diff --git a/src/components/gradient_waveforms/constant_gradient_blocks.jl b/src/components/gradient_waveforms/constant_gradient_blocks.jl
index 7e6252fcd3a20378b554b4e648f0e60d2e1b98a1..0fb86ba555b369a15d0bbaf3b14ef38dd94f8c51 100644
--- a/src/components/gradient_waveforms/constant_gradient_blocks.jl
+++ b/src/components/gradient_waveforms/constant_gradient_blocks.jl
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ _mult(g1::AbstractVector, g2::AbstractVector) = g1 .* permutedims(g2)
 function split_gradient(cgb::ConstantGradient, times::VariableType...)
-    durations = [times[1], [t[2] - t[1] for t in zip(times[1:end-1], times[2:end])]..., duration(cgb) - times[end]]
+    durations = [times[1], [t[2] - t[1] for t in zip(times[1:end-1], times[2:end])]..., variables.duration(cgb) - times[end]]
     if cgb isa ConstantGradient1D
         return [ConstantGradient1D(cgb.gradient_strength, cgb.orientation, d, cgb.group) for d in durations]
diff --git a/src/components/instant_gradients.jl b/src/components/instant_gradients.jl
index ce1127bc24e452fbe41723faf3e5bd6817b9dad3..ca2def164602c5116481139f81b9c840171d08de 100644
--- a/src/components/instant_gradients.jl
+++ b/src/components/instant_gradients.jl
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ end
 @defvar gradient qvec(ig::InstantGradient3D) = ig.qvec
-variables.duration.f(::InstantGradient) = 0.
-variables.effective_time.f(::InstantGradient) = 0.
+@defvar duration(::InstantGradient) = 0.
+@defvar effective_time(::InstantGradient) = 0.
 @defvar gradient bmat_gradient(::InstantGradient, qstart=nothing) = zero(SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 3})
 make_generic(ig::InstantGradient) = ig
diff --git a/src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl b/src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl
index 969619459aba8dbc2aca68a4ac9693f6c7a5c63f..af88e4f7ca5dde134abe4957d915698443be5138 100644
--- a/src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl
+++ b/src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ struct GenericPulse <: RFPulseComponent
         @assert all(time .>= 0)
         if isnothing(effective_time)
             test_res = new(Float64.(time), Float64.(amplitude), Float64.(phase), 0.)
-            effective_time = time_halfway_flip(test_res)
+            effective_time = variables.time_halfway_flip(test_res)
         return new(Float64.(time), Float64.(amplitude), Float64.(phase), Float64(effective_time))
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ function GenericPulse(pulse::GenericPulse, t1::Number, t2::Number)
     pnew = pulse.phase[use]
     if !(t1 ≈ tnew[1])
         pushfirst!(tnew, t1)
-        pushfirst!(anew, amplitude(pulse, t1))
-        pushfirst!(pnew, phase(pulse, t1))
+        pushfirst!(anew, variables.amplitude(pulse, t1))
+        pushfirst!(pnew, variables.phase(pulse, t1))
     elseif !(t2 ≈ tnew[end])
         push!(tnew, t2)
-        push!(anew, amplitude(pulse, t2))
-        push!(pnew, phase(pulse, t2))
+        push!(anew, variables.amplitude(pulse, t2))
+        push!(pnew, variables.phase(pulse, t2))
     return GenericPulse(tnew .- t1, anew, pnew, pulse.effective_time - t1)
diff --git a/src/components/pulses/sinc_pulses.jl b/src/components/pulses/sinc_pulses.jl
index 74efad56b88ebb8746245314b667a599faa55621..5d92a7442c28bdb33744d7b1892d8c2d029d5149 100644
--- a/src/components/pulses/sinc_pulses.jl
+++ b/src/components/pulses/sinc_pulses.jl
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ end
 @defvar begin
-    amplitude(pulse::SincPulse, time::Number) = variables.amplitude(pulse) * normalised_function(abs((time - variables.effective_time(pulse))) / variables.lobe_duration(pulse), N_left(pulse), N_right(pulse); apodise=pulse.apodise)
+    amplitude(pulse::SincPulse, time::Number) = variables.amplitude(pulse) * normalised_function(abs((time - variables.effective_time(pulse))) / variables.lobe_duration(pulse), variables.N_left(pulse), variables.N_right(pulse); apodise=pulse.apodise)
     phase(pulse::SincPulse, time::Number) = variables.phase(pulse) + variables.frequency(pulse) * (time - variables.effective_time(pulse)) * 360.
     frequency(pulse::SincPulse, time::Number) = variables.frequency(pulse)
diff --git a/src/containers/abstract.jl b/src/containers/abstract.jl
index 16f66ff2bc7898e266657055777b0a6c6c8b2913..195af76572ed4b27533b0240888c83fd66bceafd 100644
--- a/src/containers/abstract.jl
+++ b/src/containers/abstract.jl
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ end_time(block::Tuple{<:VariableType, <:AbstractBlock}) = variables.duration(blo
     effective_time(container::ContainerBlock, index, indices...) = start_time(container, index) + variables.effective_time(container[index], indices...)
     effective_time(block::Tuple{<:VariableType, <:AbstractBlock}) = block[1] + variables.effective_time(block[2])
     effective_time(container, indices...)
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ This will crash if the component does not have an [`effective_time`](@ref) (e.g.
 Also see [`variables.duration`](@ref), [`start_time`](@ref), and [`end_time`](@ref)
@@ -147,8 +148,8 @@ function get_gradient end
 Returns all the times that the sequence will readout.
-iter(component::Tuple{<:Number, <:ReadoutComponent}, ::Val{:readout}) = [(time, nothing) for time in readout_times(component[2])]
+iter(component::Tuple{<:Number, <:ReadoutComponent}, ::Val{:readout}) = [(time, nothing) for time in variables.readout_times(component[2])]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/containers/building_blocks.jl b/src/containers/building_blocks.jl
index 7d2db3d4ce2e3bff0af6de95ac7f7d2df9a3aabb..b399f2e4b658e4ca2fed09aad04338a0b705d24b 100644
--- a/src/containers/building_blocks.jl
+++ b/src/containers/building_blocks.jl
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Computes the area under the curve for the gradient waveform in [`BaseBuildingBlo
 If `first_event` is set to something else than `nothing`, only the gradient waveform after this RF pulse/Readout will be considered.
 Similarly, if `last_event` is set to something else than `nothing`, only the gradient waveform up to this RF pulse/Readout will be considered.
 function edge_times(bb::BaseBuildingBlock)
     res = Float64[]
diff --git a/src/parts/trapezoids.jl b/src/parts/trapezoids.jl
index 9dd2b5d0a3086720f8ee9549301b30ca3214110d..2deab41bd9bfe5a63fa7bfc6fc5226289f46e9ee 100644
--- a/src/parts/trapezoids.jl
+++ b/src/parts/trapezoids.jl
@@ -170,12 +170,12 @@ struct SliceSelect{N} <: BaseTrapezoid{N}
     pulse :: RFPulseComponent
-function SliceSelect(pulse::RFPulseComponent; orientation=nothing, rise_time=nothing, group=nothing, slew_rate=nothing, variables...)
+function SliceSelect(pulse::RFPulseComponent; orientation=nothing, rise_time=nothing, group=nothing, slew_rate=nothing, vars...)
     res = SliceSelect(
-        Trapezoid(; orientation=orientation, rise_time=rise_time, flat_time=duration(pulse), group=group, slew_rate=slew_rate),
+        Trapezoid(; orientation=orientation, rise_time=rise_time, flat_time=variables.duration(pulse), group=group, slew_rate=slew_rate),
-    set_simple_constraints!(res, variables)
+    set_simple_constraints!(res, vars)
     return res
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ function LineReadout(adc::ADC; ramp_overlap=nothing, orientation=nothing, group=
 Base.keys(::LineReadout) = (Val(:rise), Val(:adc), Val(:flat), Val(:fall))
-Base.getindex(lr::LineReadout, ::Val{:adc}) = ((1 - ramp_overlap(lr)) * rise_time(lr), lr.adc)
+Base.getindex(lr::LineReadout, ::Val{:adc}) = ((1 - variables.ramp_overlap(lr)) * variables.rise_time(lr), lr.adc)
 @defvar begin
     ramp_overlap(lr::LineReadout) = lr.ramp_overlap
diff --git a/src/pathways.jl b/src/pathways.jl
index 3283817b1700cfc0c9709dc8b03b91c687edc8f7..54ba18c4ceea4f8b81d91c379cf53d6e762484be 100644
--- a/src/pathways.jl
+++ b/src/pathways.jl
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ The RF pulses cause mappings between these different states as described below.
     - `:refocus`/`:invert`/180: Flips the sign of the spin state (i.e., +longitudinal <-> -longitudinal, +transverse <-> -transverse)
     - `:excite`/90: Takes spin state one step along the following sequence +longitudinal -> +transverse -> -longitudinal -> -transverse -> +longitudinal
     - `:neg_excite`/270/-90: Inverse step compared with `:excite`.
-- `readout_index`: After encountering the number of pulses as defined in `pulse_effects`, continue the `PathWay` until the readout given by `index` is reached. If set to 0 the `PathWay` is terminated immediately after the last RF pulse.
+- `readout_index`: After encountering the number of pulses as defined in `pulse_effects`, continue the `Pathway` until the readout given by `index` is reached. If set to 0 the `Pathway` is terminated immediately after the last RF pulse.
 - `group`: which gradient grouping to consider for the `qvec` and `bmat`. If not set, all gradients will be considered (using their current alignment).
 ## Attributes
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ variables.bval
-Gets the main [`PathWay`](@ref) that spins are expected to experience in the sequence.
+Gets the main [`Pathway`](@ref) that spins are expected to experience in the sequence.
 Multiple pathways might be returned as an array or (named)tuple.
diff --git a/src/variables.jl b/src/variables.jl
index 29779eedca5c47947933bbe7bdbb4c52bd15927c..903497b53f335f077ed0199eef807769ad8efccd 100644
--- a/src/variables.jl
+++ b/src/variables.jl
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Main module containing all the MRIBuilder sequence variables.
 All variables are available as members of this module, e.g.
 `variables.echo_time` returns the echo time variable.
-New variables can be defined using [`@defvar`](@ref).
+New variables can be defined using `@defvar`.
 Set constraints on variables by passing them on as keywords during the sequence generation,
 e.g., `seq=SpinEcho(echo_time=70)`.
@@ -360,9 +360,6 @@ Returns the gradient orientation.
 function gradient_orientation end
-@defvar function effective_time end
 function (var::Variable)(block::AbstractBlock, args...; kwargs...)
     if !applicable(var.f, block, args...) && !isnothing(var.getter)
         apply_to = var.getter(block)
diff --git a/test/test_IO.jl b/test/test_IO.jl
index ce838f93d2992b53e2a3624335c515c52d7d7d43..493161b5b4725bb12d0819298e97830ab27e71bf 100644
--- a/test/test_IO.jl
+++ b/test/test_IO.jl
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
         # Single ADC event
-        @test length(readout_times(seq)) == 1024
+        @test length(variables.readout_times(seq)) == 1024
         @test variables.readout_times(seq)[1] ≈ 0.22 + 5 + 0.02 + 0.5 * 0.3125
         @test variables.readout_times(seq)[end] ≈ 0.22 + 5 + 0.02 + 1023.5 * 0.3125
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
             0.02 +  # RF ringdown time (added by block duration)
             29.730  # Delay until ADC start (to get start at ADC at TE=30)
-        @test length(readout_times(seq)) == 8192
+        @test length(variables.readout_times(seq)) == 8192
         @test variables.readout_times(seq)[1] ≈ start_adc + 0.5 * 0.03125
         @test variables.readout_times(seq)[end] ≈ start_adc + 8191.5 * 0.03125
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
                 seq_json = read_sequence(io, format=:serialize)
                 @test variables.duration(seq_orig) == variables.duration(seq_json)
                 @test length(seq_orig) == length(seq_json)
-                @test all(duration.(seq_orig) .== duration.(seq_json))
+                @test all(variables.duration.(seq_orig) .== variables.duration.(seq_json))
                 @test iszero(length(iter_instant_gradients(seq_json)))
                 @test iszero(length(iter_instant_pulses(seq_json)))
                 @test all(variables.readout_times(seq_json) .== variables.readout_times(seq_orig))
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
             seq_json = read_sequence(io; format=:serialize)
             @test variables.duration(seq_orig) == variables.duration(seq_json)
             @test length(seq_orig) == length(seq_json)
-            @test all(duration.(seq_orig) .== duration.(seq_json))
+            @test all(variables.duration.(seq_orig) .== variables.duration.(seq_json))
             @test length(iter_instant_gradients(seq_json)) == length(iter_instant_gradients(seq_json))
             @test length(iter_instant_pulses(seq_json)) == length(iter_instant_pulses(seq_json))
             @test all(variables.readout_times(seq_json) .== variables.readout_times(seq_orig))
diff --git a/test/test_components.jl b/test/test_components.jl
index f92736e34b10ad2dd3a70a202cfe117b5233487e..e8f6109d165c12f7a8a0ea40454931ebe915aeb2 100644
--- a/test/test_components.jl
+++ b/test/test_components.jl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     @testset "SincPulse" begin
         sp = SincPulse(amplitude=1., frequency=2., phase=0., lobe_duration=10., Nzeros=(2, 1))
-        @test duration(sp) ≈ 30.
+        @test variables.duration(sp) ≈ 30.
         @test variables.amplitude(sp, 20) ≈ 1.
         @test variables.amplitude(sp, 0) ≈ 0. atol=1e-8
diff --git a/test/test_sequences.jl b/test/test_sequences.jl
index 057b6791dd16cfcc8248e3283d93a4a604434e26..caa48340586997a6206886478582dafdc5f9b0ad 100644
--- a/test/test_sequences.jl
+++ b/test/test_sequences.jl
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
                 seq = DiffusionSpinEcho(TE=:min, bval=1.)
                 @test length(seq) == 9
                 grad_duration = variables.TE(seq) / 2
-                @test all(isapprox.(duration.(seq), [0., 0., grad_duration, 0., 0., 0., grad_duration, 0., 0.], atol=1e-6))
+                @test all(isapprox.(variables.duration.(seq), [0., 0., grad_duration, 0., 0., 0., grad_duration, 0., 0.], atol=1e-6))
                 @test length([iter_instant_pulses(seq)...]) == 2
                 @test length([iter_instant_gradients(seq)...]) == 0.
                 @test variables.bval(seq) ≈ 1.
@@ -38,24 +38,24 @@
             @testset "Maximise b-value" begin
                 seq = DiffusionSpinEcho(TE=80., bval=:max)
                 @test length(seq) == 9
-                @test all(isapprox.(duration.(seq), [0., 0., 40., 0., 0., 0., 40., 0., 0.], atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4))
+                @test all(isapprox.(variables.duration.(seq), [0., 0., 40., 0., 0., 0., 40., 0., 0.], atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4))
                 @test length([iter_instant_pulses(seq)...]) == 2
                 @test length([iter_instant_gradients(seq)...]) == 0.
                 @test variables.TE(seq) ≈ 80.
                 @test variables.duration(seq) ≈ 80.
-                @test 4.8 < bval(seq) < 4.9
+                @test 4.8 < variables.bval(seq) < 4.9
                 @test variables.rise_time(seq[:gradient]) ≈ min_rise_time rtol=1e-4
                 @test all(isapprox.(edge_times(seq, tol=1e-3), [0., min_rise_time, 40. - min_rise_time, 40, 40 + min_rise_time, 80 - min_rise_time, 80.], atol=1e-4))
                 # can also maximise q-value
                 seq2 = DiffusionSpinEcho(TE=80., qval=:max)
-                @test all(isapprox.(duration.(seq), duration.(seq2), atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4))
+                @test all(isapprox.(variables.duration.(seq), variables.duration.(seq2), atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4))
                 @test variables.TE(seq) ≈ variables.TE(seq2) atol=1e-4 rtol=1e-4
                 @test variables.bval(seq) ≈ variables.bval(seq2) atol=1e-4 rtol=1e-4
             @testset "Set diffusion time Δ" begin
                 seq = DiffusionSpinEcho(TE=80., Δ=70., qval=:max)
-                @test all(isapprox.(duration.(seq), [0., 0., 10., 30., 0., 30., 10., 0., 0.], atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4))
+                @test all(isapprox.(variables.duration.(seq), [0., 0., 10., 30., 0., 30., 10., 0., 0.], atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4))
                 @test variables.Δ(seq) ≈ 70.
                 @test variables.TE(seq) ≈ 80.
                 @test variables.duration(seq) ≈ 80.
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
             @testset "Set gradient duration" begin
                 seq = DiffusionSpinEcho(TE=80., gradient=(duration=10., ), bval=:max)
-                @test all(isapprox.(duration.(seq), [0., 0., 10., 30., 0., 30., 10., 0., 0.], atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4))
+                @test all(isapprox.(variables.duration.(seq), [0., 0., 10., 30., 0., 30., 10., 0., 0.], atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4))
                 @test variables.Δ(seq) ≈ 70. rtol=1e-4
                 @test variables.TE(seq) ≈ 80.
                 @test variables.duration(seq) ≈ 80.
@@ -79,33 +79,33 @@
             @testset "slice-select DW-SE" begin
                 seq = DiffusionSpinEcho(duration=:min, bval=2., slice_thickness=2.)
                 @test length(seq) == 9
-                @test duration(seq[1]) > 1.
+                @test variables.duration(seq[1]) > 1.
                 for index in 1:9
                     if index in [2, 4, 8, 9]
-                        @test abs(duration(seq[index])) < 1e-6
+                        @test abs(variables.duration(seq[index])) < 1e-6
-                        @test abs(duration(seq[index])) > 1
+                        @test abs(variables.duration(seq[index])) > 1
-                @test duration(seq[:gradient]) ≈ duration(seq[:gradient2])
+                @test variables.duration(seq[:gradient]) ≈ variables.duration(seq[:gradient2])
                 @test variables.bval(seq) ≈ 2.
-                @test length(readout_times(seq)) == 1
+                @test length(variables.readout_times(seq)) == 1
                 @test variables.readout_times(seq)[1] > variables.TE(seq)
             @testset "voxel-wise DW-SE" begin
                 seq = DiffusionSpinEcho(duration=:min, bval=2., voxel_size=2., fov=(20, 20, 20))
                 @test length(seq) == 9
-                @test duration(seq[1]) > 1.
+                @test variables.duration(seq[1]) > 1.
                 for index in 1:9
                     if index in [2, 6, 8]
-                        @test abs(duration(seq[index])) < 1e-6
+                        @test abs(variables.duration(seq[index])) < 1e-6
-                        @test abs(duration(seq[index])) > 1
+                        @test abs(variables.duration(seq[index])) > 1
-                @test duration(seq[:gradient]) ≈ duration(seq[:gradient2])
+                @test variables.duration(seq[:gradient]) ≈ variables.duration(seq[:gradient2])
                 @test variables.bval(seq) ≈ 2.
-                @test length(readout_times(seq)) > 50
+                @test length(variables.readout_times(seq)) > 50
                 @test 67 < variables.TE(seq) < 68
                 @test 72 < variables.duration(seq) < 73