--- layout: default title: Checklist parent: Decision Tree has_children: false nav_order: 3 --- # Can I share my data - Checklist Use this check list to guide your decision on whether you are ready to share your data and where to share it. Return to the [decision questions](./decision-tree-refactored.md) for more detail on each question. ## 1. Is sharing restricted under Intellectual Properties rights? - [ ] 1.1. Has your funder or industry partner approved data sharing? - [ ] 1.2. Have you investigated commercial potential of your data? ## 2. Are you sharing data acquired from living humans? - [ ] 2.1. Human alive at the time of data collection. - [ ] 2.2. Ex vivo human. - [ ] 2.3. Non-human animal. ## 3. Have you considered data governance with respect to sharing? - [ ] 3.1. Have you discussed open data sharing in your data management plan? - [ ] 3.2. Have you completed a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) screening form which references data sharing? ## 4. Do you have ethical approvals in place? - [ ] 4.1. Have you described data sharing in your ethics application? - [ ] 4.2. Has your participant consented to data sharing? ## 5. Have you de-identified your data? - [ ] 5.1. Have you removed any "direct identifiers" in your data? - [ ] 5.2. Are your imaging data in participant space? - [ ] 5.3. Have your Participant IDs been protected? - [ ] 5.4. Have "indirect identifiers" such as age, gender, handedness or disease status been protected? - [ ] 5.5. Have unique dicom fields been scrubbed? - [ ] 5.6. Have unique fields in .json sidecar files been scrubbed? - [ ] 5.7. Have images been defaced? - [ ] 5.8. Have you conducted and prepared to share a quality control analysis? ## 6. Have you prepared the data according to community standards? - [ ] 6.1. For example BIDS for MRI. ## 7. Have you prepared the metadata to make your data FAIR? - [ ] 7.1. Are behavioural and clinical covariates appropriately described? - [ ] 7.2. Are you able to share the image acquisition protocol? - [ ] 7.3. Has the experimental protocol been described and made ready to share with the data? ## 8. Can access to your data be restricted? - [ ] 8.1. Can you create a "reviewer only" link? - [ ] 8.2. Can you restrict access to bonafide researchers only? ## 9. Can you ensure that you are appropriately acknowledged when your data are reused? - [ ] 9.1. Can you create a doi for your data? - [ ] 9.2. Can you select a license which requires attribution? ## 10. Would you like to impose custom terms around the reuse of your data? - [ ] 10.1. Would you like to impose requirements for authorship? - [ ] 10.2. Would you like to impose restrictions on resharing? - [ ] 10.3. Would you like to explicitly prohibit attempts to reidentify participants in your data? - [ ] 10.4. Would you like to add any funder requirements in the reuse of your data?