraints and user values for `bandwidth` or `duration`.
+- `rephase`: set to false to disable the spin rephasing after the RF pulse.
+- `rotate_grad`: name of the parameter with which the slice selection gradient will be rotated after sequence optimisation (default: `:FOV`).
+function excitation_pulse(; flip_angle=90, phase=0., frequency=0., shape=:sinc, min_slice_thickness=Inf, rephase=true, Nzero=3, scale=:transmit_B1, rotate_grad=:FOV, bandwidth=nothing, duration=nothing)
+    if shape == :sinc
+        pulse = SincPulse(flip_angle=flip_angle, phase=phase, frequency=frequency, N_lobes=Nzero, scale=scale, bandwidth=bandwidth, duration=duration)
+    elseif shape in (:constant, :hard)
+        pulse = ConstantPulse(flip_angle=flip_angle, phase=phase, frequency=frequency, scale=scale, bandwidth=bandwidth, duration=duration)
+    elseif shape == :instant
+        pulse = InstantRFPulseBlock(flip_angle=flip_angle, phase=phase, scale=scale)
+        if !isinf(min_slice_thickness)
+            error("An instant RF pulse always affects all spins equally, so using `shape=:instant` is incompatible with setting `min_slice_thickness`.")
+        end
+        return pulse
+    end
+    if isinf(min_slice_thickness)
+        return pulse
+    end
+    grad = TrapezoidGradient(pulse=pulse, rise_time=:min, slice_thickness=min_slice_thickness, orientation=[0, 0, 1.], rotate=rotate_grad)
+    if !rephase
+        return grad
+    end
+    seq = Sequence(
+        grad,
+        TrapezoidGradient(orientation=[0, 0, -1.], rotate=rotate_grad, duration=:min);
+        TR=Inf
+    )
+    @constraint get_global_model() qvec(grad, 1, nothing)[2] == -qvec(seq[2])[2]
+    return seq
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