diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6abf670dbeabf271a0668193171ac8c4373b4a12..65f1f974b2db10739c617ef29b354e664456ac06 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,18 +4,39 @@
 This repository contains Jupyter notebooks and data for the 2018 WIN PyTreat.
-The master repository can be found at:
+The upstream repository can be found at:
 To contribute to the practicals:
-1. Fork the master repository on gitlab
+1. Fork the upstream repository on gitlab
-2. Make your changes on your fork
+2. Make a local clone of your fork:
-3. Submit a merge request back to the master repository
+   ```
+   git clone git@git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk:<username>/pytreat-2018-practicals
+   ```
+3. Add the upstream repository as a remote:
+   ```
+   git remote add upstream git@git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk:fsl/pytreat-2018-practicals.git
+   ```
+4. Make your changes on your local repository
+5. Rebase onto the upstream repository, and push your changes to your fork:
+   ```
+   git fetch --all
+   git rebase upstream master
+   git push origin master
+   ```
+6. In gitlab, submit a merge request from your fork back to the upstream
+   repository.