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Tom Whyntie / UK_biobank_pipeline_v_1
Apache License 2.0Pipeline for brain imaging processing of UK Biobank.
Pipeline developed by Fidel Alfaro Almagro, Steve Smith and Mark Jenkinson.
Contributions by FMRIB Analysis Group, University of Oxford.
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open-science / analysis / UK_biobank_pipeline_v_1
Apache License 2.0Pipeline for brain imaging processing of UK Biobank.
Pipeline developed by Fidel Alfaro Almagro, Steve Smith and Mark Jenkinson.
Contributions by FMRIB Analysis Group, University of Oxford.
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FSL / ukbparse
Apache License 2.0The FMRIB UK BioBank data processing library. ukbparse is no longer being developed - it has been superseded by funpack - https://git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/funpack/
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FIX - FMRIB's ICA-based Xnoiseifier Gholamreza Salimi-Khorshidi and Stephen Smith, FMRIB Analysis Group MATLAB compilation/wrapper Duncan Mortimer Copyright (C) 2012-2019 University of Oxford
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Code relating to reference: AFD Howard, J Mollink, M Kleinnijenhuis, M Pallebage-Gamarallage, M Bastiani, M Cottaar, KL Miller & S Jbabdi, Joint modelling of diffusion MRI and microscopy, Neuroimage, 2019.
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A repo of folders containing Vagrant files that define useful Virtualbox recipes
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WIN Information Retrieval Engine
Download open access data sets from popular online repos. Part of WIN's open science initiative.
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Nicole Eichert / project_msm
MIT LicenseUpdated -
THIS REPOSITORY IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED - Docker images for FSLeyes testing are now stored in the fsl/fsleyes/fsleyes repository.
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FSL / fslgui
Apache License 2.0The main user interface for FSL built with wxPython
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