From d76d3140138a67c34636b59180ced4e7ff73b1ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michiel Cottaar <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 18:12:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Read pulseq files

 Project.toml                            |   2 +
 src/MRIBuilder.jl                       |   4 +
 src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl |   2 +-
 src/containers/base_sequences.jl        |   4 +-
 src/pulseq.jl                           | 320 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 329 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/pulseq.jl

diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index 83c65d6..fdb9322 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ authors = ["Michiel Cottaar <>"]
 version = "0.0.0"
+DataStructures = "864edb3b-99cc-5e75-8d2d-829cb0a9cfe8"
+Interpolations = "a98d9a8b-a2ab-59e6-89dd-64a1c18fca59"
 Ipopt = "b6b21f68-93f8-5de0-b562-5493be1d77c9"
 JuMP = "4076af6c-e467-56ae-b986-b466b2749572"
 Juniper = "2ddba703-00a4-53a7-87a5-e8b9971dde84"
diff --git a/src/MRIBuilder.jl b/src/MRIBuilder.jl
index 5cc156c..520111e 100644
--- a/src/MRIBuilder.jl
+++ b/src/MRIBuilder.jl
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ include("pathways.jl")
 import .BuildSequences: build_sequence, global_model, global_scanner, fixed
@@ -38,6 +39,9 @@ export dwi_gradients, readout_event, excitation_pulse, refocus_pulse, Trapezoid,
 import .Sequences: GradientEcho, SpinEcho, DiffusionSpinEcho, DW_SE, DWI
 export GradientEcho, SpinEcho, DiffusionSpinEcho, DW_SE, DWI
+import .Pulseq: read_pulseq
+export read_pulseq
 import .Plot: plot_sequence
 export plot_sequence
diff --git a/src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl b/src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl
index 8b9f72e..4b3c01d 100644
--- a/src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl
+++ b/src/components/pulses/generic_pulses.jl
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ flip_angle(pulse::GenericPulse) = sum(get_weights(pulse) .* pulse.amplitude) * 3
 function time_halfway_flip(pulse::GenericPulse)
     w = get_weights(pulse)
     flip_so_far = cumsum(w .* pulse.amplitude)
-    return pulse.times[findfirst(f -> f >= flip_so_far[end] / 2, flip_so_far)]
+    return pulse.time[findfirst(f -> f >= flip_so_far[end] / 2, flip_so_far)]
 for fn in (:amplitude, :phase)
diff --git a/src/containers/base_sequences.jl b/src/containers/base_sequences.jl
index f98075b..0bda22d 100644
--- a/src/containers/base_sequences.jl
+++ b/src/containers/base_sequences.jl
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ struct Sequence{S, N} <: BaseSequence{N}
     scanner :: Scanner
-function Sequence(blocks::AbstractVector; name=:Sequence, variables...)
+function Sequence(blocks::AbstractVector; name=:Sequence, scanner=nothing, variables...)
     blocks = to_block_pair.(blocks)
-    res = Sequence{name, length(blocks)}(SVector{length(blocks)}(blocks), global_scanner())
+    res = Sequence{name, length(blocks)}(SVector{length(blocks)}(blocks), isnothing(scanner) ? global_scanner() : scanner)
     set_simple_constraints!(res, variables)
     return res
diff --git a/src/pulseq.jl b/src/pulseq.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a907bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pulseq.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+module Pulseq
+import ..Variables: duration
+import ..Scanners: Scanner
+import ..Components: GenericPulse, GradientWaveform, ADC
+import ..Containers: BuildingBlock, Sequence, Wait
+import DataStructures: OrderedDict
+import Interpolations: linear_interpolation, Flat
+import StaticArrays: SVector
+struct PulseqSection
+    title :: String
+    content :: Vector{String}
+struct CompressedPulseqShape
+    id :: Int
+    num :: Int
+    samples :: Vector{Float64}
+    control_points(shape::CompressedPulseqShape)
+Returns a tuple with:
+- vector of times
+- vector of amplitudes
+function control_points(pulseq::CompressedPulseqShape)
+    compressed = length(pulseq.samples) != pulseq.num
+    if !compressed
+        times = range(0, 1, length=pulseq.num)
+        return (times, pulseq.samples)
+    end
+    times = [zero(Float64)]
+    amplitudes = [pulseq.samples[1]]
+    repeating = false
+    time_norm = 1 / (pulseq.num - 1)
+    prev_sample = pulseq.samples[1]
+    prev_applied = true
+    for sample in pulseq.samples[2:end]
+        if repeating
+            nrepeats = Int(sample) + 2
+            if prev_applied
+                nrepeats -= 1
+            end
+            push!(times, times[end] + nrepeats * time_norm)
+            push!(amplitudes, amplitudes[end] + nrepeats * prev_sample)
+            repeating = false
+            prev_applied = true
+        elseif sample == prev_sample
+            repeating = true
+        else
+            if !prev_applied
+                push!(times, times[end] + time_norm)
+                push!(amplitudes, amplitudes[end] + prev_sample)
+            end
+            prev_sample = sample
+            prev_applied = false
+        end
+    end
+    if !prev_applied
+        push!(times, times[end] + time_norm)
+        push!(amplitudes, amplitudes[end] + prev_sample)
+    end
+    return (times, amplitudes)
+    read_pulseq(filename; scanner=Scanner(B0=B0), B0=3., TR=<sequence duration>)
+Reads a sequence from a pulseq file (
+Pulseq files can be produced using matlab ( or python (
+function read_pulseq(filename; kwargs...)
+    keywords = open(read_pulseq_sections, filename)
+    name = basename(filename)
+    if endswith(name, ".seq")
+        name = name[1:end-4]
+    end
+    build_sequence(; name=Symbol(name), kwargs..., keywords...)
+function read_pulseq_sections(io::IO)
+    sections = PulseqSection[]
+    version = nothing
+    title = ""
+    for line in readlines(io)
+        line = strip(line)
+        if length(line) == 0 || line[1] == '#'
+            continue  # ignore comments
+        end
+        if line[1] == '[' && line[end] == ']'
+            if title == "VERSION"
+                version = parse_pulseq_section(sections[end]).second
+            end
+            # new section starts
+            title = line[2:end-1]
+            push!(sections, PulseqSection(title, String[]))
+        elseif length(sections) > 0
+            push!(sections[end].content, line)
+        else
+            error("Content found in pulseq file before first section")
+        end
+    end
+    Dict(filter(pair -> !isnothing(pair), parse_pulseq_section.(sections, version))...)
+function parse_pulseq_ordered_dict(strings::Vector{<:AbstractString}, names, dtypes)
+    as_dict = OrderedDict{Int, NamedTuple{Tuple(names), Tuple{dtypes...}}}()
+    for line in strings
+        parts = split(line)
+        @assert length(parts) == length(names)
+        values = parse.(dtypes, split(line))
+        @assert names[1] == :id
+        as_dict[values[1]] = (; zip(names, values)...)
+    end
+    return as_dict
+function parse_pulseq_properties(strings::Vector{<:AbstractString})
+    result = Dict{String, Any}()
+    for s in strings
+        (name, value) = split(s, limit=2)
+        result[name] = value
+    end
+    return result
+section_headers = Dict(
+    "BLOCKS" => ([:id, :duration, :rf, :gx, :gy, :gz, :adc, :ext], fill(Int, 8)),
+    ("BLOCKS", v"1.3.1") => ([:id, :delay, :rf, :gx, :gy, :gz, :adc, :ext], fill(Int, 8)),
+    ("DELAYS", v"1.3.1") => ([:id, :delay], [Int, Int]),
+    ("RF", v"1.3.1") => ([:id, :amp, :mag_id, :phase_id, :delay, :freq, :phase], [Int, Float64, Int, Int, Int, Float64, Float64]),
+    "RF" => ([:id, :amp, :mag_id, :phase_id, :time_id, :delay, :freq, :phase], [Int, Float64, Int, Int, Int, Int, Float64, Float64]),
+    ("GRADIENTS", v"1.3.1") => ([:id, :amp, :shape_id, :delay], [Int, Float64, Int, Int]),
+    "GRADIENTS" => ([:id, :amp, :shape_id, :time_id, :delay], [Int, Float64, Int, Int, Int]),
+    "TRAP" => ([:id, :amp, :rise, :flat, :fall, :delay], [Int, Float64, Int, Int, Int, Int]),
+    "ADC" => ([:id, :num, :dwell, :delay, :freq, :phase], [Int, Int, Float64, Int, Float64, Float64]),
+function parse_pulseq_section(section::PulseqSection, version=nothing)
+    if section.title == "VERSION"
+        props = parse_pulseq_properties(section.content)
+        result = VersionNumber(
+            parse(Int, props["major"]),
+            parse(Int, props["minor"]),
+            parse(Int, props["revision"]),
+        )
+    elseif section.title == "DEFINITIONS"
+        result = parse_pulseq_properties(section.content)
+    elseif (section.title, version) in keys(section_headers)
+        result = parse_pulseq_ordered_dict(section.content, section_headers[(section.title, version)]...)
+    elseif section.title in keys(section_headers)
+        result = parse_pulseq_ordered_dict(section.content, section_headers[section.title]...)
+    elseif section.title == "EXTENSION"
+        println("Ignoring all extensions in pulseq")
+    elseif section.title == "SHAPES"
+        current_id = -1
+        shapes = CompressedPulseqShape[]
+        for line in section.content
+            if length(line) > 8 && lowercase(line[1:8]) == "shape_id"
+                current_id = parse(Int, line[9:end])
+                continue
+            end
+            for text in ("num_uncompressed", "num_samples")
+                if startswith(lowercase(line), text)
+                    @assert current_id != -1
+                    push!(shapes, CompressedPulseqShape(current_id, parse(Int, line[length(text)+1:end]), Float64[]))
+                    current_id = -1
+                    break
+                end
+            end
+            if !startswith(lowercase(line), "num")
+                @assert current_id == -1
+                push!(shapes[end].samples, parse(Float64, line))
+            end
+        end
+        result = Dict(
+            [ => (s.num, control_points(s)...) for s in shapes]...
+        )
+    elseif section.title in ["SIGNATURE"]
+        # silently ignore these sections
+        return nothing
+    else
+        error("Unrecognised pulseq section: $(section.title)")
+    end
+    return Symbol(lowercase(section.title)) => result
+function align_in_time(pairs...)
+    interps = [linear_interpolation(time, ampl; extrapolation_bc=Flat()) for (time, ampl) in pairs]
+    all_times = sort(unique(vcat([time for (time, _) in pairs]...)))
+    return (all_times, [interp.(all_times) for interp in interps]...)
+function build_sequence(; scanner=nothing, B0=3., TR=nothing, definitions, version, blocks, rf=nothing, gradients=nothing, trap=nothing, delays=nothing, shapes=nothing, adc=nothing, name=:Pulseq)
+    if isnothing(scanner)
+        scanner = Scanner(B0=B0)
+    end
+    if version == v"1.4.0"
+        # load raster times (converting seconds to milliseconds)
+        convert = key -> parse(Float64, definitions[key]) * Float64(1e3)
+        gradient_raster = convert("GradientRasterTime")
+        rf_raster = convert("RadiofrequencyRasterTime")
+        adc_raster = convert("AdcRasterTime")
+        block_duration_raster = convert("BlockDurationRaster")
+    elseif version == v"1.3.1"
+        gradient_raster = rf_raster = block_duration_raster = Float64(1e-3) # 1 microsecond as default raster
+        adc_raster = Float64(1e-6) # ADC dwell time is in ns by default
+    else
+        error("Can only load pulseq files with versions v1.3.1 and v1.4.0, not $(version)")
+    end
+    full_blocks = BuildingBlock[]
+    for block in values(blocks)
+        block_duration = 0.
+        events = []
+        if !iszero(block.rf)
+            proc = rf[block.rf]
+            (num, times_shape, amplitudes_shape) = shapes[proc.mag_id]
+            block_duration = max(num * rf_raster + proc.delay * 1e-3, block_duration)
+            ampl_times = times_shape .* (num * rf_raster)
+            ampl_size = amplitudes_shape .* (proc.amp * 1e-3)
+            if iszero(proc.phase_id)
+                phase_times = ampl_times
+                phase_size = ampl_times .* 0
+            else
+                (num, times_shape, phase_shape) = shapes[proc.phase_id]
+                block_duration = max(num * rf_raster + proc.delay * 1e-3, block_duration)
+                phase_times = times_shape .* (num * rf_raster)
+                phase_size = rad2deg.(phase_shape) .+ phase_times .* (proc.freq * 1e-3 * 360) .+ rad2deg(proc.phase)
+            end
+            if version != v"1.3.1" && !iszero(proc.time_id)
+                (num, time_shape) = shapes[proc.time_id]
+                times = time_shape.amplitudes .* rf_raster
+                ampl = ampl_size
+                phase = phase_size
+            else
+                (times, ampl, phase) = align_in_time((ampl_times, ampl_size), (phase_times, phase_size))
+            end
+            push!(events, (proc.delay * 1e-3, GenericPulse(times, ampl, phase)))
+        end
+        if !iszero(block.adc)
+            proc = adc[block.adc]
+            push!(events, (proc.delay, ADC(proc.num, proc.dwell * 1e-6, proc.dwell * proc.num * 1e-6 / 2, 0.)))
+            block_duration = max(proc.delay * 1e-3 + proc.dwell * proc.num * 1e-6, block_duration)
+        end
+        grad_shapes = []
+        for symbol_grad in [:gx, :gy, :gz]
+            grad_id = getfield(block, symbol_grad)
+            if iszero(grad_id)
+                push!(grad_shapes, (Float64[], Float64[]))
+                continue
+            end
+            if !isnothing(gradients) && grad_id in keys(gradients)
+                proc = gradients[grad_id]
+                start_time = proc.delay * 1e-3
+                (num, grad_shape) = shapes[proc.shape_id]
+                if version != v"1.3.1" && !iszero(proc.time_id)
+                    (num, time_shape) = shapes[proc.time_id]
+                    times = time_shape.amplitudes .* gradient_raster .+ start_time
+                else
+                    times = grad_shape.times .* (num * gradient_raster) .+ start_time
+                end
+                push!(grad_shapes, (times, grad_shape.amplitudes .* (proc.amp * 1e-9)))
+                block_duration = max(proc.delay * 1e-3 + num * gradient_raster, block_duration)
+            elseif !isnothing(trap) && grad_id in keys(trap)
+                proc = trap[grad_id]
+                start_time = proc.delay * 1e-3
+                times = (cumsum([0, proc.rise, proc.flat, proc.fall]) .* 1e-3) .+ start_time
+                push!(grad_shapes, (times, [0, proc.amp * 1e-9, proc.amp * 1e-9, 0]))
+                block_duration = max((proc.delay + proc.rise + proc.flat + proc.fall) * 1e-3, block_duration)
+            else
+                error("Gradient ID $grad_id not found in either of [GRADIENTS] or [TRAP] sections")
+            end
+        end
+        if version == v"1.3.1"
+            if !iszero(block.delay)
+                actual_duration = max(block_duration, delays[block.delay].delay * 1e-3)
+            else
+                actual_duration = block_duration
+            end
+        else
+            actual_duration = block.duration * block_duration_raster
+            @assert actual_duration >= block_duration
+        end
+        function extend_grad!(pair)
+            (times, amplitudes) = pair
+            if iszero(length(times)) || !iszero(times[1])
+                pushfirst!(times, 0.)
+                pushfirst!(amplitudes, 0.)
+            end
+            if times[end] != actual_duration
+                push!(times, actual_duration)
+                push!(amplitudes, 0.)
+            end
+        end
+        extend_grad!.(grad_shapes)
+        arrs = align_in_time(grad_shapes...)
+        waveform = [(t, SVector{3, Float64}(gx, gy, gz)) for (t, gx, gy, gz) in zip(arrs...)]
+        push!(full_blocks, BuildingBlock(waveform, events))
+    end
+    full_block_duration = sum(duration.(full_blocks))
+    if isnothing(TR)
+        total_duration = parse(Float64, get(definitions, "TotalDuration", "0")) * 1000
+        TR = iszero(total_duration) ? full_block_duration : total_duration
+    end
+    if TR > full_block_duration
+        push!(full_blocks, Wait(TR - full_block_duration))
+    elseif TR < full_block_duration
+        @warn "Given TR ($TR) is shorter than the total duration of all the building blocks ($full_block_duration). Ignoring TR..."
+    end
+    Sequence(full_blocks; scanner=scanner, name=name)
\ No newline at end of file