From e817c65d5fa235a07a7ca9416c262afc08accecb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michiel Cottaar <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 13:47:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove outdated linearise.jl

 src/containers/linearise.jl | 196 ------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 196 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/containers/linearise.jl

diff --git a/src/containers/linearise.jl b/src/containers/linearise.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b06f61..0000000
--- a/src/containers/linearise.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-module Linearise
-import StaticArrays: SVector
-import ...Components: GradientWaveform, split_timestep, InstantPulse, InstantGradient3D, InstantGradient1D, edge_times
-import ...Variables: amplitude, phase, gradient_strength3, duration, qval
-import ..Abstract: start_time, end_time, ContainerBlock, iter_instant_gradients, iter_instant_pulses
-import ..BaseSequences: BaseSequence, Sequence
-import ..BuildingBlocks: BaseBuildingBlock
-struct LinearPart{T}
-    start_value :: T
-    end_value :: T
-Base.iszero(lp::LinearPart) = iszero(lp.start_value) && iszero(lp.end_value)
-Base.iszero(lp::LinearPart{<:AbstractVector}) = all(iszero.(lp.start_value)) && all(iszero.(lp.end_value))
-(lp::LinearPart)(time::Number) = @. (1 - time) * lp.start_value + time * lp.end_value
-    SequencePart(sequence, time1, time2)
-Represents the time between `time1` and `time2` of a larger [`LinearSequence`](@ref)
-The gradient, RF amplitude, and RF phase are all be modeled as changing linearly during this time.
-struct SequencePart
-    gradient :: LinearPart{SVector{3, Float64}}
-    gradient_origin :: SVector{3, Float64}
-    rf_amplitude :: LinearPart{Float64}
-    rf_phase :: LinearPart{Float64}
-    duration :: Float64
-function SequencePart(sequence::BaseSequence{N}, time1::Number, time2::Number) where {N}
-    tmean = (time1 + time2) / 2
-    nTR = div(tmean, duration(sequence), RoundDown)
-    time1 -= nTR * duration(sequence)
-    time2 -= nTR * duration(sequence)
-    tmean -= nTR * duration(sequence)
-    if -1e-9 < time1 < 0.
-        time1 = 0.
-    end
-    if time2 > duration(sequence) && time2 ≈ duration(sequence)
-        time2 = duration(sequence)
-    end
-    if !(0 <= time1 <= time2 <= duration(sequence))
-        error("Initial time ($time1) and final time ($time2) are not part of the same TR.")
-    end
-    for key in 1:N
-        if (end_time(sequence, key) > tmean)
-            return SequencePart(sequence[key], time1 - start_time(sequence, key), time2 - start_time(sequence, key))
-        end
-    end
-function SequencePart(bb::BaseBuildingBlock, time1::Number, time2::Number)
-    if -1e-9 < time1 < 0.
-        time1 = 0.
-    end
-    if time2 > duration(bb) && time2 ≈ duration(bb)
-        time2 = duration(bb)
-    end
-    if !(0 <= time1 <= time2 <= duration(bb))
-        error("Sequence timings are out of bound")
-    end
-    tmean = (time1 + time2) / 2
-    function fit_linear_part(fn)
-        start = fn(bb, time1)
-        final = fn(bb, time2)
-        middle = fn(bb, tmean)
-        mid_deviation = @. middle - (start + final) / 2
-        return LinearPart(start .+ mid_deviation ./ 3, final .+ mid_deviation ./ 3)
-    end
-    return SequencePart(
-        fit_linear_part(gradient_strength3),
-        zero(SVector{3, Float64}),
-        fit_linear_part(amplitude),
-        fit_linear_part(phase),
-        time2 - time1
-    )
-duration(sp::SequencePart) = sp.duration
-    split_times(sequence(s); precision=0.01, max_timestep=Inf)
-Suggests at what times to split one or more sequence into linear parts (see [`linearise`](@ref)).
-The split times will include any time when (for any of the provided sequences):
-- the starting/end points of building blocks, gradients, RF pulses, or ADC readouts.
-- a gradient or RF pulse is discontinuous in the first derivative
-- the time of any instantaneous gradients, RF pulses, or readouts.
-Continuous gradient waveforms or RF pulses might be split up further to ensure the linear approximations meet the required `precision` (see [`split_timestep`](@ref)).
-split_times(sequence::BaseSequence, args...; kwargs...) = split_times([sequence], args...; kwargs...)
-split_times(sequences::AbstractVector{<:BaseSequence}; kwargs...) = split_times(sequences, 0., maximum(duration.(sequences)); kwargs...)
-function split_times(sequences::AbstractVector{<:BaseSequence}, tstart::Number, tfinal::Number; precision=0.01, max_timestep=Inf)
-    edges = Float64.([tstart, tfinal])
-    for sequence in sequences
-        raw_edges = edge_times(sequence)
-        nTR_start = Int(div(tstart, duration(sequence), RoundDown))
-        nTR_final = Int(div(tfinal, duration(sequence), RoundUp))
-        for nTR in nTR_start:nTR_final
-            for time in raw_edges .+ (nTR * duration(sequence))
-                if tstart < time < tfinal
-                    push!(edges, time)
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    edges = sort(unique(edges))
-    splits = Float64[]
-    for (t1, t2) in zip(edges[1:end-1], edges[2:end])
-        tmean = (t1 + t2) / 2
-        timestep = Float64(max_timestep)
-        for sequence in sequences
-            (block_time, block) = sequence(mod(tmean, duration(sequence)))
-            for key in keys(block)
-                if !(start_time(block, key) < block_time < end_time(block, key))
-                    continue
-                end
-                new_timestep = split_timestep(block[key], precision)
-                if new_timestep < timestep
-                    timestep = new_timestep
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        nsteps = isinf(timestep) ? 1 : Int(div(t2 - t1, timestep, RoundUp))
-        append!(splits, range(t1, t2, length=nsteps+1))
-    end
-    return unique(splits)
-    LinearSequence(sequence, times)
-    LinearSequence(sequence; max_timestep=Inf, precision=0.01)
-    LinearSequence(sequence, time1, time2; max_timestep=Inf, precision=0.01)
-A piece-wise linear approximation of a sequence.
-By default it represents the sequence between `time1=0` and `time2=TR`
-The gradient, RF amplitude, and RF phase are all be modeled as changing linearly during this time.
-If multiple sequences are provided a vector of `LinearSequence` objects are returned, all of which are split at the same time.
-struct LinearSequence
-    finite_parts :: Vector{SequencePart}
-    instant_pulses :: Vector{Union{Nothing, InstantPulse}}
-    instant_gradient :: Vector{Union{Nothing, InstantGradient3D}}
-LinearSequence(sequence::BaseSequence; kwargs...) = LinearSequence(sequence, 0., duration(sequence); kwargs...)
-LinearSequence(container::Union{BaseSequence, AbstractVector{<:BaseSequence}}, tstart::Number, tfinal::Number; kwargs...) = LinearSequence(container, split_times(container, tstart, tfinal; kwargs...))
-LinearSequence(containers::AbstractVector{<:BaseSequence}, times::AbstractVector{<:Number}) = map(c -> LinearSequence(c, times), containers)
-function LinearSequence(container::BaseSequence, times::AbstractVector{<:Number}) 
-    parts = [SequencePart(container, t1, t2) for (t1, t2) in zip(times[1:end-1], times[2:end])]
-    tstart = times[1]
-    tfinal = times[end]
-    pulses = Union{Nothing, InstantPulse}[nothing for _ in 1:length(times)]
-    gradients = Union{Nothing, InstantGradient3D}[nothing for _ in 1:length(times)]
-    for nTR in div(tstart, duration(container), RoundDown):div(tfinal, duration(container), RoundUp)
-        for (to_store, func) in [
-            (pulses, iter_instant_pulses),
-            (gradients, iter_instant_gradients),
-        ]
-            for (time, pulse) in func(container)
-                real_time = time + nTR * duration(container)
-                if !(tstart <= real_time < tfinal)
-                    continue
-                end
-                if pulse isa InstantGradient1D
-                    pulse = InstantGradient3D(qvec(pulse) .* pulse.orientation,
-                end
-                index = findmin(t -> abs(t - real_time), times)[2] 
-                to_store[index] = pulse
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    return LinearSequence(parts, pulses, gradients)
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