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Talks, practicals, and other materials for the 2020 WIN PyTreat
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Compilation of practicals for thee Advanced Analysis part of the WIN@FMRIB Graduate Programme
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FSL / funpack
Apache License 2.0The FMRIB UKBioBank Normalisation, Parsing And Cleaning Kit
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Exploring machine learning methods, with special focus on the deep learning methods in order to attempt Neuroimage segmentation and analysis
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Sean Fitzgibbon / tirl
OtherTensor Image Registration Library - a modular general-purpose image registration framework for Python with prebaked scripts for histology-to-MRI registration.
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Code to support the BigMac dataset: an open resource combining multi-contrast MRI and microscopy in a macaque brain.
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William Clarke / dwMRS workshop
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseFSL-MRS code for the 2021 diffusion weighted MRS workshop.
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Jupyter notebook-based practicals for the 2018 WIN PyTreat
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William Clarke / fsl_mrs
OtherFSL Tools for MR Spectroscopy - Fitting/Plotting/Simulations/etc.
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Cassandra Gould van Praag / h2mri
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalBRC-EM Transparent and Reproducible fMRI Analysis guide. Code and tutorials for analysis of a typical functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) task data set collected as part of a study adopted by the University of Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Experimental Medicine theme (BRC-EM).
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Exploring, adapting, modifying the UK biobank imaging pipeline codes for the implementation on DPUK cohorts data