diff --git a/src/components/gradient_waveforms/no_gradient_blocks.jl b/src/components/gradient_waveforms/no_gradient_blocks.jl
index d6b5dae24c68b676dad7e3f6b12a9330d445605b..7b25feb159dde2b6d6f2f6c6ba05f756cc9351b6 100644
--- a/src/components/gradient_waveforms/no_gradient_blocks.jl
+++ b/src/components/gradient_waveforms/no_gradient_blocks.jl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ struct NoGradient <: GradientWaveform{0}
 for func in (:qvec, :gradient_strength, :slew_rate)
-    @eval variables.$(func).f(::NoGradient) = zero(SVector{3, Float64})
+    @eval variables.$(func)(::NoGradient) = zero(SVector{3, Float64})
 @defvar begin
diff --git a/src/components/pulses/composite_pulses.jl b/src/components/pulses/composite_pulses.jl
index f32c105093e4939eec62b54c21af66af5f690f7e..87cca1813d2aae597e852576f6093ad809b49480 100644
--- a/src/components/pulses/composite_pulses.jl
+++ b/src/components/pulses/composite_pulses.jl
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ for (fn, default) in [
     (:phase, NaN),
     (:frequency, NaN),
-    @eval function variables.$fn.f(pulse::CompositePulse, time::Number)
+    @eval function variables.$fn(pulse::CompositePulse, time::Number)
         (index, rtime) = get_pulse_index(pulse, time)
         if (
             index < 1 || index > length(pulse) ||
diff --git a/src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl b/src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl
index af88e4f7ca5dde134abe4957d915698443be5138..f75b17d7ebf1e46a774881575e754d446d5cda00 100644
--- a/src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl
+++ b/src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ GenericPulse(pulse::RFPulseComponent, t1::Number, t2::Number) = GenericPulse(mak
 for fn in (:amplitude, :phase)
-    @eval function variables.$fn.f(fp::GenericPulse, time::Number)
+    @eval function variables.$fn(fp::GenericPulse, time::Number)
         i2 = findfirst(t->t > time, fp.time)
         if isnothing(i2)
             @assert time ≈ fp.time[end]
diff --git a/src/containers/base_sequences.jl b/src/containers/base_sequences.jl
index 47d9f81dd0c0a3f9aee782ad9dbbce9f896451b1..91945097eee2967d9808966067aaf0cf7dcf34f9 100644
--- a/src/containers/base_sequences.jl
+++ b/src/containers/base_sequences.jl
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ function edge_times(seq::BaseSequence; tol=1e-6)
 for fn in (:gradient_strength, :amplitude, :phase, :frequency)
-    @eval function variables.$fn.f(sequence::BaseSequence, time::AbstractFloat)
+    @eval function variables.$fn(sequence::BaseSequence, time::AbstractFloat)
         (block_time, block) = sequence(time)
-        return variables.$fn.f(block, block_time)
+        return variables.$fn(block, block_time)
diff --git a/src/containers/building_blocks.jl b/src/containers/building_blocks.jl
index 4e499ac2d1a854fca3a0c63c1e0a7884e875ebbb..bac1a8205048f1b704aff00ec3f28879aa7b7d7d 100644
--- a/src/containers/building_blocks.jl
+++ b/src/containers/building_blocks.jl
@@ -273,12 +273,12 @@ function get_pulse(bb::BaseBuildingBlock, time::Number)
 for (fn, default_value) in ((:amplitude, 0.), (:phase, NaN), (:frequency, NaN))
-    @eval function variables.$fn.f(bb::BaseBuildingBlock, time::Number)
+    @eval function variables.$fn(bb::BaseBuildingBlock, time::Number)
         pulse = get_pulse(bb, time)
         if isnothing(pulse)
             return $default_value
-        return variables.$fn.f(pulse[1], pulse[2])
+        return variables.$fn(pulse[1], pulse[2])
diff --git a/src/parts/trapezoids.jl b/src/parts/trapezoids.jl
index 084accce7285f0b85656a0ceb4bbbb9926262412..8f8506edf32906772d3f9eacfe850a308dafea9f 100644
--- a/src/parts/trapezoids.jl
+++ b/src/parts/trapezoids.jl
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ end
 Base.keys(::SliceSelect) = (Val(:rise), Val(:flat), Val(:pulse), Val(:fall))
 Base.getindex(pg::SliceSelect, ::Val{:pulse}) = (0., pg.pulse)
-@defvar pulse inverse_slice_thickness(ss::SliceSelect) = 1e3 * variables.gradient_strength_norm(ss.trapezoid) .* variables.inverse_bandwidth(ss.pulse)
+@defvar pulse inverse_slice_thickness(ss::SliceSelect) = 1e3 * variables.gradient_strength_norm(ss.trapezoid) * variables.inverse_bandwidth(ss.pulse)
diff --git a/src/plot.jl b/src/plot.jl
index 4132c370cd6dc8751159bd9df0c4dc85a5349c5a..be7c2c92183f5010245453bea309f4f8bd1183a0 100644
--- a/src/plot.jl
+++ b/src/plot.jl
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ This function will only work if [`Makie`](https://makie.org) is installed and im
 - `font` sets whether the rendered text is :regular, :bold, or :italic.
 - `fontsize`: set the size of each character.
 function plot_sequence end
diff --git a/src/printing.jl b/src/printing.jl
index 4d67c81a3617c31fafb41e1a4a6816303de720ad..c5a79e76e58b4f5c1ab69d30478d156b496bbe2b 100644
--- a/src/printing.jl
+++ b/src/printing.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 module Printing
 import JuMP: value, AbstractJuMPScalar
 import Printf: @sprintf
-import ..Variables: VariableType, variables, AbstractBlock, Variable
+import ..Variables: VariableType, variables, AbstractBlock
 import ..Containers: BuildingBlock, waveform, events, start_time
 function _robust_value(possible_number::AbstractJuMPScalar)
diff --git a/src/variables.jl b/src/variables.jl
index b853849a89a50f6521891e15d8360b6f4aa73e21..9f6f0f1b8e716830361ec966172aa4ace88ed174 100644
--- a/src/variables.jl
+++ b/src/variables.jl
@@ -59,32 +59,6 @@ adjust_groups(::AbstractBlock) = Symbol[]
 function adjust end
-abstract type AnyVariable end
-A sequence property that can be constrained and/or optimised.
-It acts as a function, so you can call it on a sequence or building block to get the actual values (e.g., `v(sequence)`).
-It can return one of the following:
-- a number
-- a vector of number
-- a NamedTuple with the values for individual sequence components
-mutable struct Variable <: AnyVariable
-    name :: Symbol
-    f :: Function
-    getter :: Union{Nothing, Function}
-struct AlternateVariable <: AnyVariable
-    name :: Symbol
-    other_var :: Symbol
-    from_other :: Function
-    to_other :: Union{Nothing, Function}
-    inverse :: Bool
@@ -95,19 +69,30 @@ This only returns those [`Variable`](@ref) directly defined for this component/b
 If `T` is not provided, all [`Variable`](@ref) objects are returned.
 function base_variables()
-    all_members = (s => getproperty(variables, s) for s in Base.unsorted_names(variables, all=true))
-    return Dict{Symbol, Variable}(
-        s => v for (s, v) in all_members if v isa Variable
+    return Dict{Symbol, Function}(
+        s => getproperty(variables, s) for s in names(variables) if s != :variables
 function base_variables(T::Type{<:AbstractBlock})
     return Dict(
-        s => v for (s, v) in base_variables() if hasmethod(v.f, (T, ))
+        s => v for (s, v) in base_variables() if which(v, (T, )) !== default_generic_method[v]
+    variable_defined_for(variable, args...; kwargs...)
+function variable_defined_for(name::Symbol, args...; kwargs...)
+    variable_defined_for(getproperty(variables, name), args...; kwargs...)
+function variable_defined_for(func::Function, args...; kwargs...)
+    return which(func, typeof.(args)) !== default_generic_method[func]
 # Add Variables to the individual sequence components/blocks properties
 function Base.propertynames(::T) where {T <: AbstractBlock}
     f = Base.fieldnames(T)
@@ -121,9 +106,7 @@ function Base.getproperty(block::T, v::Symbol) where T <: AbstractBlock
     if v in Base.unsorted_names(variables; all=true)
         var = getproperty(variables, v)
-        if hasmethod(var.f, (T, ))
-            return var.f(block)
-        end
+        return var(block)
     error("Type $(T) has no field or variable $(v)")
@@ -140,12 +123,6 @@ function Base.setproperty!(block::T, v::Symbol, value) where T <: AbstractBlock
     error("Type $(T) has no field or variable $(v)")
-    variable_defined_for(var, Val(type))
-Check whether variable is defined for a specific sub-type.
-variable_defined_for(var::Variable, ::Val{T}) where {T <: AbstractBlock} = hasmethod(var.f, (T, ))
 Main module containing all the MRIBuilder sequence variables.
@@ -161,12 +138,126 @@ After sequence generation you can get the variable values by calling
 For the sequence defined above this would return 70. (or a number very close to that).
-baremodule variables
+baremodule variables end
+Contains for each variable the default, generic method.
+This is the method that checks for [`alternative_functions`](@ref) or uses one of the getters.
+const default_generic_method = IdDict{Function, Method}()
+Mapping of variable names to alternative ways to compute that variables.
+const alternative_variables = Dict{Symbol, Vector{Tuple{Symbol, Function, Bool}}}()
+Raised if there is no way to reach a valid function by the default, generic method ([`default_generic_method`](@ref)).
+struct InvalidRoute <: Exception end
+Assigns getters to specific variables.
+const getters = Dict{Symbol, Function}()
+    _get_variable(name, tried_names, args...; kwargs...)
+Tries to find a route to get values for the variable `name` with the given `args` and `kwargs`.
+The route through `tried_names` has already been attempted.
+This function returns the route to get to the value and the value itself.
+function _get_variable(name::Symbol, tried_names::Set{Symbol}, args...; kwargs...)
+    if hasproperty(variables, name)
+        func = getproperty(variables, name)
+        if variable_defined_for(func, args...; kwargs...)
+            return Any[], func(args...; kwargs...)
+        end
+    end
+    # alternative functions
+    if name in keys(alternative_variables)
+        for (new_name, converter, _) in alternative_variables[name]
+            if !(new_name in tried_names)
+                try
+                    route, value = _get_variable(new_name, union(tried_names, [name]), args...; kwargs...)
+                    pushfirst!(route, (:alternative, new_name))
+                    return route, apply_converter(converter, value)
+                catch e
+                    if e isa InvalidRoute
+                        continue
+                    else
+                        rethrow()
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    if name in keys(getters)
+        # getters
+        first, others = args[1], args[2:end]
+        getter = getters[name]
+        route, value = _get_mult_variable(name, getter(first), others...; kwargs...)
+        pushfirst!(route, (:getter, getter))
+        return route, value
+    end
+    throw(InvalidRoute())
+apply_converter(converter::Function, value) = converter(value)
+apply_converter(converter::Function, value::NamedTuple) = NamedTuple(k=>converter(v) for (k, v) in pairs(value))
+apply_converter(converter::Function, value::Tuple) = Tuple(converter(v) for v in value)
+Helper to call the variable for a result of a getter. Used in [`_get_variable`](@ref).
+_get_mult_variable(name, t, args...; kwargs...) = _get_variable(name, Set{Symbol}(), t, args...; kwargs...)
+_get_mult_variable(name, t::NamedTuple, args...; kwargs...) = (Any[], NamedTuple(
+    key => _get_mult_variable(name, var, args...; kwargs...)[2] for (key, var) in pairs(t)
+_get_mult_variable(name, t::AbstractVector, args...; kwargs...) = (Any[], [
+    _get_mult_variable(name, var, args...; kwargs...)[2] for var in t
+_get_mult_variable(name, t::Tuple, args...; kwargs...) = (Any[], Tuple(
+    _get_mult_variable(name, var, args...; kwargs...)[2] for var in t
+    add_new_variable!(name)
+Adds a new variable in [`variables`](@ref).
+This is a helper function, which is called by `@defvar` for any variable that does not exist yet.
+function add_new_variable!(name::Symbol)
+    @eval variables function $(name) end
+    @eval variables $(Expr(:public, name))
+    @eval function variables.$(name)(ab::AbstractBlock, args...; kwargs...) 
+        try
+            return _get_variable($(QuoteNode(name)), Set{Symbol}(), ab, args...; kwargs...)[2]
+        catch e
+            if e isa InvalidRoute
+                string_name = String($(QuoteNode(name)))
+                error("Variable `" * string_name * "` is not defined for block of type `" * string(typeof(ab)) * ".")
+            end
+            rethrow()
+        end
+    end
+    func = getproperty(variables, name)
+    default_generic_method[func] = methods(func)[1]
-    @defvar([getter, ], function(s))
+    @defvar(function(s))
 Defines new [`variables`](@ref).
@@ -187,59 +278,49 @@ Multiple variables can be defined in a single `@defvar` by including them in a c
-Before the variable function definitions one can include a `getter`.
-This `getter` defines the type of the sequence component for which the variables will be defined.
-If the variable is not defined for the sequence, the variable will be extracted for those type of sequence components instead.
-The following sequence component types are provided:
-- `pulse`: use [`get_pulse`](@ref)
-- `gradient`: use [`get_gradient`](@ref)
-- `readout`: use [`get_readout`](@ref)
-- `pathway`: use [`get_pathway`](@ref)
-e.g. the following defines a `flip_angle` variable, which is marked as a property of an RF pulse.
-@defvar pulse flip_angle(...) = ...
-If after this definition, `flip_angle` is not explicitly defined for any sequence, it will be extracted for the RF pulses in that sequence instead.
-macro defvar(func_def) 
-    return _defvar(func_def, nothing)
+macro defvar(getter, func_def)
+    func_names, expr = _defvar(func_def)
+    additional = :(for name in $(func_names)
+        set_getter!(name, $(QuoteNode(getter)))
+    end)
+    return Expr(
+        :block,
+        expr.args...,
+        additional
+    )
-macro defvar(getter, func_def) 
-   return _defvar(func_def, getter)
+macro defvar(func_def)
+    _, expr = _defvar(func_def)
+    return expr
-function _defvar(func_def, getter=nothing)
+function _defvar(func_def)
     func_names = []
-    if getter isa Symbol
-        getter_dict = Dict(
-            :pulse => get_pulse,
-            :gradient => get_gradient,
-            :pathway => get_pathway,
-            :readout => get_readout,
-        )
-        if !(getter in keys(getter_dict))
-            error("label in `@defvar <label> <statement>` should be one of `pulse`/`gradient`/`pathway`/`readout`, not `$getter`")
-        end
-        getter = getter_dict[getter]
-    end
     function adjust_function(ex)
-        if ex isa Expr && ex.head == :block
-            return Expr(:block, adjust_function.(ex.args)...)
-        end
-        if ex isa Expr && ex.head == :function && length(ex.args) == 1
-            push!(func_names, ex.args[1])
-            return :nothing
+        if ex isa Expr 
+            if ex.head == :block
+                return Expr(:block, adjust_function.(ex.args)...)
+            end
+            if ex.head == :function && length(ex.args) == 1
+                push!(func_names, ex.args[1])
+                return :nothing
+            end
+            if ex.head == :macrocall && ex.args[1] == GlobalRef(Core, Symbol("@doc"))
+                new_expr = macroexpand(variables, ex)
+                func_def, add_docs = new_expr.args
+                fixed_func_def = adjust_function(func_def)
+                add_docs.args[end] = esc(add_docs.args[end])
+                return Expr(:block, fixed_func_def, add_docs)
+            end
             fn_def = MacroTools.splitdef(ex)
             push!(func_names, fn_def[:name])
             new_def = Dict{Symbol, Any}()
-            new_def[:name] = Expr(:., Expr(:., :variables, QuoteNode(fn_def[:name])), QuoteNode(:f))
+            new_def[:name] = Expr(:., :variables, QuoteNode(fn_def[:name]))
             new_def[:args] = esc.(fn_def[:args])
             new_def[:kwargs] = esc.(fn_def[:kwargs])
             new_def[:body] = esc(fn_def[:body])
@@ -267,119 +348,184 @@ function _defvar(func_def, getter=nothing)
     for func_name in func_names
         push!(expressions, quote
             if !($(QuoteNode(func_name)) in names(variables; all=true))
-                function $(func_name) end
-                variables.$(func_name) = Variable($(QuoteNode(func_name)), $(func_name), $getter)
-            end
-            if variables.$(func_name) isa AlternateVariable
-                error("$($(esc(func_name)).name) is defined through $(variables.$(func_name).other_var). Please define that variable instead.")
-            end
-            if !isnothing($getter) && variables.$(func_name).getter != $getter
-                if isnothing(variables.$(func_name).getter)
-                    variables.$(func_name).getter = $getter
-                else
-                    name = variables.$(func_name).name
-                    error("$(name) is already defined as a variable for $(variables.$(func_name).getter). Cannot switch to $($getter).")
-                end
+                add_new_variable!($(QuoteNode(func_name)))
     args = vcat([e.args for e in expressions]...)
-    return Expr(
+    return func_names, Expr(
-@defvar function duration end
-    duration(block)
-Duration of the sequence or building block in ms.
+@defvar begin
+    """
+        duration(block)
-function def_alternate_variable!(name::Symbol, other_var::Symbol, from_other::Function, to_other::Union{Nothing, Function}, inverse::Bool)
-    setproperty!(variables, name, AlternateVariable(name, other_var, from_other, to_other, inverse))
+    Duration of the sequence or building block in ms.
+    """ 
+    function duration end
-def_alternate_variable!(:spoiler, :qval, q->1e-3 * 2Ï€/q, l->1e-3 * 2Ï€/l, true)
-def_alternate_variable!(:qval, :qval_square, sqrt, q -> q * q, false)
-def_alternate_variable!(:qval_square, :qvec, qv -> sum(q -> q * q, qv), nothing, false)
-    qval(gradient)
+    set_getter!(variable_name, getter)
-The norm of the [`variables.qvec`](@ref).
+Set the getter function for `variable_name`.
+If the value for `variable` is not defined for a sequence, the value for the result of the `getter` function is returned instead.
+Possible values for the `getter` function are:
+- `:pulse`: [`get_pulse`](@ref)
+- `:gradient`: [`get_gradient`](@ref)
+- `:readout`: [`get_readout`](@ref)
+- `:pathway`: [`get_pathway`](@ref)
+set_getter!(name::Symbol, getter::Symbol) = set_getter!(name, getter_functions[getter])
+function set_getter!(name::Symbol, getter::Function)
+    if !(name in keys(getters))
+        getters[name] = getter
+    else
+        if getters[name] !== getter
+            error("")
+        end
+    end
-    spoiler(gradient)
+    add_alternative_variable!(name, other_func, conversion)
-Spatial scale in mm over which the spoiler gradient will dephase by 2Ï€.
+Defines an alternative way to compute the variable with given `name`.
-Automatically computed based on [`variables.qvec`](@ref).
+If the variable `name` is not defined and `other_name` is,
+then the value of `name` is computed by applying `conversion` to the value of `other_name`.
+function add_alternative_variable!(name::Symbol, other_name::Symbol, conversion::Function, inverts::Bool)
+    if !(name in keys(alternative_variables))
+        alternative_variables[name] = Tuple{Symbol, Function, Bool}[]
+    end
+    push!(alternative_variables[name], (other_name, conversion, inverts))
+@defvar begin
+    """
+        qval(gradient)
+    The norm of the [`variables.qvec`](@ref).
+    """
+    function qval end
+    """
+        qval_square(gradient)
+    The square of the area under the curve ([`variables.qval`](@ref)).
+    Constraining this can be more efficient than constraining [`qval`](@ref) as it avoids taking a square root.
+    """
+    function qval_square end
+    """
+        spoiler(gradient)
+    Spatial scale in mm over which the spoiler gradient will dephase by 2Ï€.
+    Automatically computed based on [`variables.qvec`](@ref).
+    """
+    function spoiler end
+    """
+        qvec(gradient)
+    The total integral of the area under the gradient curve as a length-3 vector.
+    The norm of this vector is available as [`qval`](@ref).
+    """
+    function qvec end
+add_alternative_variable!(:spoiler, :qval, q->1e-3 * 2Ï€/q, true)
+add_alternative_variable!(:qval, :spoiler, l->1e-3 * 2Ï€/l, true)
+add_alternative_variable!(:qval, :qval_square, sqrt, false)
+add_alternative_variable!(:qval_square, :qval, q->q^2, false)
+add_alternative_variable!(:qval_square, :qvec, qv -> sum(q -> q * q, qv), false)
 for vec_variable in [:gradient_strength, :slew_rate]
     vec_square = Symbol(string(vec_variable) * "_square")
     vec_norm = Symbol(string(vec_variable) * "_norm")
-    def_alternate_variable!(vec_norm, vec_square, sqrt, v -> v * v, false)
-    def_alternate_variable!(vec_square, vec_variable, v -> v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2] + v[3] * v[3], nothing, false)
+    add_alternative_variable!(vec_square, vec_variable, v -> v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2] + v[3] * v[3], false)
+    add_alternative_variable!(vec_norm, vec_square, sqrt, false)
+    add_alternative_variable!(vec_square, vec_norm, v->v^2, false)
-    gradient_strength_norm(gradient)
+@defvar begin
+    """
+        gradient_strength_norm(gradient)
-The norm of the [`variables.gradient_strength`](@ref).
+    The norm of the [`variables.gradient_strength`](@ref).
+    """
+    function gradient_strength_norm end
-    slew_rate_norm(gradient)
+    """
+        slew_rate_norm(gradient)
-The norm of the [`variables.slew_rate`](@ref).
+    The norm of the [`variables.slew_rate`](@ref).
+    """
+    function slew_rate_norm end
-for name in [:slice_thickness, :bandwidth, :fov, :voxel_size]
+for name in [:fov, :voxel_size]
     inv_name = Symbol("inverse_" * string(name))
-    def_alternate_variable!(name, inv_name, inv, inv, true)
+    mult_inv(x) = inv.(x)
+    add_alternative_variable!(name, inv_name, mult_inv, true)
+    add_alternative_variable!(inv_name, name, mult_inv, true)
+    add_new_variable!(name)
+    add_new_variable!(inv_name)
-for (name, alt_name) in [
-    (:TE, :echo_time),
-    (:TR, :repetition_time),
-    (:Δ, :diffusion_time),
-    def_alternate_variable!(name, alt_name, identity, identity, false)
+for name in [:slice_thickness, :bandwidth]
+    inv_name = Symbol("inverse_" * string(name))
+    add_alternative_variable!(name, inv_name, inv, true)
+    add_alternative_variable!(inv_name, name, inv, true)
+    add_new_variable!(name)
+    add_new_variable!(inv_name)
-    TE(sequence)
-Alternative name to compute the [`variables.echo_time`](@ref) of a sequence in ms.
+@defvar begin
+    """
+        echo_time(sequence)
-    TR(sequence)
+    Computes the echo time(s) of a sequence in ms.
+    """
+    function echo_time end
-Alternative name to compute the [`variables.repetition_time`](@ref) of a sequence in ms.
+    """
+        repetition_time(sequence)
-    Δ(sequence)
+    Computes the repetition_times of a sequence in ms.
+    """
+    function repetition_time end
-Alternative name to compute the [`variables.diffusion_time`](@ref) of a sequence in ms.
+    """
+        diffusion_time(sequence)
+    Computes the diffusion time of a sequence in ms.
+    """
+    function diffusion_time end
+@eval variables begin
+    const TE = echo_time
+    const TR = repetition_time
+    const Δ = diffusion_time
+    $(Expr(:public, :TE, :TR, :Δ))
@@ -461,6 +607,17 @@ Any `pathway` variables not explicitly defined for this sequence will be passed
 function get_pathway end
+Mapping of symbols to actual getter functions.
+Used in [`set_getter!`](@ref).
+getter_functions = Dict(
+    :pulse => get_pulse,
+    :gradient => get_gradient,
+    :pathway => get_pathway,
+    :readout => get_readout,
@@ -470,48 +627,6 @@ Returns the gradient orientation.
 function gradient_orientation end
-function (var::Variable)(block::AbstractBlock, args...; kwargs...)
-    if !applicable(var.f, block, args...) && !isnothing(var.getter)
-        apply_to = var.getter(block)
-        if apply_to isa AbstractBlock
-            return var(apply_to, args...; kwargs...)
-        elseif apply_to isa NamedTuple
-            return NamedTuple(k => var(v, args...; kwargs...) for (k, v) in pairs(apply_to))
-        elseif apply_to isa AbstractVector{<:AbstractBlock} || apply_to isa Tuple
-            return var.(apply_to, args...; kwargs...)
-        else
-            error("$(var.getter) returned an unexpected type: $(typeof(apply_to)).")
-        end
-    end
-    return var.f(block, args...; kwargs...)
-# Special case for BuildingBlock events
-function (var::Variable)(event::Tuple{<:VariableType, <:AbstractBlock}, args...; kwargs...)
-    if applicable(var.f, event, args...; kwargs...)
-        return var.f(event, args...; kwargs...)
-    end
-    # falling back to just processing the `AbstractBlock`
-    return var(event[2], args...; kwargs...)
-function (var::AlternateVariable)(args...; kwargs...)
-    other_var = getproperty(variables, var.other_var)
-    apply_from_other(res::VariableType) = var.from_other(res)
-    function apply_from_other(res::AbstractVector{<:VariableType}) 
-        try
-            return var.from_other(res)
-        catch e
-            if e isa MethodError
-                return var.from_other.(res)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    apply_from_other(res::NamedTuple) = NamedTuple(k => apply_from_other(v) for (k, v) in pairs(res))
-    return apply_from_other(other_var(args...; kwargs...))
     add_cost_function!(function, level=2)
@@ -545,24 +660,68 @@ function set_simple_constraints!(block::AbstractBlock, kwargs)
     real_kwargs = Dict(key => value for (key, value) in kwargs if !isnothing(value))
     for (key, value) in real_kwargs
-        var = getproperty(variables, key)
-        if var isa AlternateVariable
-            if var.other_var in keys(real_kwargs)
-                error("Set constraints on both $key and $(var.other_var), however they are equivalent.")
+        apply_simple_constraint!(block, key, value)
+    end
+    nothing
+apply_simple_constraint!(block, variable::Symbol, value::Nothing) = nothing
+apply_simple_constraint!(block::Union{NamedTuple, Tuple}, variable::Symbol, value::Nothing) = nothing
+function apply_simple_constraint!(block::NamedTuple, variable::Symbol, value::NamedTuple)
+    for (k, v) in pairs(value)
+        apply_simple_constraint!(getproperty(block, k), variable, v)
+    end
+function apply_simple_constraint!(block::Tuple, variable::Symbol, value::Tuple)
+    @assert length(block) == length(value)
+    for (b, v) in zip(block, value)
+        apply_simple_constraint!(b, variable, v)
+    end
+function apply_simple_constraint!(block::Union{NamedTuple, Tuple}, variable::Symbol, value)
+    for b in block
+        apply_simple_constraint!(b, variable, value)
+    end
+function apply_simple_constraint!(block, variable::Symbol, value, previous_values=Set{Symbol}()::Set{Symbol})
+    route, to_set = try
+        _get_variable(variable, previous_values, block)
+    catch e
+        if e isa InvalidRoute
+            error("Variable `$(variable)` cannot be set to constrain a building block/sequence of type $(typeof(block)).")
+        end
+        rethrow()
+    end
+    if iszero(length(route))
+        return apply_simple_constraint!(to_set, value)
+    else
+        (step_type, step) = route[1]
+        if step_type == :alternative
+            if !(step in keys(alternative_variables))
+                return apply_simple_constraint!(to_set, value)
+            end
+            for (my_name, converter, invert) in alternative_variables[step]
+                if my_name == variable
+                    return apply_simple_constraint!(block, step, _adjust_value(value, converter, invert), union(previous_values, [variable]))
+                end
-            invert_value(value::VariableType) = var.to_other(value)
-            invert_value(value::Symbol) = invert_value(Val(value))
-            invert_value(::Val{:min}) = var.inverse ? Val(:max) : Val(:min)
-            invert_value(::Val{:max}) = var.inverse ? Val(:min) : Val(:max)
-            invert_value(value::AbstractVector) = invert_value.(value)
-            apply_simple_constraint!(getproperty(variables, var.other_var)(block), invert_value(value))
+            return apply_simple_constraint!(to_set, value)
+        elseif step_type == :getter
+            apply_simple_constraint!(step(block), variable, value)
-            apply_simple_constraint!(var(block), value)
+            error()
-    nothing
+_adjust_value(value::Symbol, converter::Function, invert::Bool) = _adjust_value(Val(value), converter, invert)
+_adjust_value(::Val{:min}, ::Function, invert::Bool) = invert ? Val(:max) : Val(:min)
+_adjust_value(::Val{:max}, ::Function, invert::Bool) = invert ? Val(:min) : Val(:max)
+_adjust_value(value::VariableType, converter::Function, ::Bool) = converter(value)
+_adjust_value(value::AbstractArray, converter::Function, ::Bool) = converter(value)
     apply_simple_constraint!(variable, value)