--- layout: default title: Git and GitLab has_children: true nav_order: 7 --- # GitLab {: .fs-9 } How to use the WIN GitLab instance for your code and documentation {: .fs-6 .fw-300 } ---  ## Overview GIT is a service which allows version control of material and syncing between local (on your computer) and remote (on a server, accessible through a web browser) versions of material. These remote and local versions are useful for backup and collaboration, where different users can access the same remote content. WIN provide a git service using the open source [GitLab software](https://about.gitlab.com). We have installed GitLab on our internal servers, so you can use it to maintain your material in a space where we have complete control over who can access it. GitLab is best used for the management of text-based documents with some pictures (not nifti brain images!). This mainly covers code and documentation. It is also useful for project management by logging issues and milestones, and tracking collaboration. ## GitLab Demystified! This 30 min presentation introduces GitLab and version control. It explains key terminology, demonstrates basic interaction with a repository, and showcases the potential of GitLab Pages. After watching this presentation, GitLab might feel a *bit* less intimidating! <div style="padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;"><iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/668637653?h=a710d4e187&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" title="Introduction to version control with GitLab. Dr Cassandra Gould van Praag, WIN Reboot Camp, January 2022"></iframe></div><script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script> ### Benefits #### Version control  GitLab manages your version control. This means that each change you make to the remote repository is tracked and can be reversed. This is helpful for undoing changes (you can revert to earlier points in time) and tracking who has made changes on a collaborative project. #### Citable research output  Your gitlab repository can be assigned a digital object identifier (doi). This means everything containing within your repository can be cited as a research output, be it code or documentation. Find out how to [create a doi for your repository](../gitlab/repo-doi). #### Managed and attributable collaboration Git and GitLab are an excellent resource for inviting others to contribute to your material. Potential collaborators can be internal to WIN or external. Changes can be incorporated automatically if the collaborator is trusted and known to you (invited directly), or suggested via a "merge request" if the collaborator is not part of your invited group. This process also makes it very easy to follow who has made what contribution, so they can be appropriately attributed for their efforts. #### GitLab pages GitLab pages allows you to build professional looking websites, like this one! It is relatively straightforward to build a simple website to share your work with the world, and the options for building in additional complexity are endless. ## Getting started If you're new to GitLab, we suggest you take a look a the [tutorials](../../gitlab/gitlab-tutorials) and find the appropriate jumping off point for your experience.