module BuildSequences using JuMP import Ipopt import Juniper import ..Scanners: Scanner, gradient_strength, Default_Scanner const GLOBAL_MODEL = Ref((Model(), Tuple{Float64, AbstractJuMPScalar}[])) const IGNORE_MODEL = GLOBAL_MODEL[] const GLOBAL_SCANNER = Ref(Scanner()) """ iterate_cost() Return a sequence of all the cost functions that should be optimised in order. """ function iterate_cost() unique_weights = sort(unique([w for (w, _) in GLOBAL_MODEL[][2]])) if iszero(length(unique_weights)) return [0.] else return [sum([f for (w, f) in GLOBAL_MODEL[][2] if w <= weight]; init=0.) for weight in unique_weights] end end function total_cost_func() return sum([10^(-w) * f for (w, f) in GLOBAL_MODEL[][2]]; init=0.) end """ Wrapper to build a sequence. Use as ```julia build_sequence(scanner;) do ... end ``` Within the code block you can create one or more sequences, e.g. ``` seq = Sequence( SincPulse(flip_angle=90, phase=0, duration=2., bandwidth=:max) nothing., SingleReadout ) ``` You can also add any arbitrary constraints or objectives using one of: - `set_simple_constraints!` - `apply_simple_constraint!` - `add_cost_function!` As soon as the code block ends the sequence is optimised (if `optimise=true`) and returned. ## Parameters - `scanner`: Set to a [`Scanner`](@ref) to limit the gradient strength and slew rate. When this call to `build_sequence` is embedded in another, this parameter can be set to `nothing` to indicate that the same scanner should be used. - `optimise`: Whether to optimise and fix the sequence as soon as it is returned. This defaults to `true` if a scanner is provided and `false` if no scanner is provided. - `n_attempts`: How many times to restart the optimser (default: 100). - `kwargs...`: Other keywords are passed on as attributes to the `optimiser_constructor` (e.g., set `print_level=3` to make the Ipopt optimiser quieter). """ function build_sequence(f::Function, scanner::Union{Nothing, Scanner}, model::Tuple, optimise::Bool, n_attempts::Int) prev_model = GLOBAL_MODEL[] GLOBAL_MODEL[] = model prev_scanner = GLOBAL_SCANNER[] if !isnothing(scanner) GLOBAL_SCANNER[] = scanner elseif !isfinite(gradient_strength(GLOBAL_SCANNER[])) error("Scanner should be explicitly set when creating a new top-level sequence.") end try sequence = f() if optimise jump_model = GLOBAL_MODEL[][1] if !iszero(num_variables(jump_model)) optimise_with_cost_func!(jump_model, total_cost_func(), n_attempts) prev_cost_func = nothing prev_opt_value = nothing for cost_func in iterate_cost() if !isnothing(prev_cost_func) @constraint jump_model prev_cost_func <= prev_opt_value end prev_opt_value = optimise_with_cost_func!(jump_model, cost_func, n_attempts) prev_cost_func = cost_func end end return fixed(sequence) else return sequence end finally GLOBAL_MODEL[] = prev_model GLOBAL_SCANNER[] = prev_scanner end end function number_equality_constraints(model::Model) sum([num_constraints(model, expr, comp) for (expr, comp) in JuMP.list_of_constraint_types(model) if comp <: MOI.EqualTo]) end function optimise_with_cost_func!(jump_model::Model, cost_func, n_attempts) @objective jump_model Min cost_func min_objective = Inf min_values = nothing nsuccess = 0 sample_error = Dict{TerminationStatusCode, Any}() errors = TerminationStatusCode[] for _ in num_variables(jump_model):number_equality_constraints(jump_model) @variable(jump_model) end for attempt in 1:n_attempts if attempt != 1 new_values = rand(length(all_variables(jump_model))) for (var, v) in zip(all_variables(jump_model), new_values) set_start_value(var, v) end end for sub_attempt in 1:3 if sub_attempt != 1 old_values = value.(all_variables(jump_model)) size_kick = 0.5 / sub_attempt new_values = old_values .* (2 .* size_kick .* rand(length(old_values)) .+ 1. .- size_kick) for (var, v) in zip(all_variables(jump_model), new_values) set_start_value(var, v) end end optimize!(jump_model) #println(solution_summary(jump_model)) if termination_status(jump_model) in (LOCALLY_SOLVED, OPTIMAL) nsuccess += 1 if objective_value(jump_model) < min_objective min_objective = objective_value(jump_model) min_values = copy(backend(jump_model).optimizer.model.inner.x) end break elseif sub_attempt == 3 push!(errors, termination_status(jump_model)) sample_error[termination_status(jump_model)] = solution_summary(jump_model) end end if nsuccess > 2 break end end if iszero(nsuccess) err_string = join(["$(String(Symbol(err))) (x$(sum([e == err for e in errors])))" for err in unique(errors)], ", ", ", and ") for msg in values(sample_error) println(msg) println("") end error("Optimisation failed to converge. The following errors were raised: $err_string. Example errors for each type are printed above.") end backend(jump_model).optimizer.model.inner.x .= min_values return min_objective end function build_sequence(f::Function, scanner::Union{Nothing, Scanner}=Default_Scanner; optimise=true, n_attempts=20, print_level=0, mu_strategy="adaptive", max_iter=1000, kwargs...) if optimise || GLOBAL_MODEL[] == IGNORE_MODEL full_kwargs = Dict( :print_level => print_level, :mu_strategy => mu_strategy, :max_iter => max_iter, kwargs... ) model = ( Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, [string(k) => v for (k, v) in full_kwargs]...)), Tuple{Float64, AbstractJuMPScalar}[] ) else model = GLOBAL_MODEL[] end build_sequence(f, scanner, model, optimise, n_attempts) end """ global_scanner() Return the currently set [`Scanner`](@ref). The scanner can be set using [`build_sequence`](@ref) """ function global_scanner() if !isfinite(GLOBAL_SCANNER[].gradient) error("No valid scanner has been set. Please provide one when calling `build_sequence`.") end return GLOBAL_SCANNER[] end """ fixed(building_block) Return an equiavalent `BuildingBlock` with all free variables replaced by numbers. This will only work after calling `optimize!`(@ref)([`global_model`](@ref)()). It is used internally by [`build_sequence`](@ref). """ fixed(some_value) = some_value fixed(jump_variable::AbstractJuMPScalar) = value(jump_variable) fixed(jump_variable::AbstractArray) = fixed.(jump_variable) fixed(dict_variable::AbstractDict) = typeof(dict_variable)(k => fixed(v) for (k, v) in pairs(dict_variable)) fixed(tuple_variable::Tuple) = fixed.(tuple_variable) fixed(pair:: Pair) = fixed(pair[1]) => fixed(pair[2]) end